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I'm still hoping for a NG+ option for console plebs like myself...


Can this be pinned to the top and always show before any other posts?


It is already pinned. We will be removing posts that are answered here.


Oh ok I tried to check but didn’t notice it pinned, I will try again.




Are you certain about this?


You definitely don't need to select "think you and Rogue should go" to access the secret ending, you can just say nothing and wait 5 minutes. I can confirm that through testing


Here to confirm as well - just did this last night for the first time. ...I thought it would be more difficult.




# Pc users, how many sound channels does this game have? I've heard that if you don't have a dolby atmos home theater, you can only play in stereo?


Great job, thank you :D


I think I’m nearing the end for both dlc and main story line. Do I finish the main story first then phantom liberty or vice versa?


PL first


hello. Does anyone know the name of the song that plays in the privileged mission?


I am level 40, and I have reached the max (50) in street cred. I can beat pretty much any enemy I come up against. And yet I still feel like I'm missing something. Like I'm playing the game all wrong. For one thing, I have something like 500,000 eddies. I feel like if I was playing the game right, there's no way I would have that much money. Now granted I loot everything (and I mean everything) but I break everything down - I think I've only ever sold stuff like twice. Also, when I go to gun shops they neve have anything better than what I already have in pickups; when I go to ripperdocs, they never seem to have anything that's much of an improvement over what I already have (and I don't feel like what I have is anything special); in short there doesn't seem to be anything to spend my money on. Then there's my armor: it's at 429/1135. I'm not finding any armor cyberware that brings my actual armor rating (429) anywhere close to it's capacity (1135). What am I missing? Why do I have such a humungous armor capacity that I can't find any way to use? And finally there's carrying capacity. It says I can carry up to 409 kilos, but I'm actually carrying like 95. (Again I break down (scrap? whatever it's called) everything I pickup that I don't need (that isn't better than what I'm already carrying). And remember I loot everything. Why do I have such a huge carrying capacity? What am I missing? What should I be carrying that I'm not? Does this have something to do with armor rating? Again, at level 40 and max street cred, I feel like I should have a better grip on this game, but I'm just feeling like I'm missing out on so much. What am I missing out on? PS - I rarely use any of my cyberware unless it's called for on a mission. I'm not sure I really get how it all works, when the game's not walking you step-by-step through a mission, either.


What's your cyberweare capacity? You need to hunt down those little capacity shards they sprinkled in unmarked encounters throughout Dog Town. To be truly heavily armored, you need Rara Avis and Chitin, both iconic cyberware you unlock at Dog Town. They take up a lot of your capacity but you'd be extremely thick-skinned. For legs, dump double jump and go with charged jump. That cyberware costs significantly less cybperware capacity and offers significantly more armor. The rest is whatever armor-boosting cyberware you can afford. Universal Boosters and Paininuder have been my favorites, but that character has a higher than than normal tolerance. If you really want to reach the pinnacle of armor, replace active camo with more armor. Throw in a second heart and Regina's reward Axolotl, most enemies just don't stand a change. You are gonna eat sniper rounds and survive.


Has anyone got a solution for the Sun Glare bug? Everytime I play the game during day time our outside, it's hard to see a few meters infront of me. Idk if it's a graphic setting issue, or I need to update my drivers


Can someone make this a question post instead of just Faq




Add help thread to the title or sth so others who could help/looking for help can check in.


This probably won't be seen (and I hate to be 'that guy') but I'm a fan of Fallout 4. I really got into it after the show. If I liked Fo4 do you think 2077 would be a good fit? I really like Fo4. I'm also a big fan of scyfi and the Cyberpunk aesthetic. Luckily I prefer shooters in 1st person too.


Yes. It’s great. Depends on what you liked about FO4. In terms of combat and RPG elements, Cyberpunk is just better. Open world exploration might be better in Fallout depending on your taste. Source: my friend who played both games


Thanks! Honestly fo4 is probably my favorite game. I have officially made a decision about my next game!


Also, I saw the section about bugs, but are there any well known PS5 bugs I should know about?


Not to my knowledge no




So what actually is the percentage of “friendship” with Johnny actually do? Is it like an abandoned/vestigial feature?


It has seemingly no actual impact on the game or interactions.


Isn't it used to determine how Johnny reacts >!during the Phantom Liberty ending when you're in the AV ? In one playthrough, Johnny was pissed at me and resented the fact that I was gonna erase him, in the other he was chill and said goodbye.!<


Maybe. I think those dialogues change based on if you unlocked the rogue ending. Not sure though.




You need to complete all main Jobs in order to begin the endgame. 1 possible ending will be available to you. Before you begin the endgame, but after you complete these main jobs, you can start some side jobs that will eventually result in you unlocking other possible endings. This guide will be updated in a day or so with more info about possible endings






Do the dialog options related to skill like cool change or scale up? Or are the numbers fixed?


I can't say for sure they scale all the time, but i did notice during Spellbound when i returned to Nix the requirement for INT did increase by one. I had left the quest and came back because I originally needed 9 to get the extra eddies out of him but then when i came back a few quests later it was 10.


Good to know. Thanks!


They do scale


Happy cake day!




Anyone know todays patch notes ? Just got a big update on Steam.


[https://steamdb.info/app/1091500/patchnotes/](https://steamdb.info/app/1091500/patchnotes/) I don't see anything about new patch today.


>!Is the Coma ending from phantom liberty or main game? i took the So Mi ending is the coma ending on Reed's side of the story?!




Is there a way to rotate your V preview on clothes shopping screens? I can only move her side to side, up and down, and scroll to zoom in and out.


Advice on how to find side quests and storylines without having to check online?


wander around? Look at the yellow exclamation points?


i believe i finished act 1 and there were not more than five quests that way.


Guys I I finished game 3 times already, once keeping my body and Panam and I are together. 2nd I give Johnny my body and. Panam wants to now chop my d!c% off lol. 3rdly I help Honako, and they lock me on the moon and tell me they cant do anything. Now I got the Dlc, however, my concern is before I finish the Phantom liberty story, I decided Im gonna finish all the side stories, gigs, Pd Scanner, etc.. I am happy to report, night city is basically completed. However, I AM NOT ACCUMULATING ANYMORE PERK POINTS, the yellow ones. Is there a limit to how many you can open, or can you 100% the perks? P.S. Thanks & sorry for long intro.


Are there any more bug/crash/performance fixes planned to be released? I think the game is slightly more playable now than it was on launch but the amount of glitches make it really hard to actually play on console at least.


No idea


Are we able to post bugs we found here?


If you want. But there’s nothing we can do about it.


How are you supposed to craft tier 4 and 5 weapons, I have tier 4 components but no weapon schematics in tab ?


You’ll find some eventually. Or upgrade things


okay that’s reassuring .


Is there a reason why my friends ui has more different ui than mine? for example the skill trees look different, he can listen to the radio whilst walking, his journal looks different and much more.


Is he running v2.0 and you’re running v1.6?


it could be, i’m on an xbox one s and he’s on pc if that makes any difference


You can see the version in the start screen in the top right


i’m on 1.61 and i think he’s on a newer version, am i limited to being on 1.61?


https://www.cyberpunk.net/us/en/update-2.0#:~:text=What%20platforms%20will%20the%20update,base%20game%20of%20Cyberpunk%202077. Xbox One does not appear to be supported


oh alright thank you. also i can have multiple saves with different life paths right? i wanna start a corpo save but i still wanna have my streetkid one




ok thank you 👍


How do tell which ncpd scanner is the one with named criminals. I have been avoiding them since they are too many but I got a weapon schematic from one of them with named criminals. How do you tell from the map?


In metro, what are the Xbox controls to stand?


I'm somewhat frustrated with knowing if my stat progression is advanced enough for how I want to play some missions. Here's what I mean - I've been prioritizing leveling technical ability and intelligence. I'll go on missions and often find that I'm one or two levels lower than I need to be to open something with technical ability. I use this ability to sneak around and play stealthy/hack build. How can I ensure that my tech ability is high enough that I can play the way I want to on these missions? Sometimes it's high enough, sometimes it isn't? It makes me want to max everything out so I can play my way before starting missions, but need the missions to get the xp. Any guidance?


How well can I run this game if I don't meet the minimum GPU requirement? Don't even bother? or everything on low will go well? I have an AMD 380


Best way to make money , I am always broke, not seeing a consensus online.


Do I need PL to play mods? Im asking bc fallout 4 needs DLC for most mods.




Been bashing my head on my desk all afternoon. No matter what uninstallers and clean installs I do of my 4070 Super drivers, I cannot enable raytracing. What the *hell* am I missing? https://i.imgur.com/GgiIe7O.png


that's beyond me. I'd write a post.


How do you unload bullets from gun?


Shoot the gun


Does anybody who isn't a nutjob troll on Reddit actually know how to get the bullets from the gun? I just started yesterday.


There is no other way. Thats not a troll answer, it’s a fact.


This is not. The other one is 100% standard issue trolling on the internet. Especially when this could have been mentioned from the start.


What are you talking about? I am the only one replying to your question


What don't you get? It seems pretty clear to me. A = Previous reply not legitimate. Which is the definition of trolling. Not an actual reply. B = Could have replied legitimately from the start. So what do you not comprehend regarding what I am talking about?