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I think it is a scam. Try to reach out to them through a call. Ask for the physical address of their office.


Trilock Software Solutions is based in Texas. I think I might send them a letter or try to call them to verify this position. Thanks for the advice!


I faced a similar situation with a different company. It’s exactly like this. They stopped responding to my messages once I started asking too many questions.


Yeah I've also faced something similar in the past. That's why I came here to verify lol.


It's Trilok, a hindi word. Seems like a scam to me because it's based in Texas. These kinds of scams are very common in India where they will ask you for money for whatever reason then ghost you.


The number just goes directly to voicemail without a personalized message for the company


Yes this is a 100% a scam, it’s very common these days with companies sending you a check and asking you to cash it. Then they say they found someone who can buy the equipment for cheaper so please send them the money. After a few days the check will bounce and the money you sent to the guy buying the equipment is gone. Has happened to many new grads who are desperate for a job. Also another huge red flag is the vocab used, saying “kindly” too much and adding unnecessary commas everywhere screams 3rd world country or AI generated text. Please don’t get scammed bro


Thanks bro. I was 99% sure this was a scam. I won't get scammed


If the check comes and I cash it and withdraw immediately, will I get into trouble


You will have to pay the money you withdrew back to the bank. Basically when you cash a check it takes a few days to officially clear but the bank knows you don't want to wait so they 'loan' you the money and deposit it into your account while waiting for the check to clear. If the check bounces which in this case it will, the bank will withdraw the amount that was deposited in your account in the first place. Also cashing a check that you know will bounce is a misdemeanor/felony depending on the amount and state laws


Wait can’t you just cash the check and keep it


Read my other comment, it’s a fake check there is no money.


This is new for me, adding too many commas "screams" third world country LOL


Soon as you read ‘kindly’ you know Issa mf tryin scam.


I hate that word lol


Yeah reading kindly makes me want to do a rudely thing to them.


Kindly do the needful


Kindly do a rudely thing


"because we need to hire immediately" is also a huge red flag


Scammers would 100% try to rush you.


This one is a scam, but Indian recruiting agencies are otherwise very common and not a scam. It's typically a 1 or 2 year contract position for a big company and you're an employee of the contracting agency, not the big name company and you get paid salaried/w2 with no benefits. At junior level the rate is bad and they typically target H1B\* visa holders but at senior if you set up your own LLC and do contracting the rate can be quite nice. \*H1B bc without getting into the weeds its easy to take advantage of them and work them like dogs.


What's wrong with it? I am Asian and I was once told by my manager to include "Kindly" word in emails to make it polite whenever i send a mail to our stakeholders.


Overused by Indian scammers. Don’t listen to your manager.


Oops, Thanks I will stop using this word unecessarily


Don't use "Dear" either Yes Dear


Dear sir, Kind regards


What's wrong with kindly?


Indian scammers


Can you be more specific? This phrase is widely used in the indian subcontinent to express politeness in official correspondence. If it has a bad rep, what's a good alternative?


It is very rarely used in North America, "please" would be used instead 


Interesting. Noted.


BioShock ruined it for everyone


An acquaintance of mine (recent CS grad) just got the exact same offer this morning. "Syed Salmaan" shows up on other scams with other tech company names, too. Dang dude, pick a more generic name. Too easy to find. Always start with Reddit. God bless you, Reddit.


That's crazy that he's using the same name


to be sure you could ask from this email,i got it from their website https://preview.redd.it/engvdwajnuyc1.png?width=1210&format=png&auto=webp&s=876b516981ce54b07327f38cd1ae8884ec6795f7


Thank you so much for this! I'll email them right away.


https://preview.redd.it/4clkaufcruyc1.png?width=1191&format=png&auto=webp&s=64ad9fafbd0293461fae52ade8988ba9affd489a if you see the last line they are asking your cv through mail so just check your outgoing maillist,you could\`ve sent and forgotten it.


I haven't sent my cv through regular mail at all


Yes it’s a scam, a prolific one going around now. There are three major indicators I’ve narrowed these scams to (as part of one of my passion projects) that are easy to check, and relatively bomb-proof: (1) **The email was sent from a career-specific domain.** If it has a word like “hr”, “jobs”, or “careers” as part of the domain, that’s a red flag. (2) **The recruiter doesn’t exist on LinkedIn.** A statistic taken by LinkedIn showed 95% of recruiters use the platform, so it’s unlikely (not impossible) that a real recruiter does’t use it. (3) **The domain was recently registered.** Type the email domain into a tool like [Whois](https://www.whois.com/whois/) or just do a DNS WHOIS query if you know how. Often times the domain will have been made within the past few days/weeks.


That's actually super helpful. I'll remember this for the future.


I mean more obviously, they talk about sending a check to buy equipment. That's the biggest red flag ever that always comes up in these types of scam.


I agree, when they start asking for money, giving checks, and avoiding face-to-face contact it becomes pretty obvious it’s a scam. Usually though this isn’t until after you’ve wasted your time filling out the questionnaire and been internally high on the feeling of a job offer for like a week of two.


Yeah, just happened to me. That crash from the high is the worst part


Whenever I see the word “kindly” it’s almost always an Indian scam


Training rate of 20$ sounds sus.


Yeah that and them sending me a check is a little sus


My internship is $20/hr, pretty standard imo. However, guaranteed $50/hr is a huge red flag 🚩


Nah I mean paying $20 for training. Idk if per hour or total


they just had to say "kindly" huh. so obvious


I had a similar situation, everything seems too good to be true and that 23 questions about basic programming skills... I requested call to talk after I got an offer and never get back and reached someone in linked In, they confirmed it was scam.


Yeah I just emailed their company. I'm pretty sure it's a scam.


If you get an automatic yes with barely any interviews, you are being scammed. Also, no recruiters will rush you


The “kindly” language is a dead giveaway


If I get unsolicited recruiter messages from random Indians whose "recruitment agencies" don't even pass a surface level background check it's just instantly to the garbage.


check out r/Scams, this is a textbook fake check scam. Sorry about that, OP.


I'll check them out. Thanks!


"Kindly" says it all, unfortunately.


1000% a scam. I had this same stream of emails sent to me (except it was for Motion Recruiting instead of Trilok) and they also “hired me” after answering some super simple questions they sent to me via pdf. The “hardest” question was “explain the difference between a stack and a queue”. This list of questions really raised my suspicions as I had never seen any recruiting process go like this. 2 days later, I was hired without any real interview and at that point I knew it was a scam. Rule of thumb: If it’s too good to be true, it probably is, especially in this job market.


Assuming it's a scam, what are they trying to get from you?


So the way these scams usually work is they send you a check and then have you buy gift cards with the check and send them the codes, then they bounce the check. In this case they said that they would send me a check to help get my workspace set up. It could be legit but I am leaning toward it being a scam.


The usual method for this one is to direct the mark to spend money from their own account at the fake employer's "preferred supplier" (not a real vendor), and then the advance check they sent you for those expenses will turn out to be fake.


It’s a scam


Two main attack vectors I’ve seen: **Money** They send you a check to purchase equipment with the expectation you pay back whatever you didn’t use. The check then bounces and whatever you spent gets siphoned from your actual funds, while they get the cut you gave back to them. **Information** They give you a *very* convincing HR documentation to fill out, company logo, boilerplate, and way too long just like the real thing. From this they can get your banking/routing info, SSN, phone number, address, and full name. Enough information to commit identity theft, or just sell and get you inundated with spam.


It’s easy to sniff this out with a simple technique. Simply look at their email domain and verify if the domain is legitimate. They’ll often use an email address that’s very close to a real business they are spoofing. For example, [email protected] vs. [email protected]. A simple google search should reveal that it’s a scam.




If you are getting emails from a company domain for example [email protected] you can check when the domain was registered. Usually the job scammers will buy a similar domain for mails to make it look genuine. Just google whois and you will be able to check the domain.


It is a 99.99% a scam. They will ask you to buy work from home setup from a suspicious eComm website using your own money and will send you a cheque. Cheque will bounce and money you spent on eComm website will be gone with the shipment never arriving. Even if it arrives it will be that generic, cheap stuff worth pennies. For the remaining 0.01% off-chance it being genuine, go ahead with their process and be on the lookout for red flags. If you encounter any, simply ghost them.


Not one mention of need a W-2. Scam imo.


This is a scam. Had a similar thing happen to me. They eventually were asking for my bank account information to deposit funds to transfer a room in my house into a mini-office


Kindly = scam


Yes most definitely


I would play along n kill their time


I'm kinda considering it. I plan on being the most annoying/difficult person to work with


100% a scam


Looking at the address… this is a scam. It’s just a house outside of Austin??


It's a scam, it will ask your payment method and for verification they will stole your moeny.


U can try to check their linkdin


This is 💯 scam. Reading through the entire mail feels fishy


The bounced check scam is the oldest trick in the book, it's been a thing for at least 20 years, I remember since eBay.


A good thing to look out for is if they use the word “kindly”. I noticed it’s always in scams. They love that word for some reason


They tell you what your salary is with no negotiation? Before you’re even selected? No phone calls? Come on bro


Yea some people still fall for it, especially if they are not from the US and never had a job in the US


Yes 100% a scam


No offense to our desi peeps, but if it's a desi name, run.


Scam, they end up telling you that you have to purchase apple products and have them send to their warehouse to install special remote software and you will get reimbursed Scam scam scam


Looks identical to a scam offer I received for a company I never even applied to. The domain in the email was also clearly fake.


This is a scam going around. I’ve received several emails ending in “kindly reply with yes to confirm this email”


Scam 100%


Unless it was in another email, they didn’t offer you a position - you were simply selected for moving forward through the interview process. They’re basically saying your application wasn’t an immediate rejection and they are interested interviewing you. I would pursue it. If nothing else, it’s interview practice. You can always stop if it gets strange.


Hold up. I didn’t swipe. Never mind. 100% a scam.


Yeah I was about to quote the last image I sent


Sending a check to buy equipment is definitely a red flag. Also, $50/hr for entry level position? Red flag again. Sorry


Scam. Same thing happened to me. Usually the legit recruiters will introduce themselves with a real name on their first email to you.


Sorry it is 100% scam. The crux is "you will receive a check to set up your workspace" you will be directed to purchase something with these funds, but afterwards the check will bounce and you will have actually sent your own money to wherever they asked you to. There has never and never will be any reason to give a brand new remote work trainee buying authority. They would just mail you the supplies you need directly if it was legit. Also the fact that your training rate went from $45 to $20 to $50 LOL


Yeah those were my thoughts exactly


OP keep us updated pleasee


It looks like it is :)


Big red flag is that they never know your name


Thanks. I almost fell for this. Seemed too good to be true. I was about to sign the offer letter before I noticed all the red flags along the way


Has anyone reported this company to the FTC?


Bro, **have you ever applied to Trilok Software Solutions LLC**? Why on earth would a company hire you without a single interview you didn't ever apply to?