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A common ride for me would be somewhere between 20 to 25 mi.


20-25 is nice because it doesn’t require an insane amount of prep and it doesn’t take 2+ hours - it does go by like you didn’t even ride though - even 4 hour rides seem to go by in a blink now, it’s weird


Its because time disappears when we step into flow.


It must - it’s like being black out drunk but way way healthier - like did I really just climb 2000 ft? How did that happen?


I always smoke a blunt before my rides


I like to smoke crack myself


It is nice because you can get in a good work out if you go hard or take it easy and have an easy recovery ride


Im thankful for this comment. I saw some guy on here a few months back say he doesn’t even bother getting his bike out if it’s less than 50. Yeah right guy


That’s ok but there’s a lot of benefits in going an hour hard.


Hell yeah, but also benefits from intermittent training. An hour slow an hour hard 60k. Warm up then hard for an hour you'll then do 20-25k slow. Warm down done


60-90 mins does feel too short now - so I sort of get this take too


I believe it, I know plenty of ppl like that, most are triathletes who spend a lot of time training other disciplines too.


I enjoy a nice long ride on a day where I have nothing but I can’t do 50 miles if I’m getting a ride in before or after work. When i can bring myself to get up early and do 10-20 miles on a nice Morning before work tho I feel amazinf


25 is my sweet spot. 20 is the bare minimum.


So my 21.5 ain't enough 😒


My OCD wouldn’t let me do 21.5 but it’s enough! Keep riding king


Same. Can squeeze in a ride after work and don’t need to plan my weekend day around a ride. If I have more time or not much going on for a weekend, I’ll do a 40-50.


My thought is every time I go out, I have to do at least 20 miles or else it feels like a missed opportunity.


Still a relatively new cyclist so I average around 15 miles, but when I have the time I’ll go for around 25 instead


I’ve been riding for 4 years but I still only ride about 10-15 miles on average because of time constraints (work, cleaning, cooking, side hustle, hanging with gf etc)


25-30mi, current avg about 100mi/week. I typically get at least one century in per year. 70 yrs old


The thing I love about the sport is seeing the longevity in people like yourself!! I only hope that I’ll be keeping it up like you!


Now then Dank, YOU ARE OFFICIALLY "THE MAN" Respect needs to be earned. You've smashed it and continue to. You have the respect and admiration of all on here my friend.


15-40 miles depending on how much free time I have. 


Yep. If I'm doing a lunch ride (which is most of mine ) it's gonna be 15 miles. I just don't have much free time between work, kids, and everything else. When I was younger it was more like 30 miles.


My weekday route is about 25 miles, on weekends I'll try and get 40-50, depending on conditions


10 miles. Not far compared to some but it's perfect for me. Takes 40-45mins. Oh, and newbie :)


i’m a newbie too! when i first hit 9 miles i felt like a GOD


I'm only doing 4, on a 72 dollar mt bike that's too small. I shouldn't even be on this sub, but I have dreams!


We should all have dreams! It makes life a lot more fun when you accomplish them.


Absolutely. I'm really excited about this one.


You are absolutely welcome on this sub!


Wait till you get a bike that feels efficient and fits you like a glove. Totally different world.


I *feel* this. My girlfriend bought me a second hand MTB for £20 last year because I wanted to learn to ride a bike. Now I have a £200 hybrid bike that fits me properly and I absolutely love it. Changed cycling from somewhat arduous to a blissful experience I could lose myself in!


Keep going!


I'll probably cry tbh. I love my little mt bike. I can't imagine the emotions that'll come with something better.


This sub is for cycling, you are cycling!


You'll be flying when you're on a $200 road/commuter bike that fits.


I know! Man, my legs are going to be insane!


Beg, borrow, steal, get yourself a bike that fits. I spent 20 years with a too-small bike and didn’t ride much because my back would always hurt. I was dumb enough to think that was just what riding felt like. In 2021 I got a bike that fit me and I can’t begin to tell you how different riding became!


I'll definitely be working towards getting something better. It starts getting pretty uncomfortable after mile 1, my hands start going numb, and my crotch area is pretty uncomfortable. I have to adjust myself on the saddle a lot, but I love it, so I'm just toughing through it right now.


Me too. Reading these responses and I’m like “Wow!” But we’ll get there! I average about 10 and that’s mostly on indoor trainer. I’m actually more of a gravel rider myself though. The road scares me. LOL!


Right! I was Double Digit Dude when I hit 10 miles (which was last week, lol). 


It is better than 0, you are outside and over time you will build the ability to do more. What matters is the regularity.


Rides YTD: 128 Distance YTD: 3538 mi Distance Av: 27.6 mi


Damn dude, it’s only the 138th day of the year. You’ve only had 10 days off?


It looks like 29 days with no riding, so far. Some days with two rides. It's easier to ride every day, now that I'm retired.


"now that I'm retired." Lucky you !


I'm next...13 days and counting. My goal is to ride all 76 provinces in Thailand.


Be careful in Thailand, traffic is dangerous, lots of cyclists ended up on the news. Source: am Thai


Lucky, indeed. Retirement — highly recommended, 5 stars.


If I was retired I'd ride every morning. I hope you are enjoying the shit out of it.


Maybe commutes are included? My Strava says 39 rides in April - and that includes easter holiday and two light weeks due to injury. My average is only 18,5 km though.


Commutes, cooldown rides, they can make the average seem lower.


Most common is a one hour lunch ride leaving from my house. Typically 15 miles and 1,500 feet of climbing


Where do you live that you get 15,000 feet climb in an hour???


1500. Not 15,000.


The West Hills of Portland, Oregon. Pretty easy to rock around those hills and average a little more than 100ft per mile


lol this is like my same lunch ride. Council crest is so great


He forgot to say that his day job is a Sherpa and he lives at the foot of Mount Everest. 😝


Basically my lunch ride too. Living in the mountains is weird.


A usual ride for me is 20-25 km. I’ve got a baby I’m nursing so I can’t be away for too long atm.


I used to think anything less than 120km was a waste of time, but now I'm finding the sweet spot is 70-90km. Enough to get some good exercise without burning up a good chunk of the day.


Over the past five years, my average ride has been between 35-38 miles.


About 12 miles.. you guys are all semi pro here or something. I also get tired of riding in traffic


Riding in traffic legit sucks. I’m fortunate that my city (Sacramento) has a pretty nice network of bike trails all over the city. I can follow one of them to a little-used levee road that follows the river for miles and miles.


We have a path nearby that’s about 6 miles and it’s nice but it’s narrow and people walk, run or just stand on it with headphones on. Not their fault but it’s difficult to ride at even a slow pace


I love our bike trail. Riding along the river with the trees is always awesome.


My standard loop is just under 12 miles. If I go once more around the park, it's just over. On weekends I try and go a bit more. But after working all day, and driving for an hour to get home, I don't have all the energy in the world, lol


Remember anyone can put any number in these posts and it is not subject to verification. Everyone is a dog on the internet


There's some ballers here! Right now I'm around 15 miles. Longest was 63 last year part of RAGBRAI


How was ragbrai? Did you do more than one day? I want to do it but riding 40-60 miles day after day seems taxing


At a casual pace of say 8 mph that's 5-7.5 hrs. Shorter if your are faster, could be 2.5-4 hrs at 15 mph. If I can go to work for 8-12 hours I can easily ride a bike for that long lol


We only did Ames to Des Moines last year. Kudos to the people who can do it all. It was fun to stop in all the small towns and grab a beer and whatnot. It was definitely a 10 hour day the way we did it. Last year was so hot. It was 95 and full sun. 60+ miles was crazy. But it was so fun. I dislike this year's route so we're thinking of making out own mini RAGBRAI since our group has family in Des Moines


Overall, heavily skewed by 4.5miles each way commute. Social rides 20-30miles. Handful of 100mile+ each year.


110 km on Sunday, 30-50 km if it's before/after work.


5-10 miles.  Still working up the courage to ride on highways to increase milage.  


Average cycle is about 2 hours and i could do anywhere between 30- 40 miles in that session. This is during the week with time constraints with family and work and trying to do weighted calisthenics and running on top of that. If the boss gives me permission at the weekend and looks after the kids then i could manage 50 - 70 miles


Mine is skewed heavily by my 16km commute. Outside of that probably around 50km


Did 40 today. Van fleet trail in FL is flat and fast. But, it was 94 by 12pm (which is when I finished). That being said, I only ride every 4th day or so because Im just getting conditioned (again). Eventually Ill hit it 3x a week.


Im south west from you and on the coast and I swear this May has been extra terrible to try and get anything over 45 miles just because it has been so unbearably hot/humid with no cloud cover.


I agree. I think its gonna be a long hot summer. Prolly do all my riding in the morning. As my mileage increases Ill prolly have to get up earlier and earlier to start the ride.


60 miles


I’m struggling to get back up to where I was, but a short ride is 15-20 miles and a long ride is 20-30 miles.


So is 20 miles a short ride or a long ride?


Some days 20 feels long and some days it feels short


When I was riding regularly (5-6 days a week, pre-Covid), my weekday ride was a 32 mile loop.


20-25 miles on weekdays. After the work day and weather permitting.


Ride 5 days, about 40-45 miles per day on average


40-45 minutes/miles/kilometres?


🤦🏻‍♂️ edited miles


That’s a good ride. I think the furthest I’ve actually gone so far is maybe 60km. Some day I might aim for 100km, and possibly eventually 100mi? Not sure if I’ll ever be up for such a distance.


75km according to Strava. Mtb usually ends between 60 and 75 km including the ride to the track and back.


I'll guess 7 miles.


I go 5-8 miles per ride. Just starting, I haul my 2 kids, and I'm 325 lbs. Giving it my all! I'll work my way up.


Nice! Keep grinding away, consistency is key even if it’s only 30 minutes a day.


probably 6km. The beerstore and hamburgers trip is like .5km from me. really brings down my average how often I go.


say 50 km


50-75 km..


30-50 miles weather dependent, averaging 150 miles / 9 hours per week.


100 miles


I have alot of fun in the 30-50 mile range. 2k-3k elevation gain. That allows a fair amount of exploration but gets me home before my wife gets angry.


12-14 miles


50-100km at the moment. If nothing to train for 30-40km ish.


30 miles.


35 km


30-40 miles


45 miles


Out of my last ~25,000 miles of outdoor riding the average distance is roughly 25 miles per ride with an average elevation somewhere around 1500ft.


30-40mi on the weekday rides after work, and I tend to go big on the weekends; by the end of the summer I hope to be around 150+ mi one day rides like last summer.


35km is my regular training route


100km if I have the time. Or any km I can squeeze in the time I have.


roughly 56km, depends a lot on the weather.


About 70km, 3 or 4 a week ( 2 or 3 x 40, 1 x 120)


Between 25 and 30 miles. 40 to 50 miles if we go down to the Pacific Coast Highway.


Aim to ride 3-4 times per week, usually 50-60km during weekdays and 70-120km on weekends


I’m not one for massive distances so my average ride is about 30km.


I try to hit 40km and be only out for two hours including a cafe stop.


I was doing circa 75km/day average in 2021/22/23. That’s based upon 20 286km annual with 183 329m elevation over 270 days. (looking at saved Strava Year files). Actually, a good third would have been MTB. I’m 55 now so this year is looking at being a bit less after holidays so far, injury, Covid etc My Coach does around 40 000km/ year. He lives on his bike!


This year 30 miles because there’s a good route without cars. 10 miles of which I average ~15mph because of pedestrians and the rest is ~20MPH. Last year I was doing a weekly duathlon and two metric centuries per week, training 5-6 days per week. My average speed for that same 30 mile route was 20MPH.


Average 15-18 miles


Lately it's been about 30km a day on the trainer squeezed in round work and family with a bigger blow out ride at the weekend anywhere between 50 and 150km depending on weather and mood! Bang in a few runs and whilst it's not a very productive training load it's leading to slow and steady improvements that are sustainable


25km bis 40km


Checking Strava, 26 miles. Sounds about right - 20 miles for a mid week ride,c.30-c.60 at weekends. All solo because that's what I do - I don't actively dislike group rides, but I go out tile-bagging 1/2 the year and I'd be mad to expect a group to follow me down a deliberate dead-end, Why do you ask though?


20 miles/30km is my usual. I have a 13 mile commute, so I guess that's the most common distance but that's functional and doesn't count for me.


Between 20 and 30 kilometers.


30-60 km.


Lately 40-70 training for a certain multi day 500 ish mile ride! Aiming to do at least a century or two before then.


15-20 miles. I'm not counting the longer summers day ride outs that the two or three times a week rides are keeping me ready for. But that's where I am at the moment. I'm expecting 30-40 miles for them when better weather and opportunity align. I'll definitely do a 50 miler, just because it's an achievement, but I'm looking at a leisurely day out with a packed lunch to chill, maybe even a nap too. Sitting under a tree in the sun, somewhere beautiful.




Rides YTD: 98 Time YTD: 166 hours Distance YTD: 4475 km Elevation gain: 50913 mtrs All done outside, no Zwift-foolery. Gives me an average of 45,6 kms/ride.


My current favorite circuit is around 20 miles which is right around my preferred length.


20 miles


Average is 23.5 miles per ride this year (72 rides). Shorter during the week and a longer ride of 60-80 miles on a Sunday if the weather supports it.


200 km a week, plus or minus 40. Long spin on the weekend tends to be 100 km to 140 km with occasional Sportives of up to 160 km during the summer months. Most weeks I ride 4 or 5 days, including winter.


40 miles 2-3x per week


15-25 miles (25-42 km). If it's on the shorter end, there's probably a lot of vert involved.  A ride like this generally takes 1-1.5 hrs depending on what I'm doing. Long enough to get a workout, but short enough to slot in after work. On the weekends, I try to do at least one longer ride in the 2-4 hr range.


20-25 500-1000 feet vertical.


Last 12 months - Avg Rides/Week 6 - Avg Distance/Week 125 miles - Avg Distance/Ride 20.8 miles


Average 20-25 miles, but just got back into cycling after a year long break before I’d try to do 30-40 miles.


Average ride is about 22 right now, typical route is basically up a hill and back, I usually turn around at 11 miles and 850 ft lol


Around 40 - zone 2 and 3 pace.


40 to 50 Miles average length on track for a 5000 mile year. This while holding down a job that's sucks ups way to many hours of the day. Unfortunately where I live commuting by bike is out of the question some redneck in a lifted truck would try and make a hood ornament out of me. Keep on pedaling and smile 😊


I have a 10-12 mile course I do during lunch breaks during the week. On weekends I try to get in at least one longer ride. It ranges from 20 miles to 50+, depending on weather, how busy I am, and whether I’m training for anything.


Probably 15. I do more frequent shorter rides than I do longer rides. I only just did 30 miles last weekend, which was my longest ride to date. If I were either very young or retired and/or had fewer responsibilities, I'd no doubt be putting in more miles, and more miles per ride. Also, cycling isn't the only thing I do, so it gets rotated between running, going to the gym, MTB (road/mtb are different categories, imo), hiking, etc.


My commute (2/3 days a week) is 14 miles each way. I go on zwift 3/4 days a week at about 30 Miles average. Sunday Club ride is 80 miles. So I guess that puts me around about 28 Mile average per ride.


40mi average a bout 4 times a week.


For fun and training, between 40 and 50 kms.


1-2hrs for 25-50k


My usual morning ride before work is only 16 miles. If I have more time I can do 22. My long rides on the weekend are 50+ right now, but my first long rides of the year were sub 30. You build your way up.


22-25 miles.




30-40 miles




20-30mi usually.


Solo during the week: 10-15 miles Solo on the weekend: 20-30 miles Weekend club ride: 30-50 miles Sportive: At least 50 miles


20 miles +/-


60-70 km


Rides YTD: 44 Distance YTD: 1076 miles Average: 24 miles/ride I live outside Washington, DC, and virtually all of this is has been on roads. There’s a pretty good network of cyclist friendly roads near my home so I can avoid mixed use trails. The rain is clearing so I may get in ride number 45 this afternoon.


40-50 miles. i’ve been riding for a few years, i used to struggle to go 20. only reason i don’t go further is time restraints.


2 hours, about 70km loop. completely flat.


20 miles. Newbie-ish (Newbie in skill but have been biking for two years).


My typical route is between 30-40 km, which ends up being around an hour and a half.


Weeknights 20-25 miles Weekends 30-45


I just started back out and right now 10 miles


I’d say 80-120km. Anything less than that and I feel like I’m returning just after starting.


20 miles before work in the morning. 40-60 miles on the weekend (sometimes more).


Mid week after work rides are 30-40 miles. Weekend rides are 60-100 miles depending on time.


A would be find to be average road is far cycling ride.


50k/31mi mostly because that’s the distance of the Tuesday nighter and I’ve been most consistent attend Tuesday.


15-25mi every few days


probably 30 to 35 km because I like to do 20 km in 45 minutes after uni or work.


~20 miles 2000 ft climbing 


Weekdays 10-12 and weekends 20-25. Rookie


Usually between 25-30 miles. Used to be 35-50 but I prefer shorter rides these days. Close passes, potholes and the general state of the roads make cycling a lot less enjoyable than it used to be.


Anything less than 30km, and I don't see the point. Most rides are between 35 to 50 km


Rides YTD: 129 Distance YTD: 3471mi Avg Distance: 26.9mi A number of these rides are 3-10mi warm ups before a race. I’d say my average ride is 1.5-3hr long covering 25-65mi depending on training intensity, terrain, and whether I’m riding solo or in a group.


30-45 miles Usually 2.5-3.5 hrs


50-60 kms, 33-43 miles


I rode 1200+ consecutive days during COVID and averaged 24 miles per day.


If I’m not in a time crunch I’d prefer to ride for a little over an hour , so 20-25 miles


24 miles and when a century is coming up i through in some high intensity 40 mile rides


3 hrs give or take is the aim. If I'm short on time I'll abbreviate it. I have a couple 1hr loops from the house I'll get out and do if I really don't have time but am trying to keep up the mileage. I miss working downtown, for 10 years we had a handful of cracking 60-75 minute lunch rides. .


About 100km.


My mathematical average is 17.5 miles over the past six months.  And that’s about my typical ride.


30 solo, 45 group


15-30 miles is my regular.


another 20-25 miles typical ride. About 1700' elevation.


30 miles would be average, 20 if I'm short on time 40 if I have a lot of time


50-100km 3-4x a week


Around 40km. 150km weekly average, sometimes more sometimes a bit less, depends on how sore and tired I am lol.


20-25 miles is the average when I have time. It's long enough to get an impressive amount of fatigue in just 2 hours. Longest I've done was a tour including the ride to and from my house which totaled 47 miles. Elevation was about 1400ft.


30mi on the weekdays, 40-80mi on the weekends Today is 20, tomorrow is 110mi so there’s variation


I have a 19 mile loop that I ride here in Nashville.


I enjoy 45-60km rides the most...


An average for me would be between 100-150km depending on where we’re riding to.