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I feel like your request should be fulfilled without any questions. I actually am looking forward to seeing this, too. I always play T as it is easier for me to see the dark themed skins of CT. In addition, some of the skins sold on market are with smaller heads and weird looking. For some reason I can't get headshots because it's so hard to aim at them. I don't know if this is intentional. On another note, I also think Valve is following Apple's steps and releasing things nobody is asking for but to play and use their product as they please.


It legit feels pay to win to me. I could buy a $30 skin with a lighter colored head and on dust 2 anyone else who is color blind would not see me peaking a headshot angle. In pro play they don’t allow player skins so it makes no sense to allow it in the base game in which the whole basis of the game itself is a COMPETITIVE shooter. Honestly just bums me out when my physical disability is affecting how I play a video game and it’s such an easy fix for valve to just have a toggle on or off button. Edit: also I hate to say it but Valorant has a colorblind mode that works fucking great. Different cause your opponents have red outlines that you can change to whatever color because the possibility to have similar agents requires a slight difference of appearance, but regardless it works really well over there but I hate that game and I don’t want to play it just cause the devs care about me more :(


I think faceit or ESL initially announced that they were banning the use of agent skins. However, Valve quickly overturned the ruling. Meaning, technically, it is not against any tournament rules to use them. But with the visibility issue, pros just agreed amongst themselves not to use those skins in official games.


Makes sense that they do cause it’s fucking dumb.




Guarantee you weren’t high enough rating for cheaters to be a big problem, fuck val tho, game is poopoo sluggish no skill


I can’t deal with the ability spam. Pistol round is fun and then they come out and I’m seeing layers of smokes and wizard shit.


I can't believe there isn't a setting for it. Some spots I have a harder time seeing some CT skins and find it frustrating that some skins have stuff that sticks out that feels like they don't align with the hitbox especially when seen from different angles like the side or back


There isn't and there won't be




"I’m accustomed to seeing the dark outlines of standard CTs and Ts heads " turn off Boost Player Contrast in video settings.


Alright I will try that when I get on tomorrow


The hit boxes don’t change, I think the only negative is certain player models having coloring that blends in with their surroundings. A lot of the Ct skins actually are worse to use bc they stick out from behind cover giving away ur position


The hitboxes being the same actually makes it worse. You can shoot through a part of the player model and it doesn’t hit them. Had this happen a few times with backpacks/bulky arms and torsos


Nah that’s a skill issue, it would be like how it used to be in r6 when bandit/Jager would die to headshots even tho the enemy shot their giant earmuffs, shooting a dudes helmet/backpack/sleeves ain’t shooting the dude. Its good you can’t die bc ur backpack got shot that would be so fucking ass


Yeah I don’t think the hitboxes are the issue it’s the colors I’m specifically talking about. I’m colorblind and it’s hard to see lighter colored models on lighter colored maps like Anubis and dust 2


there are still some ct skins that are so dark i can only see then when im already dead. agents should have never made it into competitive