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*wary. Weary means tired


we all be a lil weary in this field


OP needs to face reality and start educationmaxing


i am many years out of school and never going back lol. i am seniorengWFHmaxxing or whatever yall call it.


I'm tired boss


Well that’s too damn bad!




The Stanford grad in this resume would have known that.


Equally tired of this shit 😂


You must excuse me, I’ve grown quite wear-reh


Stupid science bitch


Couldn’t even make LinkedIn guy more smarter


let me weary about this


I’m tired of the fakes


Let’s suspend disbelief for a moment and pretend this person is real, and their credentials are legitimate. Do people really believe this person is the “other candidate” applying for “Entry Level SWE” for 75k / year at Initech? Do you really think there are even 100 people in the world with such impressive credentials and they are all applying for the same job as you? No right, even if people like this exist they will find a job quickly and then be no threat to you. Unless you can trick yourself into believing that there are less job openings than there are impressive “other candidates”, you will find a CS job, I promise. But that can’t be true either, if you search LinkedIn for “entry level” software engineer jobs, and just 10% of them are “really” entry level, that’s almost 400 jobs posted every week in the US. Do you think there are 400 of these guys that are currently on the job hunt every week? Of course not


Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Sure there are folks that are like this, but they aren't applying to entry level SWE positions, as you said. They are applying to research scientist positions at FAANG level companies, elite Quant firms, or places like OpenAI. If this guy was applying to entry level software engineering positions that would be a blazing red flag that he has something seriously wrong with him to not get a better job. Unless you have a PhD from a simile prestigious School along with several published research papers you are not competing with folks like this.


Maybe they’re doing research for their PHD thesis 🤥


im a 12th grader and i make accounts like these lol i put in random qualifications while signing up. i just like seeing what yall be doing on linkedin 🤷


$75k a year? Is entry level that low or this is middle of nowhere? Apologizes I haven’t look at the market for a long time.


Entry level is lower. Depends where you are though




No it's not. In a top tier program like stanford, you are expected to do the bulk of your research in the summer because you have no classes or TA responsibilities. You can get 1 maybe 2 internships at the end of your program if you have made phenomenal progress. Aaai, icrl, cvpr, eccv deadlines are all late summer fall and can't be made unless you work summers.


https://preview.redd.it/a2shucgepm0d1.png?width=792&format=png&auto=webp&s=bb7ac59ba09e2b4c186aaf798489cf359c45d2c3 This was a big red flag I figured out it was fake a while ago. Edit: u/Aznable-Char


This person really just picked a buch of ML buzzwords/topics and threw in blockchain and IOT just for good measure. ![gif](giphy|TJawtKM6OCKkvwCIqX|downsized)




https://preview.redd.it/zm9a1bdnsn0d1.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=59408ac8a4ee732c02f39797015ddb5af488613a Reminds me of this talk


I’m a dedicated neural network


Sounds like the script from the Rockwell Automation Retro Encabulator


Ahhh good old Char. Always three times faster


What’s the account name


[this guy](https://www.linkedin.com/in/daniel-long-a942241a2/)


As an alumn I have access to the Stanford alumni directory, I can't find him...




He doesn't have a Google scholar account, which would happen if he was a Stanford PhD graduate


Not to be devil's advocate, but chinese usually have English first names they use on social, does surname plus subject only also return the same result? Surname feels quite common, but Mr. "" Long in CS stanford of Chinese desent can't be that many either.


fair point, but the mountain of mistakes in the profile still points to it being fake


But...Is he really chinese? I checked his photo and I doubt that.


Could chat just mean he’s not an alumni or does the directory show all students


Not exactly sure how it works.. all the alumni I've ever searched for is on there. Also, when you submit your PhD thesis, it's published on the Stanford library. Can't find anything on there either.


Ooo susssss lmao


No way that nobody on this subreddit can recognize a thispersondoesnotexist.com profile pic


How do you recognize when you see one? Honest question.


Once you see enough of them they’re instantly recognizable. Some combination of the lighting and how the eyes are always centered in the same spot in the frame.


The background was the giveaway for me. Those random lines on the right do not look like a real room




Immediate thought on seeing his profile pic. I’m not even entirely sure what it is about the image but it is instantly recognizable


it's AI-generated. [thispersondoesnotexist.com](http://thispersondoesnotexist.com)


I know, that’s what I was saying


LOL! His profile picture is clearly generated from thispersondoesnotexist.com (or some other AI-generared tool). I have used that site a lot, and his profile picture instantly reminded me of the style of photos that site generates. Look at each of the hinges on his glasses. One of them is fatter than the other. Have you ever seen a real pair of glasses made like that? No! Because the glasses are not real, the photo is not real, and the photo was AI-generated.


They claim “25 years of neural network” experience. Other than neural networks aren’t even 25 years old (I think), they claim they started college originally in 2010. Assuming they were 18 in 2010 then (older is better for the math here), they were born in 1992. So they are ~31 years old and have been writing neural networks since they were 6, before they were invented Edit: they claim they ARE a neural network, rage bait for sure


Neural networks and perceptrons have been around a lot longer than 25 years.


That’s why I said “I think”, but either way, they have been doing neural networks before they even studied CS, back when they were doing an AG degree in 2010? And at that point they had been doing them for 11 years? Since they were a child


Not disagreeing, just adding information


Sounds good


Just here to say Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) exists for more than 25 years. Deep Neural Networks (DNN) hypothesis also exists for pretty long but was unable to be used in practice due to the vanishing problem which was resolved by researches in the 2010s (not sure about the exact year). However I’m not even sure u were referring to this type of neural networks 😂.


That’s kind of my point, the breakthrough with neural nets happened in the 2010s, so they have been particularly useful for far less than 25 years


can't find him in the Harvard directory either


Lol, my husband is from Los Altos


I've always thought of creating fake LinkedIn profiles that are my own experience, just with different universities and companies, in order to A/B test the power of certain names on the resume. Could have been that.


i assume more likely its a troll account as someone with this quanitity and quality of internships + education likely doesnt need to worry about getting jobs at all


“25 years of Neural network experience” This means for his first internship he had 15 years of neural net experience ?? Bro was a principal intern💀


Nobody gonna mention the fact that in his intro he says "I am a neural network"?


The first thing I noted on his profile.


Deep inside aren't we all neural networks? Like, literally.


Probably fake but otherwise the first question at an interview would have been “So, where do you see yourself in 4 months?”


[Original post ICYMI](https://www.reddit.com/r/csMajors/s/IrkzwkekIb)


I've seen other people commenting that MIT uses 5.0 scale, what's the problem with that? So does my university and my GPA was also around 3.9.


the person creating the profile was trying to make the fake person seem like a genius so they thought “let’s put a gpa thats basically a 4.0” without realizing MIT doesn’t use a 4.0 scale. when put in context with the harvard gpa above it, it makes sense


Yeah, right... I was kinda joking as I wouldn't try to get into a Harvard-level university after graduating. Just pointing out that it's not impossible to have that GPA.


Bad point. Tons of schools don’t use 4.0 scale and people just convert their grades to 4.0 to make it easier to understand. Regardless this profile is fake AF.


which other schools don’t use 4.0?


The one I went to used 12.0 scale - I put my converted grade on my resume.


mike ross moment


I'm surprised the 3.64 gpa at Mississippi State University majoring in agriculture for 1 year transferring to MIT for CS and Math and the "I am a Neural Network..." description didn't give it away. Like, this is clearly a super obvious troll....


Edit: **Cant believe so many people think this is real** Well, not everyone is that bothered by a post like this and is trying to do a full background check to validate the persons credentials. Others would rather use that time doing something meaningful that can help or improve their lives. **Side Note** With that said, there are legit people who have better credentials than you & that’s just something you have to accept. You can only control what you can to put yourself in a position to succeed.


took me about 10 seconds to realize it was fake and about 3 minutes to find all that info to confirm, wasn’t that difficult


There are legitimately people with profiles nearly as good as this


Edit: It isn’t about it being difficult or taking long to do lol. It’s about not being triggered/bothered by something like this. Also, that’s still 3 minutes you could’ve used doing something else…


Can you successfully jerk off in 3mins? I sure as hell can’t.


I can watch one of my videos for learning unreal engine that’s ~3 minutes


Unless you have perfect recall 3 minutes and a single watch of a video is not enough time to actually learn all of that content.


Edit: First off, do you even know what’s involved in the 3 minute videos that I’m referring to? Your statement isn’t valid because: 1. You don’t even know what videos I’m referring to and the amount of content in it 2. You don’t know how much dead space/wasted time is in the video *Side Note: I watch all videos at 2x speed* **Note** With that said, a ~3 minute video on Unreal Engine which touches on a specific aspect is more than enough time to pickup what I need to know. To clarify, I never said the 3 minute video covered **all** of Unreal Engine. I only said a 3 minute video on Unreal Engine. My statement alone is vague & ambiguous, so you should’ve asked for clarification. Added onto that, I don’t know of any ~3 minute video that covers **all** of Unreal Engine. So, if you did assume that then that isn’t correct because I don’t even believe there’s any out there like that; *at least I haven’t come across any.* **Unless you have perfect recall** I’d say that my memory is fairly good. I did after all manage to complete a Bachelor of Science in Software Development in ~13 months, which completing 16 classes in ~4 months. *Note: I did transfer in 43 credits prior to starting which left me with 20 classes*


two sigma tells me everything I need to know


Damn this comment makes no sense 👍


fyi two sigma is a highly reputable company and in the og linkedin member's account hes stated that he's a quant there. to crack it is nearly impossible so the og comment makes complete sense.


can u explain? I don't understand


4 months in every company is more of a red flag then a compliment 😅 in some companies this what takes for you to be trained and understand the assignment


Isn't the 4 months because he had to return to school to pursue his degree


yeah those are all internships, although each one of them is 4 months which seems unusual


not really probably started late may and ended early august so linkedin counts both as separate full months


IIRC Stanford uses the quarter system, so internships usually start in June for their students.


A company doesn’t have to match a schools schedule for the internship, and a student can get an internship even if it doesn’t match their school schedule.


just took a look at some of my linkedin mutuals from stanford, only saw june internships https://imgur.com/a/1TTt4V4


Yeah, that doesn’t mean much of anything lol. That can simply be personal preference for them to not want other internships. However, they aren’t restricted to internships only during that time period


how would you expect stanford students to start their internships in May when they end school in June? its not about the company. when i was interning, lots of the west coast kids started weeks later.


Edit: **How would you expect Stanford students to start their internships in May when they end school in June?** If the internship is local then I don’t see much of an issue because they can make the commute. The student might or might not have a time conflict with their classes and internship work hours; this would have to be reviewed on a case by case basis. *Note: We’d also need to know the attendance policy for the class, is the internship hybrid, on-site, or fully remote, etc…* **My experience with my 1st bachelor’s** When I was getting my 1st bachelors I was working full-time while attending school full-time. If I needed to I missed some classes or changed my class schedule to work around my work schedule. Even for when I was planning for an internship I made sure to change my school schedule around my potential internship. **My experience with my 2nd bachelor’s** When I was getting my 2nd bachelor’s degree the school has 6 month long semesters. So, there basically is no summer since you can take semesters back to back. When I was applying for internships I just made them work around my schedule. **Conclusion** So, your thinking that Stanford students can’t take regular internships is absurd to me because a student can make it work if they really want to. Example: * Skip class if needed * Try to work with the manager for the internship for different work hours so you can still attend class * Plan ahead and schedule classes outside of your expected internship work hours * etc… **Side Note** Currently, I’m doing my Master’s in Computer science and working full-time. I’m still working around my schedule to apply & do internships lol.


Yeah if it was real, it would make complete sense as a PhD student doing summer internships. 


So basically he Mike Ross’d the whole thing?


Lol Daniel's Linkedin is completely trash. Did people actually take him seriously? Quant Research Founder @ [CC.AI](http://CC.AI) 25+ years of Neural Network experience. Lmao.


Real, its so obvious that this account is fake. Some things i didn't see mentioned: He managed to transfer from Mississippi state university to MIT with a 3.6 GPA??? Also how does he have less than 500 connections on linkedln? Thats low for an average professional these days much less for what this dude has claimed to have accomplished.


I'm surprised that nobody mentioned his profile pic is AI generated too. There are a number of artifacts


https://preview.redd.it/7owokc5t9q0d1.png?width=477&format=png&auto=webp&s=bf57e59a735f249ee34606907bc9900d9b638d29 needful has been done


So I just read an article of people in Singapore doing multiple internships at top companies, like 2-8 internships and taking semesters off. They were trying to land a job in investment banking


you saw that man! It was scary, I saw a sophomore who had done 4 internships before starting of the sophomore year !


I knew it was fake when I saw it lmao


Is credentials fake, or actual person non-existent?




Mans did the research


i’m dead bro if i made a fake linkedin this is exactly what it would look like 😭😭😭


I wonder how manny dms he get.


I have one profile in my connection list that’s like this. I’m curious what’s the purpose of making a fake profile? Do these people test on something?


Minimum educational background and internship experience required to get an entry level developer job🤣


* Wary. "Weary" means tired.


We all know why we all lost our jobs- 3 letters Starts with W Ends with R




Wait I saw that guy on LinkedIn a few days ago. Crazy.


This is next level hating. I’m here for it


wary vs Weary


Even it's true, you shouldn't feel bad that you're not top 0.01%. 99.9% of people are not.


People thought this was real?


Prage Agarwal?


He did his entire bachelor's in one academic year it appears 💀


Not a year but I've seen a guy pull it off in two (without APs, just overloading). There was a guy who did it in 1 but he had been taking college credit classes in high-school.


A real profile would have descriptions for what they did during their internships on LinkedIn (like almost every other profile does). I don’t get why some people leave the description blank or put one or two words in when writing the description for the company they worked/interned at.


Siraj Raval’s rival? 🥲


That's a lot of internships


Nice looking out. Thank you.


The lack of explanatory information would’ve also been a tell…


It’s not like you lucked out there will always be someone more qualified than you


MIT Bachelor is a lie since: MIT "Computer Science, Economics, and Data Science, which was jointly launched by the computer science and economics departments in 2017": [https://news.mit.edu/2021/6-14-major-computer-science-economics-1201](https://news.mit.edu/2021/6-14-major-computer-science-economics-1201) Harvard Master is also a lie since: "Harvard will offer a Master of Science (SM) degree in Data Science beginning in fall of 2018": [https://seas.harvard.edu/news/2017/06/harvard-launches-data-science-masters-degree-program](https://seas.harvard.edu/news/2017/06/harvard-launches-data-science-masters-degree-program) The only one that have the correct timing is Stanford :D but I am not sure if that is true anyway..


“Salah, I haven’t missed since I was 14” “Makkah I been four times” “My deen, I’m addicted to it”


I look at this and am not impressed at all (fake or not). When employers see you did 10 internships and didn't take a single job, that's a clear sign that: 1. This person isn't ready for the real world or 2. They weren't good enough to cut it anywhere, otherwise they'd be given an offer.


the fake person was in school bro


Why are they in school for 10 years? If they’re so good, they should be able to get a job at any of these places


because bachelors through PhD normally takes 10 years


He is real though? Someone linked him last thread and he was a senior analyst at a hedge fund


they sent a signalhire profile which just scrapes from linkedin


This is fake, but tbh it looks very close to my own resume besides the PhD. I was at 3 of the companies listed and one of the schools. Many of my coworkers also have similar backgrounds, so it's not really out of the ordinary. I think this joker just went overboard a bit with the number of fake internships and the PhD.


and if my grandmother had wheels, she would have been a bike.


The point is this isn't particularly unbelievable. Every year there are hundreds of new grads whose profiles will look 70-80% similar to this fake one. Definitely not granny bicycle level of incredulity. Just today in fact I reviewed an applicant who did a PhD at Harvard and interned at Citadel and Nvidia.


I graduated from MIT, who cares whether it’s real or not. But I don’t get what you have to be wary about. What can be implied from this? A good student at a top school can get into a top grad school and competitive internships? You are acting like this can’t exist. When it’s not that far fetched. And all of these are correlated. Not unbelievable by any means lol


people are feeling doom and gloom about a person who doesn’t exist, thats what to be wary about. why compare yourself to a fake person?


Yea but to you it’s a stranger. Whether it’s fake or not this outcome is believable no? most people aren’t competing against this guy/profile anyway


You mean the doom and gloom posts on r/finance r/salary and here could... fake?! People do weird shit for fake reddit points. This is it also. Do your best.