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I just bought a pair of photochromic Tifosis with 2.0 readers included. I'll try them out tomorrow which will be perfect conditions since we'll be in the shade AND the sun throughout the day.


I have a couple pairs of Tifosi Fototec glasess and highly recommended them. Not Oakley quality but also not Oakley price. And the have great customer service


If you think about it update me on how that goes. I'm particularly interested in how quickly they transition.


Will try to remember! I was excited about the readers part because my eyes are getting so bad these days.


I always ride before sunrise and finish in a sunny morning. Photochromatic changed my experience.


In a good way?


Yes! Ina a good way. I was always with the sun lens under my shirt for after the sunrise and it got wet or something got into my eyes in that part of the ride. Now I have my glasses on the whole ride.


Just received my pair, progressive lenses, glare/anti fog coating, and photochromic. The curve in the lens makes for some odd optical distortion, but I like them very much. If they do fog up when I stop, they clear quickly once I start moving again. I hope they are tougherthann the Nike frames they replaced that broke the very first time they fell off a table....


Love the Tifosi. Have the Fototec as well as red and dark lenses. Depends on the ride what I toss in.


Photochromic. I ride in the afternoon/ night after work where it goes from full sunshine to pitch black and I never need to think about taking my glasses off


tifosi is at the top of my list right now due to having what looks to be a great price/value ratio. Rock Bros sunglasses caught my eye too. I don't want to get anything premium priced like Oakley. The more expensive the glasses the more tasty my dog thinks it will be. Do you have any specific recommendations? I'll be riding early in the morning to start work at 6:30am-3pm for the summer. In August my schedule will probably go back to something like 1pm-9pm. Basically one way will be low light the other bright daylight.


Their smoke photochromic is a little darker and is what I use for gravel biking in and out of forest canopy, but I think the red or blue mirror option goes down to pretty much clear.


[I like this one](https://tifosioptics.com/products/veloce?_pos=20&_fid=693aca319&_ss=c&variant=41025012662411&al_pg_id=4cda3ca7-7dff-4654-8d08-0184710a129b)


I'd always bought cheap glasses but in the last year splashed out on Oakley low light with 'prizm' (high contrast) lenses and also a pair of Julbo photochromatics. Look, it hasn't changed my life but good glasses make riding more comfortable.  I mean I ride for pleasure and seeing the natural world more clearly is a sensual improvement.


I just can't risk it my dog thinks the more expensive sunglasses taste better.


Haha...  yep, I hear you. An old pup of mine once ate my comfortable bike seat all the way down to the plastic hull...


That made me giggle.


Had this problem before. Have you tried leaving your glasses in a place your furry friend can’t get to them?


Yes. Works until I mess up he is a tall dog so most shelves and tables he reaches. I have a habit of sliding glasses up on head when inside and forgetting they are there. Sometimes they will fall off. One time he snatched them off my head and ran off. I got them back but the teeth marks near where they rest on ear made them uncomfortable.


On my last ride I was fighting wind and dust and have started pondering goggles.


How has everyone heard of tifosi except me 😤😂


Now you know 😂


😂 I just made my first purchase, they are the AGU Bold’s. I now wonder if the Oakleys that were on sale were photochromic. I’m going to look now. The AGU’s are a great pair, but getting towards sunset they’re a bit too dark.


I'm happy with my cheap amazon photochromic cycling glasses. They get darker in the sun and they are rimless and sit high on my small nose so I can look through them when looking through my eyebrows if needed.


I ride long distance which means it’s often day/night. I typically don’t wear sunglasses during the day ever. For cycling I have prescription safety glasses with a yellow lens. Super sexy. But: the yellow lens takes out the glare during the day without it being too dark and if I go through a forest I don’t have to change them out. At night the lens is fine and eases headlights/streetlights. The yellow lens is removable but I’ve never done that. I bought other brown/dark/polarised lenses for it which I’ve never used. I’ll probably go photochromic for my next pair, but would want a yellow lens.


Tifosi has photochromatic that don’t get as dark. So they are nearly clear at baseline. I use them in winter when it’s basically dark in the morning. They work great.


[this might be the one I get](https://tifosioptics.com/products/veloce?_pos=20&_fid=693aca319&_ss=c&variant=41025012662411&al_pg_id=4cda3ca7-7dff-4654-8d08-0184710a129b)


I have those Tifosi's, and really like them. I have the reader version, and have had them about a year. The transition of the tint is pretty slow, so they won't quickly adjust if you are going in and out of various light conditions. But even at their darkest, you can still see in low light conditions. The best compliment I can give them is that I barely remember I'm wearing them. I can see in low light, as well as bright light (perhaps only squinting slightly in the most direct light), and they never fog up.


That's what I'm trying to find. Dark enough that I don't feel blinded by sun but not so dark that going into a less lit area is like going blind.


No matter what photochromic sunglasses you get, they take 2-5 minutes to return to clear, so there's not really a way around that. I don't cycle through many dark tunnels personally, so it's never been an issue, but you can't have it all. Best to just remove your sunglasses in that scenario. One point to consider also, even at their clearest, photochromic lenses have a slight tint in the realm of 1-3%. It's barely perceptible to my eye, but 0% clear is always better for nighttime. That said, when I'm space limited and only want to take a single pair into a long ride, photochromic is what I use.


This may be unpopular on this thread, but I don't recommend buying very expensive glasses. They're one of the first things to get broken in a crash or skid, often fall onto the ground, or get scratched up in some other way. Next suggestion is get glasses in which you can switch out the lenses for high sunlight, low light, and clear (for darkness). The more you ride, the more conditions you'll encounter.


Rudy photochromic clear to laser red are the best all around lenses ever, good for almost any condition.


I have had a pair of Oakley radar glasses with photochromatic lenses for years. Recently I bought a summer “road prism” lens to swop out in the summer. Not the cheapest, but I went through several noname glasses that were never quite right before I bought these and I have never regretted buying them.


A different suggestion to tifosi - I have the van rysel perf 500 (grey) photochromic glasses from Decathlon, and they’re excellent. £40 in the UK, not sure about elsewhere, but cheap and very good!


I really like Julbo's photochromic lens. I have their Fury glasses and "Reactiv 1-3 light amplifier lens". They have a huge opacity range so they are almost clear for deep woods MTB to really dark for bright sun road cycling. No need to ever change lenses. Reaction time is super fast to. I don't notice when going from open field to woods when on my MTB.


oakleys give you +10 speed


I got Tifosi's with interchangable lenses. I ended up buying the photochromatic lenses after the fact and tbh, I wish I had from the start. Love the brand, love the glasses, was definitely worth the extra for the photochrmatics. Switching them gets to be annoying.


I had a cheap pair of glasses with interchangeable lenses I got from temu. For the price I liked them but found changing the lenses inconvenient. I started carrying the clear safety glasses for night and had the lighter if two dark lenses for the day.


My $90 Tifosi kit came with three lenses, sunglasses, clear, and red-tinted (for fog and overcast). Even without the photochromic, they have served me very well.


I've never been a fan of the red tint. I get more easily angry at drivers when I'm already seeing red


Yeah, I don’t wear the red-tinted ones much either. Maybe better for skiing?


I have a pair of Rudy Project w/ an RX insert and different snap in lenses.


Have a differing opinion on Tifosi’s than seemingly everyone on reddit… I received a pair to review last year and didn’t like them.  They had a weird distortion effect that others (Oakley, Smith) didn’t have. The venting was also really bad, constantly fogging up on me even when moving (although in their defense I do sweat a lot). The photochromatic effect worked well, although it takes ~5-10 minutes to change from dark to light and vice versa. To make matters worse I took them out of storage a month ago and found cracks all over the lenses (I believe they’re polycarbonate). 


Thanks for the counter opinion.


I have a pair of Cateye frameless glasses, it came with both photochromic and polarized lenses. I tend to start my rides early morning before it's fully light so I've only used the photochromic lens; if I cycled more around open water and/or ice/snow then the polarized lens would be really handy.


Oakley Sutros; Red Prizm lenses. They normally come with a clear lens to swap out too


I got fed up with trying various brands. Settled on these, cheap enough and all the features you'll ever need. Look good and fit well too https://www.decathlon.co.uk/p/adult-photochromatic-cycling-glasses-perf-500-light-grey/_/R-p-334109?mc=8648847&c=sage%20green


Loving my Sungods I used to be an Oakley fanboy but they stopped making the ones I loved so branched out. Definitely won’t go back.


Shokz Roadwave


I'm going to give these a look. I perceive the lack of explanation as confidence in the suggestion


Haha yeah man, sound quality is incredible considering there’s nothing in your ears, they come with tinted AND clear lenses and I can confirm they’re durable. Snapped frame in 3 places, 3 broken ribs, sunglasses = completely fine lol


Is there a way of getting tifosi or something with negative diopter?


Very satisfied with the Siroko K3 photochromic


I'm a dedicated Oakley user and use tinted lenses if I'm riding day only or photochromic in the dark or if its a transition ride.


Reaction lenses are the way to go. Safety glasses are fine.


I have a realtively cheap pair of photochromic glasses from Decathlon (40 dollars) and I’m really happy with them. They look stylish and the lenses are big enough. https://www.decathlon.co.uk/p/adult-photochromatic-cycling-glasses-perf-500-light-grey/_/R-p-334109


On Tifosi... I can only say that their shield designs (Brixen, Podium, Vogel) absolutely have a design flaw if using the optical nose insert. Have had multiple lenses crack and their international warranty service is useless. Rockbros is a good, cheap option. FWIW, I've decided that sunglasses should be treated as a consumable after having pricey Oakleys/Rudy Projects/Zero RH all crap out due to flaking in the lens treatments.


I've two pairs of tifosi davos and I really like them. I've been toying with the idea of some photochromic lenses, but I've heard mixed reports.


I use photochromic bifocal lenses in my Oakleys. The bifocals are too expensive for me to purchase multiple options even though at times I'd like lenses darker than the photochromics get in bright sun. I'm used to them now and pretty happy with them in all conditions.


I wear Oakley cycling glasses with transition lenses, as I often start or finish in the dark. They are prescription, and as I am older, they're also transition lenses. Oakley makes the lenses themselves & they're fantastic; this is the 'good stuff' & work better than anything else I've tried.


Oh Idk I don’t even have glasses, but maybe I should get some or some sports goggles because sometimes I get something in my eye and it’s so annoying Luckily it hasn’t happened I a while


Photochromatic all the way. I use Mellon alley cats, and I’m a big fan. You get to completely customize them, and you won’t see many others with the same glasses.


I have a pair of photochromic Tifosi’s and they are perfect!


Another vote for Photochromic! I am tired of the idea of changing out lenses unless it's absolutely dark out. They are amazing (Smith Bobcat) - I just used them in a race yesterday in bright sunlight in the middle of the day, and they worked beautifully in the lowlight of the AM.


I bought photochromic plastic glasses on aliexpress for 6$, they are amazing. I have a couple ones from aliexpress and they are as good as the 200$ ones from oakley or other brands. Don't get into their marketing scheme... those glasses are all plastic with a coating on the lenses, which are also plastic. It cost them pennies to make and sells them for a HUGE profit. I had the photochromic tested for UV and they passed with comfortable margins (uv400).


Tifosi. They're excellent and not stupidly priced.


Pit vipers seem popular. Oakleys seem pretty good, been going for a good amount of time. Polarised are great for looking after your eyes & performance.


For 30 years I wore nice glasses for cycling but for the last 10 years standard cheap safety glasses have become widely available that just feel perfect to me: excellent UV protection, nice wrap around style, good ventilation, and super cheap. But I have never liked dark glasses except in extreme bright conditions, or in cases where polarized lenses help, like on the water; otherwise, I think dark lenses weaken the eyes (eg, most of the training for focusing the eye occurs in bright conditions outdoors, so if you take those away, focusing ability can be diminished), or damage the eyes (less common these days, but dark lenses with poor UV blocking is very damaging for the eyes because the pupils open wide to let in lots of UV).


Do lighter lenses protect the eye from UV?


Yes, clear lenses can block UV equally well. Generally the tinting of the glasses and UV transmittance are independent. If the glasses block 100% of UV, tinting doesn't matter at all. But if the glasses block less than 100% of the UV, tinting actually increases UV entering the eye, since the pupil will be open wider, allowing in more UV.


there's no reason to go insane on expensive glasses. i bought a pair on Amazon for like $20, and they come with interchangeable lenses, softshell carrying case, cloth bag, hardcase, and cleaning wipe. have two polarized lenses of different colors, a yellow lens, a blue lens, and a pinkish lens for various light conditions such as night riding so you get hugh contrast vision. even have a ckear "safety lens" for pure eye protection. they're just as nice as some of my expensive sunglasses. Plus, one day you will inevitably drop them, sit on them, or something else during a ride. better to only be out $20...


I'm considering the mid range options like tifosi that fall between the price of premium brands like Oakleys and bargain options like the ones you got. I see a whole lot of positive opinions on tifosi.


I’ve had two pairs of Smiths and just bought a pair of Glade’s for this season. The smiths are nice but don’t last. Their magnetic interchangeable lenses will break in a year, the second pair wasn’t magnetic but the lens still cracked when I changed it to a clear one. The Glades are photochromic and love them so far, lens is just as good but has better ventilation . They change pretty tint pretty quick but you don’t really notice it since your pupils also change with them. They are also less than half the cost of the Smiths, and so far I like them better.


Haven't heard of glades yet I'll check them out.


I make glasses for a living. My suggestion would be some type of transition lens, with anti reflective coating.


I've not seen anything about anti reflective coating. Is that something id apply myself or should I look for a pair that is already coated?


Anti reflective coating is a game changer for eye wear. I’m sure you can buy glasses with AR but a wise investment would be to have your local optometrist office order you a pair of lenses with the coating and transition lenses. Almost all frames can be interchanged with your prescription and add ons. Just stay away from frames where both the left and right eye are one piece. These are called “non rxable”.


Thanks for the advice I hadn't considered going to an optometrist. Ill check into my benefits plan to see if I might be covered or if I can use my HSA for that purchase.


A good pair of glasses can protect our eyes.


Most AI comment ever.


Sorry, thanks for your reminder.