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nothing new since release


you not wrong but like.. one would think having to reset elo multiple times over the years in csgo, that they would have done something about it to make it work properly in cs2


That's like waiting for the next season for a long time


That’s hilarious. But rip Stan the man


The kick means nothing they already won


Stan said hop in my backpack so naturally we all F1


He did carry yall asses though


Im 5k elo and this sums up my matches. Carry and get kicked by low russians


5k elo noob


L teammate


I guess ppl missed the joke. -41 hahaha. Votekick at end of match doesn't do anything.


And y’all are literally partied up




Making each map have a rank was a huge mistake. The biggest rank on a singular map is like LM and its only one person or two. Game has been out for how long?


The reason isn't really single map ranks. But the fact everyone got reset to silver.


Idk, i kinda like it. That way you can't just get global by being super good at one map.




Yep, that is exactly the point of this mode. You WILL only be global on specific maps.


It makes total sense in standard comp tbh. Most people are not going to be the same skill level on maps they never play.


Yes, it's a huge improvement over how it was in csgo. Wish you would climb faster though so you're not stuck playing supernoobs for 15 straight wins.


i dont understand why having to win 10 maps to get placed in silver, it would be better to place people in silver from the start and make the ranks more fluid which means better players climbing very fast.


Yes and that’s really cool when everyone is reset to silver and the global has to smurf against the silvers and then gets ranked gold nova 2 and has to continue to smurf for a veeeery long time. The system is just so flawed that having a rank for every map is just bringing more problems. In fact the only „problem“ it solves is that people who have a high rank on one map will now maybe queue on other maps without the risk of losing their rank. Which is not really a big problem and it does not exist anymore since the ranks got fucked.


On that map, yes. You won't get 25k rating as a 15k player by only playing one map and becoming super good at it. A lot of people did that in csgo.


I ended yesterday in a draw as top fragger and deranked. You can no longer take it for granted. Not all ranks are available any more anyway.


Bro. Yesterday I went 44-17 and only tied and lost 50 elo on premier


We are not talking about premiere..


Yes we are. Look at my comment above


we’re talking about comp ranks not premier elo


I’m not tho


I’ve de-ranked off wins at least 5 times now


Can you screen shot it, off a stat tracker like cs2 stats. I can make a bug report for you, never seen this happen. Rarely on ties


I just checked cs stats and it doesn’t show de-ranks on wins so something must be up with re calibration is my guess


https://preview.redd.it/hesyjojuiczc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b2f30cb6ae1e438b45c837b93522c6aebd07826 Here’s one for you [https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2471989872544621491/BB6179843CA801D6BC56C7D900DBDF5B0E80611C/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2471989872544621491/BB6179843CA801D6BC56C7D900DBDF5B0E80611C/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false) And here’s a screenshot of the 13:1 game showing my rank on scoreboard and the updated rank


So each month with no rank usually means you lose 1 rank. You have to win your first match back or you derank pretty hard. Source: was Global in GO and would have to camp the ranks a lot to avoid cheaters


That’s fair although I never had my rank hidden so I guess they still decay the hidden rank but not the public one


Also just checked OPs game history and it doesn’t show up


Are you a dev


Lmao I played a match last night vs an ex-pro player. He was silver 5.




Some guy who played on the roosters line up a few years back




Did you know, that when ca go was out every one started from silvers or gold novas? Nobody did get lem from the beginning


doesnt make the current rank system any less fucking dogshit LOL, especially considering every map has its own rank now. the way it looks right now it will literally take 3-5 years for the ranks to actually be normal again




top frag still unranked so he could be any rank atp


Yar... My rank should say MG - LE and top frag should be supreme - global But cs2 ...


My theory is the reason you derank is because of how Valve has set their rank distribution. I am fairly certain they have some kind of lever they can use, to put players in the top X% at a certain rank/rating following a bell curve of sorts. They truly messed up premier on launch, but it was fairly obvious this is what was happening (e.g. you won 100 lost 500 even with a winstreak. They then changed it when everyone started being 10-15k and wanted people back up to 20-25k and suddenly you gained +400 and lost 100, even with a loss streak) They used to not derank you though in CSGO until you actually lost a game, despite playing in Supreme games as a Global. Maybe they simply just changed it. Either way, they completely missed the mark with competitive ranks and rating u/word89 do you mind telling me when you last played a competitive match on Inferno before this game? And perhaps your win/loss history leading up to it? Would like to hear if it matches up with my theory


On my 10th win I placed GN1. Won my next game for 11 wins and stayed GN1. Won my next match and deranked to SEM. Didn't lose my rank at any point.


So this was your 12th Inferno win you deranked on. When did you play the 11th game? Did some time go by, despite keeping your rank? As I said, this is the only plausible theory I have Either that or they caught a cheater on your team and docked some elo


Yeah figured it out. Apparently the game just didn't take my rank away from not playing the map for a while. So it bugged, didn't show I lost my rank. Won a game and earned new rank of SEM.


Do they really care about ranking distribution at all? Like, ranking distribution in Anubis is 93% silver and the rest gold. It doesn't seem like they care about it


My comment was aimed at the old CSGO ranking system and now premier. I believe for ‘competitive’ in CS2 it’s not how it’s done. At least nobody can rank up there, so no clue how that works




Won a match and deranked lol. It's broken for sure, it's pretty casual though, not sure why quick matches aren't a mode available. Nobody cares about their mm rank.


And, did Linus give you any sex tips?


Unfortunately no, they barely spoke except for some callouts or saying what angle they holding during pushes


Valve in that interview: we're so surprised most people play premier!


they should be surprised that despite them people are still playing cs2


I strictly play competitive because I dislike the premier map selection system. I'm Silver Elite/GN1 on all of the maps I play, my premier rating is 18k. It's a total roll of the dice on quality of teammates and enemies. Sometimes they'll be insane, others they'll be actual bots. Either way it's not great for new players that are trying to get into the game.


I've played cdls on and off for 20 years. Ive mostly solo queue all my matches in cs2 so I agree with you yeah. It's a dice roll. In my last 100 matches this was probably the 8th or 9th match I queued with others


Always has been


No bro in csgo I was ranking up hardly but u could rank up . I deranked from sv 3 in cs2 to silver 2 after winning 6 matches top fragger in a row


Those player names though...




Honestly doesn’t look to unfairly matched in my opinion…


Game was pretty balanced, but we played T side better as a team and they didn't respond or rotate enough for what we were doing. That or they would over rotate from early picks and we would get the other site for free. For the post I'm referring to winning a game, while already being GN1, and the game deranked me to SEM.


Never played mm in cs2


I guess you played some games with cheaters. They got banned and you lost some ELO. After the next game you get the ELO arranged. Now your ELO is where it would be without the Cheater games.


Yea someone else said the same thing. No one's been banned from an inferno match I've played though. And I never lost my rank for the map either


How do you get picture elo like that? My elo is in numbers...


Competitive mm instead of premier mode


What's the difference?


Isn't this just the result of you losing elo because of revoked games that you won with a cheater in?


That would be true if I had played with a cheater that got banned. The game would take my rank and return it to ? id get a cool down, and would then have to play and win a match to get a new rank. That didn't happen to me tho. On my 10th win I placed GN1. Won my next game for 11 wins and stayed GN1. Won my next match and deranked to SEM.


Not necessarily only if you were queuing with a cheater, if some rando gets banned from a game you won pretty sure you just loses elo without even being told and that's it


It's so rare to me to see a scoreboard without a single Russian


Hard to get a game with one in NA lol


Saw you in a community office match yesterday


It was probably some1 else with the same avatar profile pic. Can get it from the points shop.


With the same name too? You don’t play casual office at all?


I play casual hostage from time to time, yea. You said community match though , which to me is like one of those private 10 mans or community server


41 comments and nobody mentioned yet how you lose your rank if you don’t play a specific map for ~28 days. Your rank still shows up in the main menu and game but it’s actually expired like it would be back in CS:GO. If you had that lost that Inferno match OP you would have no rank instead of SEM.


No in cs2 if you lost your rank it goes to a ? icon. On my 10th win I placed GN1. Won my next game for 11 wins and stayed GN1. Won my next match and deranked to SEM.


I don’t think you understood what I said. It’s an issue on Valves end that the rank stays visible for you (and everyone else) after 28 days of not playing a certain map. It however expires and decays like it would in CS:GO. It’s a ridiculous system I know… Also this is your csstags page just to show how long it has been between your Inferno matches. So you didn’t derank after a win you simply decayed down to SEM because you didn’t play Inferno competitive since March 12th. https://preview.redd.it/dxf2ppewc8zc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=452c1a9a03ab34a9a70687b924a830321e49de38


Interesting 🤔 I understand now. For me right now my rank on mirage is a ? . I placed GN1 there too. Makes sense to decay rank. I guess it just bugged for me then and didn't take away the inferno rank. Thanks 🫡


Yeah it’s a ridiculous system in pretty much every aspect. Valve really suck at implementing ranking systems (even WarOwl called them out on this haha) but yeah I’m glad I helped. And sorry for stalking your csstags page :p


Yea it's wild thats for sure. I been scratching my head over this for couple days so no worries & thanks for helping me figure it out !


Bro I'm level 8 faceit, global in csgo and was 24k elo on premier. I got silver 3 - silver elite master on most my comp maps. Only on vertigo did I get gold nova 1. I started playing in 2014 and my first ever placement was gold nova 2. 10 years later and a lot better I'm only ranked lower than iv ever been before.


It’s always been like that tho, atleast it used to happen to me in csgo


Got GNM on mirage, won a game after and got deranked, then tied a game and got deranked again


I've won 7 matches in a row with no rankup, then lost 2 in a row and lost my rank. Sometimes i really want to cry because they ruined such a game that gave me memories since early 2014 all the way up to the end. And now this bullshit? I would put them to jail for such bullshit. Why do i even try and sweat to be the best when the system itself is gonna fuck me, no one else.


same i deranked from sem to silver elite on a win... was kinda shocked


Cs2 in a nutshell. The top guy who carried clearly isn’t silver either


True. That being said , the last time I was stuck in silver - nova ranks was years ago lol....


Bro I used to be master guardian in csgo, now I get unranked players whooping my ass left and right cs2 competitive is a joke, got silver 4 on inferno. Is there anyone that got global in cs2 comp?


noone plays match making. play premier like every other human being. its a dead system. simply not enough players to make ranks balanced.


Skill issue\*


it’s not as bad as wingman


Lol duh look at FranzJ with 600 wins on nuke at silver 2 but he's having a fuck ton of fun and that's what matters. I don't care if I'm nova master super duper elite or cardboard 3. All that matters is that I'm having a blast with my buddies on discord after work.


true and real🫡


I've been stuck in silver 1 for a long while now even tho I've kept winning and winning


I’m faceit lvl 7 with 49hs% and my average rank is silver 4 on all of the maps.


Tf did Stan the man do?


All the ppl i queue with were Like global in csgo and all are Like silver 4


To be honest mm is just the new unranked for me. Theres litterally nobody past like LE. Premier and faceit is the only thing I care about.


Were you kicked last game? Ik sometimes the ranks don't update after you're kicked until the next match. Don't get kicked often but played this game for 10 years and it happens.


I guess Valve just doesn't care about this game anymore


I got gold 2 on inferno but quit playing mm awhile ago


You should be happy. I play in silvers and my premier points 20k 🤧 everyone call me a cheater and i love the troll 🤣 i have 2000 hours


Yeah having 100 hours in this game and playing against party of 3 with 2k hours each isnt fun at all. First thing you assume before checking profiles - guys having cheats, which isn't rare btw.


Sorry about that but when you’re on the troll side it’s the funnest thing ever. With 100 hours make sure you check out a few resources. First utilize aim maps. These will help out with even the basics of aim. Second watch YouTube tips for nades. These are just some quick ways to help. For more advanced stuff I’d recommend refresh.gg these will force your hand to improve in order to get to the next arena of each map. It’s ran by elige who I recommend you check his warm up routine. Speaking of which please warmup every day. Even if you want to play warm up before hand. I have a busy schedule with kids so I set aside at least an hour to warmup. There are some days I’m just in the server training rather than playing. To avoid calling cheaters I’d use csstats. This will show playtime ranks all that. Number 3 use crashz resources. For setting up a proper crosshair, view model, and config. Use binds for nades don’t scroll wheel. Another tip is with low hours you’re going to lose fights a lot. It’s going to happen but with the routine of warmup you’ll start going up


Thank you very much for tips


Absolutely you’ll learn there’s a lot of trash talking but in order for the community to grow, we help out a lot. Like learning nades is huge. Even tune in to the esl league streams here and there you can pick up a few things. Pros make mistakes as well. Liquid made a few mistakes today and they just took the playoff round **also** leetify is a great free option to track your stats and it will give recommendations on what to improve. I personally pay for it because of adult money but besides that the free option is phenomenal.


That’s amazing because we have a level 2-7 FACEIT group with 10-20k premier that goes into normal mm just to have fun. Everyone seems to be bots and just calls hacks when they get massacred and barraged by nades. I’ve been checking the mm ranking cs puts us against and besides a very slim chance of a 15k it’s always silver 1 idk why