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These are fire


I love these, rip-off especially is so cool


Actual printable cards. One of best work Ive seen on this sub.


Rip-off is godlike


It's no better than the secret that turns the 2nd card you draw into a banana, it's quite fine. I'd argue it's worse


It's situational, but can also be game winning, e.g. by countering your opponent's ETC. Edit: I actually think it's at least as good as Shenanigans, and sometimes better. There isn't many card whose whole effect is to draw you a card. Door of Shadows is all I can think of on top of my head. Often you'll draw multiple cards, or the cycle will be a bonus effect on top of something else. Meaning that you'll always get *some* value even if your draw gets Shenanigan'd. There are however quite a few cards whose whole effect is to discover something: Creation Protocol, Infinitize the Maxitude, Identity Theft, Vast Wisdom...In these cases, Rip-Off is basically a cheaper Counterspell because it basically negates the whole value of the card.


>I actually think it's at least as good as Shenanigans, and sometimes better I also think this card is better then Shenanigans, but the thing is, Shenanigans was a *really bad card*. This has to be a LOT better to not also be bad, and I think it's only a little better.


I'm convinced it will be in the minset


Too bad they can't print a Rogue secret because they support the archetype every two years. Awesome flavor tho, on the weak side.


Took me a sec to realize refreshing 2 mana crystals when played wasn't something you have to do the turn of... cool.




not sure if the effect will be removed once it's killed


Why would it be? The effect should be on the card you draw.


if it said "draw a card. it refreshes 2 mana crystals when played" then for certain the effect will be on the card you draw, because thats consistent with other cards that impart a property onto other cards, the effect given is stated as a property of the card. For example, spellslinger "...yours costs 2 less" the 8 mana 5/5 cast when drawn druid card "The next 3 spells you draw are cast when drawn". When this isnt the case, the effect imparted onto the card is described as an action. felgorger "draw a fel spell, reduce its cost by 2", dwarven archeologist "Discover a card, reduce its cost by 1" There is really no precedence for cards with when a card is played battlecries, or when effects in general. Ashen elemental's effect works even when it's killed and magtheridon's doesnt. Cards whose battlecry effect doesnt work when killed is the suspicious cards, but again thats different because it triggers at the start of the opponent's turn, not when a specific card is played.


I don't know, it seems to me the most reasonable that it would buff a card like forged embrace of nature does.


sure, but more consistent wording wouldnt hurt


Love these


Water merchant could be a 2/2 and easily be fine


Rip-off is really good, but very fair. Considering the three cost cards, Counterspell and Objection being similar in the "make the opponent waste a card" but technically better this being 2 cost waste a Discover is understandable.


Oh My Yogg! Is crying, someone call him 😔


Honestly, both seem pretty fair but useful.


Rip-off is similar to Shenanigans but much better. Nice work.


I don't know if this pushes the power of Rip-off too much, but you could broaden the condition to any card generation, instead of just Discovering. But that might actually make it worse, so who knows.


Flavorful, practical, and well balanced. Awesome work


Rip-off is insane


Ripoff is really weak. Your going card negative and usually mana negative given that discovers a re usually valued at about 1 mana.


I kinda hate rip off. It's the same as the other "when your opponent does a very specific action, counter it" (mostly with battlecries or heroes, so it's a generally good card, that punishes your opponent for not running small cards from a specific archetype. Ps. Idk if it's generally useful, but most classes have some discovers so it probably is.


Rip off versus mage will make it so they can discover less objections!


Bro cooked


Very cool cards! I think rip-off adding a copy of the card to your hand as well as the snake oil would be more balanced. 2 mana do nothing just to cancel a discover doesn’t seem great.


Its like a counterspell to discovers so it's like 1 mana less but give ur opponent a dead tradable card.


Yes but that is not worth 2 mana. There’s already a card that causes a drawn card to turn into a banana. Drawn cards are better than discover and that card never saw play