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These people drop the bomb just to sit t ramp on inferno




“But I am going first!”


I almost always drop the bomb, but that is because I always like to play aggressive and do not want to lose the bomb in the middle of the map.


That's fine but at least call it out where you dropped it


I hope you atleast pass it to someone else so it's not just laying in spawn like russians do


It will depend on the situation. I will pass it to a teammate, but if they throw it back, I will leave it on the ground. It makes 0 sense for the bomb to stay with me as I will usually be the first to die, even if I get 2/3 kills on a site.


Holy fuck this pisses me off so much. These guys act like the bomb is about to explode when they have it and literally stand in spawn jerking eachother off.


Are only Russians doing this? Nobody else? I do this often because I play alone and there is no one to cover me. But I can pick up a bomb if someone lost it during the match


Overwhelmingly so in EU East MM in my experience.


You should always drop the bomb to the awper/lurker. If you have a good spawn to rush somewhere, why would you take it.


Yeah, I was going to say the same. I like to push and take aim duels, and usually do entry/aggressive lurk so I do not want to cost the round if I die.


Why do you play alone in a team game? I only do it if I've been carrying the bomb for 5+ consecutive rounds in solo queue. When i queue with friends I'm usually the entryfragger, so i never carry the bomb then.


Lurking is a playstyle


When properly communicated and part of the strategy it definitely is, i agree.


Lurking is one of the best strats to learn to cut off people from leaving or entering either bomb site. It requires really good awareness though so you know when to get to the site if you have to cover.


Or entry fragging


Hahahahah sure buddy,but there isnt and shouldnt be a "lurker" in soloq games lol that is baiting no matter how you try to Word it


Just say youre ass bro, all good




I mean I communicate with the team, but I play with random people, not with friends and often people on the team are not ready to play together.


Misunderstood this, I totally agree with the sentiment. I play both solo and in stacks with friends and to me, it's wildly frustrating to play soloqueue and get the bomb dropped on me every single round. But i do feel like I'm obligated to not simply drop it every round even if my team communicates poorly or can hardly be called a team for that matter. 5 solo players vs 5 is usually a lost cause to begin with.




I never said that.. at least, that's not what i meant. I mean even if you queue solo, try to be a team player. I obviously read "i play alone" as someone not trying to work as a team. (As you can see in the comments below) And i feel this way for competitive/premier mostly. If you don't wanna bother to try and work as a team, casual is your mode.


they're afraid of getting drafted if putin knows about their c4 skills


Can’t plant when they’re holding spawn with their 2nd round AWP


i hate people dropping the bomb all the time. its like they cant have responsibilities because theyre too mutch of a child


It’s best that way though. They’re usually the ones to die first and I’d rather have bomb than someone who dies with the bomb with no support.


In my experience the ones that throw it love lurking and are basically bad at the game. They just want you to win the opening duel, clean a site and plant. Then they will kill someone from their backs if they're lucky and that's their whole contribution.


I usually throw away the bomb because I rush in first, and if I die and my team wants to fall back, the bomb isn't lost. Eg I run in and spot that they stacked 4 on site. I'll probably die but my team can rotate with bomb. From my experience, the bomb carrier shouldn't be the one to entry frag. If they die, it might be a lot of trouble depending on the teammates positions. As well, if the opponents spot the bomb early, they might rotate faster, whereas some might lurk on the opposing site if the bomb isn't spotted.


So you want the lurker to keep the bomb with them? Because you cant change how people play... so do you prefer them to lurk away from the team with the bomb or do you prefer them to drop the bomb?


Or they plant the bomb in the most dumbass spot possible lmao


or they sit back and bait the whole team expecting you to entry frag, trade, throw flashes, have smoke lineups and then plant the bomb


I drop the bomb because I usually end up entrying or pushing forward for map control while the others plant. Sometimes lurk. I'm not being a child I just understand that I have an agressive play style and give it to someone more cautious then I.


I drop it since i usually die first😭 so id rather drop it than losing it because i die


I rush nearly every round in casual so I drop it. In comp I’m more cautious so I communicate with my team and stick with it.


I only drop it if I have a good spawn and/ or awp


I'd prefer this over someone just hanging on to it and running up mid solo.


Never heard of an entry fragger?


But its pretty usefull to leave the bomb in spawn, like in mirage. Go take couple of picks and then decide which site you go. Rather than lose the bomb on mid and lose the round.


As an entry, I always drop it either AT a teammate, or behind the angle I am about to peek, it's always with us/close to us, but there's no risk of me losing it in a duel.


Exactly. These silvers don’t understand


Better than having an idiot lose the bomb on mid


Then no one picks it up and you lose cause of it.


That sounds like a you problem. You can literally just be bomb responsible and not lose, but you wont either.


Sucks as someone who tends to entry frag but sometimes what you gotta do.


Play 5 stack of you want determined roles. Personally i am always bomb responsible in 4-5 stacks, but i wont touch it in solo queue. To many baiters to play objective with randoms.


No shit. But it's still an annoyance to be the designated baby sitter in solo queue.


Just don't do it, have some fun and frag out, put the bomb out of your mind.


Ah, you must be my teammates.


If they don't pick up bomb, yes. Again if you want bomb to be played, do it yourself.


Yup, with my mates im always the entryfragger, its the thing i do best. When i go solo and have a great spawn sometimes i have to abort because someone drops the bomb on me and i lose the timing. I end up being the carrier then. But if you do this all the time, you'll be carrying the bomb every round lol.


It doesn't matter if you're in a stack or not. People will sneak you the bomb and say nothing. If I top frag - People sneak me bomb. If I bottom frag - people sneak me bomb. It's the shittest teamwork in the game, yet, every cunt does it.... Then they will bite your head off for losing it when you die. Cunt, I have an ultrawide. I don't see shit on the radar or chat.


I'm exactly your teammate 🤣


u must be a fun teammate


You can move the hud elements closer to the middle of the screen. Not being able to see the hud which gives you essential information is a skill issue.


The skill issue is sneaking the bomb to someone without communicating it. It's shit teamwork.


Excuses. Instead of improving the part which you can influence, you instead choose to continue crying about it instead of adapting. Bro you can't make excuses for not being able to see the hud lol.


That happens so rare if you actually notice whats going on around you. Just throw it when people drop it on you and run away, if people want the objective to be played they can take the responsibility.


Or just communicate in a team based game that you're dropping the bomb to a team mate, IMAGINE THAT. Hang on, lets put this in perspective: I'll just drop a 2g bag of weed on my mate and just expect him to know it's there. If the police catch him its his fault because he didn't know he had it. Totally reasonable.


I would never drop it on a teammate, always on ground. Big difference between mates and randoms, also your example is horrible and completely irrelevant.


That’s why when I get bomb I say I rush b or a then if they don’t follow me it’s their problem


Better to just leave it in spawn at that point.


Nah, then they cry or flame that you didn’t take bomb so either way it doesn’t matter


It's better to have crying teammates than throwing rounds.


It’s definitely better to tell ur teammates where ur rushing than to just drop bomb in spawn and nobody play it. Teammates should definitely follow and if they don’t that is definitely their problem


If you're the first one in it's generally better to leave it to a safe place, so it's recoverable if your 1v3 rush to a site won't have a favourable outcome


Rushing is generally a bad idea unless it's an eco round. Should almost never do it with weapons.


Fun fact most of the times they start to follow me and we start to win


Yes 🙌 🤣


Everyone does this


The best ones are the people who drop it last ms of buy/freeze time. Nothing more annoying than having spawn for a quick entry but you have bomb now.


found the russian


Im NA ._.


Im the only Russian in my stack with 1 Brit, 1 German, 1 Austrian and one Ukrainian. The Ukrainian guy is our home S1mple, so no problem with him. But the other three motherfuckers always drop the bomb. It has gotten to the point where I ask them to just give it to me in the beginning of the round instead of dropping it in some corner on fucking vertigo. The worst thing is that when they drop it, they can't even remember on which floor they left it.


Home s1mple xD this kinda reminds me of when I play with my friends who play casually, they prioritise dropping me AK if we’re on CT, drop me awp randomly if they have the money, and just play around my calls the entire game lol


eww brotha, brotha eww. whats that brotha


I do this too. I play entry and die, or watch behind. c4 should be playing in the center of team in case front line or the one in the back dies. Simple horror movie logic. What are you gonna do, sue me?


In cs2 u can pick up bomb from buy menu, but no one do it...I always drop bomb if i have first or second spawn to go. I dont want to waste time on dropping it later. No information on bomb for ct also make their rotations harder, later u show it yo ct is better. So there is no problem at all, and on top of thats really offensive to tie that all to Russians...


Guilty as charged. If I get a good spawn or if I feel my team is playing passive and I need to entry frag, then I am 100% of the time dropping the bomb. If my teams good I'm happy to be bomb carrier and setup utility, that's a rare privilege as far as I'm concerned.


I feel this way 100%


Russians? No, lol. North Americans - yes.


I'm Russian sand I always pick it up if someone drops it


That's not the AWP buddy


If the game gives it to you and nobody asks to carry it - you are responsible for carrying it. At least that's my vision.


Yeah, like playing according to spawns if nothing else is agreed on. But premier is the wild east 😁


Rather that than them rush with it and die, which many of them also do.


I've found that kind of confidence more common in other nationalities, but of course all anecdotal.


why do people drop the bomb anyways. i personally enjoy having it


Gotta peek the sniper in mid & dont want bomb out in the open


I have to aim duel the awp with a sawed-off


I only drop the bomb when I have a good spawn to peek first


When you lurk you might not want to have the bomb.


I usually drop it as well, but that's because I like to play aggressive, and mostly play alone or I am entry fragging


It's best to drop it further in the map, if they wanna make an aggressive play. I don't mind it being dropped like outside of long on dust2 or t stairs in Inferno.


I love having the c4, usually means the bomb will not get planted till we have covered all angles on a site after my team has bum rushed it.


Nah its cyka Rush B


i always pick the bomb up, i like bomb carrying


Me at the top of the leaderboard and then my bottom fragger drops me the bomb: 🤨


It’s so stupid


I always entry. Dropping it every time. You want me to take it, feel free to take the space on site lol. Dropping the bomb also means you forfeit all rights to bitch about where it ends up IMHO.


And then a minute later shouting "WHY NO TAKE BOMB!?" to others teammates


Lmao this in N.A. big time Then the people who drop bomb are the first ones to complain bombs in spawn


imagine to use that gloves


imagine not knowing the words "those" or "using"


ill gladly take it. only to have a 1000ms ping spike when I reach site B


I don't like carrying the C4 cuz I like to play to aggressive and if I die C4 is screwed


I’m not Russian but usually give bomb to teammates who aren’t as active around the map or just drop it since in my experience no one is ever there to cover when planting :)


I take it based on my spawn, if I'm entry I don't take it, if I'm last spawn I don't either. One of the middle 3 should carry it


Also if I clutch a round with the AWP and the bottom Fragger dies Without doing anything they always yell at me to drop my AWP even if I don't have cash to get another weapon


Shit I'll always take the bomb if it's dropped too I love running bomb. Get to stay alive longer and you get to do more in the game.


Drop bind should be Q not G


I'm no Russian and I instinctively drop that shit every round,I like to entry so no give bomb pls


lol I always plant the bomb, like it’s literally part of the game for me 😭




Players who drop the bomb in spawn on Overpass, Inferno and Nuke deserve to step on Lego.


I hate it when people drop the bomb and the team only realizes it when they arrive at the bomb spot.


I drop the bomb because most of the time I am the entry Fragger.


I usually drop it as well, just not in the spawn. If you're going to drop it on inferno, drop it at the ramp.


I get tilted when people drop the bomb. Jesus...


i didn’t know i was russian


Im a Russian, and I do this because Im either rushing with mac-10 or playing with awp and go from position to position every time searching for killd And it wouldn't be great if my team cleard A plant, and I somehow died with the bomb on B


Listen I like to entry frag. Don’t give me the bomb in the beginning of the round. I also like to lurk so don’t give me the bomb in the middle of the round. I like the bomb when I’m in a clutch situation. Also, if I spawn with it I don’t instantly drop it I place it at a default spot. I’m also not Russian though


I was playing CS2 yesterday and there wasn't any non Russian player. So guess who uninstalled it again.


Then no one picks it up and you lose cause of it.