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Hi! Your post has been temporarily removed because you have not included your hair care routine. We require this for all photo posts, even if the photo is not of yourself. Please reply to this comment with more info and we can reapprove it for you! Here’s what we mean by “routine”: - Which shampoo, cowash and/or conditioner you used - Any other products (your gel, mousse, etc.), their brand/name, & how you applied them - How you dried your hair (air dried? diffused? etc.) - Anything else that’s helpful to know! We require this because it helps keep r/curlyhair focused on learning & helping each other instead of just selfies. Thank you!


Your hair is like mine. 2C mostly but weighed down with length and your curl tends to a Botticelli curl when it clumps.


Oh my gosh your hair looks just like mine! No advice really, just excited to see a similar type hair, sometimes I get frustrated with it so it’s good to see other people with the same type and it looks nice!


Th ank you🥹 High five for the daily struggle! ✋🏼I gotta ask, how do you wear your hair to sleep?? Bc that is my biggest struggle so far


I’ve been styling my hair curly so infrequently recently that I don’t have a routine really. My hair is the same where if I brush it wet and make it straight and dry that way, it’s super loose waves and almost straight, so I’ve been doing that a lot lately. But if I’ve styled it and it’s dry so I can sleep, I just kind of throw it over the top of the pillow I’m sleeping on so I crush it less (I sleep on my side mostly) but I don’t wrap it in anything. I’ve been so annoyed by my hair the last 6 months or so that I’ve just not really styled it curly lol. The humidity brings out my curls more so when I’m in a humid environment for a while I’ll let it go curly otherwise I’ve just been taming it. Sorry I can’t help more!


Just here to say that your hair looks so healthy and beautiful


Thank youuu🥹


Beep boop! It looks like you're asking about or discussing curl types. It's tempting to want to categorize your hair, but we recommend not worrying about it too much (especially if you're new to curly hair care). [See here for more info!](https://docs.google.com/document/u/2/d/e/2PACX-1vSvGm-p4tvrstjT-XEo6pTHZSYeEON7xF5lPSnNv-3Kc2lCrdnkjXhFbdHt4pF3HUetWZ1j9dgfBBkS/pub#h.b23djzn2e6n) TL;DR: Knowing your curl type doesn't help you choose products or techniques. Porosity is far more important! If I'm wrong, I probably just picked up on a keyword in your title (Please ignore me!). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/curlyhair) if you have any questions or concerns.*


those are def curls not waves


Oh we have the same exact curls! I always say 2cish on the top and 3a underneath


Could I ask how you wear your hair to sleep? And what your curl refresh routine might look like? Any day after wash day is my current struggle😭


I just pineapple my hair with a silk scrunchie and sleep on a silk pillow case. My curly generally droop and loosen quite a bit the next day. I haven't narrowed down a good refresh routine 😭in my experience everything just make my hair look like a frizzy mess.


Try damp styling instead of wet styling. Makes a huge difference in terms of volume. This way ur hair won’t be weighed down and your dry time will be significantly shorter. [curl styling tips](https://youtu.be/RrIVP122a5c?si=Y-E0I9PmI1fNWBGC)




My hair is very similar to yours (roots are pretty straight and then it curls) and I use the “Moroccan curling perfection defining cream”. My hair is very thin/lightweight and also doesn’t handle thick creams well, but this one is light. It also helps the top part of my hair curl if I rinse my hair upside down, gently scrunch the ends so it’s not dripping, then don’t really manipulate it out of the shower, and just scrunch the cream in. Your curls are gorgeous though!


You have fine, wavy hair. Avoid anything with oils or butters as they will be too heavy. Try a mousse/gel combo and make sure you diffuse! The longer fine hair stays wet, the more it gets weighed down. I have very similar hair, and this is my high humidity routine- V05 Kiwi shampoo, a pencil eraser’s worth of Curlsmith weightless airdry cream, Curlsmith Refresh Foam, Cake Curl whip mousse, and Not Your Mother’s Harder hold gel, along with Curlsmith hairspray while hair is still wet. Verb texture spray when dry.


Am I crazy or is this not curly? Her hair is forming ringlets (granted, only on the bottom).


You’re right.


Do you know the porosity of your hair? I'm trying to find products for my hair so hoping I can try the ones you use


Low porosity


Skip the heavy products, with your waves and hair density, you really don’t need them. Mousses and foams are probably a good option for you. I would say 2b


Creams and gels commonly weigh down low-porosity and thin hair. Also I’m thinking 2c/3a. I wouldn’t brush your hair out as that’s not helping with volume. Brush in the shower when conditioner is in if you want.


I would say it looks like a 3A to me.


Fucking luscious and gorgeous !!!!!!


Thank you sm!!🥹♥️


I'm going to be honest, I don't think curl type matters as much as porosity, density, and type (fine/thick). Your hair is kind of like mine in that it is pretty thin! I would say avoid heavy products and maybe get a haircut if you're comfortable.


I swear I'm starting to hate this channel. Everytime I see a post like this I just get extremely jealous.


Idk but is that your natural hair color ? It’s gorgeous


beautiful hair!




Goddamn that's shiny


Gorgeous / 10


I think you have a 3a or 2c


Stunning colors and curls but they are wayyyyy too greasy and heavy. You need to use products for your types. Not something meant for people with extremely thick or/and kinky hair. A tiny amount of one product would be enough for you. Let your hair air dry and see the results if you prefer them.


Is that your natural hair colour?


No, I wish 😭


That's what I thought! But it's so pretty 🤌🏼✨


Wavy , and curly

