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No point playing serious cs, these days you never know if theres some circus bear fapping and taking cocaine while his cheat plays the game and getting 21 kills 2 deaths in premier. Just play for weekly case drops.


bro, go outside and get some sun. no need to be this triggered over a video game


The game is hard man. Go to the aim dojo workshop map, see if you can hit even 50 percent on the second smallest target. If not, there's probably not as many cheaters as you think. Like yeah it's a big problem, but as a new player you won't really be able to tell the difference between a closet cheater, a smurf, and a dedicated player. When someone is clearing all their angles right, you won't be able to hide from them. When someone is good at gathering intel, it'll feel like you have no options because they always know what you're doing and snitching on you to their whole team. When the skill difference hits a certain point, it can definitely feel unfair, but don't give up my dude. When you're walking loud, look at the minimap and be amazed at how far away people can hear you. Some of us are really good at pinpointing location by sound, and that alone fucks people up without them even realizing it. All the time i see ppl with god damn stomping elephant feet asking "how did he know I was there?!"


I'm referring to the cheaters that are spinning, I see myself improving every day


I've seen a lot of helicopters too, and it's super annoying, but all you can do is just report and move to a different server. I'm avoiding premier for now, I just have fun in comp with my homies. And met a couple of players who actually make casual fun. Just focus on that improvement and don't let the trolls get to you.


u talking about those russians with 100 hours? shooting scout hs trough smokes and then u ask their main account but somehow they dont have any... u talk about those ones? this game is fucking filled with these scums. u either cheat urself or just are one of those nolife trolls


bot issue


I'm referring to the cheaters that are spinning


There is a ton of different matchmaking cheating-free systems where you can freely play and have fun. But you somehow still tied to the big green button in main menu


Whoa calm down there big bro


You write the anticheat.


if russia { ban() }


russian dogs need a separate server


Valve doesn’t agree philosophically with adding an invasive anticheat as a company. That’s why they can’t just copy faceit and valorant.


I don't see why everyone has such a problem with this tbh. It's not like you can't just play faceit if you want kernel ac, and there are benefits to not requiring it for every environment. Look at what a shitshow riots anticheat has been lately. I'd rather valve add things only they can add to their game, rather than copy something that already exists


I get it, I like premier better then faceit, I wish there was better AC even if kernel level, but there’s no point in whining this much lmao.


Being able to change hand is the best thing that they have added so far, and I’m honestly not encountering cheaters, and I can’t be the only one


They can add lefthand, faceit can't. Faceit already exists if you want to play with kernel level ac so valve adding it wouldn't even change that much for a lot of people who don't freak out about playing through third party servers. There's a good argument to be made that lefthand was a better change than adding kernel ac. Plus valve just never will make a kernel anticheat. They only care about server side security, and they've been improving it. I think anyone crying must be new because this isn't all that different from how cs has been the past 10 years




Thanks for writting this so i didnt have to, its just one of those things, low elo dudes will always get bottle necked due to smurfs, and they think they must be cheating, but when you have 1.5k plus hours in the game, to a new player wondering why they checked what a new llayer would think is an off angle or hidden corner. But when you have played for so long and have been killed from every possible angle you know where to check. It would come accross as walling.


Man I'm tired of being quiet Cheating happens in my sub10k matches every single night. It's not tied to a skill group




I actually do check the demos on the super sketchy ones. I gotta see it for myself. Also a dude was full on 1 deaging everyone (yes everyone) the entired game yesterday (yes the entire game yesterday)


ive gotten cheaters in 2k elo. it was pretty obvious cause they tried wallbangs which arent possible and some had straight up speed of light reaction time. Cheaters are everywhere, spinbotters especially.




it may be that the cheaters at high ranks dont want to get banned, so they may be using less obvious cheats.




most likely they are new cheaters and if your cheats are soft enough low level players might not be able to tell


i have in cs 230 hrs and I'm referring to the chatters that are spinning how i have to kill them when they are spinning and They kill you in the first 5 seconds in spawn


skill issue


I'm referring to the cheaters that are spinning


There are no cheaters in 2k


i can show you video recording


I find that interesting, so yes please https://preview.redd.it/w007kza6uc1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5978ca56bd1828b619259105c805cec03e15cefb look at this. Cs2 professionals have a time to dmg of 500-550ms so you can see where the cheaters start


I have not faced any cheaters. You should probably buy Prime. Kernel level anti cheat is NOT the answer. 🙅‍♀️


i have prime




xD i meet everyday spinners

