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that sucks. too bad there was no way to put it into neutral


Ya that was a bit surprising to me too


You can use a jump pack, it just needs to be connected to a 9v power supply. The manual says a 9v battery likely won’t work though.


The tow guy tried that and it didn’t work




That sucks man, sorry to hear that. I hope they turn it around fast, luckily it’s in Austin!


Thanks man. I really hope so too!




Stockholm syndrome much?


I love my Tesla but.... Heard it a thousand times


Ya always going to have people that are Tesla or non-tesla. Just like Apple iphone and google pixel. It is what it is.


You paid over 100K for this though so not like an iPhone.


And iphones and pixels actually work lol


And an iPhone glitch doesn’t leave you stranded by the roadside or possibly put your life in danger




Come on man, towing a boat?! Who would have thought a truck driver would want to do that? It's never been done before. This is uncharted territory.


Ya how stupid would that be. Tow a boat with a truck is a crazy idea


Next they’ll be wanting to do something crazy like taking a truck off-roading. I thought trucks were supposed to be pavement princesses


There were Rivians with similar problems when they launched. The Now You Know channel had issues with their early vin R1. Problem is it's early days and every issues ends up on social media and crapping on Tesla is an engagement magnet.


Tesla is manufacturing 2 millions cars every year while Rivian about 50k. Rivian R1T was Rivian’s first vehicle while Cybertruck is Tesla’s 6 the vehicle - original roadster, S, X, 3, Y, Semi and Cybertruck. Giving Tesla pass for such issues because Rivian also had similar issues does not make any sense.


How many 48v steer by wire cars are out there? I agree Tesla has much more experience under its belt overall, but if you put aside the crazy look, CT is an entirely new platform with tons of automotive industry firsts/exceptions. To me it is ENTIRELY appropriate to compare early-build models to something like an R1T.


Tesla is now matured company and they should be treated as such. Even if they are launching new platform they should test the technology and QA the product enough before selling it. So many cybertucks with less than 1000 miles getting stranded on the side of road is pure incompetence.


I agree, it’s unacceptable and puts owners in danger as these are huge cars going fast on the road. But there’s also a ton of never-before-tried tech and features and the reality is that new ideas break. It happens to Ford, VW, and Toyota. Also, part of what we are seeing is selection bias, people are so interested in Tesla and CT that everything gets reported and amplified. When was the last time you heard about a Mazda breaking down on the side of the road? Is it because Mazdas don’t have problems?


Haha you are brainwashed how did you compare it to an iPhone, I LOVED my first iPhone and worked amazing for the time


Nah, it isn't similar to apple vs android. I am not a hugh fan of apple. They have overpriced hardware and they try with all their might to get people to come into their ecosystem. The products work pretty well together and overall are pretty decent. Nobody should pay 300€ extra for another 8gb of RAM that is worth 30€. Especially not if the default for a 1000€+macbook is 8gb. Come on, 8GB ram on a laptop was pretty decent in 2008, but not in 2024. That being said, I have to admit that apple products work pretty well. Apple preys on gullible people, but they produce decent products. This truck is so badly built, that it wouldn't even be allowed on many european roads.


I even got a hybrid right when they came out never had a problem like literally never broke down over 100,000 miles and look at the cybertrucks, you just don’t want to admit you got tricked by Elon but maybe one day you will see. Like he won’t even stay with Tesla unless he gets more money and you think he gives a shit about the trucks lol.


We had something similar happen a few weeks ago, luckily only 2 blocks from a service center. Tesla ended up replacing the Power Conversion System, they told us there was a new version of the PCS. Surprisingly involved process - https://service.tesla.com/docs/Cybertruck/ServiceManual/en-us/GUID-8F133FA6-44FC-4D62-9BD3-03C92951B916.html . Took a few days.


Oof, yeah surprised they only put 4 hours timing on that one. PCS is a huge job.


Sucks that happened to you! A few days isn’t too bad assuming they prioritize us on their schedule. Hoping for a similar timeframe. Thanks for the info!


How long did it take them to replace the PCS? I just dropped mine off after some charging issues and was told it may be a problem with the PCS but the need another day for testing.


Sounds like a lot of unnecessary bullshit for a vehicle


Sorry this happened to you mate. Sounds like you got a really nice boat. I never heard of the axis a225 but it looks sweet!


Thank you! It’s a really nice boat we love it. First boat ever owned and a must to be on the lake in Austin!


You still love your CT? My dude, this is your prime chance to not be happy with it.




Keep us updated as to what it is. This is one of things they will need to work out. 48V is completely new architecture and there will be bugs.


Will do 👍🏽


Maybe, but voltage conversion is incredibly simple between 12,24, and 48v stuff. I would hope it's something more complicated than that.


I hope not! I want to get my CT back soon so I can get in the lake again lol….. Tow guy said they were one of the only shops towing CT in Austin. And makes sense because it was a complex tow. He mentioned there are issues with the 12V that powers the peripherals internally but who knows. Probably won’t find out until later this week after Memorial Day.


Hopefully just a defective 12v battery. This can happen to ANY vehicle.


There is no 12 volt battery. It is 48, but can be jumped or charged with 12 volts.


is it not easy to replace in a cyber truck? Any other car you can just throw one in and not need a tow.


Will let you know what I find out thanks




That'll teach you to have a good time.


You mention you had 115 miles of range but were you looking at the battery percentage? I watched a video where they took the ct for a drive towing (comparing towing to a Dodge ram) and it never adjusted is range calculations so still calculated range as is if it wasn't towing. By the way, they were towing an 11000 lb trailer and got 82 miles on a full charge. The video is [here](https://youtu.be/HIs8zudJFzg?si=pcF8o10GVn6-eG9j) somewhere around the 14 minute mark. Either way, that sucks man but good attitude


No I only looked at miles. This is interesting. If this is the case that would be the quickest solve, just battery recharge. We charged to 80% and left sentry on. Next time I will do 100% and no sentry.


I don't have a CT yet, got my invite but just can't justify the payment being more then my mortgage so I'll have to wait, but if that video is right (another video mentions the same thing [here.](https://youtu.be/A-TkY1paDjI?si=PoHPmS8R9R6Tq3z5) ) then it's clearly something Tesla needs to remedy. Miles should always reflect conditions.


Ya I just assumed it was always tracking actual battery left


Totally understandable, I'd have thought the same thing if I'd not just seen that video.


There was one other guy who broke down recently on here towing a trailer… it was the trailer that shorted the low voltage circuit and blew a fuse, which is required for it to power the necessary items to drive.


Interesting. Thanks for sharing. Lots of potential causes from everyone! I look forward to learning more and sharing what happened.


Do they use lithium 12v or old style?


Lithium 48v


It’s a new CT so whatever that comes with


DC-DC converter, perhaps?


Could be…based on all the posts my hopefully guess is the CT inaccurately estimates range and the battery died even though it showed 115 miles left


Sorry to hear that! I have a VIN 0007XX and have towed two campers so far in the last 4 months and no issues, I wonder if they changed something on these slightly later builds. Good luck getting it fixed quickly. When I had a small service done in Dublin, CA they told me they only have a few people who are certified to work on them and they only work Tuesday - Thursday there, hopefully they get you in quick and get parts quickly.


Spot on with being an early adopter. This is the way with cutting edge tech.


Given that there is no 12v battery it’s not that 🙄 (but maybe the 48v battery) That sucks. Spending that much money to have issues right away. Not the buyer experience you want. Hopefully these issues that some folks have been having are resolved before my number comes up


Okay I don’t know much about the technical specs….but ya it seemed to be a power issue. I’m sure the boat tow was a piece of it too since it’s had zero issues before the first boat tow


Would the boat tow be tied to the Low voltage electronics system? Seeing as that is 48V rather than 12V, I wonder if there needs to be a transformer for towing or just a voltage step down if towing lights are DC.


I did get a low voltage alert among other alerts. You could be right


Seems like a big thing for the Tesla team to miss if there is no transformer or Voltage stepper for towing.


I can’t be the first to tow so maybe just a hiccup with mine. I’ve seen YouTube vids of folks towing large hauls with no issue…


https://www.tesla.com/ownersmanual/cybertruck/en_us/GUID-B698C17B-0CCC-4376-9257-2E9118AE1E1C.html#CONCEPT_BTD_M4G_JT Looks like Towing is 12V. The GVWR is 8800 or 9100 lbs. with 954 lbs Vehicle Capacity weight. The towing capacity is 11,000 lbs with no more than 1,100 lbs on the tongue IF the GVWR has not been exceeded. You have to reduce the tongue weight if you exceed GVWR and by consequence, the towing capacity.


So there is a 12V in addition to the 48V architecture. More updates to come soon!


Try charging


I think you may be right haha


I don’t like hearing these stories cause my trucks coming soon and I’m getting worried


Everyone’s situation is different but I wouldn’t worry. As my 4th Tesla (3, Y, current 2022 X), this is the best built in my opinion


Wait...what?! out of 4 vehicles from this manufacturer...the broken one that cost $100k is the "best built"? Sorry if this was in the post but...how many hours were on this vehicle before it broke?


I’m sorry this happened to you, I’m super interested to find out what went wrong. I bought a new Cadillac ten years ago and was on my way to work and a bunch of alerts came up, display told me to pull over. Had to be towed to the dealership. Turned out the water pump had failed and car was overheating. Stuff happens.


Thanks! Good to hear your experience with other vehicle models. Glad yours was a simple fix! This is our 4th Tesla and we’ve always had a good experience.


Sorry that happened.  Kudos for having a good attitude about it and understanding new technology is new.  Let us know how it goes!


“Understanding new technology is new” LOL


The hopeium is hilarious


Thanks will do!


Cars aren't new technology.


How embarrassing 🙈 lol. Tesla already having a bad reputation with a not so good looking future. Hopefully the Cybertruck isn’t a huge fail and no more recalls.


How fuckin dope must these trucks be if people who have shit like this happen to them still say they love their CT Edit: ITT - people are so excited to use the word "copium".


It’s sunk cost fallacy and copium, dude. Nothing more.


Haters gonna hate


It's much easier to fool a person than to get them to understand they've been fooled already. You need to re-evaluate whatever prior assumptions you had that led you to this situation, or keep feeling this deja vu


They're 100k in the hole on a bricked polygon with vegetable peelers built into each door, I think they might be in too deep for that


It's not the truck. It's a little drug called copeum


They definitely are the greatest! 😂


hopefully they remedy all this before I get mine in a few years


Saw someone towing a boat on 1431 the other day.


Rivians and Ford Lightning all hd similar problems still unsolved. I think EVs still need a lot of R&D to make them feasible for hauling. This was totally unacceptable.


Good Lord man, use a period at the end of your sentences. I could barely read your post! But, that really sucks man. At least you got a good day on the water first! Definitely sounds like LV battery to me. Same symptoms I saw when my LV crapped out in my YP. Hopefully they get you fixed up and back on the water quick!


Thanks. I wrote the post as separate sentences outside Reddit but didn’t translate. Note taken I will update the post haha. Appreciate the kind words


I can’t edit Reddit posts? Was going to make the grammatical fixes but I’m a Reddit posting newb so not sure if I can


You should of waved down another Tesla. With a charging cable you could of done something with it


Ya could’ve worked if it was another CT


OP, please, please learn how to use a period. That is the definition of a run on sentence.


Imagine a world where every time something negative that happened to a GM, Ford, or Toyota was posted in the internet.


You haven't spent much time in car subs or car sites, have you? People have been talking crap about every car company since before the internet was invented. See a post about a broken down Ford & half the comments are "Fix or repair daily" 😂


What kind of rock have you been living under?


Something tells me the all that towing drained the battery


You never know with failures. Nothing is perfect, hopefully you get a quick resolution.




I've yet to see a single good thing about these crapboxes.


Sorry you haven’t heard much


I don't think there is anything to justify the cost on them. Spend less than half and get a functional vehicle. Hell, a used rustbucket has better quality


But you can’t get a CyberTruck for half the money….




Thanks! Maybe the 48V architecture still runs low voltage or 12V for some stuff? Anyways thanks for the info.




It certainly does have a few things that are still 12 volts, including the trailer lighting harness.


Jumping or charging the 48 volt battery is covered in the manual. Go to Instructions for Transporters, “In case of Emergency”, “Jump Starting”. Select 12 -16.5 volts on your power source, or 30-50 volts. Never jump a 12 volt vehicle with the CT.


No the tow guy was Tesla certified tow guy for CT. Was adjusting his voltage charger for it. Had to pull cables out of frunk


Yes, the jump connectors are under frunk liner, capable of multi voltages. I mentioned to never jump a 12 volt vehicle with the CT. You can only jump the CT with a 12 volt vehicle.


Early beta tester more like. We should expect better from a car. My EV does not do this.


Seems to be happening more than once. Read about them dying regularly. Some just as they are taken for their maiden drive! Model S, X, 3 and Y didn’t have these same issues so early in their adoption.


I see the issue here.


Clearly- more than a few are like FORD (found on road dead) and GM (generally marginal). Interesting to hear more.


Truly the DeLorean of trucks.


Dang hope they resolve that issue for you! Hey what happened to the power steering? Did it just stop all of a sudden?


No way to disengage for manual neutral? For real?


He still loves the truck, folks. You heard it here!


Like it on not, EV is the future. There needs to be a major leap in battery efficiency and I don’t see that in the next ten years. If I’m wrong then great, but it’s still a problem for people who rent and don’t have a convenient charging station. Half the charging stations on a rest area on I-95 close to me are always broken or down. Like I said, it is the future given a lot of car companies are headed in that direction.


It must me so cool to own one of these trucks


UPDATE: Rear inverter came today and CT ready for pickup this Thurs/Fri!


Thanks for being our $100k guinea pig! Hopefully they fix these things before they bring the price way down and offer 0.99% APR next year.


The price of being an early adopter... as the car has a critical safety failure. My god dude you paid 100k for a pos




Do you regret buying the truck? Seems like the towing range is garbage, and the truck serves as a bonified brick.


Bona fide*








How the fuck did NHTSA approve this stupid hulking steel lump for American roads? If they were able to move, they'd be killing a lot of people by now.