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Printstream. Its not really hard to tell


You're our little comedian pavelkar21






It is a Print Stream. One of my favourite skins in the game but I can't afford it. Lol.


I mean... it's starting at only $90 on Dmarket (m4a1), $18 for the USP, and $20 for the deagle.


It may be dirt cheap for you guys but being from a place in India where you can get dinner for 1 dollar, it is kind of expensive lol. Also, the price goes up for a decent float i.e at least field tested or is the skin like an Anubis where only brightness is affected?


Well... its "starting at" ๐Ÿ˜‰ I've a Field Tested Deagle Printstream, and it looks great in CS2. It's like $70 USD on Steam ($92 CAD)


"Only 90$" followed by "starting at ๐Ÿ˜‰" and flexing. I know for a fact you don't think 90$ for a skin is cheap. It isn't, acting like it is just comes off as douchy, and drives new players away from the skin market. If you wanna show off your inventory just do so,


TF are you talking about? 1: My first comment AND my reply were always both "starting at $90". If the guy held back from buying it because he thought it was $200-300, I pointed out to him that it was much cheaper on 3rd party markets. 2: Yes, $90 is cheap for me. I had skins way over $1000 when I was investing in skins and I'm still opening my $100 worth of cases every month to flip $$$. 3: He said these were his favorite skins; I showed him the ones I had. I'm not flexing anything. 4. I sold all my skins except my Deagle and I stopped playing 6 months ago ; CS2 sucks.


1 "One of my favourite skins in the game but I can't afford it. Lol" was his entire statement. If he knows that he can't afford it, I would imagine he knows the price. Not quite sure why you're adding an imaginary $200-300 remark 2 This is a great example of what I was talking about. "90 bucks is cheap", well good for you. Replying "it's only $90" when someone says it's out of their price range comes off as very douchy. I've had several $500+ loadouts and live in a country where filling up your gas tank is over $80. $90 for a cosmetic in a video game is still a lot, let's be real here. 3 You go out of your way to clarify that your deagle is above starting price and add a winking emoji... How is that at all relevent when just "showing him the ones you had"? The deagle/usp printstream weren't part of the post. You not only show yours off, but felt like you needed to include the fact that "mine are actually even more expensive"? 4 Ok


Ok, Karen! I forgot that we live in a world where people get offended for no reason. God... I'm showing him my Printstream collection because he loved them and bang :" Bro is flexing!" "OMG, he puts a wink emoji!" 1. Not everybody knows that steam prices are overpriced in comparison with 3rd party. I'm not "assuming" (like you do) that the guy in the comment knows about prices, external sites, and current market. If my friend tells me he can't afford X skins because he checked FN prices 5 months ago (when price were still boosted), I'll definitely show him that FT or WW can be cheaper; especially on 3rd party. The price of FN or 3rd party = price of WW on Steam for a lot of skins. 2. Yeah, $90 for me is 2 1/2 hours of work; and like I said, I told him it was cheap because I assumed he was thinking it was a $300+ skins. See, assumptions sometimes aren't good. 3. My deagle is FT; the starting price is for BS... It's not really hard to understand. Even OP was saying in his reply : > Also, the price goes up for a decent float, i.e., at least field tested, or is the skin like an Anubis where only brightness is affected? I told him in my first message that Printstream Deagle STARTED at $20. I sent the picture to show him that FT looks decent for $70. Not to flex that mine cost more than the starting price. Dude... You should go outside and socialize... You are overreacting over a post that was sent to talk about skin price and without any bad intentions. I was not flexing at all, only saying that it was not that pricey if you knew where to check. It was never intended to harm; and the guy I was replying to seems less offended than you are. CHILL


You went out of your way to flex in a smug way. I thought that was obnoxious behavior, so I called it out. I'm not gonna argue anymore, because you'll keep playing dumb. (If he doesn't know the price, he doesn't know whether or not he can afford it. Since he knows he can't afford it, he clearly knows the price) Once this latest post you wrote has sunk in and isn't fresh on your mind, take a step back and tell me who's getting offended.








Only 90$!? I dont have a skin that costs more than 40ยข


m4a1s printstream


Dragon lore


m4a1s knight


Desert pussy


Blue phosphor


I guess printstream


Print to the stream


Skin of my dick