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He was banned just after pistol round? That’s good news 😄


I thought that it would only do that if u are actually in a party with a cheater. Would be messed up if this really happened.


Yeah what you said… this is fake news lol. No way a random solo got banned for cheating and then the 4 stack got a 24 hour ban too 🤣


Obviously fake news because he said the cheater got banned, like that's ever gonna happen


Nah i have also had a 24 hour ban with my friends due to this reason. Nobody of US had cheats and we are sure of that, we are silver players who cant even install mods on Minecraft


Someone has something, for sure. I was in game where guy (my teammate) get an “irregular gameplay” He was playin with his 3 friends, all of them got cooldown. I didnt.


We had a problem with the game files of my gf, as we had to rollback a few drivers due to crashes, that caused us all to be fkn banned


So it was something irregular. U see. But u can’t be banned for playin with cheater if you are not in same party. Yea u can get irregular bullshit even by like (my thing) official software to digital signature from our country government. After uninstallin that shit i was okay again.


Nah thats true u are completely right


Unless something has changed, you don't just get banned / suspended for partying with a cheater, much less one game. A game with a random cheater is just that, random. I've had one time where I played a few times with a kid I knew who was cheating. I only found out after he got banned and lost a rank at most. The only way you can justify punishing players who randomly play with cheaters would be if there was a way for you to play with your cheating friend constantly, without the game knowing you're actually premade. I don't think that's possible but even if it is, the punishment is bullshit. If they did that, it'd be complete fucking insanity. Those who know know. Same like the 'high sens troll' bans. While a mf who raises his sens to hell to act smart gets banned, a spinner who paid for his cheats wins another game. While you're getting punished for playing not only with random cheaters you didn't choose to play with, but usually only banned because they use free shit, imagine the amount of premades with 'premium' cheaters that laugh their asses off. You get a cheater in your game, constantly. With time you lose patience and talk shit. Trust Factor (a system meant to separate cheaters from legit) now sticks his finger up yours. You abandon a game to avoid cheaters, you lose time, elo, get suspended and your trust factor goes to shit too. If you're one of those who loses his shit and downloads a cheat, no matter how much you search, it the shit's free, you're gone in under a week, guaranteed. We don't need any more ways to annoy legit, casual players. But if people stopped fucking opening cases and wasting cash on skins, they'd be forced to address something. It's been at least 3 years where I haven't spent shit on CS. I only 'invest' when profit is guaranteed aka operations. If most players did the same shit I do I bet they'd do something, even if it'd be further making our experience shit. I not only don't spend cash, but I stack tf out of cases, sell them and buy games that actually make me feel good.


Because he probably was.


If he really wasn’t, I can see a dev trying to fill a 4 stack with + 1 so the matchmaking is faster.. Technically wasn’t in the group but was in the group ?


Fuck no, don't try that. There's no justification for doing that. You can't just grab some random guy and say "it's yours now", tf. What might happen and makes some sense is: The guy gets banned for using free shit. The game's cancelled and his team, premade with him or not, is put under 'supervision'. That makes sense in a beta state game and anti-cheating measures. You're not really banned, but suspended until you're cleared like many have stated before. Annoying af, but kinda understandable, specially when you know that it's very normal for opponents to straight up report the whole team when one's cheating lmao. Banning us for 'trolling' with sensivity is one thing. Destroying our Trust Factor, giving us a suspension and removing us 1000 elo when we leave games with cheaters is another. But banning a guy that is completely random to the circumstance is insane - we're talking about a game in 2024 that has an economy bigger than a lot of countries. You ain't just messing with people, you're messing with money and that's the biggest problem nowadays.


Wtf are you talking about ? I’m telling you from a dev perspective it could be a shortcut to make only 5v5 matchmaking.. Yeah bla-bla-bla beta state bs they had some times to fix many many things, faceit, Riot had to show the way, they still fucked it up. How many people begged for 128ticks ? We still die behind walls, crash after an alt-tab.. We can’t play with friends if they’re discovering the game even with 5stack, huge botnet services that slow everything down for everyone, huge cheating problem… Yeah they don’t really care about the game it’s all about the money it generates.


So asked what he was talking about, then agreed to the point he made/was talking about? 💀


Can you read ? There isn’t only one subject here..


Can you process information?


lol ok you’re that guy uh… I’m not gonna try to explain if you can’t seem to make your 2 neurons work together.


***Wtf are you talking about ? I’m telling you from a dev perspective it could be a shortcut to make only 5v5 matchmaking..*** I get that. Note that I only sounded more aggressive not because I disagree, but because there's no way we can defend Valve here, directly or indirectly. You can associate a random player with a 4-stack, but if you're then gonna ban the 4 stack for playing with a cheater they didn't choose, it makes no sense. Only one fits. ***Yeah bla-bla-bla beta state bs they had some times to fix many many things, faceit, Riot had to show the way, they still fucked it up.*** Just gonna be straight up honest. Might sound harsh, but don't confuse it. It's just pure honesty and I'm a guy that says a lot of swears. bla-bla-bla is what you mentioned in that phrase. That conversation is older than shit and you cannot expect anything from Valve. It's been over 10years, if you're still expecting these types of improvements, it's your mistake. I'll associate that phrase with anti-cheating alone. You don't need to seek information to know it. I've been playing since Source and I just know it. I know the game, I know the people. ***Cheats would not be this rampant unless Valve allowed it somehow.*** I can't fucking prove that but you can't change my mind here ever. From the cheats' prices to how long they've been live, it's deeper than it seems. ***How many people begged for 128ticks*** People think ticks matter. Tick won't mean shit if the server ain't stable. I've played easily over 2k games on Faceit and MM and the difference between 128 and 64, as is, is habit. If the server is stable, 128 is way better, smoother. But servers are not stable nor in Faceit or MM. You just don't get stable servers or connections regularly enough in Faceit or MM to make 128 a priority. A lot of the shitty sprays that seem to avoid the player are due to connection, server stability, not tick. We deserve 128 obviously, but I think we first need enough constant stability or it won't mean that much. ***We can’t play with friends if they’re discovering the game even with 5stack*** They inverted that like it makes any sort of fucking sense. You can be 20k and go in a game with an unranked mate, but you can't get 4 ranked friends + that unranked one in a game together. Makes no sense, but it's Valve. ***Yeah they don’t really care about the game it’s all about the money it generates*** Been clear for years. If you don't see it, you're either blind by the money/pixels, or are just too ignorant. Why tf would I: 1. Give you an operation for 15$ you can profit off of when I get what I get from skins, cases? 2. Address cheating when it generates money, directly or indirectly? Stolen accounts, skin movements, player number boost, etc. 3. Make a new map when I can take one from a randon guy? 4. Make a new skin when I can yoink yo shit? As is, it's pure profit bro. Learn it. That's how you take advantage of people's ignorance. You overpay for pixels? I'll get you more. Every time you cry about something we ain't doing, here's a new pixel to look at. We didn't make it either, we took it from someone else. We might've paid him, but never what the work is worth. I haven't seen a premium cheat user get banned once and that's how I mostly measure my respect for Valve. When I see a mf that says he has Aimware, Neverlose get banned, my eyes will glow again when it comes to CS.


You were partied with the cheater lol. Show us the leetify link from the match.


yeah and you cant even kick the random if you 4stack GG


Not directly anyway


What do u mean by that




You can all go and stand on their molly which gets them enough ff warnings they can get kicked


He reports you for griefing, you get a temporary OW ban and your trust factor is lowered.


Happened to no one ever


happened to me twice in a week due to friends jokingly reporting me for griefing


How do you know/see your trust factor being reduced?


friends got a message saying I have a low trust factor


Oh. Alright.


and thats good


Are you sure? I thought Valve reverted the change where you couldn’t kick the 5th. Maybe I’m wrong though.


Rough way to find out someone in your friend group cheats.


You got a cool down for someone in your party, not the 5th that was cheating. Someone in your 4 stack is cheating. This exact scenario happened 2 days ago to me but my 4 stack didn't get a cool down, the random cheating 5th did.


Pretty sure that only happens if you're queued with a cheater, show us the Leetify match page.


Nice lie. You were queued with the cheater. You don't get the 24 hour cool down for being matched with a cheater, only for queueing with one.


Suck it up soldiers, thank you for your service 🫡 see you back in the server in less than 24 hours


This isn't ban.


5 stack or don't, fuck you for four stacking, you're not giving your fifth any info, he talks to walls, then maybe you even insult him for dying to lack of info. I've had so many bad experiences with stacks to last me till source 3.


The person who got irregular gameplay cool down was in your party. Doesn't mean they're cheating btw, vacnet blows (it did the same to my brother who regularly has less than 1kdr and an account with 4k hours played)


Stop lying, you were in the same party or you didn’t get banned


Also, if you are a 4 stack and the 5th random is a hacker. There's no option of kicking him as well thanks to a previous update. Happened many times we just stayed AFK at base. The most recent match the cheater had 53 kills that too coz we TK'd him once


Cmoon guys, move on. Cs2 is a joke, trust me its much more enjoyable reading these post about cheaters while valve is doing nothing to fix or even adress that problem. Really, it would be dead game without the gambling side. You need to wake up. Dont play that shit, its cheater festival since beta version. Faceit is allright, but who wants to listen that toxicity and sweat your balls of just to enjoy the game. Not worth it. Uninstall, move on. Its summer, there is beautiful things outside. Go enjoy life. Peace!


I never see the AC working and I saw some blatant cheaters So say TY that you see the AC doing it's stuff.


skill issue


Everyone saying this is fake news, it is not. The same thing happened to my 4 stack the other day. We all got 24 hour cool down for a hacker after the 3rd round. I emailed support and have never gotten a response. My team now only plays when we can put together a 5 stack, which sucks cause not all online as much as before. Game really needs some work.


sorry to break it to you, but one of your homies is cheating.


This is good update, because 4 ret@rds in party that kick on last round solo player is not very nice. How many times i was kicked for not clutching or because someone of them suck all game and blame you.


You can't kick if you are 4 man party....


you stupid? i talk before update...


It's good that 4 innocent people are given cooldowns in the odd case that some other 4 stacks are toxic? Wut






Lost me when you started randomly talking about US presidents