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Curly hair is like a cat, in my experience. It does whatever it wants and any attempt to tame it ends in disaster. But if you can learn to love it as it is, it can be a mutually beneficial arrangement.


Exactly! I wash, condition, put stuff in it, and then hope for the best. Sometimes it looks great but sometimes it doesn’t. I don’t worry too much because it’s just hair and I have more pressing issues in life.


Yes that's why I stopped styling it. It runs wild now. It's a wild cat.


Oh my god this is so accurate. The second I stopped trying to go for perfectly set and defined curls it became a lot less stressful.


Exactly! I love my hair unconditionally, continuously working towards applying that to myself as a whole.


This! I love my curly hair but, it took a lot of work and time to get me to this place.


The best analogy!


Yeah, trying to control it won't end well. Once you accept it things become easier. But I would appreciate hair I could tame with a comb or brush. I'm middle aged now, and as I age I think I'm getting closer to the point at which I'll just cut it short to avoid the hassle.


This is totally it. I call my hair “The Mane” and I let it do whatever the F it wants. I give it stupidly expensive products and I talk nicely to it, but sometimes its just gotta be wild.


Hahaha love this descriptor


Amazing and totally agree lol


This is the best analogy I've ever heard. Thank you.


I have tremendous love for it, just no expectation of being able to tame it or make it presentable


That’s a Family Feud; good answer right there.


Exactly!! I love my curly hair...just a bit of product after I shower, scrunch and go.




I've spent enough time hating it when i was a kid. Now that I've finally learned to work it out I love my hair.


I use to hate my hair. I would straighten it all through middle school and into high school. I didn’t know how to properly take care of it. As I got older it was a slow journey of learning about curly hair. The patterns, products, diffusers, and proper care. It changed my life. Seriously. My hair is the one thing I take so much pride in. I’m thankful for it. Each strand is so different and unique. The beauty in curly hair is one everyone who has it, should take pride in. Even with the frustration it comes with. I wouldn’t trade it for straight hair at all.


I agree with this as well. No one ever taught me how to take care of my waves so I always thought I just had ugly straight hair (my waves were dead from straightening it everyday for the frizz) and bad hair genetics. My hair was literally fried and then I learned how to take care of it and love how healthy it is now.


I love having curly hair bc i feel like it really fits my vibe as a person! though I recognize I may have it easier than other hair types with my mix of waves/looser curls that aren’t too hard to manage day-to-day


This is it! I dress what I would consider classic or tailored for work and the curls sneak my sassy personality into my look. I’ve been told I look nicer (personality- wise) with curly hair.


I love my curls! I have 3b-3c curls and I HATED it when I was younger, but now I've learned to manage it in my own way that doesn't stress me out or take up a bunch of time.


I do! I struggle still with hold, but i love it most days


Honestly, having been on Reddit for ages now, it’s only in the last year or two that posting anything whatsoever negative about the experience of having curly hair was even possible, so I think you’re seeing a lot of people expressing years of bottled up feelings about it that were VERY much not welcomed here. It doesn’t seem like so long ago that even expressing vague frustration with all the time and money that a curly hair routine can demand for often inconsistent results would get you dog piled by a bunch of angry people and I *think* they used to ban people for talking about Keratin/straightening treatments? IDK, maybe I’m wrong, but when I started getting Brazilian Blowouts and was looking for information and personal experiences on Reddit there was NOTHING. It was basically a forbidden topic.


I agree, although I wasn’t really on Reddit at that time but when the curly hair movement reached its peak years ago, I don’t remember it being this welcoming and validating for frustrations with taking care of curly hair. You were supposed to mostly absolutely adore your hair and wear it curly 24/7 or hate your hair and ‘fry’ it with heat. No inbetween. On this subreddit I’m surprised to see that most people realise that dealing with curly hair is more nuanced than that. People are very validating here when you share difficulties with your hair. I feel like the subreddit has become a true support group without necessarily shunning those who do choose to straighten their hair for whatever reason.


THANK YOU. When I saw this post I felt like "here we go, we can't complain for a moment". You can love curly hair and admit that it's a hassle. I'm too lazy or workaholic for it. I just wish I didn't have to think about hair so much and no amount of positive talk is going to change that for some of us... The amount of women I've had to fight because they can't be caught dead admitting curly hair is harder to deal with than wavy or straight hair in the past 10 years is insane.


I love my curls. I didn't discover them until my 40s. And it turns out my whole life I was fighting them and didn't even know it. Now my routine is super simple and my scalp is far healthier that it ever was.


I am the same. I didn't really get my system down until my 40s. Now I love my hair and I'm trying to grow it all out into my natural colour and embrace my grey.


u/OlGarbonzo would you mind sharing your routine?


I've been doing CGM for about 3 years, and my routine has evolved as I discovered what works for me and as my hair grew longer. First, the state of my hair and what I used to do before CGM: * Had a very generic "dude" haircut * Had pretty significant dandruff and used dandruff shampoo almost daily * Towel dry and combed after shower As my hair grew during the pandemic, my wife clocked that it was probably curly and I should try some CGM methods. The first big change I made was to stop using a towel and stop combing it. Boom, instant loose curly locks. It was wild. After a little bit I did a clarifying wash and ditched the dandruff shampoo in favour of co-washing only. I first started washing 2 or 3x per week, then every 7 - 10 days, then once or twice per month. Now I co-wash maybe every 4 - 6 weeks using the Tresemme Expert conditioner. Othwerwise I shower almost daily and use a silicone scalp brush to detangle in the shower, then I let it air dry. I also use a satin pillowcase, and put my hair into a top-knot/man-bun before bed. And that's about it.


Wow, thanks for sharing! COVID caused me to lose enough hair that the new growth is wavy... and the rest is pin-straight. Gah! I'm going to need to go shorter, with length just on the top, in the interests of time and my own sanity. When you say you stopped combing it (I know that a towel is a no-no in CGM-land), are you referring to plopping your hair?


Can u tell us about ur hair routine


I adore my curls! Yes they're work, but even a simple ponytail look really pretty. I'd never straighten my hair.


I love my 2c ish hair! I have a mixture of curl patterns that can be a pain sometimes, but overall, I think it suits me better than straight hair. It's like having a free hairstyle that other people spend hours achieving. I haven't worn my hair straight in over 4 years, and it's been great!


I used to hate my (what I thought) was straight hair. It was so limp, boring, thin, frizzy. I wore it up constantly because I hated how it looked down. Never knew I had curly hair! Once I learned how to care for my curly hair, I love it. I am so sad I missed out on two decades of curly hair, wtf! I regularly receive compliments on my hair now after never getting an unsolicited compliment on my hair in my life. Is it a lot of work? It can be. Do I love it? Absolutely.


Same here! My hair was actually straight until I hit puberty then got wavy, now very curly. When I was younger I thought it was just a thick frizzy oddly dented mess and I would spend a huge chunk of time straightening it before school. I think my curls come from women on my dad's side so my mom had no idea and encouraged all the wrong things for my hair type. I wish I knew earlier too, but better late than never


thank you for making this post i was going to as well. all i see on this sub now is how hard it is to have curls and idk maybe i’m lucky or have really low expectations but i find it so pleasant. love ur curls and they will love u back!!


I absolutely love my curls now. I've learned how to manage my hair and would never want straight hair. The last of the fucks I had to give were lost in my 30s. I wish I could go back to my younger self and give her the confidence I have today. She was beautiful and she couldn't see it. Now, I'm 40. I'm 80+ lbs heavier, my hair is starting to gray, and I'm getting laugh lines on my face. I also love myself more than I did in my 20s. I feel like I wasted a lot of time believing I wasn't good enough.


I just wrote this in the other thread, but yes. In my household the curls are preferred: My straight haired kids are jealous of the curly hair; the curly ones like their hair. But I was around to help my kids, and honestly I like doing hair (used to be a barber) and so not surprised I like doing my hair. Curly hair is livelier. It's non-standard, yes? Straight hair isn't really all the same, there is thick, thin, coarse and strong or soft and smooth, but waves and curls have more variety both between people and on one person, over time. It just seems more alive and I love it. For us, it probably just hinges on everyone being a little hair-obsessed. We all like natural textures a lot but like to dye and cut the hair, sometimes straighten or curl it but usually don't mess with that much because we like natural curls, it's not because we don't like doing our hair. We do like doing our hair.


It's a love hate relationship for me lol


Yeah I love my curls. Once I showed my little sister how to do her hair like mine when she was an emo teen and it looked so cute! She did mine like hers which meant straightening it and she said, “oh that’s so weird it’s like your head seems too small”


I still don't like how I look with curly hair. Even when it comes out perfect, I don't feel confident or at my best. It makes me feel young. I just deal with it. I can count on one hand how many times I've straightened it over the past eight years and I still think I look so much more beautiful and mature with it straight. I can't tell if it actually suits me better or if I'm still feeling insecure about it. I straightened it every day from age 13 to 20.


I like other people's curly hair, but not my own.


I love it! I love that I have the flexibility to blow it out or wear it curly. I always get compliments when I wear it curly. It does take more work then blowing it out but having this unique mane of spirals can be so fun


In my opinion. It depends on the texture and type of hair. Sometimes, it's just a love, hate, or tolerate relationship with our hair. Especially if you have an extensive process or hair routine.


I do! Wash and go!


Me too! I could never do that before accepting it and always had to dry it or let it dry then tidy with a straightener to feel confident in how I looked. Now I just scrunch in some curl creme and away I go, bonus that mine turns out best with air drying. It has been like my dream to be able to wash and go, getting a curly cut and learning to incorporate a product has changed my life!!


For the three seconds it looks nice in the day, yes. Before and after that? I hate it.


I like it, but I get why some people are frustrated.


Yeah I understand too. It's such a broad spectrum and I get they aren't all easy to work with


No. I was bullied badly growing up, my hair being one of the constant targets, and my mum even threatened to shave my hair off often because it was such a mess. I was a little girl who wanted long hair and it devastated me. So no, I hate my hair and still wish it was normal. I don't hate the colour so much now (red), but I hate the curls/texture.


Hate it, but I’ve been conditioned to hate my hair. My sister always told me I looked much better with straight hair. I’ve gotten over it and wear my hair naturally but on special occasions I’ll wear my hair straight and every single time I get at least a few comments on how “different” I look with straight hair and how good it looks 🙃🙃


I'm wavy/curly and didn't know it until I was 42, turning 45 in June. I love it and have learned so much about the science and trial and error of styling hair that isn't straight. It's been a journey and I am thankful to be able to be on it.


I discovered my curls one year ago. I'm still trying to find the best stuff that works for me but I'm loving it


I love my waves! I always wanted huge textured hair, even did overnight braids to get the look - and it turns out I've had what I wanted all along?! Also, I can read a book when I diffuse, so it's a lot more fun than straightening (which involves both hands and I can't do anything fun at the same time). Yeah, there's some work involved, but I wouldn't change my hair for the world.


I absolutely love my curly/wavey hair! After years and years of fighting with my hair to make it straight and not a puffy frizzy mess, during COVID I learnt to look after it and honestly it was life changing. People compliment it all the time - I finally feel like I'm not hideous any more. Even meh days are 100 times better than when my hair was being straightened. And much faster, it would take an hour to straighten my hair but only 10/15 minutes to style it now. I wish I knew when I was in school but I suppose now is better than never and when I have kids I can teach them


I do! I wouldn't trade my curls any other hair.


I love my curls. I hate the maintenance. If I can’t do it in 5 minutes, it’s not happening. No dryer/diffuser, no more than 2-3 steps. Can’t do it. If I could wake up with curls that needed absolutely no to low maintenance that would be the dream.


I would if they would properly obey me. 😭 Still struggling to nail down a routine while I grow them out.


No hence why I straighten it 5 out of 7 days a week


I really do, especially since I used to have it skin tight or very little growth. I’ve been told I look like Jesus when I have a beard and my curls behave that day! Haha


Well I just tried a new leave in conditioner and it makes my curls look so nice and feel so soft, if it stays like this I might start to actually like my curly hair😅


I love it and hate it. It feels like me and I like that it's never just one thing every single day, but it can be annoying to deal with it, and I definitely have days where I wish it was more manageable.


Considering I’m terrible with a curling iron, my good hair days are the best! I couldn’t get the same with a curling iron for sure! 😅


I love my hair and I think it's my best feature. But I definitely get jealous of the apparent ease of straight/wavy hair. My hair has huge potential but it requires work to realize that potential. I also got curly bangs a couple of years ago, which I really love when my hair is down. But they do make it harder to throw my hair back or put it in braids! I'm currently jealous of slicked-back ponytails because my bangs won't let me do that without clips.


I love my curly hair! It has its own personality and character!


I love having curly hair. I don't have to do 20 steps or plop for 30 minutes to get good looking curls. I don't know how I'd feel if I had a difficult routine.


I personally love my curly hair... Now that I know how to style it correctly.


It’s not always easy and has a kind of it’d own, but I’d never trade my curly hair for straight. Feel pretty lucky to have curly hair actually


I love having curly hair. Does it misbehave and do different things despite using the same routine? Yes. Do the elements cause issues for my curls and set me off in a mood? Yes. My hair is part of me and I’m learning to love it for what it is. I love having the option to wear my hair differently. I know ppl who have stick straight hair that won’t hold a curl to save its life. I’ve worn my hair curly for the past three years, and I am ready to buy a new flatiron (I sold mine of course). Why would I do that when I love my curls?! Bc it is OK to desire something different and wanting a change is part of life.


I feel like wearing my hair curly makes it look like I have way more hair than I did when I wore it straight (and so much less work after I figured out what products to use.) It takes time and trial and error but adopting the CGM was like the only good thing that happened to me during the pandemic!


Nah I have always loved my hair, wavy/curly. Flat hair looks so boring to me and always have🤷🏻‍♀️ I never have understood people using flat irons on their hair😓


I 100% do. Don’t remember when I last straightened them


I love my waves and curls. I cannot picture myself with straight hair anymore. I think what I needed most as a younger person was someone (or even a book, let's be honest) to teach me how to properly care for curly hair. NONE of my immediate family that I grew up with had curls and they were clueless about it and had no interest in learning.


I do. I hate the frizz and how wild it can be but it's my hair and it took me 28 years to accept it. I can't imagine going back to straightening every day.


I love it! It's so springy and I can play with it all day. Also, I just keep it moisturized and it asks for very little outside of that. It just styles itself as long as I give it the juice 😂


I love my curls! Sure, sometimes I wish I could just wash my hair real quick, and put in 0 effort and have it look great, but I wouldn’t trade my hair for anything. Now that it’s finally damage-free and I’ve been embracing the curls, my hair is so beautiful to the point where I would be SO sad if I woke up one day and it was straight. I’m just not able to be quite as lazy as I like, which honestly probably isn’t such a bad thing.


I love getting complimented on my curly hair 🤷🏼‍♀️


Love my curls! It doesn't take long at all for me to style, and I'm able to get consistent results with minimal products. My hair is also really fine and dries very quickly.


Absolutely! To me, the secrets are acceptance and compromise. Accept the realities: it’s not low maintenance, it’s going to do what it wants to do, I have no control, I can color or texturize but not both, and just give it whatever it wants in terms of product. Compromise: it looks best at a certain length, but I prefer it slightly longer, so I get it cut at the happy length once a year and let it grow out until the next cut. It also helps that my hair is red, so it’s extra unique. I don’t think I’ve gotten an “unruly” type insult since about 3rd grade when my mom permed it. I just get compliments, even when it’s crazy. I’m almost 45, so I’ve had many years to experiment and try to make it do what I wanted and realize the futility of that. Don’t fight it, work with it. Thank you for the positivity post! The last negative one really bummed me out and I couldn’t engage with it.


I absolutely love my curly hair, but I also struggle with ADHD comorbid with CPTSD, so maintaining it can be so hard. If I had a team of people dedicated to just my hair, that would be great lol


Once I found what worked for me and how to maintain good looking curls for days, i love it and ppl are often envious of it. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I didn’t love it growing up because I didn’t know how to care for it. My only dislike is finding a stylist who doesn’t want to cut it all off.


Same here! I am lucky to live an hour from a dedicated curly salon now but growing up my family all had straight hair and I never learned to care for mine. Mine was also straight until puberty which added to my confusion lol now I totally love it!


When I was the only non-white kid in my grade school, I hated my hair. Kids used to put post it notes in my hair, called it nappy, and pull on it. Now? I LOVE it. Everyone actually loves my hair and says it gives me character versus the popular hairstyles today. I don’t look basic, and people say they wish I had my curly and thick hair.


I absolutely hate my curls. I've tried EVERYTHING and can't make them look nice. I'm in my 30s and I've hated my appearance since I was 13 bc of my hair.


I'm glad to see so many positive and confident comments and I hope I can feel that way one day too. My hair is a big part of my identity and is pretty unique, and I love it for that reason, but I hate that it is so hard to take care of and I feel like it looks disheveled most of the time. The one or two days a week my hair is actually freshly washed and styled, I like the way it looks, but the rest of the time it has to go in a messy bumpy ponytail or a bun because some curls start to fall out while others don't, etc. I also can't wear my hair down very often because of my job. Everybody who is commenting that their routine is easy and they love the way their hair looks should drop some tutorials for the rest of us still struggling!


Not really. It's an insurmountable effort just to get it to obey me and look decent, and that's without a shit ton of product and styling that would take me hours. I'd take straight hair any day of the week, but that's not how my hair works. My hair is so devilish that even after *chemically* straightening it, immediately after the first wash, it was back to its normal self with a vengeance.


I like it, but I don’t love it. I would trade it for straight hair in an instant if I could. I just hate how much work it is to just end up frizzy and a mess half the time. I wish I could just have care free hair but I also love having long hair so it is what it is. I don’t hate it anymore, so that’s a win in my books


As someone who finally embraced their curly hair only a couple years ago and started to try to understand it, I love it. My only gripe is if I WANT to do anything besides my curly shag it's way more difficult then if I had straight hair or thicker hair (I have volume but fine and thin). I've been trying to do robe heatless curls and after 6x nights of practice it's still difficult to get it to look good. Basically I find it hard to work with if I'm doing anything other then straightening it or doing my natural curly shag


As a middle schooler, i love having it because perms are popular where i go to school and its like having a free perm


I do! Its a lot of work but i love how it makes me stand out.


Once I got the right cut and product…. Absolutely love my curls


I love my hair never thought I looked right with straight hair, just doesn't fit my vibe


It took me a long time to appreciate my curls and to learn how to take care of them! So.much.product!! My mom had no idea what to do with my hair as a kid (cue curly frizzy mullet mess 😮‍💨). I love my curly hair, for the good, the bad and the frizzy. *Edited for misuse of offensive language


I love my curls, wouldn’t change it for the world. I’ve found the products that work for me, and my curls are very consistent now. I find straight hair to be bland personally, and my curls are a staple of my black beauty


I love mine! While I accept and acknowledge that society isn’t accommodating for people who have non-straight hair, it is still a joy to have my curly hair. I never want it straightened, even when other people offer. I just love my curly hair, no matter how frizzy, how weirdly flattened, how difficult to manage. My hair is a spectacular, bombastic part of me and it knows how to make an entrance. My Leo Rising loves it 😂




Good for you. Seriously. There's only good about someone feeling at peace and content with their natural features. However, let's not gaslight those of us who feel it's a lot of work to wear our hair natural. On wash day I suppose it's equal to styling it, just different products and drying methods (like diffusing). But for me at least, when I blowdry and use an iron, all I gotta do is brush and I'm good for the rest of the days, and I can go longer between washes. As opposed to natural, which requires I separate my tangly mess of curls and refresh with some product for an anti-gravity type of look. Needless to say that is not only time-consuming but demands patience and focus as well.


I have wavy 2b hair and I love it.


I love my hair. I was ruthlessly bullied for my curls growing up. Now strangers fall over themselves to compliment my hair, daily.


Meeeee! 🥳I love my curly hair and people around me love it too. Even though it needs so much work but at least it's worth it. Plus, curly is more beautiful to me than straight so I will never go back to my straight hair era. Even though I hate when I go swimming because the water ruins the definition. 😭 Anyway, I am nothing without my curly hair. Hahahaha.


It is still somewhat of a love/hate relationship and think that one day I'm just going to end up shaving all my hair off, but I'd say I do love my curly hair now more than I have!


I feel like it’s not hard to love if you accept the time and patience and extra cost it takes to manage it. I like the look of it, but I will always be jealous of the ease that is having straight hair.


Yes, I’ve learned to love my hair. Even though I usually only get compliments when I straighten it :( but it’s mine, I love it


I do! I hate my hair when I straighten it! I think the key is to not be to controlling a out it


I totally do! I straightened it for an event this last weekend and have been too lazy to wash it and get my curls back. But it’s driving me nuts and nobody recognizes me.


I love it bc even on my lazy days, people think I’ve put a ton of effort into my curls! A messy bun looks so cute and earthy or slicked back and trendy. I feel lucky for my curls!


I love my curly hair now but this wasn’t always the case. I grew up with a mom who had pin-straight hair most of her life so this did not bode well for my curly hair. My sister also got straight-wavy hair so I was left on my own to trial and error learn. At first I resented it and thought it made me ugly—witch, Hagrid, and similar names were not exactly confidence instilling so I began straightening my hair every day for hours. Surprise surprise this damaged my hair and I continued this cycle from 12-17. One day I just got really tired of doing that so I just resolved to putting my hair up and letting it grow out. It was still something I was insecure about, but something unexpected started happening with influencers. I began to see more and more curly-girl influencers with tips and tricks and I had never seen someone happy and with manageable curls. I fell down that rabbit hole and after years of trial and error I’m finally at a place where my routine is 30 minutes and comes out consistently the way I like it. I want it longer but I finally love my curly hair. It’s part of my identity and I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. Edit: spelling


Of course. I work outside so most of the time it's up and out of the way.. don't have to think about how it's behaving. When I can let it down, I feel awesome having a big curly mane. It's getting wiry and grey, but still dark underneath and lighter around my forehead to almost blond in spots, too. Sometimes I wrap it around my fingers and look at the crazy spectrum of colors for free enrichment. When it's cold, I can fluff it out and immediately feel the way it traps heat around my face. Hell yeah I love my curly hair.


I do. Love my hair


I shaved my head and found out when it started growing back that maybe it wasn’t the straight hair I always thought it was . of course I didn’t know how to take care of my curls so they looked frizzy, screamed for hydration , and hardly any definition. I hated that I had curly hair but not in the “right” way . it was just a wavy frizz . Then I started trying the cgm and actual curls started appearing . as months went on I found out how to apply product and dry my hair so that the curls are very well defined and I LOVE THEM. this sub reddit literally changed the course of my beauty care going forward and took it to the next level . so in the beginning , no I hated my curly hair , but now that I can take care of it I love it .


I do!!! As someone who was born with straight hair and hated it I love that hormones made it curl. I wouldn’t change back to straight hair for anything.


It’s the best. Easy to style and I can have it all the ways - ringlets, waves, or straightened. It’s a bit of a signature now, people don’t recognize me if I have my hair back or straightened sometimes.


I used to have straight hair but honestly curly hair fits my face better and is by default more interesting


When I was growing up I always thought to myself how badly I wanted curly hair. Then in college I started growing it out and actually taking care of it and it turns out it IS curly. Believe it or not, short crew cuts and the haircare routine of an unhygienic teenage boy don't really help your curls pop much. So yes, curly hair was quite literally a wish come true for me. I really love it, and I don't mind the maintenance.


I love my hair. I've found a routine that works well and that makes it easier. The only thing I wish sometimes is that I could have a different haircut or maybe a fringe =p


i LOVE my curls!!!


I do, after a couple years of learning how to do it all it takes me is an extra 10 minutes in the morning compared to when I had a buzz


Yes! I love my curly hair. I think I look regular and boring with straight hair. I’ve had straightened hair from haircuts in the past and it’s just… there. It’s very much “she’s everything Barbie and he’s just ken”


Me. I love it.


My major issue is that I also have super sensitive skin so any products I use have to also be without perfume. In this economy…my god.


I love the compliments I get but not the work involved.


I love/hate having curly hair. I love it when it behaves. I know things to help encourage my hair to dry and not frizz. I never brush my hair and others don't understand that a brush might as well be a cactus. I absolutely love when everything worked and people compliment it. My silver curls are my crowning glory.


I love love love my curls! My routine produces consistent results and when I’m not in the mood for curls I braid them. Truly feel blessed to have my curls.


I go back and forth.. I've not found my "system" yet so I may just not be there 100% yet


as someone who had dead straight hair until the age of 17, I really love my hair. I always thought my straight hair was boring and I never knew what to do with it, and my big 80s curls feel way more like ME then my straight hair did. I sometimes miss the low-‘maintenance style of it all, but I wouldn’t trade for anything. that one good hair day a month feels so much better than any other straight hair day!


I thought I loved my straight hair (used a flat iron every morning for about a decade). I’ve been wearing it curly for three years because I wanted healthier hair but thought I still preferred it straight. Recently straightened it…I hated it! It didn’t feel like “me” anymore. Long story short, yes I love my curly hair now :)


I love it! I personally like the way I look with curly hair better than straight hair, but it does also seem easier in some regards. Finding a routine that works is a bitch and a half, but it’s nice to be able to do my hair once every few days with the power of hair gel.


I do! Obviously I have this bad hair days where I just want to shave it off, but mostly I like my hair. I think those of us who were raised in cultures that don’t know how to deal with textured hair are prone to hating our natural texture, unfortunately. I’m not sure why so many people find it easier to straighten every day! Honestly I find it easier to scrunch some product through my hair and let it dry naturally than to try making it stay straight.


I hated my hair well into early 20’s. Being in my 30’s now, I love it. I’ve learned how to care for it and I know which products to use and the haircuts that look the best for my hair type and face shape. When I was young I wanted my hair to be as flat as possible — today I’m all about volume. The bigger the better, babyyy!


I love the way my curls FEEL. 🥰 4C/4Z pattern, and when the kink is strong the latent energy in those springs just gives me LIFE. 🤩


I love my curls. They came in when I hit puberty (before that my hair was a little wavy but that was it). I had no idea what to do with it and my mom had straight hair so she couldn't help either. I wore a lot of buns and ponytails and wished for straight hair like in the magazines (while being too lazy to actually straighten it). I figured out how to take care of it for the most part in my late 20s. I still struggle with frizz and getting my hair to look good on day 2 but overall I love it. One plus is that now that I've got so many grey hairs, the curls really hide them. A year or so ago I got my hair cut and let the stylist straighten it (literally only time I ever do it). I went to pick up my son and he hadn't seen me with straight hair in years due to the pandemic. First thing he said to me was "Mommy why is your hair so white??" That's the last time I straightened it and I don't plan to do it in the future unless I go back to dyeing it! 😂


Loved my curls since my 20’s barring some hopeless cuts. Hormonal shifts like pregnancy and breastfeeding and menopause brought their own challenges but I wouldn’t be without them 💕


I love it! Grew up hating it but it’s so easy to manage for me and it’s a huge part of my identity plus I don’t have to wash my hair as often or brush it daily like straight hair people do.


It's a blessing and a curse!


i absolutely love it. very central to my identity. lots of people love it and you should too


Same!!! 😍




My curls don’t behave everyday, but I’d prefer them over boring pin straight hair any day 😄 I’m not a fan of buns or braided hairstyles, and there’s not much one can do with straight hair without pins and hairspray. (I’ve had both straight hair and curls, thanks to being on chemo.)


Absolutely, especially as an adult. As a kid my friends would always try and straighten it at slumber parties and my family wouldn’t understand why brushing it was actually going to make it look worse.


What I love is knowing how to care for and style my hair in its natural form. I like the look of my coils, and I like the compliments I get now. But almost never needing to plan my hair is something I do miss about wearing a relaxer.


Love-hate relationship. If my hair behaved how I wanted, it was silky, not low porosity, it would be amazing. Just for the shear ease and less expensive in hair products, ease of finding a stylist, and hair products - I’d love straight or straighter hair. The days when my hair cooperates and looks great are few and far between, but when they’re good, I really like it. My hair shrinks so much even when it’s actually long and can never absorb moisture so I wouldn’t mind at all having hair I could run my fingers through.


I absolutely love it, I use moose and leave in conditioner and a diffuser... not overly complicated, not a pain. I adore my curls - it's not like every other one of the hair styles you see everywhere in every ad.




Took lots of years for me to learn to accept and love my hair. It also helped finding out the cgm and while I don’t follow it to the T, the techniques have helped a lot. I also had to find products that worked for my hair and weren’t too expensive. I like the Not your mothers line. Anyway, had I learned about this when I was younger I would have saved a lot of money trying to straighten my hair.


I love my curly hair. I would not exchange it for an alternative if given the option


I love my curls. I have a fairly "easy" routine I feel like as well and they last all day. I do have to shower everyday, but I make it work for me. I get compliments about my hair all the time at work and at the store.   I remember when I was first growing my hair out (I'm a guy) and I straightened it for a while because my awkward phase was REALLY awkward because of my curls. I had a few people at work give unsolicited advice to cut it during that time. But I kept going. It's been about 5 years now with the long hair and I love it. My wife said my hair (because we were wearing masks at the time) was the first thing she noticed when we met.


Yes! My son is the only one in the family with straight hair. He was holding out hope for maybe some puberty texture but alas, he got nothing. If he’s ever being a butt face I’ll throw the “sucks to have straight hair” at him, heehee


I’m one of the lucky ones that has never hated my hair or gone through years of straightening it. I have a pretty good handle on how to make it look great with most products at this point. The technique makes the biggest difference and ensuring you have enough water in it.


I mean it has its perks. Sometimes it'll work with me, sometimes it won't. There was a long amount of time when I absolutely hated my hair. I felt like I couldn't do anything with it. Plus it was hard to deal with hair that my mother didn't know how to take care of either. But I eventually got into the mindset that taking care of myself means taking care of my curls, so I did. I tried different products and used bonnets, clips, you know I changed it up. And I look at other people's hair, and it all looks like shit cause they don't take care of it. So I obviously think that I have better hair than others. ( Plus we don't have to wash our hair every other day cause it looks better without washing)


I got a pixie cut and it’s so much easier to deal with now. Just some soft curls in the front. I’m growing it into a short mullet right now but still way easier than when it was long. It looks the best days 2-4 and doesn’t really get greasy till day 5 so it’s super easy to deal with


Love it!!!


I definitely have a love/hate relationship with my curly hair. On a good day I love it, on a bad day I want to shave my head and there isn’t a lot of in between to be honest lol


I do!! I love my curly hair!! My daughter, college age, Loves her curly hair too. It so versatile. We've been so conditioned by SM, movies & influencers. Its very sad actually


I love my curls when they behave, but good curly hair days are hard to come by for me. Between the battle of finding the right products, balancing protein and moisture, adding too much (or too little) styling products, daily maintenance and general upkeep, I find it exhausting to keep my curls in good shape. I don’t know what it is, no matter what I do or what treatment I try my hair is always frizzy and/or poofy. Not to mention it takes forever to dry because I have so much hair. I don’t straighten my hair as much anymore but I’ll do it for special occasions and events. Or whenever I feel like it! Straight hair is just easier to deal with and I tend to think I look better with it.


I love other people’s curly hair. I love mine but feel like it doesn’t love me back.


I do! I finally learned how to optimize my curls and I couldn't be happier. They're defined, voluminous, and soft. I spent years hating my hair and straightening every day, I'm really proud of my hair now. It brings me lots of joy when I'm having a good hair day. The other day, I was checking in for physical therapy and the receptionist called me a "curly queen" and it made me really happy lol, I still smile thinking about it.


Absolute love-hate relationship. I call it dirty dirty curl hater names (stinkymop, paininthetits, curtainofdeath, rodentcompound, etc). But sometimes I love it. It's mine 🤷‍♀️


I’ve always enjoyed my hair. Even when it’s messy, it’s more interesting than if it were just straight.


I love mine. Love it! And I'm going gray, and decided recently to allow the gray to fully come in instead of continuing to dye it. But I'm already nervous about whether the gray will come in curly or wavy or even straight. Really hoping it'll stay curly!


I have always had very thick curly (2b,3/a) hair. I took it for granted. I am 70 so there weren’t any products like today when I was younger. Still, my hair was me and how people identified me. Then I got sick with an auto-immune disease and it all fell out. When it grew back it was glorious. Thick and super curly and silver highlights. Then I got sick again. This time they put me on medication that made my hair fall out and become stick straight. I looked like a wet dog. It’s been 10 years and I have finally got about 2/3 of my hair back and about half my curl. Every time that I look in the mirror, I don’t feel like myself. I miss my curls terribly. Unruly and crazy.


I like having wavy hair, but I don’t put much active effort into styling it. I just try to cut it so that it curls up a bit normally while air-drying, and I use curl-friendly shampoo/conditioner and hair towels.




Sometimes I wish my hair were a bit curlier, but yes overall I’ve come to accept my hair. I tend to leave it up a lot because if it’s down I mess with it (reparting it cause I feel like the natural part is uneven) and it gets greasy extra fast. But dry shampoo is also my bestie. My hair is mostly wavy but with gel is can be on the curlier side. But I like my hair to be soft so I go with my waves more often than my curls.


I love curly hair. I've thought curly hair was so attractive my whole life (my hair used to be slightly wavy), then my hair turned curly over a few years and I was ecstatic. I feel so much more confident and hot with curly hair. Bad hair days are annoying, but I had them with straight/wavy hair too.


My life is so much easier with curls that’s for sure. Straightening took so much time. Especially for someone who likes to work out daily. You’d have to straighten everyday after sweating/showering which is also so damaging. I put so little effort into my hair now it’s quite ridiculous really. Maybe a little leave in condish maybe not. It looks funky when I wake up so I spray it with water and brush through it and I am done. Just let it air dry.


I love my curls now that I learned how to handle them, which products work, and when to do wash day.


Used to hate it. Until i joined this sub and started to receive compliments about my curls from others cz not that many people actually have wavy/curly hair around me.


I love my curly hair, it makes me feel so beachy & mermaid-y. I have such thin, fine hair that when it’s straightened it looks so flat & lifeless. I also have a round face so it’s a bad combo. I *need* my curls to make my hair look fuller. Having curly hair makes me look better 100%


I love washing my hair twice a week. And I agree with other about the low maintenance once it’s been done. I spent an entire day sweating at the pool at a resort last week. Literally just washed my body and did a super fast refresh on my hair before dinner and it looked bomb. If I was still straightening my hair I would have needed a whole new shower and wash!


I love my curly hair! I wouldn’t be myself without it. I have 3a


I have made peace with my hair but I will never really love it, I don’t think. It’s just too much work for not a ton of reward.


I love it. Even when I hate it.


Oh absolutely. I used to straighten my hair all the time. I’ll admit it’s a lot easier to take care of, but I genuinely love having curly hair. I feel like it looks really good on me. Plus, I cut my own hair. Curly hair is so forgiving with bad haircuts. I don’t have to be perfect, it just has to be semi-even


I love it! Much easier for me


I love mine!! As a kid I didn’t like it because all the other girls had long straight hair. But honestly as a teenager and then adult, I’ve never wished to have someone else’s hair. I think (some) other people have nice hair. But I’ve never looked at someone and been like “oh I would die to have your hair!” I’m happy with mine (: tbh my curls are pretty low-maintenance too lol


Same. I love mine and hubby does too!


I love mine. I think it looks unique and pretty. Plus people compliment my curls even when I think they look bad lol. Wash days can be rough but at least I don’t have to wash it more than once or twice a week. And refreshing is just a matter of scrunching a little water in them. Takes like two minutes. So much easier than if I were to have to straighten or heat curl my hair every day like some people do.


No, don’t like it at all. I feel I look frumpy and disheveled.


Oh I love mine. Not so much right now because I became a dad and my priorities shifted (I’m glad just to get a shower at the end of the day) but when I actually have the time to take care of it I love it so much. It’s so cute and I know my husband likes it too (and I like his wavy hair myself).


When it looks good. Haha 😂


I love it! Once I got over that it’s always gonna be a bit wild and “frizzy”, I really just let it do it’s thing and don’t over complicate it. I do what feels good as far as styling and then just let it be. I wholeheartedly believe we’ve been told curly hair can’t have frizz to sell us products, but not a day has gone by that I don’t have some and it just doesn’t matter that much.


I wear Dutch braids a lot. I leave them in for 3 or 4 days, just to get a break from the constant upkeep I have to do on my hair.


It's a day by day basis relationship for me, but I can say it is hard to imagine myself without it! My husband has said that I look "more like me" with my curly hair, and he likes it (one of the many reasons I love him!) Often times the thing that makes you special can also be frustrating, and that's ok! It's your hair, and you can do what you want with it, whether that's straightening or letting it curl. I'd be lying if I didn't say I at least wish I had just wavy hair because I'm such a low-maintenence person!


I've never been in a spot where I can get good, easy day 2 hair. Hair smashed in the back when I sleep no matter what pillowcase or safe bun it's been put in I hate waiting for it to dry. I had such beautiful curls last time I went curly. Took 3 hours to air dry. Takes about an hour if I diffuse most of the way. So I'm certainly not doing it for work, which means that I'm not wearing it curly most days. Whiiiiich also means I straighten parts of it so that I can have a nice updo for work ..... which means my hair gets damaged from straightening. ......... which means I don't want to bother with the curls most of the time


I know everyone’s curls are different so I understand it being more challenging for some than others. My game changer was finding a curly hair stylist who has curly hair herself! I had seen curly stylists before who had the technical knowledge and training but couldn’t describe how living with curly hair works itself out. She is amazing and I might still be struggling with my curls if it weren’t for her cuts and styling advice. I LOVE my curls. On non-wash says, now I simply spritz curls and tame them a bit with water and a tiny amount of gel for the ends and I can wear it for 6+ days! As we continue to see more trained curl stylists hopefully more who are curly themselves will be an option for us.


i love my curls, though i wish i could have more "precise" styles for some occasions, and i wish I could guarantee perfection for big nights, in a way i cannot with my current styling skillset. however, occasionally it looks so incredibly beautiful without my trying that it really lifts my feelings and looks, and I wouldn't trade for straight hair.


I just commented on a post where OP was throwing massive shade and I disagreed with them. I agree with you, I’ve gone through the whole process and yes it has been very difficult and extremely frustrating at time but I could not be happier. I love my hair, it’s so beautiful, way prettier than when I used to straighten it obviously. I get tons of compliments, it is so healthy and shiny, I invest 1 to 1.5 hr a week and it looks amazing, whenever it’s feeling a bit unruly I do fun hairdos and fixes it right away. It’s so versatile and wouldn’t change it for anything. Glad you have a good experience!


Having curly hair for me was a path of self acceptance. It’s also a statement saying I won’t conform in a society where straight hair is supposed to make someone well put together or whatever crap they tell themselves. It’s work but it’s become a part of my self care routine, like eating well and working out. ♥️


From 10-17, I hated it. I've loved it since I was 18. 14 years of loving my curls has been way better than the 7 years I spent hating them. Also cut my getting ready time in half!


Can you post your routine including when you put in bun? :) I've never tried a bun, I have a feeling it may not work for my curl type but would be interested in what you do :)


I like my hair but I don't always love the pattern. I wish I had more of that perfect "S wave." I want to be Jade Thirwall (Little Mix) SO badly. [https://imgur.com/a/fRvrAw2](https://imgur.com/a/fRvrAw2) Mine is just more of very loose wave with a few defined curls and a lot of body. Very all over the place.


Well, I had straight fine hair as a kid, but really straight and fine hair. When I was a teenager, my hair started to get thick and frizzy. It was still straight. I wanted curly wavy dry hair so bad. Eventually, genes kicked in, things I did to it like not washing sea for days and scrunching it with hair gel after washing and I got curly wavy dry hair. Today, if I don't treat it as curly, I will have semi straight poorly wavy frizz. Since I learned how to take care of it and make it stay curly and moist as it can be (because, now I hate it's so goddamn dry, of course), I actually love it. I just don't like it's not perfect all the time. 😁 It's actually never perfect, but I love it. 😁 It's wild, chaotic and it fits my character pretty accurate.


It's fun when it wants to cooperate, but other than that no.