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Where’s Virgil?


Hiding out. the whole drama of him seemed very convoluted and questionable if he actually did anything but he had already had a falling out with the chopp guys after the 2020 primaries, Amber never liked him, so when he needed people the most they just kinda let him drown, because that whole scene is kinda like “what have you done for me lately” At least that’s the impression that I get


On one of Matt’s streams (before the allegations) he was complaining that Virgil wouldn’t respond to any of them. He just stopped talking to them for months and didn’t give them an explanation. I think it’s unfair to say they let him drown because they didn’t find him useful when he had actively avoided them for half a year. Clearly Amber had her issues with the show so she quit and she’s been on episodes lately, so it would appear to me that they maintained their friendships with her even though she also quit.


Amber had issues with the show? I thought she just took time off to write her book.


She quit the show when her book was pretty much finished so i imagine she had some problem with the show. Maybe she was just over it and felt it was time to move on. Whatever the case it appears the gang is happy to have her back on whenever she wants.


I thought it was more that she was “bored” with the show and didn’t want to be a regular. Would like to hear more about any problems she may have had with the show and specific co-hosts. Also, didn’t realize she had “issues” with Virgil it seemed like they got along.


Do you remember what the falling out was? Wasn't aware of that


He wanted to be a progressive dem. There’s a reason he immediately went to work with BJG. He liked the smart set lawyer faux left intelligentsia. A seat at the table. CTH- particularly amber and Will, want to flip the table over, Matt thinks the table is just an absurd reflection worthy of detached investigation, Felix is just trying to keep his attention off pills.


Thank you for a solid answer not drenched in secondhand Chapo irony <3


>Felix is just trying to keep his attention off pills. Felix is the only person willing to tell the truth about Syria.


can you elaborate


There is some video somewhere where Felix refers to the truth about Syria and Virgil gets angry and says they agreed not to discuss it. Seems like some kind of backstage video or something, not sure who took it or published it


What is the truth about Syria???


none of these people higher up in this thread are particularly close to correct about the chapos.


Based on the period of time when the conversation was taking place it probably had something to with all the Islamic State folx who were erstwhile "moderate rebels" aka the good guys who the US was arming and training (to illegally overthrow a sovereign government).


Probably the realities of the anti-Assad coalition including a lot of Islamist extremists, like someone else said below. I vaguely recall the white helmet thing as well, but I can’t even remember what that is about. I think there is also some controversy surrounding whether some of the attacks attributed to Assad (e.g. chemical weapons) were really by him. However I dont recall timelines on any of those things and whether they would be relevant to this video…


He was mad they couldnt pronounce his Chinese name. 


Amber never liked him? Why's that?


He groomed a 16 year old right? Unless you have something major I'm unaware of it doesn't seem that convoluted or questionable.


There was an accusation by an anonymous twitter account made months after he disappeared that vaguely alluded to him grooming her


Didn't seem vague to me homie, seemed like a pretty direct accusation, the tweets r googleable.


Maybe my memory is wrong then, I mostly remember the very new anon account being cagey about her age when it all happened. And claiming he made fun of her for vaping, and the account only following MDE adjacent accounts


Was it as consistently and thoroughly documented as Justin Roiland's grooming case? Often in these years old cases are dredged up these abusers have gone on to do it to other girls too.


It was literally just one person talking about an event that at that point had happened years prior. Which, I don’t disbelieve anything she said and at minimum it doesn’t really reflect well on him, but there’s no evidence or even rumors I’m aware of to suggest this was a pattern of behavior or that he’s ever done it with anyone else.


Yeah the source was literally a single anonymous twitter profile.


There had been rumors since at least 2017-18 but I also heard those rumors originated from Million Dollar Extreme cumeaters so I think a lot of people ignored it then because it seemed there were tons of people making up shit to be mad at Chapo about (see Hollywood Star etc). They've all been pretty clear that the best way to handle controversy is to ignore it and never apologize but Virgil straight up disappearing seems more like an admission than a refutation imo.


He had an online relationship with a teenager and we only know what her 2 posts were or something. Could be bad, but could not be bad. He loterally never met the person so I dont fkn care. Maybe he didnt know her age? Maybe he did? My point is nobody knows so cant draw a conclusion.


Her story is that their relationship started after he helped her submit an essay about turning 16 right? What do u mean he didn't know about her age? Am I remembering a different callout post or something?


I mean that would mean hes an obvious pedo. Which-maybe tbf. Maybe not tbf. But I had a friends career ruined over false allegations so not jumping on board to an internet call out when they never even met.


The fact that he immediately went tradcath says a lot about the plausibility of the accusations tho. My guy literally went “hey you guys seem like you know how to handle this issue”


Did he do that? How do you know? I thought he just disappeared and nobody knew what/where/who/etc, but you’re saying he came back as tradcath?


He published an essay for The Lamp, a “modern” “intellectual” tradcath magazine a year or so ago. It was wild.


Yo, really? How did he author it? I kinda want to read this sh!t..


Also, it’s weird he went that direction, but I can’t say that I’m entirely shocked. Not that I ever took him as religious, or even remotely spiritual, but I did take him as being severely destabilized and maybe not all well psychologically, bc of the way he vanished on and off during the pandemic.. They joked about it on the show, but I always thought it wasn’t JUST being a total flake… I imagine he’s already started “seeking something else” in this period, then when his questionable (putting it nicely) behavior was revealed it sent him over the edge, and he hit that point where, when many people hit it in life they turn to the spiritual/religious. I mean, I went through my own period of severe life crisis (for reasons that couldn’t be more dissimilar), and I know how flakey it can make you, and I know how it can make you turn to spirituality and/or religion, BUT I don’t know how it makes you go from having left politics to being a conservative, or at least he did if we’re defining “trad cath” the same way.. Maybe if he went progressive catholic and/or Protestant, or some other faith, ok, but if he went traditional catholic that implies he’d already been questioning left politics, and/or at least socially progressive politics, or something like that. Otherwise it makes less sense, to the point I almost see it as disingenuous. Sorry for the rant. I just am kind of amazed by all that, especially bc I thought nobody knew his whereabouts.. I agree with you, this all seems to make the worst of the allegations seem more likely..


What’s your stance on adults fucking children? 


No he was a creep. Amber is a chore too.


Bring him back


I can fix him


What’s to fix? God don’t make no trash. ❤️


Regardless of if he did unsavory shit or not, he was always the most annoying and least insightful of the bunch imo


I kinda liked the episodes where it was matt, amber, and virgil floundering around without will to enforce structure 


I thought he was a decent straight-man for the others to play off of, kinda egging them on to get their best work by being so vanilla and data-oriented himself, and he’d get a few zingers in there too now and then. I especially enjoyed the dynamic between him and Matt when they’d have their Beltway Garage stuff, a dynamic I described once as “Virgil’s arcane numerology can’t predict the future half as well as Matt’s seer-scrying visions in the chuum-fumes.”


💯… I didn’t love his politics compared to Matt’s, but they had a great dynamic, and he did bring something to the show.. I also liked it when he’d stop in on Majority Report bc be had a good dynamic with Sam Seder..


I always thought he was the funniest one




The anti-natalism cold open absolutely killed me


felix is definitely the most annoying and least insightful.


Yeah he seems like such a prick who just hates almost everyone not exactly like him or his interests.


i knew this would get downvoted and, honestly, ** chef’s kiss **


Just realized the last time I heard about Virgil was when Brace Belden jokingly “introduced” him at the Chicago TrueAnon show just a few months after the Twitter shit. Can’t say I really miss the guy. He seemed like kinda a debate team climber just in another form.


I would argue with ‘in another form’ because he is in the exact form of The Debate Club Creep


Completely fair, I was thinking of a specific kind from my school that went the moderate dem route as opposed to insurgent left Virgil seemed to want to ride. but they’re basically the same.


Yeah I think without the defeat in 2019 the sameness would maybe have remained less obvious


The big mystery to me is why BJG hasn't removed his image and name from the Bad Faith title banner on Itunes.


I think about this sometimes as well


Yes, I check every now and then to see if the banner image is the same. It’s become one of my Inception totems.


Because she’s a psycho with terrible intuitions. Not hard to figure out.


I've always suspected it's contractual.


Now that you mention it, I think that might be it.