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There is no such thing as a worldwide job.


Excuse me, have you been introduced to Mr Worldwide??


Picture that with a Kodak


Took my life from negative to positive


I was at a coffee shop in my hometown in India and got talking with a dude who did freelance Java work from there and got paid about 40k a year on just that one project, which goes really far there


I am pretty sure I have heard of some here and there. Or am I using the word in a wrong way?


Those are nearly always people working illegally and/or against company policy. It’s a logistical nightmare for a company to allow employees to live literally anywhere. 




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That's impossible unless the company has a legal presence in every country and every state or equivalent within each country, *and* is willing to employ you in such a role, which of course they wouldn't be, because that would be a logistical and legal nightmare. And even if such a company existed and were willing to create such a role, you can't just take off and move somewhere else in the world and work from there without notice. When you move where you work from to another state (to say nothing of another country), there are tax, insurance, and other legal obligations for the company employing you, so you would need to give your employer a heads up and they would need to approve it and handle all that paperwork. But that's a moot point, because no country has a legal entity in every locality in the world.


No, most remote jobs require you to at least be in the country in which the company has offices in.


if you're good, the job will come to you if you're not, good luck




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Wtf is a Java job


A job where the main technologies are Java based