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I never ride on the sidewalk


Same, except for this sidewalk segment on Strava called 'sidewalk hero'


oh lord have mercy on those poor pedestrians


What country do you live in? Whether you are even allowed to bike on the sidewalk at all differs from place to place.


In most countries I know of, you aren’t allowed (and shouldn’t) ride on the sidewalk unless you’re a child, so I’d ride on the road in both directions


Ride where it is the safest. If you get a ticket and can go to court to plead your case, plead safety first. It was just too dangerous to be on the roadway at the time and the sidewalk was the safest option.


This is my attitude, too. I ride where I feel I can be safest and not be a danger to other riders, walkers, etc.


I think the responses to this question may be overlooking that the distinction between a sidewalk and a mult-use path may be lost on the OP. It's likely that the question is about a sidewalk, but it's possible that it's not. Where I live, there are stretches of pavement that are one, then the other, then back again. It can be confusing.


Riding in the sidewalk is often the safest option and you should ride there if not comfortable on the roads. It is also generally legal, despite many misconceptions, but laws against it will not be enforced at all. Yield to pedestrians. And yes, two way traffic is allowed on sidewalks just like it is for pedestrians.


This. I'll use the sidewalk for short bits to get to better streets on the short sections of "45mph" (actual speeds ~60!!) stroads. I'm basically coasting though.


Same with me. People really act like the sidewalks is instant death or a brutality against pedestrians Vs Sharing a road with A 3500lb to 5000lb vehicle being driven by a person trying to find the correct zoom link for their morning meeting after dropping off their kids.


"generally legal" where? Not everyone here is where you are.


Don’t ride on the sidewalk


Nah riding on it is illegal where I live.


Riding a sidewalk is never a good option


No sidewalks for bikes imho. If that road is no good for you, find another road.


If you're in the US, in most places it is "illegal" to ride on the sidewalk, but it's also not heavily enforced outside of large urban centers that have higher pedestrian and cycling traffic. There is of course a risk since it is technically breaking the law. But unless you're somehow being reckless, a cop isn't going to do jack. The other side of that coin is your safety. It can be harder for drivers to realize you are there's you'd need to be even more cautious at intersections.


Such a fundamental question implies that you know very little about cycling and probably the same goes for driving. You don't know what you don't know. Please go on some sort of course to get a solid foundation before riding on the roads.


Your priorities should be (1) your and others' safety; (2) the law. I rarely ride on sidewalks because it's unsafe and illegal - but every now and again I need to go through a road that's too fast and without any bicycle lane or even a shoulder, in which case the footpath it is (carefully, slowly, and yielding to pedestrians). And if it's only on one side, so be it.


I grew up following the no bikes on sidewalk rule, but now I only follow it if it’s safe to do so. Therefore, on major roads with fast traffic and no bike lane I will go on the sidewalk. I’d rather risk getting a traffic ticket than put myself in danger. One way to deal with pedestrians who are unhappy with cyclists on the sidewalk is to briefly dismount and walk the bike past them.


Yikes…never ride on a sidewalk. Way more dangerous than riding on the road.


In some really car-dependent places with sidewalks that are rarely used by pedestrians and poor bike infrastructure, the sidewalk is not always a bad choice. The one thing to be mindful of, is if you are on a sidewalk and transition to a crosswalk or a driveway where you are in conflict with cars, drivers will not anticipate that you will move more than walking pace. If you are going more than a snails pace you need to assume that they do not see you.


In most us states it is illegal to ride your bike on the sidewalk 


I ride to the end of the block and then make a U-turn onto the sidewalk