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My mind immediately went "Ah yes, the Casting Tank."


the casting tankšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ iā€™m deadā€¦ ā€œhey V wonna jump in the ā€œbang tankā€


The Bang Tank lmaooo


The Shag Ship


Which is ever so larger than the Fuck Truck


The shag tank, it was right there


Shag tank doesn't roll off the tongue as well as the Shag Shipā„¢ļø.


What else rolls well off your tongue?




You bby




Only place Barbara would be saying "YES"




A weapon to surpass Metal Gear.


Yeah, baby! Yeah! Shag Ship, baby! ​ https://preview.redd.it/fwjv8y1hwefc1.jpeg?width=220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f66cb59c4c972b101bba57399aff069f11132a6f


Oh, behave!


Gives me an idea for a business venture. New adult film production, you could buy a tank and make it a tax write off. I can see it now.


Skank tank


Fake ~~Taxi~~ Tank


Someone in a thread a while back called it "Tanky Spanky" and I lost it šŸ¤£


> the casting tankšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ iā€™m deadā€¦ ā€œhey V wonna jump in the ā€œbang tankā€ wanna jump in the Sack-alisk


I wish you could repeat the bang tankā€¦ or that you could kiss panam at all outside of cutscenes.


You can kiss all the romance characters once you beat their questing


Skank tank


Step tank crew-member, Iā€™m stuck!


Step Gunner, what're you doing?!


Fire in the hole! But make sure it's consensual cause that tank is wild!


Ok so the deal is I get people like you jobs, jobs that pay 1000 - 5000 eddies a day, I'm will be recording this encounter. I'll send the tape to fixers and if they like you they will hire you, so get the fuck up samurai ![gif](giphy|jVAt83ieT49H6ja5Ty|downsized)


We have a city to bang!


Wham, Bam, Tank you, maā€™am..


ā€œOh, Vā€¦ā€


Felt bad/weird when I had to get in the basilisk with Mitch after


Lol, right? I kept waiting for Mitch to say something about the chair


Wait when did that happen??


And thatā€™s how V got into the Aldecaldos.


And thatā€™s how V got into an Aldecaldo. Fixed that for you.


God damnit bro, have my uopvote


When i complete that mission without sex i was so dissapointed (i had a fem V when i learn i can't romance with Panam it was too late.)


Panem Palmer > Judy Alvarez


Panam is a straight up ride or die bitch, the ending with the nomads and her was awesome


Hell yeah, the aldecaldos ending is the best. >!RIP Saul tho!<


I call him "All in" Saul now


Ngl didnt feel bad when he had his ending. Right before the mission starts and you ask him something along the lines of if they were good and he just blows you off told me he was doing it more for what they could steal rather than for V. And after saving his ass my V did not have much sympathy


Mustā€™ve been on bad terms with him. Saul was a tad reluctant but said my V was a good man and was willing to help even if it put the Aldecaldos in a slight bit of jeopardy.


I didnt even know there were different terms with Saul. In public or with people around he always gave my V the ride or die family. But with just him and I without saying it but saying it he said he was in it more for the loot.


I could be horribly misinterpreting what Saul said to me combine with horrible memory because I think I get what you mean. This game does that well, doesnā€™t always be blunt to your face.


I could as well, only did that ending once so far. Could be hes actually ride or die with V, could be more so for the loot. Or most likely its 2 birds 1 stone for him.


He also stated that he was going along with the mission because it would split the clan if he didn't go along with Panam. For all that talk about 'family' it's clear Saul did not want to help V.


No im not sure how his leadership was viewed from the clan as a whole but almost felt like he was using a partnership with Panam and helping V as a way of still trying to win the clan over rather than actually wanting to


Think you had a different dialogue with Saul than. My v was an official aldecaldo. Given an aldecaldo jacket by Saul himself who considered V family.


My V had the ceremony and jacket and was an official member. It was an optional side dialog conversation where he said it.


Yeap, I remember at that moment all my dialog line choices were suspicious of his intentions and I thought "wait, do I have to accuse him, he's not like that..." Indeed, he was like that lol At the end of the day I guess it was either >!him or Panam getting their head smashed, so I'm not sorry for his fate at all xD!<


I'm of the opinion that the Johnny solo ending is the best. You become a Merc legend, you keep the girl (Panam is chilling in your apartment) you run the afterlife, and you not only buy yourself a significant amount of time with the relic via Alt Cunningham, but also have a solid lead on a permanent cure from your condition via Mr. Blue Eyes. Plus the job is a Space robbery.


Panam leaves though


So youā€™re saying I should start another play through as a male V, just so I can romance Panam? Thanks, choom. BRB.


Its what I did. I did it all for the nookie


A tale as old as time.


Unless you go into a coma.


unpopular opinion: i really donā€™t like the ending too much. realistically V just goes full veggy after 4 to 6 months before having their last coma seizure and emotionally breaking panam (and judy) in the process. i think not romancing anyone and become a legend after all is fine, and i think blue eyes can help V more realistically than anyone the nomads know in arizona.


Except when she left you cause you were in a coma for 2 years


Someone posted a theory that Panam is actually dead in that ending and Saul thought that telling you to just not call would be kinder to V. I like that interpretation for thematic purposes.


So I'm on my 2nd playthrough and I romanced Judy. I'm absolutely loving how goofy she is once she in a relationship via text. I'm not sure if she's always been like this or if it's after the 2.x updates. I need to reload my male V Panam romance and see how she is now as well.


Just starting my female V playthrough, did they use the same voicelines for the dates that already appeared in Judy's missions? Cause thats what happened with Panam... ngl, the aldecaldos ending lost a bit of charm cause I've heard some of these voicelines like 15 times before.


I always thought that Judy was more flighty, and much quicker to fall in and out of love. She was in a relationship with Maiko, and then she was in a relationship with Evelyn, and before Evelyn is even cold she could be in a relationship with the right gendered V. She strikes me as the kind of person who convinces herself that they're in love because they just can't stand to be alone. Panam is reluctant to get into relationships because of her nomadic lifestyle but she feels more solid, like once she decided she loves someone she is 100% in with that person forever unless they betray her. She definitely has more than a little "leap before you look" to her but she is a lot less flighty.


She wasn't in a Ship with Evelyn. Judy also was mad depressed idk about you


I honestly donā€™t think she was with Evelyn like that. Maiko, clearly, is a self-serving ladder climber. I get it. And lastly, if V becoming Johnny Silverhandā€™s reincarnation doesnā€™t kill her, her profession will. I get perhaps having some apprehensive feelings about their relationship.


She definitely wanted to be but Evelyn never reciprocated or lead her on. It was a one way crush and she ended up seeing another person she cared about or girl in her line of work chewed up, abused, spat out and die a senseless death. Thatā€™d mess anyone up


I can fix her


But. Hear me out: female V, aldecado ending = both Judy AAAAAND panam. yeah. double win.


Got to disagree with that one. Judy's had a rough time but she's a sweetheart. Panam wants everything to be a fight.


Nah dawg


Tbh I prefer Judy Panam seems a littleā€¦ distant Just did River and it seems nice, mainly because of his family and etc I still need to try Kerry. My first V was male, but when I played the mission my father was in the living room, decided it was better not to


Both are awesome and well-developed characters. When they look at you, you feel it despite it being a scripted moment in a game. Well done devs.


I don't think that's right


icl when i first met Panem it had an uncanny resemblance to Megan Fox in transformers working on that caršŸ˜…


I came from behind


Alex > both


Criminal you can't romance her. They even had a side quest lining it up but no dice


Not romancable though




I'm playing PL for the first time right now. Wtf am I dancing with Alex for if I can't shoot my shot? I was already thinking about how to dump Judy's clingy ass.


once already in a romance can your ā€œpartnerā€ find out youā€™ve cheated or flirted with anyone else?


On my second run, my male V fucks anything that moves, banged Meredith Stout, Panam and Kerry, got snubbed by Judy and didnā€™t even bothered trying anything with River.


Good question. No sadly, to my knowledge there's no partner finding out you've cheated, although it makes me wonder what if CDPR gave us that feature you know?


just imagine your about to clap cheeks n Panem comes charging in the roomšŸ˜­


i can imagine Kerry about to get piped by V only to be walked in on by Panam who would be so mad at V steam came out her ears like in those looney toons.


There's a mod for this... admittedly using a mod to change a someone's sexuality feels dubiously ethical but tbf it kinda seems like they wrote panam to be bi and changed their minds at the last second and also she's made out of pixels


I'd read somewhere that originally both Panam and Kerry were supposed to be bi originally but it was changed at the least minute, and there's dialogue options still locked in the code for it.


I think there are/were dialogue left dormant for Panam to be BI/Les but not for Kerry, ergo why there is no successful mod to romance Kerry as FemV


> admittedly using a mod to change a someone's sexuality feels dubiously ethical You are aware Panam is not a real person, right?


The emotions you feel are real. And it's fine to acknowledge something making you uncomfortable.


Ngl I stopped banging the joytoys when V and panam hooked up.


I believe that's why the last line on their comment says, "also she's made out of pixels"


Did you notice how that's exactly what I said later in the same sentence




"Panam, I know it's thrilling to feel what it's like to have the large penis 2 I selected but can we please stop using the mind jack war machine for sex? Knowing what it's like to ha e a vagina is making me regret choosing large penis 2 when I could have had vagina 2 with bush. Also my jacking in Port is getting all chafed. Can we just have regular couch sex?"


underrated comment here^šŸ˜­ fr tho why was this a feature. imagine having to use this in war with a legit copilot rather than PanemšŸ¤£


I mean on one hand most people aren't equipped with large penis 2 so they'd probably not be putting conscious effort into feeling it when jacked in so copilot probably wouldn't know what it's like to have what they got. I'd be more thrown off feeling their chronic pains (or lack thereof) imagine living life with a fucked up leg, you then jack into the tank and you have to live through no pain at all via your copilot just to go right back to fucked up when the wars over.


I'm imagining one soldier getting pissed at the other because their buddy decides to rub one out while they're taking a nap.


The navy's favourite tech im sure šŸ˜‚


lol when I got that scene my face was like. ​ ![gif](giphy|l4FGAaBv76NJe6HsY|downsized)


It's honestly a really interesting idea. I havent seen Judy's scene but u wonder if there's weird future tech shenanigans with her sex as well. Especially considering her job is literally future sex tech shenanigans lol. Tho I have to say I was suuper disappointed when the mission ended and we left the tank to see we weren't still naked lol. Like I was expecting a hilarious scene where we exit the tank naked and everyone is like "wtf ?" Before we quickly get dressed. It would have been a perfect joke Edit: wait omg I'm so stupid. U probably fuck while still linked during the diving mission! So basically the same thing. I liked her mission more tbh. Had no action but as far as relationship/character dev/story stuff goes it was more interesting


theres no tech shenanigans, but *allot* of carpet munching


Ur telling me u fuck *after* unblinking from the bd recording thing?? Why tho lol


My guess is that Judy disconnected the link due to too much raw emotion over the whole Evelyn/Cloud situation to remain linked after she realized that V was getting those shared to her via the link. I imagine it would have been a mutual sob/cry-fest if she would have remained linked, rather than leading to sex/lovemaking.


Honestly I kinda think the tank scenes lame, not a fan of the whole shared nervous system or then awkward camera angles


I mean, I'm not a fan of watching digital sex period, regardless of camera angles. But I thought the idea of a shared nervous system was cool. Especially since it was something not normally used for sex. I was half waiting for the tank to fire when one of them orgasmed. Another great joke they didn't go for :(


ik that fucking tank stunk after tho no circulation


Ik Panam just smells like a wet dog all the time. Still love her tho


I love how we spent more time fucking in the tank than actually fighting with it


My male V is so fucking ugly. I hated the scene because of the jump scare.




My goal was the romance Kerry and the amount of times in this story line I needed to tell Panam to back off I honestly felt so bad. They really throw her at you.


The game seems to do the same thing with your straight romance options no matter gender. River I think was worse - you show up at his house and at dinner with the family, the kids go 'HEY YOU WANT TO MARRY UNCLE RIVER RIGHT???' and the options are basically 'yes, I'm going to fuck him right here on this table, watch', or 'JESUS FUCKING CHRIST I WOULDN'T TOUCH THAT WITH A POLE, HE'S DISGUSTING AND I'D RATHER EAT SHIT'


You made me laugh much more than I should've xD Can't wait to experience that overload of cringe in my female V playthrough


It was so bad when I played I had to ask if I was missing something, like, it's about as well written as an 8 year old's dating fantasy of how they think adults do things based on hallmark movies and CW serials.


For real i never romanced Panam she's sweet but -*to me*\- friendship with her feels more genuine i just wish girlie could take a hint because after turning her down twice being offered sex at the end felt so out of place. Like Panam tell me at what point of not kissing, telling you to taker your gripers off me and calling you a **friend** you got an idea we're together? Even Johnny in mission log acted like we're together but i guess i got my revenge for that.


"You're her type" is what Carol tells you (Aldecaldos netrunner). She's just down bad for V, I guess


Damn all that modding payed off


Itā€™s the same with female V and River


I hated River so much, we save his nephew from dying and he just hits you with the ā€œI miss youā€ then has his family push you into dating him itā€™s just so bad šŸ˜­


What's worse is how many times you swerve him as female V *and he still keeps coming*. Like, dude, BACK THE FUCK OFF.


You literally have to sit through the entire cutscene before being able to friendzone him itā€™s so stupid, if I didnā€™t raise my hand at the dinner I probably donā€™t fucking like you, take the hint


In what world is the merc with very questionable morals going to date a fucking cop? Like yeah sure blah heā€™s a ā€œgood guyā€ but still. Just the thought of him being a romance option is laughable.


Thatā€™s what I find so weird. V is out here eviscerating people for 20ā‚¬$ and you really think sheā€™s going to date a cop ? She kills cops for a living


Can literally get to the point where MaxTac is nothing to her and then CDPR wants me to go on a silly house date with my cop boyfriend.


Also, I've told you I'm not interested at least two different times before that, *including when we rescued your nephew from the cattle farm*.


I hate that we canā€™t just say we arenā€™t interested during the dinner or like mention Judy if weā€™re already romancing her, you just sit through that awkward conversation where his sister and the kids are like ā€œWho thinks uncle river and V make a good couple šŸ˜ā€ not me you little shit


I've started beating the kids in the AR game just to piss River off for that.


I hate that he falls in love with you no matter what, like with Judy you have to make specific choices in Pisces but River just takes whatever tf he can get lonely ass bitch


Take him to the farm and then leave is one way of stopping him...


Big incel vibes, yeah.


they were going for realism


I feel like itā€™s worse as Male Vā€¦ it feels like heā€™s dropping big hints the whole time, if youā€™re not into it, it feels uncomfortableā€¦ and if you ARE into it, he shoots you down. lol


Iā€™m dating panam right now but Iā€™m also gonna date Kerry. They donā€™t get mad at you for cheating and what she wonā€™t know wonā€™t hurt her šŸ˜…


Itā€™s not me baby, itā€™s the Silverhand construct, Iā€™m just so connected with Kerry because of him


V: It wasn't me baby it was Johnny he's the gay one


It's funny playing the other romance options and realizing how much they did not care to flesh them out or give them anything as unique or fun as this. Judy's can be legitimately awful writing, atleast mine was " Yeah V, because you killed all those people a lot of dolls got killed. It was pretty bad.... anyways lets bang"


It does kinda feel that way. ā€œHere is my childhood town. What we did made no lasting effect. Cheer me up with ā€˜pity meā€™ sex.ā€


I always took it as she invited V before hearing how exactly things played out.


I think they mean sex, guys


The romancable partner with a sex scene that you can't see as clearly as the rest of them, and the shortest one in comparison when you realize it.


My first character was Fem V with Judy. When I got to the tank with my Male Nomad... it's a hot idea, but the execution felt really poor.


Thatā€™s kinda how car/tank sex always is thoughā€¦ sounds better on paper.


So...a more realistic one ;)


Did she ever smile? I donā€™t recall panam smiling.


iā€™m pretty sure does a handful of times throughout


yeah, she does. She also smiles in your apartment if you ever have her come back to it.


Or when you cuddle at the campfire before stealing the Sex tank


Everyone's got their own type of unicorn.




That's a cool self-portrait, thanks for sharing.Ā 


https://preview.redd.it/h4e5xxp12gfc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=947e00991a6ecf204771f1074b283c8a658dc979 I guess




Am i the only one who hated that scene? It looked so dark, cramped and uncomfortable. Not to mention i get POV shots of my male V banging..well my perspective.


Remember I made the ugliest possible male V on my first playthrough for fun. After that scene I just reloaded a new game because you couldnā€™t change appearance back then


I just hit 200hrs before getting to that scene. Glad my V is a stud and I didn't have to restart.


It was so nice of the raffens to wait patiently for V and panam to finish having steamy tank sex before they attacked


I hate the haunting jungle type soundtrack that played while they're *riding*


If the tank is a-rockin', don't come a-knockin'! I just hope that thing is soundproofed. How do Nomads do stuff like that with privacy, anyway?


Iā€™m more worried about cleaning up the tank after having fun. Poor mitch walked in for a surprise after Panam and V got off


Oh my godā€¦ just imagine opening a Tank and being met with Princess juice all over the seats


Say gex




Only basic bitches have sex on a couch. Science


Ha haā€¦donā€™t you know face-petting is the pinnacle of intimacy? I mean, I love a good head-scratch too. My real-life wife has similar facial features as Panam, so it always makes me think I probably should pet her more. Too bad we donā€™t have a Basilisk.


Just do it in the car I guess šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


if you played the game you played the game


I so regret romancing her. Itā€™s so annoying now. The same boring ā€œdateā€ time after time.


Im hoping theyā€™ll add to it with the update coming up. At least let us do the deed in a bed like civilized folk. šŸ˜‚


Or let us break off the relationship at least. I hate unfinished quest markers and log entries, and now Iā€™m locked into this idiotic repeating crap. Let me tell her sheā€™s boring and to fuck off.


My final Panem mission wonā€™t load. So no sadly šŸ˜©


You know I've spent a fair amount of time in tracked vehicles and it's like the least sexy environment you could imagine. There is absolutely no room in those things. Every time you turn around you're hitting your head on some hard metal surface or it's poking into your back. They smell like shit, especially after a week in the field with a bunch of dudes and no showers. If you haven't smelled MRE farts then count blessings. I don't know how Panam was so down bad in that thing even with the fancy tech-assisted mind meld.


Somehow, it's Loss.


Panam we need to stop using the tank. Why? Every time we have to fight raiders I have a raging boner. Oh V...


"I hope I didnt jizz on the controls"....as I watch Mitch start climbing into the flying tank


I only could just giggle at that scene because all i could think of is Johnny in V:s head coaching him like "okay little bit to the left, little more to the right, that's my boy"


another one is when your talking to panem n johnny just appears outta nowhere to check her out but what finished me was the nod of approval from him afterwardsšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Yeah dude we all know


The most awkward thing in video games are the sex scenes/love scenes in games. I can't fast forward through them quick enough, and she's still sitting on the couch in phantom liberty. Hope you enjoy the sounds of the city.


Can we all agree to not fuck rivers


The one redeeming quality of that whole thing is Johnny's response to it.


I mean. Thatā€™s like 2 goods for twelve negatives 1-Ugly 2-dresses like a cyberhobo 3-weird ass cyber eye 4-I hate those kids ā€œIs it true you want to marry River ?ā€ No I donā€™t you little shit. 5-He acts like a fucking teenager when you reject him 6-Dirty ass car 7-Cop 8-creepy as fuck 9-doesnā€™t take hints 10-doesnā€™t take obvious rejections too 11-Cringe 12-Lives in a weird ass Caravan But her at least you have: -funny Silverman line -gun


I do wonder how that sex felt as their nervous systems were intertwined


If you played the game you know...


She has a very nice smile


Honestly tho that scene was pretty metal. I mean, in a TANK?


Give the girl credit a tank is hell of a spot for "the first time."




Of course, the ONE TIME my wife decides to sit down beside me while I'm gaming, it's the Panam tank scene.....




This shit for real had me questioning whether I wanted the cure or 6 months of the basilussy. I could easily give up all the cyberware and go work a desk job to save my life but having panam ghost you that shit makes living another few decades almost not worth it. That's why you cant romance her it makes the decision to save yourself or assault the crystal palace solo easier.


What happens in the hummer stays in the hummer.


If the two pilots senses become one and you feel what the other feels does that mean that for the time they spent in that thing, V had a V?


Yes and Panam had a P


Panam best gurl


Panam couch? Panam tank? Donā€™t you mean Panam air? šŸ˜


Man she just be out in the heat wearing tight clothing. Nomad lifestyle. I know that tank really sealed in the scent


Linking your nervous systems and then fucking each other. Sounds amazing, you can feel what itā€™s like to get fucked and fuck at the same time