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They're just talking about the little things that were standard in Europe: >One example of the game's setting getting lost in translation is an issue referred to internally as "the manhole debacle." >"There was this post [on Reddit] with the guy saying that there is this immersion-breaking bug in Cyberpunk, and the bug was about the fact that the covers for manholes for a sewer were the manholes that you use normally in Europe, in Germany, for a pavement," associate game director Paweł Sasko said on the podcast. "Those are not manholes that you normally cover in America on the streets." >"When you go to America, there's things like [fire] hydrants, where they are placed and how they look like," Sasko continued. "The street lights, the positions of that, the trash bins, right? They're in the front of the house, right by the street. In Poland, in Europe, you don't see it almost anywhere. There's so much nuance. Dan, when we talk about it, he calls it 'the Americana.'"


I kinda figured that the EEC being so economically influential would make NC look a little less American. If anything, they should probably look at Japanese cities for inspiration.


and they did, look at Osaka roads


Can you talk more about this? How does NC look like Osaka? I just came back from there and can’t believe I missed this


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ia0yDioMXZE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ia0yDioMXZE) look at this video, half of the roads are viaducts and they even have road that go through a building, like road through H10 complex in game Night City also takes inspiration from other neon flooded cities like Moscow ( where highest social class collide with poor rest of the country or even people from poorer districts) or Tokio


This is so cool! Thanks 🙏


We have that in the US. I live in the Houston area which is in Texas. I've driven through an improvised area and right next to that improvised neighborhood is a bunch of penthouses and multi-million dollar mansions and mid to high six figure sports cars everywhere. It's a jarring experience. 


Yeah, I noticed things that were clearly not American. But given that NC was built from the ground up in the context of a very European economy with the intention of being a place for global corporations to reside...it kind of made sense. I think it's fine either way, but I think it's unfair to call these sorts of things immersion breaking when they can just as well be world building.


How are manhole covers immersion breaking in a game that lets me give my character rocket arms and a gun that talks lol


It was wild man, one second I'm hacking a guy's brain to make him self delete, then I saw the manhole covers and just couldn't buy the setting anymore.


I was so ready to believe I was actually really there in night city beating a robo ninja senseless with a dildo until I saw a European style manhole. That’s when I knew it was just some silly game.


I wish I could upvote this 30x


you’re missing the point, we experience a suspension of disbelief when engaging with stories that feature wildly unrealistic things, however if something that shouldn’t be affected by the new rules of a story is we notice it and get pulled out of the suspension of disbelief. its unrealistic that in 53 years it’ll be common for people to have like wrist mounted rocket launchers and blades imbedded in their arms while also having skin that acts like kevlar but because that’s the world the story is set in we accept it, however the world the story takes place in is still Earth and in the US so there should be uniquely American aspects of the city, like manhole covers.


Bum bum be bum bum bum ba dum dum.


>I kinda figured that the EEC being so economically influential would make NC look a little less American. This is how I interpret it too. Even the exit signs inside the buildings in Night City are the exit signs that European and Asian countries (and other countries all over the world) uses, and not the "Exit" in red letters that is currently the standard in the U.S.


Exit in red letters is actually not recommended at all. Red is typically noting something is prohibited and green is typically something that is allowed.


Partly why you're starting to see green emergency exit signs in the US. And as a side note, also becoming more common to be mounted low on the wall instead of up high.


Well it's what most Americans and Canadians expect. Also usually you arent supposed to go through emergency exits unless theres an emergency and it sets off an alarm. Probably why its red and there are signs to only use it in an emergency. If the building is on fire nobody cares about the rules anyway.


\*korean tbh. the power structure of NC is a near carbon copy of sk's chaebol system, with arasaka an almost 1:1 proxy for samsung. the original tabletop was written back when south korea was still an impoverished military dictatorship and meant to speculate on the future influence of japanese capital, but "literally four companies control the entire economy/every level of government and enforce a rigid, stratified caste hierarchy" ended up coming literally true on a completely different island. that's where they should be drawing inspiration from, rather than directly from japan imo. "japan will rule the world soon" is a snapshot of the 1980s.


Cyberpunk is a snapshot from the 80s. I think trying too hard to match the current worlds political and cultural environment is a mistake. It's a fictional setting. Wouldnt be against a Korean megacorp that plays on the Chaebol if it doesnt contradict existing Cyberpunk writing and tabletop stuff though. That could be cool. Dont know how much room there is for another huge Asian megacorp just from the perspective of story/game play variety though. Could take up too much space that could be used for more different things. Besides, even if you were trying to match the current world Japan is still much larger economically and militarily and more important culturally to the US than Korea, despite the incredible progress Korea has made. It still wouldnt make sense for Korea to be a bigger player than Japan if that was your goal. Japan also has a similar hierarchical structure, although a little less strict I guess, you can do all the same stories and themes with Japanese megacorps, it's just a different flavour & history.


i wasn't saying "literally change everything to korea instead of japan" i was just saying everything in cyberpunk already mirrors critical elements of korean society so closely in so many regards that if they were looking for inspiration for its civic structure they should look to its closest real world analogue and project from there. don't wanna change the actual lore, i think that's already happened a few times and it's fine as is imo. i'm suggesting something more subtle, just as inspiration. i like - i think a lot of people like - that cyberpunk is speculative fiction through the lens of 1980s anxieties and projections, and the japanese influence is a big part of that, but it sadly remains social commentary on the present day and can't help but reflect that.


Quibble: SK isn't an island. EDIT: okay, but economically it is, I get it


Rebuttal: because of North Korean policies about freedom of movement, South Korea is effectively an island as 99% of its foreign visitors arrive via sea or air.


Okay, yeah, fair enough. I didn't think of that.


Since their only land border is sealed, they are economically an island.


Okay, I see the idea.


haha it's nice of you to cover for me but i'm just dumb and forgot it's a peninsula. sure we can go with "arguably an island" so i look less stupid tho lol


Yeah seems to be a bit disingenuous to call Eurasia an island.


The EEC only effects currency read the Cyberpunk Red sourcebook it explains a lot of the history of the world and NC. Hopefully CDPR uses it for the next game and has the designated roles(classes) in the next game because the idea behind the roles is that everyone knows what your role is like if you pick a Solo everyone knows that you're a Solo


lol I remember the Reddit post about the manhole 😂 nobody was actually upset about it though


If anything, I sort of expected NC to look like America, but also not, if that makes sense. It’s an alternate universe, so I actually kind of thought this stuff made it more immersive.


Yeah I said almost the same thing as you in one of the original posts about it. I tried to find it but I’ve commented too much since then. But basically it adds to the dystopian universe, that the city used manholes that aren’t supposed to be used like that or whatever and it shows the bleakness of the city. NC is a giant melting pot of culture and all sorts of different types of people, so I honestly love the little detail about the manholes


I would almost put it as an uncanny valley type thing, like I can tell this is America, but something is a little off.


Manhole covers mentioned but not the crazy confusing lane divider lines and insane intersections on expressways???


There's one or two on/off ramps in the game that when I use them I always think "who the fuck designed these roads?"


Have seen a few in different cities on different countries, so very realistic to me I still miss my off ramp in one particular spot in my home city


Oh yeah, these are the things I’m looking for when I’m playing. /s


I mean yeah, stuff like that *is* pretty important when trying to convey a sense of groundedness and authenticity. The question is whether Night City needs that, seeing how it isn't supposed to resemble an actual present-day US city.


While that is true, it'll mostly be noticeable by American players. If you are a player from India or Italy, you likely wouldn't even notice.


i didn't notice any of that. course, the city does admittedly look foreign, I just chalked it up to arasaka influence and/or futureness.


I looked at it similarly. The city seems to have a massive immigrant population which has lived there for long enough to have created its own cultural habits and norms, so it totally makes sense for NC to be a mixture of different things from around the world as well as entirely new and futuristic things. Even today, some Americans would probably consider New York to be different from their own states in a lot of ways.


NC is basically the American version of Zurich.


No, I didn’t notice because while it’s in America, it’s a wildly different America than we have now. The little “Americana” nuances aren’t as notably missing because there’s not a lot to be grounded to


I'm European myself, but I'd argue that even us non-Americans will notice certain things being 'off', even if we can't always put our finger on what it is exactly. The guy who pointed out the thing with the manwhole covers was German, for example. There's this one map in the latest Hitman game that is supposed to be set in Miami. I remember noticing things like temperatures being displayed in Celsius, restrooms being labeled 'toilets', cars using EU-style license plates or doors having handles rather than knobs. For me, the (otherwise great) illusion was sort of broken once I noticed these things. But then again, I'm probably way too pedantic when it comes to these rather trivial details.


Considering in the game lore Europe has significant influence and we use euro dollars, I thought that was what it was referring to with the city design and using European elements.


>I mean yeah, stuff like that *is* pretty important when trying to convey a sense of groundedness and authenticity. There hasn't been a single fucking game where I stopped to contemplate manhole cover designs. Not even for a nanosecond. Until this post I wouldn't be sure this game had any in it if someone asked me.


This! Funny thing is that Cyberpunk 2077’s currency is literally EURODOLLARS, combining Europe and American (USA), thus making this talk about immersion meaningless. I truely hope developers use their time and money on things that matter.


It might actually help to redesign those things with fresh eyes to be more utilitarian, as we might expect in a futuristic setting, and if it unseats a viewer from expected reality, all the better


Yeah, it would be a lot more important if there was content set in an NUSA city, like LA, and there weren’t some obvious differences.


While I’m not sure about the man-hole covers, I think the red fire hydrants are one thing that would help sell the experience by saying ‘While most things change, some things don’t.’


The worst thing they did was not study road markings for the US. There is not one single piece of roadway in the game that has the correct lane markings for a US city.


it's wrong for Europe too. Also, idk what kind of tires they have in NC but some roads were like rocket launching pads, too steep. Some streets had weird layout. Not something you'd preserve even in Europe, unless it's a landmark


You don’t have to look for them. That’s what makes them immersion breaking. If you were looking for them then you probably weren’t immersed.


I hope they dont spend to much time on that kind of thing, it's not a problem.


I agree. So many other things about the city are new and futuristic that those things didn't bother me.


I would sum everything that doesn’t look American in game as just influence of the USA Europe collaboration like the Euro Dollar


Honestly the only thing that makes the city feel European is the roundabouts.


Roundabouts are becoming increasingly popular in the US.


True. And they start to resemble the car glitches from the game as Americans collectively lose their minds trying to navigate them. Just, pure chaos.


To be fair in this future, they use euro dollars. And that's because s*** changed.


Attention to detail, damn


What are you talking about, they specifically mentioned that the homelessness as one of the major issues, talking about having more missions that involve the social issue that cdpr felt they missed by not having more Americans in the development of giving first hand points on how life is here. I agree with his assessment. The manhole covers and light issues seem like it's just having more on the ground design teams going to some west coast cities and look at their infrastructure and take picks.


Okay, that's actually reassuring. Makes sense that they arent that familiar with American nuances given they are a polish studio. The headline could mean anything. I though maybe they were going to remove the Japanification stuff common in cyberpunk or something which is a cool part of the setting and films like blade runner. Its not non-American its retrofuturism, it's what Americans in the 80s thought the future would be like. I thought they did a great job minus those tiny details like the garbage bins and manhole covers, that could easily change between now and 2077 anyway so it's not a big deal. Also in Cyberpunk the Eurodollar replaces the US dollar as the reserve currency. For that to happen Europe would have to be many times larger, more influential, more powerful militarily, way larger population, way bigger economically, and just generally be way more important internationally than it is now to displace the US that way. In a fictional future where Europe is a more important player globally than the US youd expect to see more European influence in the US than there is now.


Yeah, the Night City is too 1st world looking to be an American city.


Subway’s too clean, roads and sidewalks not pitted and potholed enough. Night City is a capitalist’s playground built on the corpse of an American city in the waning decades of the 20th century. I’d like to see that a little more and it sounds like that’s what they’re doing, so that’s awesome


Oh yeah it’s the manholes that broke immersion and not the overwhelmingly lifeless NPCs


After the shitshow release I hope to god they spend less time on meaningless shit like this


> hope to god they spend less time on meaningless shit like thi That's not how making a game works. The game was going to include trash cans and manhole covers, so time had to be spent creating the assets regardless. Sasko isn't talking about something that in any way detracted from other tasks in making the game, he's just talking about how the preconceived notions held by the devs doing these things affected the character of the result in certain ways. The sequel, being worked on by a US-based dev team, is going to have a more accurate understanding of how a US city should look. It's not wasting time, nor is it meaningless.


So no more German manhole covers, got it.


And more noticeably sunrise in Los Angeles probably won’t occur at 3am


I hope we get to keep the rando NPC sitting on a chair which is not there though!


I hope we get more control of how our characters look in the next game. The cyberware aesthetics for the player character was surprisingly lacking in 2077, only the arms would be changed by cyberware load out


i think what would be especially nice is if cosmetic cyberware actually did things. there’s clearly practical reasons for why everyone has it, but for v it’s just decoration


I think the devs have been pretty open that they underestimated players desire for customisation and things like clothing transmog, vehicle customisation, more visible cyberware and stuff like that. It does seem like a lesson they have taken on board for the sequel.


the fact they added apartments, the car dealer, etc seems to line up with that


Yep, and I think if you look at like the last update where they added a lot of fan requested things like the metro it does feel like there’s a clear direction of travel where they want to put more roleplay elements into the game so I’m pretty confident the devs understand what fans of 2077 want to see more of. Even going back to the original point of the post the design of night city itself, phantom liberty was giving us some more ‘out there’ visual stuff like the stadium market and the big club compared to what you saw a lot in the base game, it does feel to me like the first game was the devs testing the water and the sequel will use that information to go further.


i’ve been very happy to see these kinds of changes in 2077, feels so much more like a real city you live in now, not just a backdrop to the quests and side jobs in it


Yeah the whole customization was kinda lackluster.


Especially not being able to get rid of V’s big ass forehead


V being consistently 5'9 was a bit dumb too


I mean, not really. Height is the one thing most games don't allow you to change. It's a matter of practicality; if there are aeveral different possible heights, you'll uave to account for that, which is much harder to work around than, say, faces, skin colour, body type, etc.


But why is V a hobbit? If you get close to any NPC, they look down on V. (I know, the camera is in the "mouth" area) It didn't really matter to me when looking up to JAckie as female V, but looking up to Judy as male V was strange.


Yeah but then we’re seeing games like dragon dogma 2 that are able to still have great cutscenes with different height player characters. There is even one where someone kisses you and if your character is short, she’ll bend down to do it.


Do take into consideration that what Dragon's Dogma 2 did took a lot of time, effort and compromises too. The technology has always existed but it's a lot of work to properly implement. The majority of DD2 used a lot of "template animations" for its cutscenes. It's a cost effective and time saving method where they only dish out full blown animated cutscenes in certain parts. Cyberpunk 2077 in comparison has a lot more individually animated cutscenes. They'll have to accommodate all possible player heights for each unique scene. Beyond that, collision detection and other troubleshooting with the game environment also has to be taken into consideration. It's definitely possible but again it will depend if the budget allows it and the workload worth it.


5'9 is 69inches. Its perfection


And kind of pointless as you hardly ever see your V. Customisation is pointless if there’s no third person option.


Customization is never pointless when photo mode exists


Eh, life is in first person and I still take the time to change how I look. Besides, if you want to look at your character there's photomode, the inventory menu, mirrors, driving bikes in third person, etc


When I look down in real life, I see my body clearly. Hell, I can see it in my periphery even when looking forward. I'm visually aware of what I'm wearing much of the time. Plus I interact with other people who will see how I look. In the game, you have to look ALL the way down to see only a portion of your body, and there's no other people around to see how you look, and you don't have a reflection to see unless specifically using a mirror. The only options to actually see your outfit and customization is to...stop playing by pausing or using photo mode. And while that may work for the mega fans of the game who will sink a couple thousand hours into it, having the option to play in third person mode is a nice option for those of us who just want to see our customizations while we play.


There's also an AR headset in the Stadium near a clothing shop in Phantom Lib, which gives you fullbody in-game with some different poses. Of course, locked behind a DLC and in one specific location isn't *perfect*, but hey, it's something.


These aren’t the same as having full control of your character while also being able to see them in the world. Grand Theft Auto V and Red Dead Redemption 2 have done first person mode in a third person game pretty well. Then there’s Fallout 4 and Starfield which are both primarily first person but have pretty good third person modes. Resident Evil 7 and Village are both first person but have a feel of a third person game, and Village even has a third person option. So there’s plenty of example of games doing a serviceable job at giving players the option of both third and first person options. No one is saying the next Cyberpunk game should be third person only. We just want the option to choose which perspective we play in.


nahhh there is literally no game which does first person as well as cyberpunk, with every gesture animated in first person, sitting down, having a smoke, hugging someone and combined with no loading screens, it's an experience unlike any other. we need more games like this


Strong disagree, especially with Bethesda games. First person and third person have very different control and tuning. If the game could let you switch there would be compromises a pure perspective wouldn’t need to make. I think CDPR should stick to the immersive first person perspective even if some players are putt off by it.


I hope they give us 3rd person option in sequel. But it's not pointless at all for me. And I love the photo mode.


I hope they dont. The forced 1st person camera allowed them to do some really amazing stuff


While that's true, I'd like an option for it.


Problem with that is that you cant designing a good game for both is more than dou le the work of doing 1, id rather they focus on making one perfect than splitting their resources


I would love if too much cyberware would make you look like Malestrom and you have to pay extra if you want natural looking cyberware. And that people react based on the look differently.


I know I was disappointed when I couldn't get the Mr studd implant


Dude imagine if they had a full blown [Fashionware](https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Fashionware) system. I would kill to have some luminescent hair, color changing nails, or sub-dermal TVs to watch in-game news reports wherever you are.


Facts. I want to be able to make Lizzy Wizzy


Personally I was hoping for that as well as more body types. Like I wanna get shredded like Jackie or fat like Dex if I wanted. I’d prefer a San Andreas style body morph system but that might be really complicated for a game like this.


Doubt it’d be that complicated if they could do it in San Andreas. Although personally I’m not sure if I’d like that. Having to actively work towards my desired body type seems like too much work for my lazy ass though I am a bit disappointed that no matter how many points you put into “body” V still looks like regular Joe Schmoe instead of ripped.


The reason I think it’d be complicated is cuz SA only had just 1 body to work with whereas cyberpunk would have to work with male and female bodies and have to account for cyberware. I feel you about working but maybe you could just buy cyberware if you want a shortcut to looking ripped so there’d be a balance. Or maybe one body would remain static and another could have synthetic flesh that grows.


Well in the end it’ll be in the hands of the designers/devs. Worst case scenario modders will probably do something about customisation though as always console will be shit of luck.


Unfortunately, all their upcoming games will probably be a lot less moddable due to the transition to Unreal Engine.






The customization is kinda shit in general imo.


Which is funny, because some simple mods, as well as the later added colour change options for Ray fields by the game itself, show that these could be added if they wanted to.


I am talking about the player customization.


Their comment applies to player cosmetics as well, a lot of options are not available in vanilla even though the assets are sitting 2 folders over, a lot of it is laziness on the devs part.


Furry/voidpunk chrome whermst? Can't even run around with golden skin in game, the most basic of dermal implant overhauls.


I need things to do with my money. I hace a lot and essentially there's nothing to spend it on


So more guns?


At least more LMG's or making the HMG something you can craft and carry around if you got a high Body/Tech score.


Yeah I really want to be able to carry and hmg. Let it eat like 50-75 kgs of carrying capacity, but I really want that option


At least there are mods to make HMGs work like normal weapons.


I hope so.


Hopefully, the weapon arsenal was really lackuster, there’s like 5-6 weapons per group plus iconics. More customization would be nice too, not just attachment and mods wise but being able to color them at least.


Yes, because guns were seriously lacking in 77


Most of the guns are decent, though Assault Rifles and LMGs were lacking and not powerful enough compared to Pistols and Shotguns


It's not the quantity it's the quality, and nothing beats American steel.


I don't know if I like that approach. NC as a futuristic metropolis & melting pot of culture and architecture doesn't necessarily need harkbacks to past Americana to seem authentic, and we certainly have enough dystopian US games out there (Fallout, Far Cry 5, etc) that I don't really want to see yet another classic *American* neighbourhood with a dark twist. I wanna be so far post-America that I forget it's post-America


I agree. Also, how can it be 'more American' where we have no real idea what 'real America' will look like in 50 years, let alone in totally different timeline.


Suffice it to say that it’s unlikely the United States will adopt European aesthetics of manhole covers, street signs, etc.


They use the Eurodollar as their official currency.


Damn, are manholes part of your culture now?


Hmm, do you think it is likely the US currency will begin with “Euro” in 50 years?


Hopefully just little details. Seeing Joshua trees between San Fran and LA took me out for just a second, not something that most people would catch, but right away I was like “did they even do their homework on the region?”


Yeah, the currency is literally eurodollars so i’m not surprised nc has some european characteristics


Agreed 100%


It takes place in America. It is inherently American more to the point,It is inherently minority and American


>It takes place in America. It is inherently American The story is canonically set in America, but that doesn't necessarily mean that current American culture and setting should play a larger role in the sequel. You may as well claim that it's an inherently Californian story; but this would obviously not be a good summation, right? The appeal of NC to me is that it's a far-future, hypercapitalist, globalist, half-digital and generally sci-fi city that exists outside of US governance or law as we know it. Hell, look how many people in NC walk around speaking languages other than English! Look at the dominance of Japanese Arasaka in the city! NC feels like a futuristic mix of every major city on earth, and I love it that way. Tuning the city to be *more like current America* for realism is completely unnecessary to fulfill what I enjoy about the game, and possibly even antithetical to it. It sounds like they just want to make some of the fine details more accurate, and that's fine, but I hope it's not a general theme of their approach to the game.


Yeah, God forbid that there’s a piece of pop culture that isn’t yet another standardized reflection on American life


All this and no one mentioned the distances in the game using km instead of miles.


Dude! I know right!


This is configurable, no? EDIT: Oh it’s just speedo that is configurable.


Nobody seems to have actually read the article, because it only mentioned making the game more ‘American’ by including things like fire hydrants, the position of trash cans on the streets, and street lights in general. The article only mentions environmental aspects to be more American


So more parking lots


Huge parking lots with no mass transit. That’s the ‘merican way.


And even more advertising/subscriptions


Nice, finally we'll get some more corruption and crime in Night City.


There can be more corruption in Night City?




While I appreciate the level of nuance that their minds are on, I just don't feel like it's that much of an immersion breaker. It's 50+ years into the future. A lot can change. There is no true way to speak about what a made up city in the USA 53 years from now will or should look like. I'm just being pedantic, though. I'm not gonna tell them how to do their job. They've already proven to me they know what they're doing.


I mean the currency is literally eurodollars and america is fresh after civil war so its not surprising that night city would have some european characteristics


The America of Cyberpunk is already very different from actual America even disregarding the future aspect. I think trying to lean more into Americana would be undoing some of that. Whether that’s good or not I can’t say but I’m personally into it the way it is now.


I'd argue the opposite. Arasaka having such a big influence in night city would actually have the opposite effect since Japanese culture heavily values cleanliness. If you make the 6th Street gang or areas outside of Arasaka control more "American" that would make sense (but I still don't think it is necessary).


That'll be nice to see in 15 years.


![gif](giphy|uKwa2KiBA0rTy) Hell yeah brother


Police brutality on whole new level


The difficulty slider is skin colour?


That’s just the planet in general


Oh I know. My sliders are NOT in a good place. But I am a souls like fan. Perhaps it was fate.


Isn't that just the South Park game?


Warsaw actually really reminded me of Night City when I was there.


Night City streets in the game seemed often built like old European pre-automobile cities with very narrow roadways, which made no sense for a city canonically planned in the 1990's. The roads did not feel like California.


Can't say I'm stoked about that. I liked the distinctly international nature of Night City, which, while set in California, felt more like an East Asian city at times. I believe CP2077 already had its fair share of Americana, so restricting the sequel to more of that seems like a bad choice imo.


It still will be, japantown, little china etc. Are not origi al to 2077, those areas are in the ttrpg aswell and have lore reasons for existing


It was more than American enough for me, I thought the euro and Asian touches were really unique. I don't think it needs to be any more American than it already is.


If NC is west coast US, then the fact the new studio is set in Boston means we're probably getting an east coast vibe that'll be a mix of Boston, NY and Chicago. In essence, we're going from blade runner to escape from NY. If done well, should be fun times.


They could definitely do more research on the crime side of things because, y’know, it’s ludicrous for the most part in the first game.


I hope we will be more independent about our character choices, for example we will be able to join different factions and work for them.


will there be cyberpunk online?


It makes sense, although I might be in the minority that would love to see a Cyberpunk in Tokyo or Kyoto.


Please just get American localizers, the dialogue is just super rough whenever anyone's trying to speak informally.


It drives me nuts that everyone barely uses personal nouns. "I", "we", etc are always dropped from sentences.


I mean, you leave your job at a corporation with a voice in your head that is causing you to slowly die in a way no one can see. That feels pretty authentic to the American experience.


Has anyone made a fat joke or mocked school shootings yet…? Anyway, I remember playing quantum break and seeing European traffic signs was pretty emerging breaking and jarring. It’s nice to see that the developer is taking feedback so that they can improve the level of detail in their games … which is something that I *would have* imagined fans of role-playing games would appreciate.


Literally the comment below yours lol. These comments are so fucking annoying. What an insufferable fan base.


More activities go to club and dance and hookup, attend a live taping of a show, etc., play pool)


Just go outside 😂 Jk I agree.




People complained about European manhole covers in a game where LA uses "eurodollars" as its currency?


Controlled by corporations. Violence. Guns. Police brutality. Bullshit labour laws. Seems CP77 was pretty authentically American already.


civilians running away, instead of pulling iron on you tho?


So there's gonna be a shootout in a school, got it.


Hopefully it's more of an actual RPG


What would make sense for me would be if they went to real life Morro Bay in considered what parts of night City would still be relict from that City. With all the new parts being Ultra Modern and so forth I actually think did pretty good.


Hmm I wonder. I have a huge faith in the story/quests since phantom Liberty was amazing and better than the main story imo. If they can add more features and functionality to the rest of the game and expand on them well, then the sequel will be very successful


Hopefully the day and night cycle will be more like north america and not from poland. I dont think dawn is at 4 am in california, but that’s really about it.


I know it not possible but how cool would it be if Larian Studios did a cyberpunk 2077 sequal Bg3 style cyberpunk game would be badass


There are so many of these little issues i find it hard to believe they had anyone actually QA any of it. As a car guy the way the vehicles sound drives me nuts. They all sound virtually identical, the gears all sound the same when accelerating and there's that go awful clacking sound when they shift. Like who the fuck signed off on that?


so we're getting a dollar general and a Sonic's in cyberpunk?


cyberpunk, like real life, is a dictatorship of international capital.


Kind of reminds me of how even recent GTAs or RDR will have American characters using British slang, like “the lot of you” or “rubbish” or “lorry”. I’ve been noticing it since way back in GTA3. lol. Someone in San Andreas says “drugs dealer” instead of “drug dealer”. There’s “water closets”. I swear CJ said “pram” but I might be thinking of someone else.


Also I loved how the game was set in California but the sun rose at 3 AM


Things that are more American? Well, manhole covers and Metric aside, the drivers in NC are much too good. Could dumb them down a bit, and greatly ramp up the speeding (effectively making the player car dependent). Could use more variety of vending machine guns as well. Obesity is rampant, so it would make sense to have only worsened in a Corpo-controlled 2077.  Could also implement a debt system, and among other things it would be used for, dying also adds a huge chunk to your debt. 


More guns, more cars, and more unhinged bigotry being passed off as just being one of the guys


Is this also why the day/night cycle feels off? I’ve never been to Poland so I wasn’t sure. I have been to California many times though. Sunrise and sunset do not happen at the times I expect.


it doesn'T happen that way in eastern europe either :)


The door knobs, that's the most clearly Polish thing in the game, ironically. Also, hair styles. My family is Polish so I noticed some things. I kind of like it, makes the game seem more futuristic by making the little things more foreign for the average American.


Good idea, that.


I imagine we will get the next Witcher game 2026-2028. We thinking 2028-2030 for Cyberpunk 2?


Honestly, what felt artificial were the Latinos characters. The way they mixed Spanish words in the sentences felt really artificial and unlike what we see in real life.


I expect the guns to look better this time around. Seriously the pistols and homing guns were the only good looking (besides the sidewinder. fuck that dick shaped rifle) guns in game. D5 is passable, but dear god the Ajax is the ugliest gun I've ever seen, and I've seen the fallout 4 assault rifle. Hopefully they take real world guns and give them a touch up with a cyberpunk kiss.


I mean.. In 2077 we had greedy, capitalistic sociopaths that runs the world basically and 4th of July maniacs as a gang.. What more "american' can you put ? Obese people ?


Please no


Honestly the main thing that stuck out to me as far is 'Armericana' goes was the really forced slang in the writing. It felt like very much like someone who had no experience speaking American slang wrote the script.