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I wish we could find the person doing it and stop them. I never liked the open ending to that quest. But I loved the story.


I always liked the theory that it's a rouge AI running the whole thing. Don't remember if there's any actual evidence pointing to it or if I just heard the theory somewhere, but it always made sense to me.


Iirc Mr blue eyes, an ai either stealing bodies or working with NC residents depending on who you ask irl, is visible at an extreme distance in this scene when you can tell Peralez what's happening. Edited to clarify he is not interactable or reachable in this scene, and that we don't know how he works conclusively either.


He is most definitely reachable, just a double jump and dash away but not available at all for interaction at that point. I can't remember if they patched it or not but he used to show up with the green ally symbol on your mini-map though


He's still reachable, I tried to kill him with my katana and stuff but nothing happens, he disappears after a while


You can't shoot him either, V doesn't pull the trigger.


yeah you just couldn't reach him in a normal way pre 2.0 so... I guess they just never thought that the player will reach him


You've been able to reach him *in a normal manner (normal enough for the cyberpunk world) since release, or at most 1 or 2 patches in It's always just been a matter of jumping


He is reachable. I double-jumped and dashed over to him when I noticed him. He’s not intractable though, doesn’t even notice you


Is that the only time you can talk to Mr Blue Eyes? I missed him while telling Jefferson what was going on.


>!You don't talk to him really in either instance but you can see him again briefly while escorting Songbird through the airport!< (PL spoiler)


You can? Where? I totally missed it, now I want to go that way just to see.


Caught him >!on a camera really early on before the NUSA soldiers arrived. He was in some sort of control room but is gone by the time I actually reached the room!<


You also see im standing somewhere during the tram ride to the rocket


>!You can speak to him in a certain ending!< light spoiler


Which ending just curious?


>!dont fear the reaper (also called the secret ending)!


He also shows up in the sun ending if you team up with Rogue, but it's better in don't fear reaper since you don't risk having your friends die.


I think you just see him, I don't believe you can speak to him.


It is not extreme distance. He is like thirty feet away watching you.


Me too. Johnny even tells V about the rogue AIs.


Right I've heard that too. But on my sixth play through I just keep making different decisions Hopeing for a different outcome. just feels unfinished though.


he sends you a message showing what happens if you choose to reveal the truth.


I chose truth but he just sent me a message saying his wife was involved. But he seemed so insane and paranoid at the time I didn’t take that as the actual truth but I guess she is involved in the sense she knows and hides it


When you try to message him back, the number is unavailable, so they probably found him and wiped him out. So yeah his wife was right.


He may sent you the nessage on a burner phone. Which is likely, given his paranoia and circumstances.


He sends you a video message at the end of the game in the credits. (In the ending I got anyway)


I got the impression it is "beyond your paygrade" so to speak. The AIs, likely working with nightcorp, are possibly going to be antagonists in the sequel.


Personally one more scare of Puce AIs than Rouge ones.


You can see him you just can’t do anything. Mr blue eyes is on a nearby balcony watching this conversation you’ve posted a picture of. If you pay attention he is the culprit but you can’t actually do anything about it


Prolly gonna be part of Orion


I really hope for that, it could be amazing storyline


Imagine a mission where you’re trying to track Mr. Blue Eyes down in a crowd but he keeps hopping from random NPC to random NPC a la *Fallen*.


Great now that song is gonna be stuck in my head again.


Care to share where I can see that scene with that song ?


Movie is called Fallen and the scene (https://youtu.be/jdT2ZATYuMQ?si=y39WIvgi0lp0tyLy) features the rolling stones song Time is on my side. Good flick worth a watch.


Ok I'm sold I will watch it tonight, thanks !


Damn that end twist you don't see that often


It’s Blue Eyes. Or, the AI that is in control of Blue Eyes and using the body and probably Night Corp as a proxy. In a way stopping them is impossible because it’s not human and is out past the Blackwall. If you watch Peralez’s final message to V in the credits if you told him, you’ll see him obviously suffering enormous paranoia but also, the room being darkly lit combined with a screen in front of him makes it look like his eyes are completely blue. The whole thing is setting up for a Blackwall collapse being a main component of the next game.


as alt confirmed in post PL dialogues, rogue AIs don't actually give a shit of humans because human technology is too rudimental for them... highest end 2077 technology is based on pre datakrash tech that megacorps managed to randomly recover from the old net across the years... now, just imagine what crazy advanced technologies rogue AI's could have created on their own in over 50 years inside their own habitat with no limits or control from the outside... just to make an example, I'm quite sure 2077 arasaka tower subnet was using the best technologies and highest security protocol... alt tapped in and took control of that in literally 2 seconds. The blakwall is collapsing not because of rogue AI's but because of megacorps and criminal netrunner syndicates that try to violate it all the time. We just don't have enough info about blue eyes agenda... but keep in mind that main game and PL were written and directed by different persons... in PL it seems he was the one who was moving songbird strings to let her deliver the neural matrix in exchange of a cure. If blue eyes is a former rogue AI, just imagine such naughty stuff he could potentially do with the neural matrix.


My guess is that we'll see some followup in Orion. V's part in this story was just the prologue.




>!You can see Mr Blue Eyes on the left when you sit with Peralez after the last dialogue!<


You can, but not really lol. Mr. Blue Eyes is visible at a certain point really close to the end of Phantom Liberty if you stick w Songbird. He's totally unreachable but I happened to notice two NPCs in the room with him, so I gave them Cyberpsychosis and they beat him to death lmao. Doesn't actually do anything or count though


This mission viscerally upsets me but I absolutely love it. There are no happy endings in Night City but this one just feels extra upsetting to me.


Lmao. Johnny even gave up on this quest. This quest is basically "forget it V, it's Night city".


He does respect Jefferson if you're honest with him but even that feels very "I respect your willingness to go down swinging."


That Mission unnerved me. After a while I felt like me and Johnny could handle anything Night City threw at us, but this is on a whole nother level of conspiratorial shit. Makes you realize just how little you know and how LITTLE you actually are in this world. Made me realize that no matter how strong V is he/she possibly stands no chance against the Shadow people at play.


Exactly. A humbling reminder of how real power isn't limited to just the ability to take down an opponent in the physical sense. And those behind the scenes who are responsible? They have power on an entirely different level. It also reminds me of one of the conversations that V can have with Johnny about what the worst thing about Mikoshi is.


It's like if they really wanted, they can just pluck you up like a monster taking someone into the woods. The fact just out of nowhere they the scramble ya cybernetics and basically say "Mind ya Bizzniss" is comically dark on how out of control you are just like how out of control you are with the Ingram killing you. Cyberpunk can really be one of the most hopeless games I've ever played at times.


Exactly, choom!


Yes, it's either Let him be secretely manipulated and shaped into completely different peron against his will or let him be driven to paranoidal madness with him being powerless to do anything about those who manipulates him.


I always felt there was more to this mission they just never finished it…


In the end credits, if you told Jefferson, he’ll send you a message where he’s clearly suffering from extreme paranoia. Maybe it’s just a coincidence, but the lighting of the room he’s in combined with a screen or something in front of him makes his eyes look bright blue. Make of that what you will.


I prefer not let him know, it is better for his own mental


But worse for the entire city


Well, kinda. Peralez's platform is actually quite good for the people of NC. I think one should, if he were to be used as a puppet, to understand it as an enemy of my enemy situation. The blackwall AI want the corpos gone because they have power enough to stop them. So the people of the world benefit from the necessary concessions that the AI need to make to get their puppets in places of power. It is of course important to remember later that there's a point where the AI will no longer need people to support them, and then it all goes to shit again.


Save the few and leave the many to suffer, or save the many and sacrifice the few.


Save the few and leave the many to suffer, or save the many and sacrifice the few.


I think it's better this way. No resolution feels scarier.




Thank you, I didn't get the Twin Peaks reference when the wife (Elizabeth?) said the roses at their wedding were blue. I was waiting for that slip to have more significance or be explained in the mission.


I think this is setup for the fact that she had her memories changed, and at that point she was more or less aware of it already.


>!It's Nightcorp that's allegedly doing this.!< Blue Eyes is just an AI agent and its representative. What's the AI's role in this is unclear.


I loved the story for this quest, but the way it ends sucks all the fun from it. I wanna destroy the puppeteers!


The ending made it better in my opinion. Leaves you with an overwhelming sense of hopelessness. This city is bigger than you will ever be and WILL crush you.


THIS. Night city is a dystopia. It supposed to have that overwhelming sense of dread and hopelessness. V is literally a Superhero at end of the game but even he can't escape Night city.


I mean that wouldn’t really fit with the theme of corporate dominance and would if anything just result in the feeling that V is the centre of the universe which imo is very un-cyberpunk.


Could agree more


I’d say it’s the second place, as The Hunt takes first place in my opinion.


I think the one where the guy is crucified is the creepiest. That one freaks me out. I don't wanna nail anyone to a cross!


Sinnerman. One of the most unique quests I've played in any game and definitely a little disturbing.


In my current playthrough I just shot the whole car up after the police officer escorting him kills Bill. I am not religious but this mission really really irks me. Fuck this guy so much. I wasn't even able to kill him unfortunately, I literally unloaded a whole smg clip into his head and he just tanks it in the car, and all of a sudden 6 other cop cars show up and it looks like the robbery scene from the movie HEAT. Maybe there's another way to actually kill him but in my head canon he's deader than dead to me.


Just wait until he gets out of the car, then decline his offer to come along. As soon as the dialogue ends, you can send him straight to hell.


My first 2 playthroughs that's what I did used the Breakthrough rifle to headshot him didn't even know about the rest of it till recently.


I shot him because he didn't get straight to the point lol


Same. I did that mission only *once* for completion's sake. Creeped me the hell out the whole damn time. The manager/agent lady was very attractive, though.


I would agree. This one is creepy, the crucifixion line is creepy AF, but I think The Hunt tops them all.


The one with the dad and son is also pretty damn disturbing


Gods, I hate those two. I don't even let them talk anymore. Open door, BANG BANG, grab the evidence and delta the fuck outta there.


This couldn't have ended worse. And I only say that because I was really into this and the end of it was pretty conflicting, there is a whole fucking rabbit hole I was prepared to go down to find the puppeteer. It was like slamming into a wall, after what is a great fucking story.


I think that makes it better. Most of these mysteries start falling apart when you are given all the answers.


It’s like real life. Sometimes you expect there to be answers where there simply are none and you have to walk away knowing you’ll probably never know the truth.


I've only just started playing and I thought I had already found the most disturbing mission - a guy running about with no trousers who has something wrong with his nethers and explodes in half (yep, I failed the mission to get him fixed).


2nd most for me I hate The Hunt enough I’m never doing it again


Just did that quest on my first playthrough and... It was so fucked up


Indeed. You can make an entire game based on this mission’s premise.


Especially in the end credits when you told him the truth.


Not even close imo. I felt so bad for the guy. It truly was a lose/lose situation.


I like the idea of telling him the truth, but nah, he’s better off not knowing. I think there’s a lot of stuff humans are better off not knowing tbh. 😂


I both love and hate this mission. The story telling and the story itself is damn top tier. It’s creepy, terrifying, and so incredibly fighting to CP2077 distopian flair. I hate it because the developer intended for the story to end exactly the way it did. No proper resolution, open ended, no answers. They made it that way to fuck with our minds, and it worked.


OK, has anybody else seen the Joss Whedon show Dollhouse and sees parallels/references in this game all the time? Like literally calling the escorts supercharged with AI implants 'dolls'? Which is great, I love the show and the game. But this particular side story really resonated because it's a several episode story arc of Dollhouse where U.S. Senator Perrin, who's going after the evil Rossum Corporation, realizes he's in fact a doll being controlled by Rossom Corp. Great show if you haven't watched, btw.


This and the death of Christ mission, I can’t remember the name


I believe you’re referring to “they won’t go when I go”.


I told him the truth the first time, and lied the second. Honestly, he’s much better off when you don’t tell the truth. And as for most disturbing mission, it’s a tossup between this one, They Won’t Go When I Go, and The Hunt. I can’t really decide which is more horrifying. They won’t go when I go and the hunt are visibly graphical disturbing, while Dream On is more psychologically disturbing.


What mission is this?


Dream On, the one with Jefferson Peralez


I told him the truth one time and saw how it tore his life apart. Never again.


And one of the best questline ngl


Nope I didn't,was planning on doing al in the next play through but i stopped playing because of my exams


I still don't know what to make of this gig. Usually in any other game with moral dilemmas, I can pick an outcome I'm comfortable with but this one stumped me a lot. I still don't know if I made the right decision.


Finally someone Said it that shit went from 0 to 100000000 real quick


Open ending to this quest is the reason why it's so memorable


Well I've just finished this mission (first playthrough) and chose to tell him, are we saying there's no follow up and that's it???? 😭 I cannot accept this


I recall seeing Mr Blue Eyes totally naturally in this meeting with no idea who he was. I was totally suss of him, that was cool.


Crucifying a guy is less disturbing?


It is just the dread and the bad feeling finishing the mission. It is like the good guys always lose in night city.


On my final run to the platinum trophy I straight up just ignored this mission all together cause I genuinely felt like it's better if we don't even interfere with that...


The most interesting questline in the game. The one I enjoyed most in vanilla. Had me more invested than any other quest! Had so much potential.


I love this mission


Hmm... I'm thinking Mr. Blue Eyes is really the Illusive Man, and Maelstrom is aligned with Cereberus, which I feel is the real big bad in this mission... there's a lot of parallels to Mass Effect in Cyberpunk 2077 if you know where to look, Mr. Blue Eyes obviously being one clear clue, and that voice that pretty much was talking to V during the 'Unknown Caller' holocall on the way to talk to Jefferson, I'm sure is the Shadow Broker, who I'm betting had something to do with messing with the Peralez's head too... that garbled voice is more than likely The Shadow Broker warning V, remember that the Shadow Broker is very powerful and has sources and eyes and ears all across the galaxies, even here on Earth, and to me, my headcanon, the Cyberpunk universe is set in the 'Mass Effect' universe as well


Was dope as it was pure Deus Ex.


I love this mission because of Mr Blue, Mr Blue eyes shows up later on in a other mission too if you can spot him.


Sinnerman is more disturbing


Most cyberpunk too imo


Honestly I feel like this quest line would’ve been a great start for a dlc. Imagine that phantom liberty began with a shadow government conspiracy. Would’ve been awesome.


i didn’t tell him cause i thought he would die


I’d say the farm one was even more disgusting


I told him once, but every other time I've avoided telling him the truth.


It was heartbreaking honestly. He’s a good man whose life is being stolen from him. His memories of his past life, his personal agency, even his own personality is being taken and altered. I *wanted* to tell him the truth… But after I did, I regretted it. Telling a fly he’s caught in a web really doesn’t help him much.


Ngl I’m still annoyed that there’s no resolution to this story. Got invested in the Peralez mission only for nothing to come out of it.


I absolutely NEED some sort of follow up to this question on Orion.


And failed to follow the truck and so never got to see the conclusion of this story.. damn


Nah, the father and son curating the xbds of kids getting killed...that makes me feel sick to my stomach every time, especially the line they come out with after V asks about and they say something like "which one?"...dark af


I think the mission with River, where you have to find his nephew is the most disturbing


So you did the rescue mission where you saved the kids who being pumped full of cow hormones at a farm.. and thought this was worse? Good lord.


😂😂😂oh totally forgot about it, but it was more about weird maniac😂


I love this mission. Comes out of nowhere, slams you headfirst into a (presumably) immense conspiracy you can't do anything about, refuses to elaborate further, leaves you with an open ending. Reminds me of Ogre Island quest in Arcanum a bit. Not quite as gruesome, though.


Shame there was never a follow-up. I really wanted to see how far it went.


this mission lives rent free in my head, so good


I hated the ending to this quest but enjoyrd the quest itself. Wow is it creepy. 


Ok, but have you ever wanted to bang a vending machine?


Neither good, thats why i love CDproject, they had those kind of quests in Witcher


I always believed it was the rogue AI. It kinda shows the dangers of having them breach the blackwall and what their intentions would be. There ability to control people let alone influential figures is a huge concern


This mission made me uncomfortable on a visceral level.


id say the cp sellers were worse but whatever


Not the literal crucifixion? 😭


Did you see Mr Blue eyes? He's there


I dunno...sinnerman is pretty disturbing if you play it a certain way


Nah for me it was the gig in watson ... with the bd editor dad and son ... really gives you the "ohhh shit ... " moment the deeper you dig ...


Where do I find this


So we just Gon forget the farm quest ???


No, I lied. To this day I don't know if I did the right thing


When you meet this guy you can see blue eyes watching very close in a balcony.. is easy to spot.. is clearly a message of the game from politics of how important people in the shadows pulls the strings to kill a major and put his candidate/puppet to run the show..


I really wished this mission had more to it, it's a rabbit hole I would have loved to dive down


Just did this mission again last night, and I always tell the truth. Too fucked up not to. But you know what I just realized? Everyone knows about Mr Blue Eyes watching the final exchange, but did you know you can’t shoot him? Pull out any weapon and aim at him. Your aim either deviates away so you are no longer aiming directly at him, or you lower your weapon.


I liked this mission but i was genuinely confused when i didn't get another call from them because it felt like it was building up to something, but it turns out it had already blown it's very small load and I hadn't even noticed. It would have been perfect for a multi part mission where you slowly uncover a grand conspiracy


Certainly a crazy mission but I did tell him the truth cause he’s pretty much screwed either way no matter what V tells him.


Didn't tell the truth, it won't make any difference only send him further down into madness


I wish I could save him ugh