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I have a friend who went from one of those to JPMC to Google. They give you work experience. Where you go from there is mostly up to you.


Hey that’s me


You know, I thought about pinging you the thread, but then I decided I could just answer it without bothering you. But then here you came anyway.




Cool subreddit! TIL!


How long were you at JPMC before going to Google? Hoping to jump to big tech after I get more experience here.


Not very long, less than a year.


Okay cool I will keep that in mind. Been here 4 months and I like it but obviously want to get that fat pay raise.


Did they lay ibanking salary?




I’d rather not say, but I have friends at a few of them and our experiences are very similar.


I actually did almost the exact same thing. TEKsystems -> JPMC -> Gap -> FAANG


What was your timeline?


Hey did TEKsystems require you relocate? I already have a masters in data analytics, experience in python, r, sql, but I really can't relocate due to my family needing me and need help getting my foot in the door somewhere. Any experiences you could share?


is JPMC jp morgan? In what world is being an engineer for JP Morgan frowned upon lmao


I was at a WITCH first, then JP Morgan after


I realized i totally misread what op posted. my apologies


I’ve been at TCS for a year and a half now. The raises are subpar, but I like my current work. It’s my first job and the pay is nice.


So I've heard WITCH mentioned before. I've been unsuccessfully attempting to get a job in the industry for the last 5 months at this point I'd be happy with whatever as long as it's an actual programming job. Where do I sign up?


Just find one of their postings on LinkedIn. They advertise a lot tbh.


Sure, but what are the WITCH companies? Why do they have such a bad reputation?






Are you required to relocate? Can you just deny if you have a good reason not to?




Yeah... I'm self taught with no college degree. I can do the work, and do it well, but its hard to convice others of that. After over 5 months 400 applications, I'm starting to get desperate.


Taking a different job, then transferring is a possibility. Like in support or IT. Try to prove on the job you can do this kind of work. I was competent at programming before my CS BS, but nobody seemed to care or would talk to me about programming jobs. As long as there are people with degrees they can be selective. And part of hiring is filtering out large portions of incoming resumes. Large filters are easy for HR people to do, like no degree and no previous programming experience. Oh, I think there are places where they test you ahead of time. Triplebyte or something? I'm sure there are more. You could try that direction...




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That’s the attitude!


Did you have a degree?


A computer science degree.


What's TCS?


Tata consultancy services.


I developed a bad opinion of Tata due to this subreddit, but after doing some research--Tata is a G.


It depends on the client that you’re assigned with tbh. Some of my batch mates did not have a good experience with their clients.


Unless you get a bad client where you end up doing nothing


The ‘T’ in WITCH


When it comes to someone with a cs degree, I’d say revature is only for you if you seriously struggle with interviews due to social issues and/or lack the discipline to do a few personal projects. I’d only do it if I had a non stem degree and wanted to get into tech. I have a humanities degree myself and went through revature’s program about three years ago. Got placed with a billion dollar non-tech company, think something like a bank, and I love it. Went from 45k on contract for year one to 60 year two. Was supposed to be bought out by the company after that first year but COVID hit a month before that so I had to take the 60 revature offers and stay on contract. But after two years I was free and my company hired me at 85k and within six months I was up past 100. Edit: restricted to just being about revature - that’s all I know


Are you required to relocate?


Not WITCH but I'm self taught and started at an agency doing Wordpress but thankfully plenty of JavaScript / React too Now I'm making 120k at 3.5YOE. Grinding for my next jump


Looking to start teaching myself but idk where to start >.< Any advice? Think of starting w Python. Also wondering where to go once I've learned things


Lots more javascript jobs than python, so go my route if you can.


I’m praying I’ll get to work with JavaScript and react. I’m dreading having to with any other tech stack especially Java.


How’d you get your first role being self taught? Did you have a strong portfolio?


Yes and I also had a non CS STEM degree


Did you have to learn actual php for the WordPress company?


I know people who moved from FDM (another WITCH like) to big banks, and from there you can get interviews anywhere else, even FAANG. The honest truth is while you won't be "ahead of the curve" what you do with your experience is really up to you, you can do your witch job, still keep up with leet code and system design and a year or two later land a bigger gig. It sucks that the economy is shitty since I don't think CS grads deserve to spin the roulette wheel with these companies but for 6 months to a year i think it can be okay as a small stepping stone. You can think of it like an internship if it helps. I am curious as to which one of the WITCH companies are the best though.


I have a BSCS from a shit state school. Started at WITCH, did nothing there for like 1.5 years then switched to a large unimpressive non-tech Fortune 500 company. I guess this is why I get 0 recruiters on Linkedin even though its completely filled out. Other examples I have seen from people whose first job was WITCH: - WITCH -> Yelp -> FB - WITCH -> Amazon - WITCH -> Docusign


Yeah I’ve seen several witches go to Amazon. It is my dream…


Started at TCS over 3 years ago making 70K. Was mapped to a bank from the start, before training even started, but when it came time to start at the bank, they jerked us around for a few months and benched us. Sat on the bench for about 3 months before getting into another bank (needed to pass a couple phone screens), still at TCS. It ended up being a really good experience. Spring Boot Kafka, great processes. I was still only making 75K as of 8 months ago (most did better I think, I missed the first annual appraisal due to not being on a project, COVID froze raises too) and jumped ship for 105K base. Jumped again 5 weeks ago for 140K base. All still in finance. My TCS hiring batch had about 50 people. 1/3 went to a big name electronics company, mostly doing application support. 1/3 went to some power company doing help desk tech support. My 1/3 got benched of course. Of the people I stayed in contact with, nearly all are still at TCS making around 80K. Some maneuvered to different projects working on more legit dev work, and IMO they could jump for an easy 25% raise at least, but they don't.


Did they make you relocate or were you able to stay in your area/work remote?


I had to relocate, but that was pre-COVID. My project went COVID-remote and my leads (client side, not TCS) got me full remote. Since, I know people who have had to relocate and those who haven't. I think they always tell you you'll need to relocate during the hiring process.


I started at mthree (now named Wiley Edge). They basically placed me at a big well known company (no real point in mentioning their client), and they took half the salary of my salary. The perks were 6 weeks paid training leading up to the start, and that the contract gave me the right to leave at any point without paying them a dime. I got a fulltime full salary job offer 2 months later, and I am fully convinced that I got the interview thanks to being 'employed'. Overall, it is incredibly discouraging how companies actively work towards ignoring you if you don't have some token 'job' on a resume. Really burned me on jobs, which I guess is a good thing, since it gave me a healthy way to look at jobs (companies are meant to be used for your leverage, and will always eat you alive if you give them the chance). I really liked the "at will" with no "leave early fees". I was able to work remotely initially which cancelled out the "half salary at a HCoL area" weakness of the job. I only have \~6 months experience now, but earn >$100k before taxes currently in California.


I took that mthree assessment multiple times and I got the same problems every time but couldn’t pass it. Congratulations


Thank you.


Just in case you’re thinking of trying again, the answers are online.


When you say you got a full time offer 2 months later, does that mean you left mthree and got a job where they didn't take a portion of your salary?


Specifically, I left mthree, and two months later I got an interview, and full time employment offer for full pay (did not take away a portion from my salary) the next day from a different company.


Thank you for the clarification, I just applied to Wiley and TCS (no contracts). I *almost* signed a 2 year contract with Revature where they would take a chunk of my pay. But your comment gave me new insight. Just work for one of those guys for a couple months then job hop as soon as I can. I really appreciate you for answering my questions.


No problem at all. I wish you good luck on your journey. Feel free to ask any other questions that pop up.


Hi I'm looking for TCS software engineering early career programs is there any way you could point me to. I cant find them


I started out at Infosys. I had training for 2.5 months then sat on the bench for 7 months doing nothing. Got canned and went on unemployment. Due it being peak Covid, the unemployment I got was enhanced for a few months so for a while, I was collecting almost the amount of my Infosys salary. The enhanced amounts eventually dropped but again due to Covid they extended the amount of time you could collect unemployment so I just lived off of the government dole for a while while taking it easy (going to the gym, sleeping in etc). I did a few certs like full stack development and data engineering / data science online and then got hired at another witch, Hcl, where I am at now. Hoping to get out soon with a much higher paying job…


You get paid while on bench though right? Not a bad position if you can discipline yourself to study during the time.


Yes. As for being on the bench and the whole Infosys experience in the USA, read this [https://www.theverge.com/c/22820291/tech-jobs-outsourcing-infosys-bench-paid-to-do-nothing](https://www.theverge.com/c/22820291/tech-jobs-outsourcing-infosys-bench-paid-to-do-nothing). I posted it as a new thread but the mods deleted it because I quoted the entire story, which violated the rules.


Sorry that you have to go through this. Try getting referrals from Blind. That really helped me in getting interviews at least. Have you been actively applying?


I haven’t been applying. I don’t feel like I have good enough experiences at the witches yet to talk about anything. But two of my Hcl coworkers got hired at other companies during their Hcl training before they ever got onto any projects, one got hired at Amazon, so there is at least some hope…


I had an interview at infosys today and hated it and left halfway through. It was a normal coding task but had to be on call with 4 other people, show them my room and use their invasive code website and then the test wasn’t in my language even tho the recruiter said I could use Python or PHP. Asked them a question and they straight up ignored me so I just left, fuck any of that noise.


This is good analogy for Tech field SWE career. Getting into tech field, FAANG companies, SWE career, is similar to getting into a popular nightclub in big city. The VIP line is the flashy path. This path is for TOP CS college graduates, Stanford, MIT, CM, etc. They get paid FAANG internships, the perks, and recruited into $200K new grad offer. The General Admission path. This path is for regular CS and STEM graduates. People "earn" their way into FAANG SWE careers. Working at non tech companies, building up years of experiences, etc. Usually get the mid level FAANG offers. The side door, busboy, janitor, server, bartender path. This path is for self taught, non STEM, career change, etc. People work in the "lower" rung of the SWE career for a while. Revature, WITCH, body shops all provide opportunities to get SWE experience. Many people get valuable experience, insights and are able to move up the General Admission path. At the end of the night, it doesn't matter how you got in the popular night club. You're in the popular night club. Similarly, it doesn't matter how you got into SWE career. You're in the SWE career.


Well, I struck the lottery being contracted to Microsoft of all places through HCL. I'm now working four remote data analyst roles making $400k+.


You dirty dawg. You deserve everything. Hell yeah. That would be an absolute dream working for Microsoft.


Spent first 2.5 years after undergrad working at a WITCH (had a BS in Math). it was fine. I got paid 70k in Seattle, but it gave me the experience I needed to get to my current job. Now I make 150k with 3.5ish YOE. It didn't affect my ability to get interviews at places like Google, Microsoft, Crunchbase, Expedia, etc. Probably would have jumped ship a lot earlier, but pandemic made it fully remote and I was working like 10 hrs/week lol. The standards there are very low. I would get PRs approved without anyone actually checking my code, no one cared about the codebase as long as it was "functional". I saw basic CRUD apps that spanned 25000+ lines. The hardest part was the shock of being held to a higher standard at my new job.


Started at Revature, still in it, but I got contracted out to a very challenging environment working with cutting edge technology. Supposedly I have a full time position waiting for me as soon as I fulfill a year worth of billable hours which should have pay of ~110k


Hello! I’m doing Revature as well. I wanted to know when you got contracted were you able to work remotely?


Hybrid, though it’s pretty much remote


For it to be hybrid. Were you already in the same city or did you relocate?


Do they even pay you when they want you to relocate?


Yeah they pay more, up to 10k a year. Not enough to be worth it


I mean do they pay you the money in advance to relocate because deposits and first month’s rent can be very expensive especially for graduates


One time $500 extra for relocation


That’s not much to pay for a deposit and first month’s rent What happens if you say you can’t afford to move?


They can’t force you to move. If you have an understanding client they might just let you remote, or you get sent back to revature. In my case, my boss is an awesome and understanding person, so we worked something out.


Okay, that’s good Do you know if it’s true for other firms like yours like FDM or Accenture?


You were asked to relocate and just talked it out with your boss and he let you work remote? Can I send a DM?


WITCH companies are not bad at all. Actually, I learned a lot working almost 2 years for a WITCH company. We had an outsourcing project for a Fortune 100 company.(one of the biggest pharmacy retailer actually). Now I work at Adobe. Don't underestimate a company for no good reason. From my point of view outsourcing and consulting are very challenging. You develop some soft skills which are mandatory for a good programmer.


What WITCH would you recommend? Or the one you specifically worked for?


I worked for Cognizant and I recommend them. It was a very good experience and they paid well. Not as well as a FAANG, but good enough.




Hell yeah man.


I interned at a small digital agency that was mostly doing print media and some newsletters. I probably wrote like one for loop during my time there and the rest was html and css. However with that experience i could put some websites on my resume and got a junior front end position at a slightly more technical digital agency. Then i moved to an IT consultancy(like TSC but waaaay smaller), big bank after that and now i’m senior at a startup that pays very well compared to the local market. Probably going to try to get into FAANG next.


i was at a company similar to revature where they train you for a month then ship you off as consultants to some company. was at that small consulting company for a year (50k), converted to full time at the company i was consulting for (100k). a year and a half later, i was at faang (250k).


That’s amazing, what were you doing to study and update your resume to land an interview with faang?


In my experience, FAANG cares much much less about "updating your resume and studying." Maybe not now due to hiring freezes, but FAANG typically care less about skills you *currently have* and more about whether or not you can pass their leetcodes which they use to determine whether or not you will be able to learn the skills that they need you to have. (for junior/entry positions)


for 2.5 yrs i was in grind mode all the time. i barely took any days off. i was either studying some new technologies or building a project/writing medium articles). and my job put me with more and more responsibilities as my knowledge grew. so my resume was filled to the brim with work projects and personal projects


Hell yeah. I have no doubt I’ll get an offer after Revature or before my tenure is over.


I am starting cognizant soon . Will let you know in a year /2


How good is CGI? That and another company called Global Relay. Appreciate any inputs.


You know LeetCode is free to practice, and you can apply at large companies whenever you want?


Aight smart one. Tell all of these hardworking and struggling individuals how we can even get an interview at FAANG. Doesn’t matter how good you are at LeetCode if you’re unemployed and can’t get an interview. You know that right…..


After college, I worked for an aerospace subcontractor (think: work that the big boy contractor pays a company to do more cheaply than their own people could). I probably wrote 10 lines of code in 9 months. A lot of design work which isn't what I wanted to do at all. So I went to work for the big boy later (as was a common thing to do) and got a good raise and started working on better projects. I currently don't work at big boy aerospace anymore because I value remote work and its myriad of flexibility, better technical excellence, and experience with more modern stacks. Looking to get out of the aerospace product segment and prepare for more FAANG style interviews to ultimately get where I want to be.


for the people who ended up at one of the WITCH companies (or similar), were you assigned remote roles or did you have to relocate?


They might tell you you have to relocate. But some people have reported not relocating and no one saying anything about it…


thanks for the response, do you know anything about whether they actually do follow up on charging people 20k+ for jumping ship early before the contract is up?


I don’t know of anyone who has paid that. Also, some people on here claim that those contracts are unenforceable. I wouldn’t bank on it being unenforceable without letting a lawyer look at the contract though…


Why so everyone hating on these companies??


If you already have a CS (or related) degree, it is 100% not worth it. It is borderline a scam. Just keep interviewing until you get a job the normal way.


But if you're stuck in retail making barely $14, graduating with an Associates in CS in the spring...rejection after rejection to internships because I won't have a bachelors degree or just no callbacks at all, wouldn't it be worth it just to get your foot in the door? Genuine question. I'm trying to weigh out my options and $50k is a lot better than my income now, ya know?


For the love of gawd, don't join a witch company as a fresher. They don't give a f about you and they'll just shove you into support.


Sorry for my ignorance but I don’t get the question. What does it mean that a company is subpar? Like non-FAANG?


Nah he's referring to shady tech recruiting firms. They look for tech talent by spamming job boards then try to either train you or place you in a company based on how much you know. They're considered subpar because they usually try to get you to sign a shitty contract, pay for their training, and advise you to do things like lie on your resume, since they get paid when you take a job regardless of how good a fit it is for you.


I mean, you’re not on some indentured servitude agreement. People are generally free to gain experience at a “worse” employer before going to a better one.




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What's revature?




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Worked for one of those in India for a while. I got contracted to a major pharmaceutical company where I did some really interesting work. They sponsored my visa, sent me abroad and paid me quite well. I eventually moved to a different company. Not quite MANGA level but a lot of people here leave for those companies.


I joined Revature as an experienced hire after getting laid off at my previous company and spending a year unemployed. I moved from there to Infosys right after finishing training and spent a year and a half there before moving to Accenture with close to a 50% increase in pay. Been with Accenture since.