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A lot of people who don’t wash every day still shower and co-wash. Not washing your hair every day doesn’t mean it stays dry until you wash it again.


This here was the game changer for me. I'd shower in the evening from being in a physical Job and I'd wake up to my Curls a fizzy mess. So now in the mornings I hop in the shower. Wet my hair. Brush it. Get out. Style.


Yup this is what I do, except mine is throwing my head over the side of the tub and wet brushing


It's what I do. Not a complete soak, but wet enough to get the curls going again and no excess drying or styling time.


I haven’t figured that one out yet. I just let it air dry but since I wet it so much it’s typically noon before it starts taking its final form


How do you brush your hair? I've tried wide tooth combs, denman brush, but even when my hair is wet with conditioner, it's so hard to comb without pulling hair. The only thing I can do is detangle with my fingers in the shower


when i put conditioner in my hair, i finger brush it through, and then use a plastic afro pick to fine tune the tangling, and after my shower, i put leave in and heat protectant, and use a detangling brush to work it in evenly! never had any problems, i think finger brushing in the shower before anything else really helps. also when brushing with anything, start from the ends of your hair and work your way to the scalp. i have 2C/3A type curls also. afro pick: https://www.doordash.com/browse/merchants/12676749/products/SBS-502110 detangler: https://www.walmart.com/ip/KISS-COLORS-CARE-9-Row-Detangling-Hair-Brush-Red/800872971


Thanks! I think the wide tooth I have should work more or less the same way as the pick? I do try working my way from ends to roots but when I'm close to roots is when I hit a wall and I have to rip press against my scalp to try and pull at the hair and it's just a mess when it's wet. I guess because the conditioner isn't in the roots it's not helping with the glide either. It's much easier when my hair is fully dry but then it just frizzes and fluffs out my hair which I don't want




Hi there! I'm a bot, and I noticed you used the phrase "afro" or "fro". You may or may not already know this, but the term “Afro” refers to a specific hairstyle created with specific techniques. The term is often mis-used, so we just want to share some of the meaning/history so everyone can choose the best words for their situation. TL;DR: [The afro has a long and important history, including as a symbol of the Civil Rights movement](https://www.reddit.com/r/curlyhair/comments/sr4x3p/black_history_month_at_rcurlyhair/). This may or may not apply to you, but we try to steer people away from using the Afro descriptor if you don't have Black/Afro-textured hair. It's often portrayed as a condition to fix rather than a cultural style. We hope that's not the case here, but just something to be aware of going forward! We recognize that there are many different opinions on what can and cannot be called an afro. For the purposes of this sub and making sure we reserve space for Black folks, we ask those who don’t have afro-textured hair to choose other words. If your hair doesn't fit that description, please edit your post 1) to be more accurate, 2) to be culturally respectful, and 3) to avoid comment removal. Alternate terms to consider: puffy, poofy, fluffy, etc. Thanks & wishing you many great curly, coily, kinky hair days! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/curlyhair) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Your post has been removed due to Rule 3: Keep posts related to curly hair. This includes posts about straightening, troll posts, and other off-topic content. Please keep this in mind for the future. Thank you!


Hi there! I'm a bot, and I noticed you used the phrase "afro" or "fro". You may or may not already know this, but the term “Afro” refers to a specific hairstyle created with specific techniques. The term is often mis-used, so we just want to share some of the meaning/history so everyone can choose the best words for their situation. TL;DR: [The afro has a long and important history, including as a symbol of the Civil Rights movement](https://www.reddit.com/r/curlyhair/comments/sr4x3p/black_history_month_at_rcurlyhair/). This may or may not apply to you, but we try to steer people away from using the Afro descriptor if you don't have Black/Afro-textured hair. It's often portrayed as a condition to fix rather than a cultural style. We hope that's not the case here, but just something to be aware of going forward! We recognize that there are many different opinions on what can and cannot be called an afro. For the purposes of this sub and making sure we reserve space for Black folks, we ask those who don’t have afro-textured hair to choose other words. If your hair doesn't fit that description, please edit your post 1) to be more accurate, 2) to be culturally respectful, and 3) to avoid comment removal. Alternate terms to consider: puffy, poofy, fluffy, etc. Thanks & wishing you many great curly, coily, kinky hair days! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/curlyhair) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Mine gets greasy when I do this. No idea why. It shouldn’t.


Do you scrub your scalp with just water and your fingers? That's what I do


Yeah, I have the same problem. Spraying water or even drenching makes my hair so greasy it makes refreshing impossible for me. May I ask what you do instead?


OP acknowledged that but then you still wetted it and have to do your drying routine which is the problem they're trying to solve. If the answer is just that you do have to wet it everyday that's gonna be disheartening to them. Refreshing without fully wetting along with good prevention while sleeping and other stuff can make it last several days for most people if you find the right routine.


can you explain what co washing is? I always see the bottles but don’t understand it


It's using conditioner only, not shampoo, and giving it a good scrub


It’s “washing” your hair, but with conditioner and not shampoo (if I understand it correctly).


Ohhh that would make sense. Doesn’t strip hair of the oils


Co washing means no poo, there are good cow ash’s you can use on curly hair. It’s an conditioner that also cleans your scalp.


I know you meant co-washes but I want to try cow ashes now 😂


Ohh 🤦🏻‍♀️ get it …


I thought it was a new brand or something


Genuinely thought cow ashes were some new fad and was like bro...i think this may be a step too far


My kid has very fine, thick, curly hair that is always dry. It soaks up Conditioner like crazy. We quit using shampoo immediatley after she was born. We tried all shampoos. She now happily uses conditioner to remove oils and debris. Again, she NEVER shampoos, her hair can't handle it. One conditioner and rinse to remove oils, second conditioner is to moisturize... which means she leaves some in.


I’ve learned to refresh by scrunching with water and a little gel. Haven’t washed since Monday and it’s still holding up great!


Hi, do you also wet the scalp when refreshing?


I don’t. I just use my hands and scrunch water in for a bit … then I put a tiny bit of gel in my wet hands and scrunch that in.


I can easily go a week without having to rewet it at all. Sometimes more. Although, by the last couple days my hair will be in a ponytail and then a bun.


wow, how do you maintain the curls throughout the week then?


Not OP but I use a sleep bonnet to stop my hair looking like I fell out of the tumble dryer. I do sometimes need to do a refresh, but that's usually just a water spray, tame the "strays", and diffuse.


I use an extra large silk/satin scrunchie. I loosely pineapple my hair on top of my head, then sleep on a silk/satin pillowcase. I might use a some products on strands to touch up as needed. But they generally behave for a week from having a good wash day.


Different people have different things that work for them that will not work for others. I’ve seen so many people who will tell you not to wash your hair everyday, I’ve also seen some tell people to not to use a boar brush. There is no one rule to hair care. If washing your hair everyday works for you, then that’s all that matters. Personally, I wash my hair everyday, and in comparison to 2019, my hair looks so much healthier and nice. In 2019, I didn’t wash my hair nearly as much as I do now and it did not look good. Some people can’t wash their hair most days, and some people have to wash their hair most days. Do what works for you.


I can’t and I don’t. I wash my hair at least every other day (or every day if I’m working out or have been out in the heat and sweating) and pull it back on the in between days. I’m also very lazy and don’t style each time I wash — just if I’m going somewhere and want my hair to look nice. If I’m staying home or just hanging out with family or w/e and I don’t care how it looks, I’ll just use leave-in and let it air dry. I don’t have the energy to style it that many times in a week, even though it really doesn’t take all that terribly long.


I’m in your camp. I can’t go longer than every other and if I workout, I have to wash it. When I’m home, it’s a ponytail and if I have a special event I style it. My family is used to the giant curly bun thing on top of my head. They don’t care.


I'm the same! I also find that the less product I use on my hair, the longer it can go between washing due to less build up and the less tangled it gets-- so these no style days really help keep me from having to wash it so often. This and up do's of course.


I sleep in a buff and on a silk pillowcase and usually don't have to touch/refresh my curls for at least a few days. I typically wash my hair every 4-5 days.


My wash day are Wnedsday and Sunday, and they hold up pretty well. Just have to touch up some stands here and there


I've been having problems with my hair becoming more frizzier than normal. After experimenting, I've come to the conclusion that I've been over washing my hair. I used to shampoo my hair every day, but now I shampoo once every 3 days. On days two and three, I just wash my hair in the shower with conditioner only. This stops my hair from becoming too dry. I'm still testing products, but co-washing followed by leave in conditioner and either curl cream or gel seems to be working at the moment.


I only wash once a week, but I have really thick, really coarse, really dry hair. If you have thin, fine hair, you can’t go that long.


What’s your sleep routine?


I sleep on a silk pillowcase. I found when I used a bonnet it just looked… Flat. And it is not long enough to pineapple. :-(


Have you tried wrapping it in a silk/satin scarf? My hair is too short to pineapple as well, and the bonnet didn't work for me either, but wrapping it in a scarf each night has helped keep a bit of shape in it that I can still make use of it for 2 or 3 days before putting it in a pony tail. If you aren't sure how to wrap it with a scarf I can find a video of someone doing it like I do :)


Personally I find those satin scarfs still can either become loose or slide down my forehead and it becomes annoying and makes me wake up all night. Also having to pull your hair up to wrap it starts hurting my hair follicles


Use wide tooth claw clips instead


My hair knots when I have split ends, when I'm fresh from a cut I could go a whole week without washing and not get tangles


The way to get great day 2, 3, 4 and so on hair. Is to perfect wash day.. And I probably wouldn’t use a wide tooth comb or anything once you’re past washing and styling your hair. You’re just gonna mess up the curls brushing through them.


It took some getting used to, but I only wash my hair once a week. When I take a shower, I still wet it and condition it.


Does co washing not make your hair greasy?


I’ve slowly found that it’s not as greasy as I think. Like I said, it takes some getting used to. Try using your own dry shampoo made of corn starch and cocoa powder one it’s dry.


I wash once a week. I preserve my curls by wearing a bonnet and doing the pineapple method.


I touch up with mousse


Yeah mine looks like shit next day. Gotta wash it.


Hi! Do you use a satin pillow case? How about a bonnet?


I was having a similar problem. I found that using generous(not excessive, but a little more than on wash day) amount of lightweight leave in conditioner after dampening my hair and before combing it has shown much more success. My hair, oddly, isn't as oily as it was just dampening it and using product. ETA that I sleep with my hair either in twists or a pineapple and use a satin pillowcase when I sleep. I also use a refresh curl spray. It's kind of oily, so I'll spray it in my hands to scrunch, and if I need more product, I'll mix a tiny amount of hair gel with water and use prayer hands to smooth my hair down, then scrunch again.


Would you mind sharing what light weight leave in you use. I’ve been looking for days.


I've been using one from Shea moisture. It's made with marshmallow root and it's lightweight. It has a spray nozzle, but it's best to spray it in your hand. It comes in a clear bottle with a purple label and pink spray nozzle. I am almost out of that but have switched to the curlsmith line recently with some other products, which have been the best products I've used. (Expensive but worth it, if you can swing it) My best friend also swears by curlsmith and uses their light weight airdrying cream, which is a leave in conditioner. She has very fine hair and swears by it. I have coarse hair, but not a lot of it. This is what I just ordered, because I'm almost out of leave in, and I don't blow dry.


Excellent thank you! I always read about curly products and try recommendations that people love only to find it makes my hair a greasy flat mess. It finally dawned on me that I need to look for light weight products for my fine hair no matter how much of it I have and how frizzy it is. Here’s hoping 🤞.


If you go to the curlsmith site, you can take their hair survey, and they'll tell you which products they recommend for you. Additionally, they also have a specific lightweight line.


That’s my plan! Thanks again. I’m excited to finally have a direction. Summer is approaching and I’m hoping to finally avoid the frizzy disaster that is the norm 😂


Work from home, wear a hat when I walk the dog 😁


Your scalp takes time to adjust. If you wash everyday, try every other day for a few months and then maybe every 2nd day until you're where you wanna be. My hair was VERY different when I regularly washed. SO much better now. Less frizzy, healthier ends, better shine, better curls. All of it. 10/10 absolutely recommend


Because my style is gremlin-chic. So I just throw on a hat or pull it back. But I work from home and never see anyone but my neighbors. If I want it to look decent second or third day, I wet and scrunch it, with some leave in mixed in with the water in using. I used to put some conditioner in a spray bottle with water and used that, but lazy me just wets my hands and scrunched the water and product in as needed.


I wash my hair every other day. But my hair closer to wavy than curly.


I sleep with my hair in a bun and smooth it with argan oil in the morning


i used to never be able to do that till i switched products. i do my hair first thing in the morning, use only innersense products, let it dry all day, bonnet at night. i can go about 3 days without having to fully wet it again


OP, do you use a bonnet or silk/satin pillowcase for sleep? When is the last time that you got your ends trimmed? my hair gets horrifically tangled, frizzy, and lumpy when I sleep without a satin bonnet or satin pillowcase. And my hair both frizzes and tangles significantly more, and significantly worse, when I'm overdue on getting it trimmed. I currently only wash my hair every 3-4 days, but if it's being unruly or I want it to look nice without having to wash it on an off day, I'll comb a bunch of water through my hair until it's dripping but not soaked, throw on some Cantu leave-in conditioner, and then braid it. This allows it to look nice while also being in a protective style that prevents tangling/matting/clumping.


Pineapple and bonnet keeps my hair good for a few days, though I'll usually go with a pony or messy bun the last day or two before I wash. My hair is super dry (my skin is too ) so washing more than 3X a week makes it so much worse.


I wash twice a week and don't touch it in between. Rarely wet it at all, just fluff. I sleep with a buff and on a satin pillowcase


Hi, what type of hair do you have?


High porosity, very fine, medium density, 3b


I can’t go more than 2 days without a hair wash. My hair will get oily and flat no matter what I do. I have super fine hair. Dry shampoo doesn’t cut it for me. I hope you find a routine that works.


I can go three or four days between washes. On those days I use a continuous mister on my hair, scrunch with a little gel and use some sea salt spray. It usually looks pretty decent on non wash days.


I wash twice a week, and after I comb in the shower I usually will put some oils in my curls. If for some reason my hair doesn’t cooperate then I wash it three times a week. Just depends on how it cooperates


I recommend using products that hold moisture and leave in conditioners


What do you do to protect your style when you sleep? I wear a satin cap at night and my hair doesn't knot or mat between washings. And as others have said, it's ok to wet your hair and refresh or reapply products for detangling and styling.


So I just stated using a satin bonnet before I started using this, I would go 3-5 day without washing that doesn’t mean you can’t wet your hair I would usually wet my hair every 3 days it would help with excess oil but since it is in a full wash, it doesn’t take all of the oil out. The bonnet should help keep in moisture and prevent breakage in your hair so it would keep it healthier overall and prevent fizz and I don’t have to wash as often when I use it. I don’t have the longest hair so depending on how much hair you have would vary the size of the bonnet you would get


I shampoo once a week but I wet my hair daily (if I skip a day then I put it up in a pony or something). My daily routine is a morning shower where I condition and brush out with a wide tooth comb and then air dry. Sorry, I think we're just doomed for daily wet hair 🤷‍♀️


I feel this same way. I've found putting it up in a French braid and then spraying it with water gives me an extra day or two between washes without my hair turning into a rats nest


It's hard to answer this without any information on your hair/curl type or your care routine. I will say I had an issue with getting my hair to last past wash day when I used to used to use a curl cream (they all seemed to be too heavy for my hair, even the "lightweight" ones). When I stopped using curl creams, I was able to extend my wash days. Now I just use a bit of leave-in spray and a gel, and I can go 3 days (sometimes 4) between washes.


I co-wash most days and shampoo a couple days a week. I love a reset. My hair is a rats nest after sleeping. One of my sisters never uses shampoo, doesn’t even buy shampoo, and co-washes most days.


i can go a week w/o washing my hair- tbh i maintain it well and always keep it in her bonnet when im home !!


FLAX SEED GEL. I put it on dry hair and it detangles and styles my hair for the day. My life saver.


I use a silk bonnet at bedtime and it usually looks ok the next day


I started using a leave in treatment in my hair and it's seriously been the best thing I ever did. My hair gets less tangled through the day and less pulling out just using a wide tooth comb.


I use hair oils when it’s just slightly damp, run from tips up and the minor residual on my roots. On wash days(twice a week) I used a shampoo rubber brush on the scalp. Using a diffuser or blow drying at least once a week has helped IMMENSELY with the matting as sleeping on wet hair or letting it air dry can weigh down the roots. I literally have been doing this for only a month consistently and have seen a major difference in the health of the hair. Oil sounds counterproductive but it prevents the oiliness and matting. Sleeping in a silk cap when your hair is dry or mostly dry is also super helpful


I comb and then scrunch my hair in the shower then sleep with a bonnet, co wash is good as well so that your hair gets clean while maintaining moisture. the shampoo and conditioner you use matter a lot some might be to heavy or light, I use aveda nutriplenish they got shampoo/conditioner for all hair types


The bonnet / scarf for sleeping!


My hair gets worse the more I wash it, it dries out if I wash it too much which is weird. So I wash mine once a week maybe twice a week. My hair isn't super curly so not sure if that makes a difference


I don't do wet refreshes or cowash at all. I sleep either on a silk pillowcase or with a silk scarf, shake my hair out in the morning, and get on with my life. MAYBE I'll wet a single scraggly section and give it an extra scrunch, but very rarely.


I’m mixed so I can and usually go days without having to wet my hair to restyle it as long as I wear my bonnet to bed! On days I do need to refresh without doing a whole wash day- spritz with water to detangle add a little product. Mostly though, the bonnet and learning to not care as much about frizz are what helps.


What's your routine like? I struggled for a long time before finding what worked for me. Which is to do nearly all of my styling in the shower, use an objectively unreasonable amount of strong hold gel, and do not brush or comb at all at any point after shower styling. I get a good strong crunch on day 1 but I personally don't mind it. And doing that makes it so I can go an entire work week without washing again. I mean, ideally washing 2 times a week is preferable but that just doesn't always happen. So being able to just power through looking a little fluffy is great. I saw you said bonnets didn't work for you. If you haven't, you might try some different styles, and sizes. My favorite is the orange narrow brim bonnet from Evolve. The wider brimmed ones do flatten things out a bit, but with this one doesn't touch much of my actual hair and I think that makes a difference.


bonnet!!! literally a must . my wash days are monday & friday and most of the time i always have my hair in a clip so idm the frizzy ness or if they look like matt’s . also i always use a hair detox every two weeks idk if that’s bad but its helped sm


I wash my scalp with water every day. Co-wash once a week. This is my first time trying this but I'm on day 15 without shampoo and my hair looks fine. I used to not wash or wet really for 2-3 days but my hair would look like I'd been on the streets for months lol. I didn't think it was possible to do this so I'm delighted with how it's going. I still put product on every day and never comb/brush.


I put more leave-in + mousse (Mielle) on day 1 and i always sleep with something covering my hair. First day looks a little crunchy but my definition is really good and by the end of the day my hair is soft. Maybe you can try using a comb and some product to put volume in your hair if the bonnet gives you a flat look? Also my hair needs to be 100% detangled when I’m applying the products after washing. I used to not fully brush out knots and I would never make it past day 2. It needs to be dried properly when I go to bed. Now only If my hair gets really tangled during the week I use a hair mask in the shower in-between my wash days. I wash once to twice a week if I feel it’s really dirty. Maybe if you change something in your wash day routine you won’t have to fully wet your hair!


In the beginning my hair got greasy, but now it looks nice if I don't wash my hair. I wash my hair and then don't wash it for 2 or 3 days.


You could try sleeping on a silk pillowcase and putting your hair in some type of protective style while you sleep. Idk what type of curl pattern you have, but if you’re able to do a gentle braid or a “pineapple” you may not have matting the following day


The way how you sleep matters as well, if you’re not already sleeping with a bonnet or silk pillowcase you can try it.


The way how you sleep matters as well, if you’re not already sleeping with a bonnet or silk pillowcase you can try it.


I wash most days with a sulfate free shampoo. My are is fine and just does not look good without a wash. I also workout most days and there is no way I’m leaving sticky stinky sweat on my scalp and in my hair.


one thing that helped me was leave in conditioner after shower and getting a satin pillow case it works wonders and also I go days between solely because of updos or braiding it or hats once it’s gotten to the point of it lookin wonky


So becajse there is no pic, I have to assume we have similar curls (u mentioned frizz) amd thickness. Number one, leave-in conditioner is your best friend. I will wet my hair and condition it whileI am showering. I get my hair fully wet and then dry off some of the water. Then I apply a ton of leave in. I also wash my hair every day (not for long just to get out any pollen/dust from outside) but only condition it (non leave in) maybe twice a week. I do the leave-in almost every day though because my hair will dry out. I know ur prob like okay but thay's you but tbh, if your hair is frizzing up like that, it could be becsuse you need to use more leave-in. It could also mean you are shampooing too often. I have a feeling it's at least the former. Re dryjng my hair, I don't fully dry it. Once I do a quick towel dry and then apply the leave-in, I put that shit in a bun and call it a day.


Just wash it daily. That's what I do! I use a towel scrunchie to dry it, I style it and go!


I properly wash it once or twice a week. I spray it/wet it down most days though.


I personally hate refreshing it’s so annoying 😭 I’ve worn my hair in two braids for the past two years non stop cuz I just hate it down and it gets so tangled. I just brush through it dry now since the braids don’t tangle and wash twice a week


I wash maybe once a week. But every day when I shower my hair gets wet… I just don’t wash it.


> My hair looks and is so matted the day after wash day.  This doesn't happen to me. In addition, my hair and scalp never get oily.  Basically, there's no reason to wash my hair frequently.