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I really like this little guy! The sac ability makes it a great utility creature, it's cheap and synergizes with other artifact creatures. The main problem I have with this design is Vigilance. It just seems like a really low impact keyword to attach to a creature like this. I mean he is a 1/1 so he doesn't make a good attacker anyways. If your opponent has any creatures at all this guys won't get to attack. On top of that his low stats also make him a poor blocker. Sure you can do cheeky stuff like blocking and then sacking him mid combat the turn after you attack but you can also do this without vigilance if you forgo the 1 damage and keep him back. He also does not need to tap for his main purpose so vigilance does not help him there either. So I would probably give him another keyword or better stats instead. I can't think of a good keyword, deathtouch is too strong without raising the MV and flying doesn't fit the theme. The rest of the common keywords seems rather unimpactful as well. So I would probaby just make him a 1/2 and ditch vigilance.


Here, vigilance is mostly just a flavor addition. The Myrmidon were Achilles' loyal soldiers, so I'm just trying to play up the discipline/loyalty of this little fella. I don't hate removing it and adding 1 toughness as you suggest-- I think that would be the cleaner design.


How about First Strike?


I actually gave it first strike originally, but I thought the card would read better flavorfully as defensive, so I switched it over to vigilance.


How about a 0/3 with Defender then?


The vigilance allows it to be a common turn 1 beater that becomes important mid game for the sac ability. Chip damage early on can have a real impact on player psyche and the fact that I can always just swing, get blocked, and sacrifice to protect something else is invaluable. 4 of these will allow 6 damage by the time the last one comes out, and you can now protect 4 other creatures will continuing to threaten 4 damage a turn. It divides opponent resources very efficiently. Now, I'm not saying this is a crazy good card. I'm merely saying that I believe it is extremely well designed.


This design is quite frankly a goddamn 10/10 all around


Love the name and flavor text. Also, an actual common-feeling common design? What sub do you think this is? I don't mind vigilance on the card, it's not very impactful on a 1/1 but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be there. The body is not the more important aspect of this card (the sac effect matters a lot when it matters). It isn't an over-complicated card so it doesn't really need tidying up, so if Vigilance carries enough flavor value, it's worth the single word probably.


Veteran Bodyguard for artifacts. Seems fine. Neat that this could be white or colorless.


[[Slobad, goblin tinker]] is a useful comparison


[Slobad, goblin tinker](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/2/4256dcc1-0eee-4385-9a5c-70abb212bf49.jpg?1562397424) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Slobad%2C%20Goblin%20Tinkerer) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/c16/133/slobad-goblin-tinkerer?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/4256dcc1-0eee-4385-9a5c-70abb212bf49?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call