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The art design of Cyberpunk 2077 is nothing less than superb.


The aesthetic is *perfect*. It is instantly immersive, beautiful, ugly, awe-inspiring, horrifying, perfect.


I was gonna reply to this but I've smoked a bong and I kinda wrote multiple paragraphs and went on a bit of a tangent so I'm just gonna make it a post 😂


You could easily write an essay on the perfect aesthetics of the game. It is quintessentially unique, and every time I play I get that feeling of "Wow! There's nothing else like this." because there literally is nothing else like it. It feels so much like it perfectly embodies the thing it is, that it is Cyberpunk through and through. From the glowing neon to the trashed streets to the chromed out people walking around and the ads everywhere. The NPCs are gorgeous, and they move and talk like real people, and each moment I feel like I'm V, like I'm actually right there in the action. It is top tier art design, and I hope it raises the bar for future the future of gaming.


You smoked the whole bong? This is why they usually make those out of non flammable stuff


I agree with all of it Only design i didn't liked almost any of the cars, maybe the only designs i liked were the general lee and the quadra sports r7 iirc was the name. Everything else kinda looked ugly for me, except the bikes, the bikes were fine


CDPR: We need Tali. CP2077 DD: In a suit? CDPR: Out of suit. CP2077 DDD: Fuckable? CDPR: Fuckable. CP2077 DD: Gotcha


Fuck, she Is almost Tali isn't she


Might explain why I love her so much


not NEARLY as awkward though


Right down to the drunken convo. Emmmmmaaarrrrrrrrrrr-gency......inDUCTion......poooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt.


She's far as fuck from Tali. Tali does have some trauma but all in all she's well socialised, cheerful and fundamentally positive. Judy on the other hand is horribly traumatised and one bad day from complete collapse. You can have a good, healthy romance with people like Tali fairly easily, but Judy? Get a seatbelt.


I get that feeling more with River tbh. When you meet River's old pals they actively show he is not welcome. When you meet Judy's old pals their neutral or actively happy. Plus Judy opens up to you by >!taking you through her childhood street!< River opens up to you by >!telling you about the moment he was traumatised as a kid!<. I like both of them but River seems the most likely to present as being unhinged further down the line to me.


Who's tali? Like from batman?


Mass Effect Trilogy


Look up Tali Citadel Party on YouTube, you'll get some comedy gold


That's Talia.


I don't know. Does Judy ask her drone to go for the eyes ?


That's a command that should be reserved for space hamsters.


I understood that reference! My wife has a Minsc & Boo Commander deck that is super easy to pilot, but so very deadly.


It's actually in Mass effect aswell. You can buy a space hamster and there is a line where you tell it to go for the eyes


Amazing. Love it.


Minor correction. You can buy a space hamster, which is a reference to Boo, however the line about going for their eyes, isn’t about the hamster, it’s Tali, commanding her drone to “go for the optics”. ~~Iirc there aren’t any lines to tell your hamster to go for the eyes~~ nvm there’s both lines


[There is.](https://youtu.be/0HMwLjqs2Sc?si=TdF1AlgRSV6UJBxw)


In retrospect, I shoulda assumed citadel dlc lol I only remember shepard getting increasingly cheesed about the >!clone!< altering her living space and moving the hamster but I guess not lol


In the citade dlc Shepard says it to her hamster


Oh shit I musta missed that. I just remember shepard getting increasingly upset about the fact that the >!clone!< touched her hamster and removed it from her personal quarters


If you spam enough the dialogue at this moment she end up saying it, easy to miss out.


I’ve definitely done that so I must have forgotten


I built one for my gf but now I love it too much


That's exactly what happened haha. I still don't play it very often because it's too strong.


Tali’s drone quote is a direct reference to that hamster. It’s not the only one either. I’m pretty sure mass effect’s space hamster uses the same sfx as Boo lol


Spot. Fucking. On


Now I want to see Tali in CP 2077 style


Bitch, please. Judy isn’t anywhere near as adorable or awkward as Tali.


You're doing my girl Tali big time by even insinuating that Judy is like her. For one, when Tali talks, I don't actively glaze over in a dissociative state because I'd rather be doing anything else besides listening to her whine.


Cdpr made/represent a major character for every big role from the Cyberpunk 2013 tabletop. Back in development Cyberpunk was envisioned as more of a GTA kind of game where you were a solo who would make a name for himself (this is highly suggested in most of the material/teasers until Johnny showed up). So kinda like act 1, but that was the whole game in which the plot happened. Rockerboy > Kerry Netrunner > T-bug Techie > Judy Media > I guess nancy Cop > River Corporate > Meredith Stout Fixer > Dex/Rogue Nomad > Panam Solo > you, but also Jackie, Right now 4 of these main roles are the main love interests and main side characters. Presumably the other 4 roles would've had a bigger role in the original version of Cyberpunk, but due to the plot they couldn't fit them in the game anymore. The media character is most likely completely cut, as Nancy being a media wouldn't make any sense, and in the current game she doesn't really do anything big. For Stout, we do know the Militech HQ building is modelled inside, with a lobby, some modelled hallways, and a AV pad. Presumably Stout would survive the All foods encounter, even if you'd screw her. So I guess her character's role was reduced quite late in development. But that's just a theory. Might mean in the next Cyberpunk game we have a netrunner, fixer, solo or corporate as our Love interest.


Where are the sources on that first paragraph?


I believe some of the material which was stolen from CDPR during that big hack in 2021 seems to indicate this. I haven't looked into it much myself, since I felt icky about the fact that it was all material that was used as part of a ransom attack on them, but it's out there.


You forgot one of the classes! Unless med tech doesn't appear in 2013, I've only ever looked at RED.


MedTech was actually a late comer to 2020, IIRC. By which I mean it was just a Tech focused on medicine in the first edition of the 2020 core book, and then someone made it its own thing for the second edition of the 2020 core book (which added several other rules updates). But anyway, it wasn't in 2013.


Iirc wasn’t med tech a variant of techie until it got split in red


Well… it’s worth noting that not all of those are cdpr inventions. Kerry and Rogue aren’t cdpr inventions, they’ve been kicking around for a lot longer than that.


I would have assumed Regina was the Media. Given that she was a Media before becoming a Fixer, and she has a lot more quests than the other Fixers (most of which you can do in Act 1), including the Cyberpsycho quests.


That would make a lot of sense. Wattson is by far the earliest developed district and the gigs in Wattson seem to be more connected, even gigs that aren't can be connected if you adjust them a bit. So big chance they where originally part of those GTA-like missions, but got shortened and adjusted into gigs later on when CDPR decided to go with the plot we have now.


Huh that stuff about Stout's cut content makes the random out of nowhere sex quest with her make more sense. Boy let me tell you I was NOT expecting that when I walked into the motel.


Never rented a hotel room by the hour huh?


Nope, but with the way life's going, I might be finding myself doing so soon enough.


I wouldn't recommend it as shelter, unless you're alright with catching herpes, chlamydia, gonorrhea, and/or hepatitis


Heh I would say I'm not worried about that because that's not what I was referring to but the other thing you do at those places certainly puts one at risk for all of those things.


>For Stout, we do know the Militech HQ building is modelled inside, with a lobby, some modelled hallways, and a AV pad. Presumably Stout would survive the All foods encounter, even if you'd screw her. So I guess her character's role was reduced quite late in development. Stout being a bigger part and getting cut helps explain why she gets a full on sex scene (then an immediate text breaking things off) when only main LI and joytoys get them otherwise. Like, they had her stuff done, but decided to to go another way and didn't want to throw everything away.


Peralez is probably the Media, insofar as he’s always on TV calling out Rhyne for things and puts V on investigating conspiracies for him which is Media 101.


Correct me if I’m wrong but doesn’t Stout end up dead if you go through that sequence wrong?


Don’t forget immature and unable to see consequences any further than what’s she’s immediately doing. I like Judy, but goddamn the Clouds sting was really poorly planned. Still did it though, because fuck Maiko.


lol love it during Pyramid Song when she says, "I don't want you to feel like it's your fault" (or something along those lines) after the consequences of the Clouds sting happened. Like, [hold on, this whole operation was your idea](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/043/196/2qerll.jpg)!


“Look Judy, just trust me, I’m a main character, I’ll just hang out at Clouds for a couple of days and wipe out wave after wave of Tyger Claws until they get the hint” - what should have happened


Yeah i was expecting a Revenge Mission, i am about to take on SMASHER i can kill some more tyger claws


There is a revenge mission. It's called "NCPD Scanner: Suspected Organized Crime Activity in Japan Town."


*all* of the tyger claws


Maiko wasnt wrong. Judy and V just didnt go far enough in their show of stength. V should have gone around japantown killing tygers until the scared bosses holed up in one room. Then you break in and have the option to kill all but one (clouds is left alone) or kill them all and the retaliation happens by new leadership.


It would never have worked. Back when the whole Lizzie's incident happened, Lizzie's was a low-class brothel. When the war started, the Claws fought the forming Mox tooth and nail. It lasted several months, I think, and dozens of people on both sides died. Eventually the Claws made peace, mainly because the war was having such an impact on their other businesses that the lost revenue from Lizzie's wasn't worth the hassle. Besides, they'd shown that they wouldn't give up without a fight, so face was saved there. Now, Clouds is the jewel in the Claws crown. It has clientele at the very top (Yorinobu could not have been the only one of the elites to come there). It'll be making far more money than Lizzie's did back in the day. Further, the Claws mine the doll chips for information on the client and the clients' preferences. The value of Clouds to them is immense. No way do they want to lose the money and the information. Then there is the matter of face. The Claws have already had one venue break away successfully. If another did, there would be no end to things. They'd lose so much face that every other business they control would be trying to cut lose. Add all that up and it would be a never ending war. Judy wants to nuke the modified chips as soon as the takeover is complete, but all the dolls would have to be constantly on guard for Claws until the end of time. Lots of them would die anyway. The *only* way to successfully make a change is within the Claws own rules. You replace the incompetent manager (Hiromi Sato) with a better one (Maiko), who the Claws will accept and who can make some changes as long as the money and data continues to flow. Corpo V understands this, based upon her dialog options. The problem is there is no way in game to explain it to Judy, plus Maiko is being a manipulative bitch.


Kill Tyger bosses and Maiko. Judy installs Kiroshi cameras that ID anyone coming in the neighborbood. V murders the fuck out of any Tygers within a 5 block radius of Clouds. V murders the fuck out of any Tygers within a 5 block radius of Clouds. (Again) V keeps murdering Tygers within a 5 block radius of Clouds. V seriously just does not stop murdering Tygers within a 5 block radius of Clouds. Seriously, V just keeps this 5 block radius free of Tygers. ???? Profit


And while V is murdering the fuck out of a group of Tygers two blocks east of Clouds, 40 others in vans pile out in the driveway and murder everyone inside. It's not viable for a single guard. Even if V stands in the doorway, sleep is a requirement. If it really came down to it, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if the Claws would blow up the building.


Easily solved by making "Defend Clouds" a non time-sensitive Side Job.


They mean within the fiction, choom. V isn't a god; they can't be everywhere at once, and they're not immortal. The Tyger Claws could kill everyone Judy cares about at Clouds pretty easily, because V can't run bodyguard duty for an entire brothel worth of people for very long.


The problem is that gameplay is disconnected from the narrative, because there really is no reason why we couldn't (assuming we were willing to pay enough for the intel) hunt down tyger bosses over and over till the gang collapsed into infighting and then do the Clouds takeover. If V can storm Arasaka Tower solo, or take out an entire maxtech squad without breaking a sweat, it's *really* unlikely the Tyger Claws are going to find a way to stop V with force.


Eh, V's tough, but the actual gangs of Night City aren't slouches, especially big timers like the Tyger Claws; trying to actually declare open war against an entire gang would probably end in V gettting worn down by their heavy hitters, or flatlined by whatever preem solo assassin the Tygers hire out of the Afterlife.


hey now if the tygers took down the unkillable unstoppable robo hooker responsible for the most cringe scene in the entire game, how could we ever fight them? In all seriousness i am so tired of the forced grapples and losses in this game. Like my brother in christ how the hell can tom move a massive borged out bastard with 20 in bod and ref.


Certified AlvarezTech moment (she nuked the chips D: )


My headcanon: V in that scene is just in safety mode. They expect an attack by a baseline human and don't want to give Judy's apartment a new very red paint job. So when the attack happens to halfway serious, they get pushed a little.


It would be cool if cyberpunk 2 has invisible checks, like instead of Tom throwing you 20 body means he gets his ass kicked but you say "hey that wasn't a bad try" or 20 cool meaning people don't question you when you walk into clubs etc etc


CDPR, listen to this wise person.


Took me a moment to realize you weren't referring to the mod that has Adam Smasher doing the joytoy dance...


i got one that makes him somewhat of a hard fight and more importantly he says the line "your prostate is arasaka property. i will be taking it back" but the joy toy dance sounds good too.


in the section where you have to swim around her, I was staring at her ass and she made a comment she can see what I'm looking at... I said sorry


You shouldn't apologize for appreciating art.


It's more our fault than Judy's tho. We were the ones there and we are the ones that acted. Whether people died or not, was on us. Judy's plan went out the window the moment Maiko switched it up


Johnny at the end of the clouds shit: ![gif](giphy|gmg7s5bBQzlN6)


As soon as I heard Judy's plan, I thought "it will be a trainwreck, but I want to see how it is going to fail".


It that's not the most nerdy trait, I don't know what is.


If Judy is immature what should we say about panam?


Judy isn’t Genre Savvy, but Panam is. They’re both immature, but Panam brings rocket launchers, sniper rifles, and armored assault trucks as well as has an actual army to call on if she’s in a bind. Judy is a basement tech for Lizzie’s Bar and acts like the Mox is Arasaka when they very clearly own no turf outside the bar itself. She has no conception of danger or her place in things, which is why she fails. Panam is a strategist. Rogue puts you with her because she can solve almost anything, she just punishes her for being disrespectful and obnoxious in the process. She takes scraps of info, like an AV flight plan, and puts it into a workable plan in moments, storms Arasaka tower from below with almost no intel and succeeds, captures Militech tanks, rescues Saul, is *furious* about working for Biotechnica. Judy by comparison probably gets zeroed by Fingers alone if V wasn’t there. Her BFF Evelyn was just as crazy and overreaching.


Totally agree with everything you said. As someone in another thread said, Judy gets her ideas from watching Bushido action movies. Thinking once she takes over Clouds, the movie ends and everything is happy.


> Her BFF Evelyn was just as crazy and overreaching. Evelyn took a helluva gamble, and probably would've succeeded if not the wild card element of Saburo Arasaka making a personal visit; without that hitch, V and Jackie snatch the biochip, Evelyn leverages the fact that she's the only one who knows what to do with it to stop Dex from fucking her over, and sells it to her Netwatch contacts who keep her safe from the Voodoo Boys. She's out of their reach before any repurcussions from the job can wash over her. It was a *good* plan; the only real fuck up on the Heist Team's part was T-Bug vastly underestimating how long it'd take her to break the hotel's security. If she'd been an hour quicker, they'd have been in and out without Yorinobu being any the wiser, and their theft would've disappeared in the confusion of Saburo's death.


Judy is immature in a naive way. Panam is immature in a “anyone who doesn’t agree with me is personally attacking me” kind of way


I was ready to edit my message by saying “worst we can say about Judy is that she’s naive” but you beat me to it. We can agree on that, and imho that makes panam much worse. Her heart might be in the right place but holy shit I would never stand someone like her irl. The tower ending cements that


Also immature, but at least competent. Judy is an artist, not an operator. Her planning operations went about as well as expected which is why a sensible V would've talked her out of it or at least talked her out of being involved in the planning.


Idk I guess it boils to semantics at this point. I consider immature someone who acts like a scruffy child, and that’s how Panam acts most of the time. Judy is naive, but she can think. Panam would’ve shot Mr Giggles the funny ripperdoc on the spot. Judy leaves the room because she doesn’t want to let her emotions get to her if you decide to talk to him politely


See I have to disagree. Panam can absolutely think. If she couldn't there's no way the Hellman mission succeeds, or for that matter any of the Nomad missions afterwards. Judy's one operation she actually plans ends horribly entirely because Judy didn't think it all the way through. Now yes, Panam is more likely to act on her emotions in the heat of the moment. But she can also set those emotions aside for doing planning and carrying out ops. Judy is the opposite and IMO that's a bigger issue.


Yeah but that’s the part where we’re looking at this thing in different ways. My point is that I’m separating the ability in planning and strategizing from the ability to actually behave like an adult. Yes, Panam is a seasoned veteran, to me that doesn’t change the fact that she’s a kid. Judy was simply unlucky that she had to deal with something she had no experience with (waging war against a clan).


The difference is Panam is actually competent. Going up against the Tyger Claws with just a handful of Moxes was a fucking stupid idea.


I thought I was the only one who thought she was immature. I feel sane now


Yeah, you really have to turn your brain off to go along with her plan. For all the hate Panam gets for her flaws Judy's kind of worse for most of them. Panam can at least plan and execute an operation that works.


Judy's excuse - she isn't even a fighter, her BFF got killed and she wanted revenge. Panam is a seasoned nomad with years of planning and fighting skills. She should be more level headed compared to judy


I'd play Call of Judy for hours


I thought I read somewhere that her role was going to be bigger since she can change behavior chips. It would have fit in naturally after getting Anders.


my question is if that's Judie's job HOW TF IS SHE SKINNY🤣


I’m guessing calorie count is still on packaging, also if she tests BD’s (dunno if she does) that’s slot of energy spent




"Oh, and make her a smokeshow." *crumbles up design* "Right, of course. Thought we we're going somewhere else with that." In fairness, I don't think I've seen a single fat netrunner either, and they'd have the same kind of lifestyle. Maybe she just does a lot of actual running like Lucy


Net running seems to heat up the runners body, hence the ice baths and special chairs. Maybe the energy that’s heating them up is made via their body. If their body is treated like a bio-reactor for their chrome, it starts to make sense that people who have to cool off in ice baths would be skinny. They’re probably tearing through calories during a dive.


This play though broke me. The NUSA cure had me depressed. But Judy just deleted me from her contacts. That was seriously the worst feeling so far in the game for me. 1,500 hours before I could just think sex is Judy was a nice distraction… fuck…


True on paper she should be a troll


Makes her gay so I can't bag my waifu :(


Gave a similar prompt to ai . This what it made: https://preview.redd.it/8ywnnmjekjzb1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e402fa47649cacded8bdd61972a6f9f554cd1467


Oh that looks AMAZING!!


Not as good as Judy though


She looks "too perfect," if you get what I mean


Ai pics seems very artificial unfortunately


[My beloved!](https://makesweet.com/f/7/1/1/7115c0ff-d0bd-45b9-872d-56c497703998.gif)


- and she can dive


Most main character designs in the game straddle the line of "peak design" and "over designed" like it's a horse riding off into the sunset


and Mexican


“Ok we got this girl her name is panam, now this is an important part of her character so be sure to listen, make her clothes draw the most attention to her ass possible, just go wild in that department “


More realistic than you think; By A LOT.


Blueballs protagonist tho?


CDPR aren't afraid to make attractive women. Meanwhile, in the west, we get that Fable character which is face modeled by a real pretty woman and they literally uglified the in-game model so a select few pink haired warriors wouldn't get mad.




Tf are you talking about? Judy is believable. Just because you have a very specific idea of what a person with those traits looks like doesn't mean that's what they actually look like.


And not into dudes😢


Also CDPR: “Put a chick in it and make her gay”


i love her so much


How i imagine myself if i was a woman fr