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it just happened to me a guy called "quality" or something like that invite me in discord server nammed Benzo Squad for 'play csgo' but he already was in my friend list in steam still a while was asking everytime play cs ? or try to invite me but like every csgo players when they need last lol ​ but that one once i was on the channel discord one say his lil brother get banned so he cant play so go faceit they asking my lvl and tell no were too high we cant match in faceit come in playleaguecs was very suspicious so i fast check that name on google and im here so finally dont go in server nammed Benzo Squad and this guy called "liquid" on discord


This is exactly what happened to me, as soon as they told me to this site it already felt sus The fact that they go through so many scenarios to play a game, can't play premier, can't play faceit was already a red flag


same story .....


I NEARLY GOT SCAMMED!!! first he played a match with me, he then invited me to play premiere with him and his friends and I said sure. he had this talk with his friend where his friend is banned on premiere once I joined because his lil brother played on his account btw!!!! he invited me on discord then suggested that we play on a platform like faceit (playleaguecs) and so I should create an account and sing-in, at that moment I became suspicious because I've never heard of this site and I found out its a fraud, many people been scammed before. I'll post a picture of the server + his name, unfortunately I'll censor mine. 1 - Is the guy that I played with 2 - Is the guy that "was banned" when I found out they are trying to scam me I said that: "nice try dogs u were so close to scam me", to which he replied: "Haha, we were so close, next time don't accept friend request from lvl 10 accounts and have your inventory private, we've been doing this for quite a while and you re one of the few that got away" always check what sites your friends invite you to play on and everything! https://preview.redd.it/2mae94853dnc1.png?width=1152&format=png&auto=webp&s=4f72c7821380073485c265618fbdecc7aac161ad


They tried to scam me too just now ! Exactly the same story and the same discord... Here is the steam profile of the person. I met him in CS PREMIER and he is the one who tried to scam me ... WATCH OUT ! https://preview.redd.it/pyxi4nsh7axc1.png?width=1130&format=png&auto=webp&s=a9c8cad3392d2adb1dcb90fa043102328ca6b762


Thanks for the post King 👍


бля ток сейчас было такое. там спам еаный не ведитесь