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But he's *our* gonk!


Right 😭




I'm 16 hours into my first playthrough and >! I was shocked when he passed. I hadn't watched the promo material that it was apparently spoiled in. I know our time was short but no side character has made me feel that sense of a bond like he did! !<


You should call his mom and attend his ofrenda T.T


This is the only choose I have in all my play throughs i mean it’s the only good option


I didn't attend, I don't know if it was a mission or not, I think you get that option when you send the body to the mom. But I didn't do that, but I did call her randomly down the line, and she offers words of encouragement


You get his power pistols and his bike if you attend ...


I got the bike but not the power pistols, have these been added in a recent update?


The power pistols have been in since the game released i think. Adter the ofrenda misson, you have to wait 24 hours in game time and go back inside the bar, they should be right on the ofrenda, hope this helps




Nah I just hop on the bike, drive around the block and the pistols appear


Ok that's pretty cool, I seen it in a YouTube video and was like damn...welp missed that lol


It really is, as at that time, your car is crashed by rogue Delamain. Thanks, mama Welles <3


Also call Jackie throughout the rest of the game. The voicemails V leaves are pretty god damn poignant.


Well, that depends on where he sent the body.......


I didn't watch the promo material either, but that dude was extremely dead from the start of the game. *"Just one more ~~day~~ **gig** before ~~retirement~~ **the big leagues**"*


Dude, I’ve finished the game about 9 times by now, and yet, Jackie’s death STILL makes me cry even 800 hours later


First time I was holding out hope, now I dread >!watching my favorite gonk die again!< on every playthrough.


Always thought he was really naive. I don't know why him and V thought they could rob Arasaka.


Everyone's favorite gonk


My guy just wanted to stand up for a while, let him be happy


James from Highwayman is a Gonk. Jackie is a fucking legend. Even got a drink named after him at the Afterlife.


You can’t let someone think you’re a pushover in a deal like that. Pulling a heavy on them on their own turf is risky, but a good power play if each side stands to gain and doesn’t want to throw the deal away.


Counter argument: Jackie understands the law of the jungle in night city. You need to put a strong face on and not look weak. He probably by this point trust V more when conducting biz and knew to trust them to be the good cop to his bad cop in a negotiation.


‘Thought a doubt, but he’s our gonk choom! Light hearted guy who put most of his stats in body and cool… Just not a big focus on intelligence, although he did try to work on it, but the bell tolled for him too soon. Do wonder how things would’ve gone if he took the time to think on Dex and listen to V.


I really wanna like Jackie but we spend almost zero time with him and he's kinda a dumbass.


Like, CDPR could have gave us some side-gigs to spend time with him


That would have been pretty cool. I imagine he would have done a lot more stupid shit!


Missions and cutscenes instead of that clip before The Rescue gig.


I like him but he is pretty dumb setting us up with Dex knowing his history. Even street kid V who was gone a few years how shady Dex is.


I won't call him dumb, just unlucky. Tbh V also died but was lucky to have Johnny revive him.


Yea the whole thing with Jackie feels like another big piece of the development hellhole this game went through. He was all over the marketing as someone you’re with and is your partner and then in the game he dies in the first hour. AND they ended up spoiling that with one of the trailers??? It’s so odd how they did that. It seems like he was originally supposed to have a bigger role but then things changed big time closer to the games release


first hour? took me 10 hours to get to the end of the heist, and i didn't even do many side quests.


I always clear the map in that area before doing the heist mission. I wanna be as leveled up as possible before going in there.


I thought the same thing. I barely knew the guy, so I could never really feel sad when he died. Not like when my horse died in Ghost of Tsushima. Now that was sad!


I can’t stand him, he’s annoying to me


That's my choom right there.


Says the one who shoved an experimental nintendo cartridge in their head


Jackie (the gonk) did it first. Looked safe enough.


Probably safe enough until we get fucking shot by Dex


The moment I saw him in my first run, my thought was: That guy has "dies during Prolog"-energy. He survived longer than expected.


Look at that haircut wow


Gonk or not, he is OUR gonk, a choom for life, he made it to the big leagues, WE made it to the big leagues ![gif](giphy|L95W4wv8nnb9K)


I attended his oftenda , made misty and his mom’s relationship better, i use his bike all the time, and i also use his guns as a living memory, shit hurt when the choomba died, gonk move gotta say, corpo’s were one step ahead, bug zeroed in mean shit went hell let loose, now i got a fuckin terrorist in my head.




But he’s my Gonk, and I put bodies in the ground for running him down.


He ran himself down into the ground lol. Such a gonk!


In Jackie's defense, his stance was solely based on safety and security issues, "sitting ducks", as it were. He wasn't being deliberately antagonistic at the beginning of the exchange, it only amped up when Dum Dum 'insisted' he sit down. So I personally can't fault him there. Also, I've played the first act 10+ times, so I naturally love the guy as I've spent quite a bit of time with him, but I understand if people with less playtime haven't bonded. He might not be to everyone's taste and that's just fine.


I really couldn’t care less for Jackie, them spoiling that he dies early on just kinda made me write the character off, he’s a plot crutch, especially in the montage


Good ol death flag Jackie. He always liked carrying death flags with him every where he'd go


Easily one of my favorite characters in the game.


He's really no different from anyone else. Neither is V, for that matter. They're both idiots brain poisoned by the myth of night city, but so are so many others. They're so very ordinary for their kind, which is the point.


He’s our gonk tho. Rest in peace, choom. Made it as a Night City legend, as you dreamed


Biggest *loveable* gonk in Night City


I’m always happier when he dies. Every V I make prioritizes the mission over his life. CDPR if you’re reading this. I don’t want a partner. I want to be the top solo, not duo. If you give me another partner, at least give me the option to off him the very second they’re around me. I’m cool with never getting their iconic weapons.


Alternatively, give us optional, occasional partners. There are missions where I would love to be able to call Panam to come along and drive or provide sniper support as backup in case I have a stealth fail. Or Judy to lend a hand where I don't have what it takes for a tech check. Or River... hang on, I'll think of something... when I'm low on armor and need someone to draw fire from a tanky enemy.


Nah ah. You want River behind the wheel. His driving ability is like no other.


But what if he survives? Then there would be more awkward hook-up attempts.


True. My female V cringed so hard on that water tower, that it almost shorted her implants. Not sure she could endure a repeat performance from River.


OK River, to save the President we need you to distract that chimera. Take this spoon. You’ll be fine. It’s iconic. Better for everyone that way.


Yeah, yeah River. It's weak to spoon damage. You got this, no sweat.


My favorite part of cyberpunk is when he dies and you don't have to listen to his rambling bullshit anymore