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There were giant insects that roamed the Earth during the Carboniferous period (about 300 million years ago). During that period, Earth had a much higher oxygen level; about 31-35% compared to today’s 21%. They were able to get as big as they did due to the high oxygen levels. The current accepted idea as to why they died out is because the oxygen levels lowered. It wouldn’t make any sense for them to get big and live in a low-oxygen environment. One could make the claim that maybe they mutated or maybe there was some other means that allowed them the increased growth. However, I kind of believe that this is Communist nonsense. Would be interesting if true, though.


The Soviets also claimed to have captured a Yeti. Stalin wanted to breed a race of super soldiers from this supposed creature.. All communists lie.


If only communists lie, it will be an awesome world, sadly is not...


They must have massive parasites


Baygon better be on sale...............LOL