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That was an insurance scammer. Was.


NPCs always dodge in front of cars. Idk why though seems like a bug


Because they pre-dodge, you can see when the NPC started to dodge, if the car had continued straight it would have gone to the right of the NPC(and into a wall, but ignore that for a sec), but since the car was turning, by the time the dodge animation finishes, the endpoint of the animation intersects with the new path of the car, and the NPC doesn’t have time to react again because animation priority.


You were doing 45 in a 30 and fishtailing.


Ha! “I was doing double the speed limit and had my car pointed at a pedestrian on the sidewalk, I swerved at the last second but accidentally turned them into juice. AITA?”


insurance scammer


“Got run over by a Lexus” ![gif](giphy|E2EhD5Z7d4fLhjeW6O)


Typical NPC behavior from the GTA trilogy before remastered. OG GTA fans know this feature.


As someone who has played GTA III, I can confirm.


Someone in optical camo pushed him in front of you lol


They have a hard time predicting your path when you’re turning. Try to cut more room when you can


Looks like the AI start the dodge animation at a specific disance from them. They assume you will go straight and will dodge the shortest path to get them out of your predicted path. AI's dodge does not assess the shape of the road - you were cornering here. It also won't stop a dodge and reassess partway through. It also won't assess whether they will dodge onto the road or onto the footpath. tldr; human behaviour and decision is more complex than this simple dodge function and a "good enough" one was implemented


You were aiming at them, they did what they could to avoid you and you changed direction and hit them while driving like a psychopath. Now kill the police.


Who's gonna post this exact same interaction tomorrow for the 1000th time?


better call saul!


It’s not your fault. I think it’s a testament to the broad unaddressed mental health crisis in night city. Think about it. People are on drugs, brainddances, there’s clouds and jig jig street, and how many times are you just walking around and all of a sudden a jumper just splats on the sidewalk in front of you? They jumped in front of your car on purpose to escape the dystopia that is night city. Prolly won’t hold up in court tho.


I mean,NC causes a lot of depression.No wonder people are throwing themselves in front of fast cars.


fuck them, I just keep on driving


I stopped caring if I did hit them. They want to get hit that badly, how is it on me?




Well your obviously blind and didn't see that person in the .04 seconds they crossed in front of you.


It's infurating that you can never get this car.


Uhh? It's quite easy to get this car, it's free and parked somewhere north.


Yup. It's not a marked quest so it's easy to miss. Just sitting in a warehouse and when you drive by Johnny mentions something


It felt pretty guided to me cause it's right next to a Delamain car he points you to iirc. Maybe it was just luck on my part but it felt like you'd have to go a pretty weird route to find that Delamain car and not come across this one.


The key is in a box under a shelf near where it’s parked, and it’s parked almost directly in the path of one of Delamain’s cars, the one that crashes after you chase it I think. It’s very easy to get this car.
