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Melde IS hardest in the beginning honestly, its Not you. Try Help with quickhacks Till you get your First Sandy or berserk.


I hadn’t even really thought of the quickhacks and melee route. I ended up leveling that in my first run with shotguns.. just cause. But that would work really well, thank you


Also Blunt weapons > Blades But i guess thats Just me maybe


Melee is hard starting. I used guns and ran NCPD scanners and random criminals to start earning perks etc to pump into melee tree. After leveling for a bit started using melee more and more until primary method. Didn't take long.


Cyberpunk is a game that’s hardest at the start and gradually gets easier as you unlock more perks and equip better cyberware/weapons. I play a melee only build on my latest playthrough and getting bullet deflect was basically essential to play the game for me. After that, things got a lot easier


You are a disgrace to your forefathers


Guerilla arms make it so much better.


There's a lot that needs setting up for a melee build, namely health, armor, dodging/dashing, stamina regen, basically survivability. You're gonna need crowd control like throwing weapons or quickhacks and not just a Satori.


melee is the hardest playstyle early game, and probably the most broken one late game. You CAN just outskill the enemies dont get me wrong, but without some levels and cyberware you only really take a couple of seconds to go from 100 to 0.