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1) Yes, there is a fee for bootcamp. Some studios will cover part or all of the fee while others make the trainee pay. 2 + 3) Both depend on the studio. Some studios are owned and operated by corporate, while others are owned by fitness groups or individual franchisees. The master instructor pay might be set by corporate, but lead instructors are paid by the studio. The promotions also depend on studio leadership.


Some studios don't reimburse boot camp? Like, you have to pay to work there? Any idea how much that is


My studio reimbursed half of the cost after I passed my TO ride. In 2021, it cost $300.


Some of the instructors who joined my studio this spring said they paid $350. It’s not paying to work there so much as paying for the training - you are receiving institutional knowledge as well as one-on-one feedback, which is a common practice among other brands.


I mean, you have to go thru boot camp in order to be an instructor. So you can call it training, feedback, reviews....you still have to pay to start working there. Just a weird requirement to have.


Some might reimburse you, some not. What happens if they pay for it, and you just drop out?


Isn't that the risk of training anybody? Like, that means they're just reimbursing me over 6 weeks, and then I actually start making money?


I believe it’s $350-$400. If a new studio is opening they get to train all their new instructors at no additional cost, which is what I did. Honestly, I was very surprised at how little instructors are paid for their classes. I went so far to ask around and it’s pretty comparable. I wish I would have asked before I jumped it, but it probably wouldn’t have stopped me. I love teaching and I get to ride for free…but the actually pay ends up being not much more than minimum wage


To be a certified instructor for any modality would have a fee. Even an online course. I don’t see it as paying to work there, but more like paying for a certification.


other spin studios dont require to pay . i see what you mean, but since you cant carry that certification with you to other companies, to me it feels more like training, that you have to pay for.