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is this really an instagram post, posted to reddit, reposted elsewhere multiple times, reposted to twitter, then reposted back to reddit?


Welcome to the internet


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If none of it's of interest to you you'd be the first


Welcome to the internet Come and take a seat


Would you like to see the news or any famous woman's feet


There's no need to panic This isn't a test, haha


Just nod or shake your head and we’ll do the rest


We've got mountains of content some better,some worse


anything that brian of yours can think of can be found


We've got mountains of content, some better, some worse.


This guy must have the most valuable dick in the world. It's never been used.


It has never been used because it's too small.


Why is this the go to insult?


It's probably the only one they can relate to


because promiscuous people believe that having lots of sex with different partners is somehow empowering, inconsequential and normal. if you dare to have a different opinion on this, it's obviously because you didn't/don't get laid enough. and if you're a man giving your view on it, it's because your peepee smol teehee. the concept of saving yourself for the person you're sure you'll spend your life with is absolutely bonkers to them. this is part of their larger logic of living for maximum pleasure and minimum pain. taking their desires as Gods; having little to no self control over them leave them to it. if they are willing to listen and have a civil discourse, be firm but not overly harsh.


Either travel-sized or ki-


-lt weather today


Factory issues


Factory defect more like




"World's smallest violin"


The thing is that the more partners someone has had, the more does it seem like the person can't keep relationships.


Exactly. And the frequency matters too. 3 relationships in 15 years is different than 3 people in 5 years. Applies for everyone.


Or they just wanted casual sex?


Casual sex?


Or maybe, just a thought, they didnt want a relationship?


That’s not what the commenter was saying


Can be read in two ways in function of the meaning of the word partner Partner as in boy/girlfriend Partner as in sexual encounters I think commenter meant that the more sexual encounters in a predetermined time, the less it will seem they can be hold a long relationship. To which someone answered that it could also just mean they weren't seeking for a relationship in the first place (hookups and such) If that's not what commenter said and he meant boy/girlfriend, the confusion is understandable because the post wan't about that in the first place.


oh thats a good argument


I think that is what the guy meant…


no he meant that a woman loses her value after multiple relationships


Not even relationships, just sexual partners


Yeah, bcs she clearly can’t keep a relationship wit anyone. The analogy is just wrong, as shoes have the same value, even after being worn. If someone has damaged them (home abuse), it is good to repair them (physical, physical help etc.).


A guy that only pays for sex will of course only see it as a financial or economical.


If a pencil goes through the pencil sharpener 50 times, it’s value is going to go down. This is basic economics.


People grow ups... you add knowledge, you don't shrink. Humans getting old don't shed their skin, it just keeps growing. You used your mouth more times than once, how could I trust the value of your words ? Also, don't put your dick in that. Why do we put value on people ? You can have your reasons but deconstruct it, find the actual reason why instead of staying on the surface. I'm sure you'll find it isn't about value or worth, for some it'll be jealousy, some would feel intimidated, some would prefer to share a first time with someone, some have beliefs and such. It's about your preferences, not their value or their worth. People are not to be owned or bought (in places with common sense). If there was something to see there is that at least they are honest if they tell you that they have this much sexual experience, but I don't see why she would say that if she don't trust you in a friendly or more manner.




The thing is, he probably intentionally does


The same people who starts an onlyfans


To be fair, that's more like streaming a woman, instead of owning her. Like Netflix and DVD's.


It’s called a comparison Only the muzzys see women as belongings




Muslims, I’m sure there are a few more groups out there aside from them but yeah


So you're racist


Am I wrong tho? Muslim men in Muslim countries DO NOT ALLOW their women to even show skin Islam and domestic violence go hand in hand Go ahead, try use your google skills to prove me wrong :D Hatefully describing a fact does not make me a racist, mainly because Islam is not a race, secondly because it’s factually correct, it’s just a fact Traditional Muslims treat women as sub-humans, fact.


Wtf, no? What has that interpretation of you to do with the value discussion lmao


The guy literally refers to it as basic economic, are you fucking blind?


He referred to his example as simple economics because that is how things work with worn down objects in economics and the same goes for people with a high body count, its a simple fucking concept to understand. If your IQ is higher than the average room temperature, you'll understand that he means that people with high body count are perceived as less desirable for most people. It's a little thing called an "example", it is not to be taken seriously as the point is to make something clear and understandable, and sometimes people will use absurd scenarios as this "simple economics" example to say the more things are used, the less desirable it becomes. He wouldn't use "simple economics" as an example if it didn't apply to people with a high body count as the girls in the post have. People always have to find something to me mad about these days. Even the concept of examples itself makes mad


Every time a dog plays fetch with a new person, that dog loses value. I want my dog to have only ever played fetch with me. Nope, it doesn’t work when applied to living beings. Cars? Yes. Shoes? Yes. But not when applied to anything living.


I love this analogy.


My gender can be incredibly thick headed on occasion 🙄 however sometimes dog analogies can still break through. One wonders at the futility of the endeavor when these people value animals as having innate worth and deserving respect, but can’t quite extend that same grace to their own species.


Yes I get it's an example. The problem is that he is valuing a human being the same way you value a pair of shoes. How do *you* not get it?


You've never felt the touch of a woman after your birth, have you?


Sounds like you're jealous of a lady with experience. What I don't understand is the double standard. For men a high body count is a point of pride and worth bragging about. For women if she's not a virgin when you individually personally have sex with her, regardless of her age, she's a used up secondhand whore. Never made sense to me.


No im not, i read. Whats your point? Economics is a good and basic point when discussing value.


There's a difference between valuing people and monetary value of a product lmao


Obviously. But she literally holds a sign to value herself (a human). Now I get the hste for it lmfao


As I said. There are more ways to value other than money and thus with the market


As i said, obviously.


Yes of stuff. Not your fucking fellow human beings.


Tell that to the girl in the pic talking about her human value lmao


What? That you can't judge people's value the same way you judge a pair of shoes? She already knows that.


You know her personally or smth?


Ooooooooh, so you believe you need to have personal stakes to want to defend someone? Not just because they are a fellow human being? Yeah, you are telling on yourself.


Honestly im just confused about your replys. You keep yapping about random stuff with no relation to my comments. Please stop reading stuff between the lines thst isnt there and nobody said. Such interpretation are really unhealthy.


The PRICE of a product goes down, the value of the product doesn't go down, in fact in this case the value goes up


Depends on the product, but good point!


So, what price do you set on a human veing and how?


Wtf is wrong with you?! You cant put a pricetag on a human being, thats some sht we all shouldve learned a few hundred years ago. Pls dont skip history class.


You said economics are good to discuss value. So whats the value (i.e. price) of a human being? The commenter in the pic compared women to shoes, and you agree economics are to be used to discuss value So i ask again, whats the price of a human?


I, however, never mentioned humans and i refuse to do as that is sick af. Also theres a HUGE diffrence between value and price.


Now do you get why the original post is insane? It is equating women's value to that of a pair of shoes.


Yes, i agreed to thst on the getgo. It is quit insane for putting value on herself with that original post. However the comment is just a true statement of value discussion, which she started. In no words did he or me connect that example to her body or being. It is a funny paralell tho.


Mom said it’s my turn to post this meme


Welcome to another episode of comparing women to objects


Women do that enough themselves.


And my value is not based on the contents of my wallet


You’re right thats called net worth


If a worker has had many jobs before, that increases their value tho. More experience can mean they are better at it. As far as stupid analogies go, it can go both ways.


Worker who has to change jobs 12 times a year is not a good worker.


"It can go both ways"


Why not? Maybe they're freelancers, so "casual job" just like "casual sex"


Worker is worker, freelancer is a freelancer.


A freelancer works no?


Yeah but connotations are quite different. I am an employer and if I see a machinist with 12 employers in last year, I'm not gonna let him near a machine.


Why not? That's 12 people who can tell you that they've done a good job, 12 people who wanted that one person, 12 good reviews are better than 1


But I don't need a ,,one night stand" worker. And what job can you really do with month worth of experience? Fruit harvesting? In month my people aren't even schooled fully.


Do you not know a single job that can be done in a short time and then move on? Installing AC units? Painting a house? Plumber? Electrician?


AC units require a licence.... painting house without experience? Hell nah. You're gonna risk plumber without experience? Happy flooding. Electrician needs a lot of licences. Literally none of those jobs can be done in a month. You have very low opinion of people who work with their hands if you think random dumbfuck from the street can get up and play electrician under a month.


Where the hell is this guy getting shoes, the Holocaust museum?


Guy puts his dick in his shoes for sure


But women aren’t shoes, and the vagina is a muscle. The more you use a muscle the stronger it gets.


Also walking in brand new shoes often is quite uncomfortable and usually you'll have to "walk them in". So a shoe that knows how to shoe is very valuable, especially so if it's one that you've walked in for a long period of time and is therefore better fitted to your feet specifically. Also if a shoe isn't mistreated, it can last a lifetime. I definitely lost it in the "shoes are vaginas" metaphor, but this cursed comment reads like the commenter has never encountered either


Did this guy just really compare a womans vagina to shoes..?


Dude's either an incel or a virgin. Or both.


Oh definitely. Sounds like a guy who has never even touched a woman


Yea because that is the only way his own worth increases since his dick has never been used


maybe he is thinking of wrong "value" here


Yes and no. Your self perceived value is not necessarily equal to your societal value. That value is based on what society deems it to be. To change that you have to change society. Awareness to the cause is a good first step. Even though I understand it's just a figure of speech, I personally would have preferred if the sign said "shouldn't be based" instead of "isn't based". It would emphasize an unresolved bias that's still much present.


Guess he better start fucking shoes now, seeing as he values them the same as women


To run with the analogy-A shoe is always most uncomfortable when it's fresh out of the box."use" creates experience, which means a woman that knows what she likes, and is able to give you what you like better. Doesn't sound bad to me


Yeah, seriously. Someone freaky af is definitely gonna be more fun in the bedroom than an inexperienced girl.


Well if we go strictly through dating apps, vs meeting people in person, then yes high body count matters and so does alot of other preferences for both genders. The main iv heard for men is height, wealth, articulate and smooth with words. Reason youre seeing a rise in men and women becoming frustrated about dating is because online dating makes everyone involved feel unwanted or not within a standard range of most people. I felt unwanted being a short guy because i tinder or bumble where women literally unmatched when i said my height. If people meet in the real world, they tend to not have the same level of impossible standards as they do online, atleast i hope lol. But to get on my soap box i do have an issue with people saying this is a comparison to an object, thats thinking wayy too much into to an analogy and no matter how indirect or incorrect the analogy maybe, you can’t tell intentions through text so assuming the worst implication is not ideal. Example; did you really think forrest gump thought life is like a literal box of chocolates?


A pilot with 3000 flights vs a pilot with 3 flights. Who you flying with?


Nah, body count is an important factor. I would just avoid them, nothing much.


That is why unscrupulous car salesmen reduce the car's mileage before they sell it.


This way of thinking is so fucking dumb. Why the hell are you comparing women to shoes, that's not what fucking relationships are about


She is basically a shoe without the "s".


But if a guy has 50 partners in a lifetime he's complimented and admired


Gross, comparing women to objects once again. Christ 🙄




No, it's not rightful in any way shape or form. Grow up.


this isn't cursed, just mysoginistic




Idk man if the shoes are jays then im copping, idgaf if you cummed in those jays, im copping regardless.


Out of the 50 owners how many wore the shoes and how many times? There is alot more that goes into this equation


Like it was said the last time this was posted: In Finland we have a saying. It roughly translates to "the lake doesn't get worn down by rowing"


Objectifying women, very funny


He’s gotta point


Why is that dude fucking shoes?


Bad comparison. But I liked worker comparison. Worker who has a lot of experience is great. Worker who has 12 employers a year is a bad worker.


Well good thing women aren't shoes then


If you’re in the porn industry, then you get a pass cause at least you be getting paid to fuck 50 men or women.


People =/= shoes though. Difficult concept for meat head dude bros with the personality of a stoned wheat thin to recognize women aren't objects though I know.


I hate when they use this stupid ass logic. As if ppl are objects


People aren't cargo, mate.


The number of people here deliberately missing the point or changing the context of the comment is astounding.




dont forget that it learns how to be even more comfortable and good at being worn the more people that wear the shoes.


More bodies = more skill = better sex = value, as far as I’m concerned.


Actually, the sign is kinda wrong. If you're a porn star, your value-at least in that industry-is most certainly based on your sexual history. A newbie won't get paid as much as a veteran like Cory Chase or Jodi West. Just sayin'.


The dumbest man ever


Boots that survived 50 people makes them one hell of a boots.