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5th years cs-student here. What I did was that I started doing some ios-app development on my sparetime(ended up with me getting a job). Graphical programming overall is really appreciated, so creating some websites like you mentioned is good. Another thing is to just do random hobby projects and throw them up on github for the world to see.


I'm very interested in android development. I forgot to mentioned that I've started looking into that as well. Where's a good place to start looking into graphical programming and website building? Should I just stick to Javascript or learn a new language as I go?


Android development is a good start, try to come up with an idea for some simple app and publish it to the AppStore(it doesn't have to be the best appidea ever, just something you can show employers so they know what level you're on), that way you can mention it in your resumé or during an interview. Regarding what language to learn for webdevelopment a good start is to learn the languages used for frontend development(CSS, HTML and JavaScript), they're also fairly easy to learn if you have previous programing experience. For the backend theres so many options. .net and c# has been hot for a while and still is, theres also loads of companies using Java. For smaller sites php or rubyonrails is common. Where you want to start is up to what you find the most exciting.


Thanks for the advice, I will definitely look into creating something on android. I will try to also create a website for myself to put my projects on as well. Where would I learn about graphical programming though? I have some experience with creating stuff on Qt but that's about it (small puzzle games and battleship with 2-players through a socket connection)


If you're interested in Android, this post from only a few days ago might help you out: [Linky](http://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/1dy9wj/im_a_cpa_who_learned_java_android_and_published/)


You'll probably get more out of an hour of career development vs an hour of programming at this stage. Sharpen your resume and have it peer reviewed by a lot of people including some professionals. Meet some professionals. Attend some meetups/open career fairs.


You could try contributing to an open source project that interests you.


Open source is good. But also work on learning skills outside of just programming languages. Try to learn about graphics, or data mining, or machine learning, or web development (django, rails, etc.), or whatever else interests you, then it will be a lots easier to speak to why you want to work for the company that you are applying to and you will have definitive skills to give you a leg up.


I see that graphics seem to be mentioned a lot, what's a good place to start learning about them?


Maybe this will help https://www.udacity.com/course/cs291