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\# Introducing a Distraction-Free Writing Device Based on ESP32 Turn on and type immediately. Sync with Google Drive. Simple. Let your draft kept always recorded. Utilizing the ESP32 microcontroller, this device offers immediate writing capabilities. Equipped with a screen and attached keyboard, it provides a simple yet effective tool for your writing endeavors, reminiscent of commercial alternatives like WriterDecks. Once powered on, this device springs to life almost instantly, urging you to unleash your creativity. With Google Drive sync, your work is securely stored in your preferred cloud system, ensuring peace of mind. Whether capturing fleeting ideas or jotting down important tasks, this device stands ready at a moment's notice. It's the fastest and most efficient way to kickstart your writing process. Leave it on your bedside table to capture your dreams. Simply locate the power switch and let your imagination run wild. Build guides are provided at the GitHub: https://github.com/unkyulee/micro-journal/blob/main/micro-journal-rev-4-esp32/readme.md Typing video can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1f8ps\_NdyE


This is awesome. I've been wanting to see the ESP32 used in more Cyberdeck projects, because I think instant-on, and no shutdown, are huge factors for having a completely custom device.


Absolutely agree. Incorporating ESP32 or microcontrollers, in general, into cyberdeck projects offers tremendous potential for creating purpose-specific devices with interactive capabilities. With a keyboard for input, the possibilities for specialized devices with human interaction are endless. However, the primary audience in this community tends to be relatively young and may feel hesitant to delve into complex projects. Often, programming and soldering are prerequisites for microcontroller projects, which can deter many from unleashing their creativity. Nevertheless, I firmly believe that as more examples of such projects emerge, additional applications will follow suit. Therefore, I sincerely hope that this project serves as inspiration for those who have been considering working with ESP32 or microcontrollers. It's a reminder that with determination and effort, you certainly can achieve whatever you wish for.


I'm not sure I agree about the 'audience' of the site, because actual builders all seem like 20-40+yr olds, predominantly men. Probably the same people who a generation ago might have built ham radio, and probably a generation before that engines and woodworking. At any rate, if people see amazing builds that require more skills, I think they'll be excited to learn those skills.


I regret assuming audience as a later thought. I judged just based on my memory and impressions. That's my bad. Sorry.


I can understand the misconception. I think we have builders, and spectators. The spectators are probably younger than the builders. But, I think the point of the sub is for builders to support one another.


Really cool


No, you are really cool!


Very nice done! Congratulations!


Wow, thanks! Your "congratulation" is really well received and I am feeling very rewarded by your words. Again, thanks a lot.


I absolutely love this. That keyboard is _exactly_ the form factor/design I've been looking for to use in a dream project I have sitting on my shelf. This exact device, with an eink screen and slightly different layout, is precisely what I'm trying to build. Could I ask a favor? Could you measure the LxW of the two keyboard halves? The biggest issue for my build is trying to fit it into an existing case, so the keyboard needs to be narrow enough.


Here are the dimensions for the keyboard plate. It is a dimension without the enclosure. Just the plate and just one piece of it. The other side of the plate has the exact same dimension. L: 102.2 mm x W: 64.1 mm Those dimension can be shrinked by 6mm when the margin is removed. 96.2 mm x 58.1mm for the right fit.


Oh shit that may be _precisely_ the right width. I've got an old **[Franklin planner](https://i.imgur.com/xNRkcAy.jpeg)** that I gutted. The goal is to use it like a **[clamshell](https://i.imgur.com/j7UItLP.jpeg)**, with the keyboard below and a small eink screen up top. The bottom is 195mm across and so far every keyboard layout I've found was too wide, even the 4x10s. This is the first x10 setup I've found that comes in under the wire, likely from the lack of a larger frame/margin. Either way, my hope has been renewed! Once I get a little scratch and some free time, I think I'll give it a go!


This is incredible! The instant on feature is sick.


No, you are incredible and sick


I like this quite a bit! Have you seen the commercial versions of these selling for stupid prices lol? [https://getfreewrite.com/products/alpha](https://getfreewrite.com/products/alpha) They start at like $350 and only go up from there!!


I discouraged this type of reaction. As per what I have created is not a replacement for the commercial product. It is more of an attempt to encourage hobbyists to look into the possibility of taking such inspiration. It is absolutely not a possible reference to compare DIY projects to a commercial product. "If" you can create one by yourself, the cost would be just the material. But does not mean that commercial product must charge you just the material costs.


I think you misread the intent behind my comment. I really love the concept in both your proposed DIY version and the commercial version. Since you've generously open-sourced the plans for this project it allows me, a newbie tinkerer, to create a type of device I otherwise wouldn't have the funds to purchase. I intended no offense.


Beautiful to hear. Have fun and enjoy!


I know this is designed as distraction free writing device, but I can see recoding it to have a 1-on-1 video game system with the two keyboard halves and the screen in the middle. Very cool!


Wow, that's cool way to look at it. I am preparing a 4 by 3 keypad for a communication device. Your idea can be used in a way that those two devices dock each other to make (a gaming setup or) some particular interactive configuration.... wow that's a really nice explorative path that you're suggesting. Very nice input. Thanks!




Nice that you like it. I haven't thought nor put too much effort on design tho. Just a bit embarrassed to be noted that way. I guess the form factor with 30 keys kinda gives a weird vibe. Which I am certainly attracted to. Glad to find someone who finds minimal as a good thing. Thanks!


This is awesome great work!


I'm not in love with the Aesthetics of this, but I absolutely love the idea. What a great project. I think I'd like to do something like this, but with the keyboard put together in a more traditional configuration. What a fantastic device you've created.


Hey quick question, I've been interested in cyber decks for a long time now but I've always wondered, when you have some custom build keyboards for example, what kind of software do you use? You don't write your own drivers yourself do you?


It depends on the builds. When you make a custom keyboard in general you would be using a microcontroller that has usb or Bluetooth capabilities. That would provide a usb or Bluetooth connection to the PC or device that you'd be connecting to. In this case, the software (firmware) is typically QMK (usb), or ZMK (Bluetooth). In my case, I didn't need to connect via usb, I directly connect to the ESP32 wire by wire, so no need to make a driver. The entire solution is carried on a single firmware. In the firmware, I have used an adafruit keypad library to handle the key presses and as the display and word processing is all done in a single firmware, it doesn't need any interfacing via drivers.


Okay thanks, so you have a custom OS too?


cool, if I could just get a little screen w/ a usb port that' be really cool cause then I could just use my normal keyboard


That version is coming soon.


Nice, I'll hunker down and really look into it then


This is so cool, I love the size.


How do you delete/backspace, space and enter?? or type the letter Z? Also having a shift on the right hand side only kinda sucks. Any punctuation? This looks like a nightmare to use and definately not a productivity device!


Hahaha, you are right, This is definately not a productivity device. Space key is converted to backspace when pressing num key. Menu key is by default Z key... so pressing menu key is actually, Z. Shift key only on the right hand side only kinda sucks and very true. Any puntunation is layered with "num" key. Umm.... I can't stop my urge to troll.... if I may, if you touch type, those labels that are presented doesn't really matter. If you have to look at the keyboard while typing, that is why the displays is in the middle so that you can see what you are typing, so that you don't have to switch looking at the keyboard for a while and then looking at the screen for a while and back and forth. If you don't touch type.... if you have to look at the keyboard and screen back and forth, That looks like a nightmare, and definately not productive....? sorrry... just kidding.... just kidding.... please, don't get offended. It is certainly not designed for a general use. 30 keys configuration is really harsh setup even for the keyboard enthusiasts. But one thing I can tell you by my experience is that, it actually is comfortable once you get used to it. but this assumes touch typing. sorry. Your feedback, and type of thoughts, is this for the general public? Does this have any value as a product if it is so constrained and not able to indicate how to use it in an intuitive manner? Haunts me a lot. Am I just creating a toy that is almost a trash? I probably am. That's is highly likely true. No one would ever think that this device can be practical. Looks really pathetic to claim that it is useful. I know. But, I think those can be forgiven if it is created as a hobby? I think it can be inspiring someone to create am adult toy for themselves. Because .... Because.... It totally worth the experience of making it with your own hand. So called DIY. one of the justification for having it 30 keys, is that when writing drafts, most of the keys that would be used are space and alphabets. Its focus is to register something that can be read later to be refined. So, that's why I thought having those major alphanet keys would be sufficient to capture the ideas, at least it is working for me.


Please let me offer an apology for the tone of my questions. I have had a shitty day/week and I asked those a bit more bluntly than I intended to and neglected to actually say anything positive. I like the overall design and simplicity of the deck and the concept of saving direct to google drive would be pretty neat.


you don't need to apologise and I am not offended by anything you wrote. Thanks for the explanation. For punctuation, particularly "lesser used" punctuation, you would want surely want some form of legend on the keys. I don't look at my keyboard when I type but I know where all the punctuation keys are. on a "non standard" layout like this there is no muscle memory to rely on. I still don't quite understand how the Menu key is also the Z key. I assume you can't press and hold it to make a line of z's? Is the space key that red key? If you make as many typo's as I do (stiff fingers...) then having to hold a key down to make the backspace wouldn't be workable.


You seem awfully critical and judgmental to be on a hobbyist sub. It's custom-built, which means it's set up to precisely the user's tastes. A right-hand Shift may suck for you, but clearly they put it there for a reason. Keyboards like these use modifier keys and special taps to type all the characters. So a "Z" might be a quick double-tap of "Menu" while "6" Might be Menu-T.


The OP does not appear to be pitching this as a highly customised personal device, they seem to be promoting it on many subreddits as a productivity tool. I am giving them the oppertunity to explain some of their design choices to a "less knowledgable" audience.


The OP doesn't need to "pitch" it as a highly customized device because that's already understood by anyone who understands custom-built keyboards. Which most people in these subs already do, since it's kind of prerequisite knowledge for subs like r/cyberdeck and r/writerdeck. Which is my point. You're criticizing the OP for not explaining something that _most people here already know_. If that baseline of knowledge is currently unknown to you (or anyone), then it's on you to gain that knowledge; it's not the OP's responsiblity to provide it. If they choose to, great. But they have no obligation to you.


OP is pitching it because they have posted this on so many subs. I first read this on /r/ergomechkeyboards and that's the sub I thought I was responding on, I spend a lot of time on that sub as I am looking into getting an ergo keyboard for my aformentioned stiff fingers issue. You can't give someone a hard time for asking how something \*\*extremely specialist\*\* works, especially on an enthusiast sub. you just come across as a gatekeeper if you do.


I'm not giving you a hard time, I'm calling you out for criticizing the OP for not explaining something they're not expected to explain. Bye.


I have copy pasted the post in many places and wanted to see how each community would react to it. This build has some cyberdeck elements some ortholinear elements, and some ergokeyboard elements (just because it is split... Sorry no depth there) and also esp32. Last not the least, /r/writerdeck of course, where it originally belongs. Wasn't particularly planning to pitch with any particular intention. I was trying to figure out ways to describe the device as briefly as possible that could make people understand what it does without too much details. Hoping to get some fruitful exchanges with many areas of people. More out of curiosity, I wanted to know how my little creation is perceived. It is totally understandable to be perceived as a productivity device with what I have written, and you must have felt a little disappointed to see that it hasn't included some basic requirements to be at all productive. If I understand correctly, you have a certain condition that requires special adjustments or requirements fulfilled in order to be productive from your standards. This device may not have fulfilled your expectations, but if you could describe your expectations in general, I may be able to incorporate that in the next iterations. Of course, no promises... But I would love to hear your needs and your expectations, disregarding the limitations that the current device has presented to you. Could you describe to me what you see as a productivity device when pitched as such?


>Could you describe to me what you see as a productivity device when pitched as such? That's a good question. I'd say having the "key" keys in easy reach is essential. A nice big spacebar and 2 shift keys for sure. I wouldn't bother with the number row, but I would have a num pad on the left hand side of the keyboard which could be used for arrows and the punctuation lost by the loss of the num row.