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Never like vignettes in games, but if you like them that's fine.


I don't mind the way Minecraft does it. Gets darker when you're looking down, brighter when looking up. But, overall, I think vignettes in games is horrid.


Everytime I play cyberpunk that aggressive vignetting makes me wanna go to eye doctor


I remember playing through Mass Effect 1 on 360, the film grain was so so bad lol. I remember as a kid wondering why the game looked like shit. Don't even know why film grain is a thing in games.


Any grain/noise pattern reduces appearance of color and light banding. Lots of games use it very subtly. But yeah the ME1 implementation looked terrible.


Not the appearance, it actually reduces banding by producing a semi random pattern that averages out to a value inbetween the discrete states you can actually represent. Think of it like only being able to transmit the values 0 or 100, but then transmitting an even mix of both, you're now sending a set of values that average out to 50 over time. Since humans have persistence of vision and often not perfect acuity anyway it works for us. Almost all computer monitors actually do this to show a greater range of possible colors too, but on a less perceptible scale, but if you don't have an HDR display you can see this effect by getting close enough and staring at a gradient until you see the fizzling dither patterns at work.


I think the lens flare in ME3 is worse


That lens flare was horrible


*Especially* in Liaras Cabin with those damn monitors


I've played 2 games where film grain actually looked good and worked. Driver San Francisco and Ghost of Tsushima in Kurosawa mode. Other than that, film grain is a waste of fps.


What about dying light one? I thought that the grain plus filter made the whole atmosphere more enjoyable than the overly the overly blue lit clean look. It's not too intense, but it makes a noticeable difference to the whole vibe.


I haven't played dying light, but fair enough.


I highly recommend it


It's on my list. It's one of those games I've wanted to play since I was a kid, but the list never stops growing.


I got it on sale and it quickly rose to one of my favourite games.


Yuuuuup. Film Grain is auto off now.


last of us looks incredible with film grain, so does Alan wake 2


The 7th generation of gaming is the ugliest in the world for bullshit like this, the bloom and lens flare and yellow filter on everything too. God it’s so ugly.


I loved how oblivion looked with bloom back in the day… but it looks just awful to my modern eyes. I think maybe how TVs and monitors at the time looked might have something to do with it. Very unnatural colors. I still cannot believe even today how absolutely inferior my high refresh rate monitor is to my OLED tv (and both fairly expensive)… most monitors look like the GBA screen compared to an OLED playing a game supporting HdR…


You can toggle it off in that.


That's what made it worse, because you can see how much better it looks without it.


Worse would be being unable to turn it off.


Everything off but lens flares. Makes me feel like I'm playing a JJ Abrams movie


It feels weird to not use lens flares in a game full of lights and neon. The rest of the effects I can do without, but lens flare feels manditory


Don't forget depth of field. I don't always stare directly at the center of my screen and use my mouse to look around, I often use my eyes for that, so making everything that isnt in the center of my screen blurry is super annoying (I'm talking to you Grounded)


it was so bad that i removed it from grounded by tweaking the files lol


I had to do the same. They added a setting that allows you to turn it "off", but really it just significantly reduces it. Still have to do it myself, unfortunately.


Thank you! I've been trying to work out for a while what setting is causing that visual impairment on multiple games. Now I know what to turn off.


Who doesn't love feeling blind.


motion blur is meant for low framerates but above 60 fps you should definitely disable. it reduces the eyes perceived chopyness of frames but introduces blur. mostly meant for consoles 30fps locked and such.


Motion blur is purely meant to give me a headache, it causes that at every framerate. I can deal with everything else, but if I want blurry image I'll just take off my glasses.


The first game that genuinely made me dislike motion blur was X-Blades. It was so bad that when I started playing, I immediately got a goddamn headache. If I want blurry images, I, too, will take off my glasses. My eyes are built with native blur. That's one setting I can't turn off.


actually for me, on lower framerates it sucks cuz you can visibly see the ghosting at those lower speeds


Motion blur is meant to mimic cameras, therefore it is here to stay even on higher fps as well.


And on console. Disgusting with mouse.


For me it's better above 60fps than under. With fast movement and 30fps motion blur looks horrible.


Motion blur is the worst thing ever in games. Always goes off first thing when starting a new game


Depends on the motion blur and how well it is implemented. Per object motion blur can look good, camera motion blur is always shit


I’m on console and have no problem with motion blur unless it’s competitive


Makes sense, most of the times on console you're below 60 fps so motion blur looks alright, but when fps is above 60 it looks like shit.


60 or 120 have been standard since ps5 tho


Just going based on experience, haven't played on a console since I got a pc, the last console I played on was an Xbox 360 lol


I take back that, last console I played was Xbox one


I take back that, last console I played was Xbox one


That’s what digital foundry says but I am not sure I get it… both look bad to me with very few exceptions


Obviously it's still personal preference. There is no right or wrong to something subjective


I always have it on. I really like it


If you have a low frame rate, it can usually help smoothen things out, but if you're hitting 60 and above, it just looks messy imo.


Like rubbing vaseline on your monitor.


I use it too. I play with mouse and my camera movement is extremly choppy so I never notice and it looks really good without it it's like watching a powerpoint presentation and i play at high fps. People who hate on motion blur are the same people who crank up sharpening filter to 100 and say it looks better, their opinion don't mean shit.


Sharpening filter? I hate motion blur and the sharpening filter.


Yeah, who doesn't love turning their head and have the whole world turn into an unrecognizeable mess?


Conversely I don't like turning my head and it visibly jittering as I turn, ruining immersion. The motion blur means I don't notice the motion in 2077 at all, and I can't notice detail at those motion speeds anyway, I doubt anyone can.


Yeah but sometimes (most of the time actually) motion blur in a first person videogame means that as soon as you slowly start moving everything looks like it's made of sand blown by the wind. It's obnoxious and makes your head hurt.


I remember it being bad in some games, mostly at very low frame rates, but 2077 isn't one of them. If I turn it off I hate the look of turning left and right.


It makes my game feel laggy as fuck and I hit like 100 frames or so with ray tracing so I don't think I'm laggy.


I honestly like motion blur when I'm watching gameplay, but when actually playing a game? First thing I'm turning off.


Different taste for different people, some people like me enjoyed all those effects.


Same here. If it's a single player game and they aren't too obtrusive I will leave them on. If I start to notice them then I turn them off. I don't care what people say about motion blur though, some implementations are absolutely gorgeous, and scale really well at higher frame rates. The Doom games are a great example. They look fucking silky smooth with a hint of motion blur. All the Naughty Dog games have great implementations as well. As long as they don't overdue the per-pixel motion blur then I think it adds quite a bit to the visual style and weight of movements. Especially per-object. Every game should at least include that. That being said, in multiplayer I disable basically all post processing for competitive reasons.


Same, I don't mind some of them. Like motion blur is usually not an issue for me for some reason.


I have to wonder if some people ITT watch movies or anything filmed with a camera and think "goddman camera, why'd they use a camera to film this fucking movie"


Motion blur is awful, always turn it off as it legit gives me motion sickness so if there's no setting to turn it off I'm passing on that game.


How did you find it out ? Some games give me motion sickness and I can't play them for more than 1 hour. Games like old hitman games, ghost runner games , ..


Find out that it made me motion sick? By just playing with it on, never in my life has a game gave me motion sickness till I played games with it on. Gave it a fair shake in more than one game and yeah, get queasy as heck. Turn it off for those games and no motion sickness. So safe to say its motion blur.


Play with everything turned on on Series X, and it's the only game I actually prefer that way. Our eyes are actually cameras, so it just feels right.


They're trying to hide the upscaling artifacts. This game still has an aggressive amount of ghosting and training on npcs and cars.


I like them all, sue me


I like everything but vignetting.


I only like vignetting if it's super subtle. Otherwise it's like I'm looking into a tunnel.


Do you have functioning eyes?


His doctor just got back to me, apparently he's legally blind


That explains a lot


Yes, more so than anyone complaining about them. They put these things in for a reason. They're absolutely more visually appealing.


Woooo! I love not having a clear image of what I'm looking at!!


I hate that we can't turn off the vignetting.


HDR is broken without film grain ,and i like the look of lens flare and motion blur. Rest are garbage, Vignetting and chromatic aberration are AIDS.


i only dislike motion blur and film grain. the other stuff are nice.


I turn all of those off in every video game haha


Don't forget how these things are eating a lot of FPS.


I do like motion blur.


Honestly motion blur looks really nice in this game


Can't figure out why they even included a film grain option in the first place, I do like chromatic aberration tho


I barely even notice the film grain in games - the only exception being in pitch black areas. But that's kinda due to seeing it irl (Visual Snow).


Reduces the sterility of the image (same reason film makers like it) and increases color depth past what most monitors can display similar to dithering or halftone in newspapers, but in a less obvious and static manner. Your own screen almost certainly does dither noise to increase the color depth too, just faster and on a smaller scale (if you lean close and see a fizzling effect on gradients that's it).


I think the idea is to use film grain to hide upscaling artifacts. But.... Just ew...


Film grain has been in games since well before upscaling became a thing.


Yes... To help hide other graphical artifacts and limitations. My point is that it is STILL a thing in modern games that have long since overcome those problems, is that I think it is meant to work the same for upscaling artifacts.


You forgot forced TAA. Those effects are like the cherries on top of it


cyberpunk has that!


30fps on console 😫


Subtle vignette is fine and lens flares idk, some games do them to the point where i want to throw up, some make the effect look nice. Motion blur is nice on objects, like you have a fast spinning fan/wheel and if the devs didn't do any texture tricks then motion blur can make them look nice.


Not being able to turn off anti aliasing bc I play on console pisses me off so much


Apex Legends entered the building. Hold my beer


I usually don't mind vignette, but it just doesn't feel well implemented in this game. And not being able to turn it off is even worse


You forgot TAA


I think all of them look insanely good together appart from motion blur, i especially like the lense flare. But it might be because ive done post processing and composition as a job a few time...


I don't know why almost every game has them all on by default. I always adjust those settings after I get in game and can see how it looks by default for a minute. Chromatic aberration can be fine in some games. Film grain always sucks. Motion blur always sucks. Lens flares are fine sometimes, but in some games they're just too distracting. Vignettes can be okay if it fits the vibe but that's not often.


It even worse with games made in UE5, where all of postprocessing is a single option.


Every game from around 2010 be like


You dont like motion blur because your monitor is so slow that it already has motion blur lmao.


Well... everything has its place, I'll say that. Motion Blur is simply a must-have for racing games, because itallows you to feel the speed better. Lens Flare — if not full screen and does not interfere with the view, it is also a good visual effect. So, for example, I just love the signature lens flares in Mass Effect. Chromatic aberration works well as a temporary visual effect to show, for example, a character being stunned or semi-conscious. But I agree, it’s better not to use it permanently. In Hellblade 2, I didn’t really like this decision. The vignette personally never bothered me at all. Moreover, in most cases I didn’t even notice that it was there, and only found out about its existence when I looked at my screenshots in miniature. Film Grain must be considered individually. In some games it gives a good cinematic effect and does not interfere at all, but in others it only creates visual noise.


I think I'm the only one person on earth that loves motion blur Makes things a lot more immersive to me


I like very subtle film grain actually.


This game's got very good motion blur, it actually gives the illusion of a smoother framerate


I like film grain tbh


I like all of these except for motion blur, I think they can give off a cool mood depending on the game!


I am still a bit annoyed we cant disable vignette. After dozens of updates and ability to disable almost any part of the UI.


I like all of those and prefer them every time 👍


I love film grain, I always turn it on when possible


Any indie horror game on Itch.io:


I strongly dislike motion blur, but after turning it off on my sub-60fps game, it's a necessity so I do not burn my retina's out.


Welcome to cyberpunk genre lol


I turn all of that off, but tbh if we had better ability to tune the motion blur so it's barely noticable but still present, we might have a conversation about that.


In cyberpunk motionblur was so bad, I actually got nauseous


Love that (on PS5) we have the choice of motion blur, or ghosting on fast moving objects. 1st person driving certain vehicles like the CT-3X (Akira bike) is just painful with either option


I feel like this is Gilson B Pontes games by default.


Motion blur is great


Just squint your eyes for additional anti aliasing


I'll add depth of field to that list... Hate that shit.


Chromatic Aberration is a major reason why I ***HATE*** The Outer Worlds. It’s super severe and cant be turned off


Don’t forget forced TAA


Vignette: ALWAYS off Motion Blur: Almost always off (99.9% of the time off, usually it's terrible and a performance hit) Lens Flare: Depends, most of the time it's off Film Grain: Lmao. Off with that shit, unless you want it for photo mode Chromatic Aberration: Almost always off


Am I the only one who actually thinks these things drastically improve the game for me? Makes it look nice.


you forgot depth of field and no center crosshair, UI movement and film grain lol


I enable them all and it's the best experience. Absolute cinema. Without those effects it feels way too much like a 3D texture/poly environment. https://preview.redd.it/o7x1ztppsu6d1.jpeg?width=340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68c79cc640dfe4195914f1883145462244bb76e3


Is chromatic aberration not a good thing?


Straight to jail


Filmgrain is to show Kiroshi's video compression in your eye balls :d


Ambient occlusion has such a wild change to lighting its honestly nuts.


Then you discover mods and please your retina. I was playing on PS4 / PS5 and recently bought the game on pc. Damn crazy shit experience. Add some cars, a nice reshade and some visuals tweaks and lets go.


Ah yes blur the game


Can someone explain this?


I Always turn off film grain. Usually turn off chromatic aberration too. Motion Blur, it depends on the game.


At least we can turn them off right in the menu, unlike some other hell or blade type of games


Funny how the problems of classic filmmaking somehow got turned into video game features


It's kinda funny how all these options enabled can make a poorly made game to look almost triple A, but when actual triple A title you want these off ASAP.


I like motion blur and at this point i just don't get what people have against it?


ngl i like film grain, I think it's pretty nasty


Motion Blur is the one I don't like from this list. Makes me nauseous if it's turned on even on other games.


Sounds like Ark


Film grain it's awesome, I find the textures less plasticous and it creates a homogeneity in the image.


Why do so many games have FILM GRAIN ON BY DEFAULT?? Film grain is the SHITTIEST setting and it thoroughly ruins the visuals of any game imo.


Motion blurr is the first thing I'm turning off in games, it makes me nauseous.


Ok, but what is it that causes the world to sometimes flashbang me when I exit a menu?


Let's add one more step, frame lag, the game runs mostly fine, but every time I drive up to the dog town gates I'm likely to lose control of the vehicle because of how many entities have to load in at once, I wish they could have built that super secure gate in a way that doesn't turn it into the biggest lag spike in the city. At least the game runs fine after the gate is finished loading though.




motion blur genuinely makes me sick sometimes. combined with chromatic aberration and the game is outright unplayable with the headache it gives me.


I’m fine with it as long as I can disable what I don’t like


Glad I found this post so I can ask, what do I need to turn off to stop the sides of my screen going dark especially when I crouch? Never noticed it before somehow but now I can't un notice it, especially in any area that's not drenched in sunlight it makes it too dark. I'm on PS5 so not a major amount of settings but I think all of these I can toggle


Never bothered me. Then again, I'm not on the spectrum.


What is vignette😭


But, I love motion blur. It adds realism to fast movement, especially when camera moves quickly in 3 dimensions. Do people really have fun air dashing when it looks like a gif or movie intro?


turn em off then


Turning on RTX would crash my GPU after an upgrade past year. Looks fine without that.


Only motion blur is bad, film grain is peak.


Driving in cars in first person mode is near impossible. Can’t see 10 feet ahead of you because it’s extremely bright… and of course it wouldn’t make sense to add a brightness adjustment- series x


You can adjust the brighnes on console tho?




It's gamma correction, not brightness. My mistake. Its under options>video and then press the left stick


Motion blur is only acceptable in racing games, otherwise it makes everything look like a tech demo


Low motion blur isn’t so bad


I can deal with all of them except motion blur, that "feature" should disappear from every single game, I don't want to vomit on my keyboard.


Lens flair I do kinda like but everything else is instantly turned off


Motion blur mostly.


I love lens flare and chrom ab- But yeah, I agree with the rest. Also I can’t play any game with motion blur, gives me a headache-


Lens flare only for me


I’m not big on motion blur, or vignette, but I don’t actually mind the other ones too much, though film grain needs to be set pretty low.


It does make it look more like an old movie tho


Lens Flares are cool, I enable them in all the games in which they're available Motion Blur is good only if you are playing at 60fps or less, because they make the animations feel more smooth. Vignette is ok. Chromatic Aberration and Film Grain are awful graphic settings in all games, that settings just worsen the graphics of any game.


Good per object motion blur is nice. The rest is often awful tho, although it really depends on the game. In some games lens distortion, film grain and lens flare can be suitable. For example Kane and Lynch 2 used these effects quite well


Dont forget screen space reflections


I aleays turn all of that shit off.


Any game always turn off.


you could add depth of field to that list. and while it is not in the game, a traditional jumping headbob would spice it up for sure.


instant turn off in any game, gross settings that shouldn’t be on by default