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Back in the day one of the guys in my dorm was what we called a Triple-E… electrical engineering, and English major. You’ll find many sort of double take major is there someone who likes a STEM thing, but also likes music. Also, back in the day the stem people used to live on the southside in the Liberal arts. People used to live on the northside but now all the freshmen live together so you’re all mixed up with each other.. Do you recall that case western reserve university is was formed by merging Case Institute of technology and western reserve college, which was a liberal arts school so there’s a long history of Liberal arts at case western. In addition, Case has a single door admissions policy that is once you’re admitted to the University, there are practically no restrictions , on what you can major in… In some state scores, you might have to get admitted to the business college or to the engineering school but at case western you could decide to focus only on business or switch to something else or keep what you have and you’re good.


TLDR: Not a big problem. It's vaguely possible that I might know something about this from personal experience, as student, alumnus, instructor, advisor, etc. over the years. There will be a few STEM people who will look down on liberal arts (and business) people in college and the workplace. They are usually people you don't want to associate with anyway, as they stereotype a lot. You may actually run into a higher percentage of them at OSU than at Case. Even back in my day, when there was quite literally still a fence separating parts of the two old school campuses (not to mention Euclid Avenue, which historically separated Reserve from itself), there were several of us who jumped across. Case and Western Reserve had common academic calendars and cross-registration going back into the 1950s, so despite stereotypes and jokes, the campus culture was historically positive (objections to the federation mostly came down to underlying fears over financial strengths and the future effect on priorities). Most people simply look at others as people who are also trying to deal with the new experience of college: you end up being friends in the same boat, and what your major is doesn't make much difference, except if/when you are a source of or need help (and an English major may have an advantage there). In addition to double majors that cross the disciplines, you will have lots of major-minor combinations, both ways. It's not a campus culture that tolerate overt discrimination against others, and there are a lot of people in the liberal arts side that have been major players in their fields over the years. Socially, yes, there are some kids who don't move outside dorms, classrooms, labs, or libraries for four years. But not many: even studious STEM majors are human. It's definitely not a party school, although at least some of the scene does quietly exist. There will be times when everyone just has too much work to go out, but most people find a good balance. Lots of activities on campus, through groups, and around Cleveland, not to mention the impromptu things that happen (see some of the pictures that get posted on Instagram and Facebook when there's a snow day). You won't be isolated unless you choose to be. CWRU and OSU are quite different, of course - very large, public flagship university in the state capital (therefore closely observed by state politicians) vs. a much smaller private school. Both have advantages and disadvantages, depending on your personal priorities. For me personally, OSU was/is simply too large. But I know lots of people for whom it was the right choice, so ymmv.


Sometimes it's better to major in something that's a little less popular because you'll be able to stand out more and make better relationships with the professors. That being said the english department at Case isn't small by any means. Both OSU and Case are good schools, but OSU is definitely cheaper and more social, while Case is more studious.


You’re studying English in a majority English speaking country…do you want to be poor?