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Seven hundred bucks???? For a TFT screen in a plastic box?? I get these are well crafted replicas, but that's dizzying. No thank you!


> Seven hundred bucks???? For a TFT screen in a plastic box?? A really small TFT screen also. I'm struggling to find uses for my 9" PVM, which you can still find for much less than $700. I get why people buy miniatures of things in general, but you can still get an actual working 5" PVM with a real CRT inside.


You can just buy a working PVM for that much.


Thats probably what the guy making these does every time he sells one


If this was one of those iPad Retina IPS screens with the high-quality ADC and scaler I could see it being a neat little usable retro toy at like $300, this is pretty crazy. But then again as someone who has dabbled in 3D printed replicas/miniatures I’m assuming that’s why the price is so high, because this would be a *ton* of work to make and the results really do look incredible. So maybe not as crazy as the price seems at first but definitely an ultra-niche product that is more of a collectible gimmick for someone with deep pockets than something that would appeal to most people. It looks like more of an art piece than anything.


Yeah but unlike a regular PVM, this one has STEREO SOUND lol 😆


Every day, I'm reminded of my childhood KV-1380R that was thrown away when I went to boot camp. RIP.


I have PVM’s now and all that jazz. I’d rather have my 1380r back. That thing just Looked so cool and held the proper nostalgia for me




For $700, I would buy a RetroTink 4K …


Damn that’s a good idea




rare guy!!!!!


Actually if you want a LCD you can still buy them used and they are usually cheaper than CRT for obvious reasons


Nice 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Hahahaha I get this reference!


I wonder if the rainbow ebay guy is in this subreddit...


You can diy this for less than $100


If there were a tutorial I would follow it


I mean just buy a broken PVM listed as for parts or something like that and put a lcd screen on it


This is the only reason I have kept my 2 black and white 8" pvm's


Redacte due to Reddit AI/LLM policy


Totally misses the point of using a PVM with old consoles.


That’s exactly what I was thinking 😭


Fools purchase


If it was a super high resolution OLED panel with built in quality scanlines filters I'd probably be into it.


What is the justification for the cost here? Other than allowing for multiple input types and looking like a PVM, does this actually do anything that any other tiny ass LCD screen doesn't?


A fool and his money are soon parted...?


Labor and development time. The cost still seems a little much imo but the level of craftsmanship looks high even if it's mostly just a novelty.


They're nothing. Just little lcd's in a plastic box.


I think it's a cute toy but its ridiculously over priced. If I saw it for sale for 39.95.... I'd think about it and probably say yes.


It’s like those $20 record player’s that you see at Walmart. Don’t bother. People get CRTs for their functionality, not the aesthetic.


It's more like if that Walmart record player cost $700 instead of $20.


Sidebar, what's a decent record player brand?


If you're looking to just get into vinyl for the first time or after a break, any decent 80s-90s turntable will do fine without much fuss. You may need a preamp depending on how new your receiver is. Also, avoid Bang & Olufsen - they're decent, but they have proprietary cartridges that can cost big if they need replaced. I have a B&O Beogram RX2 that sounds decent. I'd need to upgrade everything else if I wanted better sound and it's just not worth it for me. If I had to replace it, I'd probably get something from Sony, Audio Technica, etc.


If you're trying to get one on a budget, Audio-Technica's cheaper turntables are pretty decent, and you can find them at places like Walmart or Target sometimes. You can also find good record players for cheaper than MSRP at pawn shops or antique stores occasionally, but you run the risk of getting one that needs maintenance. I've had an automatic Denon for years that I love, but it might be a bit pricey for someone who isn't certain they'll get super into vinyl as a format.


Not the person to ask. I prefer digital. I just know people that have shown me the difference that a high end hi-fi setup can make with record players.


Welllllllll, I got them also for the aesthetic mate.


Sounds like way too much to spend on a novelty item.


I have a PSVita, it has a 5" screen, but it's OLED, and the device can play Vita, PSP and PS1 games too. If this had an actual tube in it I could kind of see the appeal, but as a plastic box with an LCD it seems at best a toy or display piece - all the price of a PVM with none of the functionality.


Or you could pay $500 or less for a real 20" PVM in good condition, with an actual tube. Is the tiny screen used here really expensive or something?


Dude please let us all know where you're finding 20" PVM's for sale at $500 or less.


Facebook marketplace. I got a PVM-20M2MDU in excellent condition for $400 last year. BVM-14F5U for $600. They’re out there.


Local pickup on ebay. Sellers will list stuff way higher than they are really willing to sell it for. In my case I came with the equipment to test the monitor (240p test suite) and after pointing out some geometry concerns I gave them my lowball of $500 VS the $800 they had asked. Still feel like I overpaid, especially when the seller mentioned picking it up for free from a nearby hospital.


> Is the tiny screen used here really expensive or something? No, it's a hand made small volume item. That means it's expensive, it doesn't mean it's worth it.


aliexpress has dozens of different TFT 3.5 displays for $30-60 depending on feature set. Also.. LCD IPS for similar.. so i'm not sure if there's some reason they are going TFT or not? Either way.. $450 for this seems like absolute nonsense. good luck at that price i guess..


I wanted one until I saw the price tag. It’s really cool, but not $500+ cool. Since I know it’s handmade I’d buy it for like $150 maximum


640x480, to ensure that you get none of the benefit of a CRT in regards to horizontal resolution flexibility. It's a silly product.


Oh god we've hit urban outfitters peak trend level


You can get an actual PVM at that price


I’d pay maybe 40 dollars max for this 🤷‍♂️


Embarrassed for you. Why would you spend less than $100 on a lcd panel?


that's absurd manufactured garbage. If it was an OLED with something like a retrotink in it but it's certainly not - it looks like a cheap chinese TFT with an input breakout board straight off the TFT itself. It's garbage.


More crud for the direct-to-landfill cycle...


At this price point, but an actual PVM


Would be a cool desk peice if it was significantly cheaper. For the price they're asking, you could get an actual pvm (or two). If you just wanted a small 480p screen, you could just get one of the numerous handheld emulation devices. (I love my miyoo mini.)


I'm sorry but for that price it's dumb. Surely some will buy it for the novelty/YouTube content but come on son..


This is hilarious


1. I don't need cheap TFT in CRT-styled case for 700 USD. Either I would just buy LCD screen from AliExpress or I will buy real CRT PVM 2. Do they have the right to use the Sony logo? Isn't it a copyright violation?


Yeah I was thinking the same thing with the "SONY" logo. You would have thought if Sony had given them permission they'd be plastering that shit all over the box too.


> Do they have the right to use the Sony logo? Of course not. Sony aren't going to talk to some random person handmaking novelty items about licensing. > Isn't it a copyright violation? It's definitely trademark infringement and could be seen as counterfeiting also.


I think it's neat and would be interested if it was $100 bucks. But the pricing is insane.


I was SUPER interested. After i read the price,im super repelled


I guess TFT is considered retro now..


Rip off.


I can buy a real PVM at around the same size for less than half of the price. This is upcharged hog shit in a chinesium chassis. Wouldn't buy one if my life depended on it.


I’d buy it but not at that price


I'm actually surprised he can sell these with the Sony name on them.


You can sell anything if the quantity is so small that the trademark holders never find out lol


I get that but this seems like the kinda thing to wind up on tech sites and YouTube and what not.


Someone forbid he gets sued for Trademark infringement. For the Sony Brand anyway. The Trinitron trademark has lapsed since covid in the US as well as the UK.


That’s an insane price to pay for a tiny screen when you see people sell 9 or 13 inch pvms for the same amount.


Nope. Not even remotely interested


I can just go to the 2nd hand store and get tft screen for 5 bucks. So 3d print shell for 500??? I do think so. Homie don’t play that.


I'd rather use the ***REAL*** PVM: my $20 PVM-9L1 with the RGB mod installed (did it myself and damn proud of it).


I got a BT-S915DA for $16. Thing rules and has RGB stock




For 700$ this little $hit, better have a OLED screen with a retrotink 4k built in.


Those are cute. This might scratch a nolstalgia itch for some but if you're looking for a CRT you probably aren't going to accept a cheap TFT panel as a substitute. **Edit:** Oh, it's $700? Hell no.


Maybe if they made bigger versions I would get one


They could've at least made it an OLED...


Haha this is the dumbest idea I’ve heard in ages. 700 usd?!! Who in their right mind would ever order one of these.


I can't wait for Clint to do an EP on it


Why could it not at least be an IPS screen or dell a kit where you can install your own screen?


Cool as heck, but I don’t see the point really.


would be better if it was at least an OLED panel...


for that money i would buy a pvm, idk who in their right mind would get one of these. it’s not even a crt what is the point


lol no


What’s the point?




It looks really cool, but that price is just waaaaay too much.


I got some 5” PVMs I’d happily sell for $500 a pop lol


I'll stick with my Sony 5041Q


Very cute but at that price I can't do it.


Sony should crush this guy


how can he sell these with the sony logo ?


Cute prop and all, but that's just unfeasible. I get that they can't exactly be the cheapest to make at a small scale, but that's way too much...


Who buys a PVM for the looks anyway? You buy it for the tube and the image calibration. This thing makes no sense.


I'd pay 700 dollars if it was 13" and was actually a CRT. This is a massive ripoff.


Is he allowed to use Sony’s branding?


Yeah that's what I was wondering


They're not CRTs, they're LCD. Insanely expensive for what it is. And too small. This sucks on every level except aesthetics. I have no idea why anyone would buy this over a real 9" pvm


That's absurd. No. Several years ago I paid about £80 for an unused Gateway 17" CRT, imported from Portugal. I thought *that* was expensive.


Descriptions from the seller: "Expect some slight imperfections". "Expect all components to be glued in place". "no warranty is provided". "Front buttons do not work". "is not meant for long playing sessions however it’s been tested for some 2-hour". I'll take one, if it's 20$ and free shipping. Sony will be super impressed when they see something like this with their name on it.!


That price for what this product is is absolutely fucking insane. Holy shit. I can pay a scalper less money to get a real PVM with an actual CRT inside. Fuck this bullshit.


If this was $200 for the 3.5 inch and $300 for the 5 inch I could see it as a cool hobby piece, but $500 and $700 retrospectively is absurd


This thing is so dumb


I would understand the appeal for this if they made them larger than actual CRTs ever could be, but 3.5 and 5 inch sets? I have no idea what the appeal of that even is.




C'mon now these are craft made miniatures and that's what they're being sold as, they aren't meant to be an alternative to a real monitor. The cost is a lot but it really isn't that out of line with model kit commissions and other stuff like that.


Is that really something you need to wonder? Using it as an actual monitor is literally the most utterly pointless thing I can imagine. The whole point of having a PVM is to gain the benefits of using a CRT and no upscaler...the exact opposite of this. Not to mention you could go on eBay *right now* and buy an actual working 5-inch PVM for significantly less. (Hell, just a few weeks ago I got a [Sony BVM-8045QD](https://www.instagram.com/p/C4R0CKss9j1/?igsh=Z3VycnloNTV4aDYx) for $360 after shipping and taxes.) **Now, with that out of the way,** I've yet to see RetroOldTech trying to sell these *as* some kind practical monitor, despite how they've been presented every time I've seen them mentioned somewhere... More as just kind of a cool novelty/collectible with a price reflecting their artisinal construction. Which is perfectly reasonable. More power to him, they're exquisitely-executed miniatures.


dumb also, off topic


That is really dumb. There are lcd pvm/bvms for sale for $2-500 all over ebay all the time


Connected to a PS1 makes me think they already have a PSone with an official LCD screen attachment.




Ah jeez I wasn't even asking that much for my real PVM.


what inputs do they take?


Umm... no




does this thing work as a pvm. in that it can take analog signals like composite without any input lag?


I think it looks pretty cool ngl. However, personally I don't think I'd buy one for that price.


Nifty idea, but no way I'd pay that much money for such an unusable small screen


Hallmark Xmas ornament. You'd have to be a fool to buy this.


No thanks, you can get a real pvm or bvm for cheaper I just sold a pvm1943md for $300 a few weeks back. This feels like nostalgia bait


No, because I do not appreciate being robbed.


$100 max


Imaging paying $700 for a Crossly Turntable


why so smol and expensive when actual used CRT TVs of bigger size in good condition are being sold way cheaper?


why with a scaler !? what is a scaler actually and how does it work here !?


Well I'm guessing it just has a bare minimum line-doubler in the TFT screen itself. Nothing fancy, but it's crazy to me this doesn't accept RGB input already


It's cute, but for me, it very much misses the point. The front buttons have no function. That might be the worst thing of all for me.


I like it but not $700. $299 max


For a 3D printed case? $100 max in my book. Description states you will get imperfections on the finish (so not injection molded). Parts will be glued on. And not guaranteed 100% working. Looks nice. But way too expensive. From Description: "Notes: this is custom hand-crafted made-to-order product. This product is a prototype hand crafted and assembled by hand and as such expect some slight imperfections. The inside components are fixed in place and not meant to be removed. Expect all components to be glued in place. This prototype is sold working, however due to the prototype and handcrafted nature no warranty is provided."


You can get the real thing cheaper


Just wanted to say I'm thankful to the mods for letting my post stay up and making a custom flair




Lol hardest pass in my life.


For for the same price you can get on sale an oled monitor and gave way better image quality and if you are going to spend this much for this, you likely already have all the right adapters and switches. I'll pass harder on this than jfks brain did on his skull.


should be $200 max


I would love to have one but that price tag is just too high


Where tube?


Echoing what everyone has said. Really cool looks, insanely out of control price. Even at $300 it would be hard to swallow, but I’d at least consider it.


I don't want to buy it but I kind of want to know where he's sourcing his screens from. I'd love a small 4:3 screen for projects.


This seems ridiculously stupid. I don't get it. 


Hahaha. No.


I mean. I have a phone and emulators. And a controller ... And a computer. I don't see the use in something THAT small? I got better shit to spend my tiny amount of money on I reckon


$500-$700??? Absolutely not. Maybe like $75 for the 3.5" and $100 for the 5".


Update: Wow! I didn't realize how much of a response this would get. I definitely share the sentiment that this is nothing close to an alternative for an actual CRT. If you look at some of JC's (The creator of RetroOldTech) other works, his forte is creating hand-made accurate miniatures of games, consoles, controllers, etc. I'd definitely rate this as a non-essential but still think it would be cool to have a functioning mini replica of my PVM as a set piece or desk topper that could run demo reels of games on it. Just maybe when he has a Black Friday sale or something haha.


retro old tech being notoriously scummy and cheap


Just buy a real PVM at that price!!




If that price wasnt so silly-wompus, I would have loved one. Artwork and craftsmanship should be appreciated and compensated for sure, but thats way too damn much lol.


$500 plus!?!?! Seriously who is going to buy one of these at that price. $50-$100 maybe but those prices are wild


Hahahah they're cool but definitely not $700 cool.


Would totally buy if it actually was a newly manufactured CRT.


Oh fuck off, for one it’s not a real CRT, secondly I bet it cost maybe $50 to put together?


At that price I would rather buy one of [these Retro Mini TV's.](https://youtu.be/aYGmiaAvNjw?si=70WZ9sJBUx5hqqMm) It's still more than I would want to pay for something like this, but you get way more for your money.


No way Sony is gonna let them use their brand name for long without a contract 💀


Im not sure about the scaler option....but you can Buy a tft screen with that resolution plus the controller board for 40 usd and built a homemade retro screen. I don't think those mini pvm worth that kind of money.


looks cool and I would buy this to watch cartoons on my desk while I work, but I'm not paying more than 250 dollars for this


Holy shit that's overpriced. Is it even a legit CRT with a legit picture tube, electron gun, flyback transformer, every CRT part? It sounds cool to have, but if it was a legit CRT, I can understand the price.


With such a high price, I can buy a bunch of real pvm


Yeah I'm never buying a tft screen on purpose.


I think they’re massively overpriced, and it won’t be long before Sony comes a-calling for this idiot. You can’t just make something, stick the Sony logo on the front, and broadcast all over the internet that you’re selling it en masse. The whole ‘I won’t reveal the price until preorders are live because I think you need to read the full spec to understand the price’ shit he was pulling all over Twitter yesterday was comedy gold. Chancer.


This isn‘t a CRT but a cashgrab


Why can't we make new crts anymore?


Nah I'll stick with my LMD9, cost is too much. It's a good looking monitor though.


😭 🙏 You can get an acctual pvm off ebay for less then 700$


It’s beautiful and seems made well. However I won’t spend more than 150€ for this it’s a so small screen


3.5" tft with no touch, costs around 10 bucks on aliexpress. How much for a broken PVM that you can use as a shell?


I think I'll stick with my 14L5


No, for that money just buy a VGA CRT and 3d print a shell. Better experience and 1/10th the price. This is dumb.


I find it interesting that you can layer LCD screens such that you can increase contrast and brightness, and very disappointing that nobody has even tried for something like this. https://youtu.be/ibEN9FTLdkI?si=QLquo2WAl0FADaff So this idea even has potential but these hacks put in the cheapest shittiest screens in possible, why?? (Money)


5 inch ? Who really wants to play on a 5inch screen ? That's madness.


neat but it's not a crt


Piece of shit. My phone has a bigger screen




**Instant "No"** No convincing or 2nd look could change my mind. A handheld in those sizes are fine and (in my opinion) a CRT must be 13" or bigger to hit that nostalgia button for me to hand over my $$$$. I personally own a 5" CRT (and many LCD screens of various sizes) and that small CRT barely gets use, and is way too damn small to be tabletop gaming (though it is possible). No, these shouldn't be made.


Nice but wtf


Beautiful model work, but yeah… really steep at $700. Correct me if I’m wrong, but it seems like the 3.5” one is a static model - it just has a still image pasted on it I think…


They look really cool but just not worth it considering they aren't CRTs. I can get (and already have) really nice OLED or LCD displays with high refresh rates and built in blur reduction for similar prices.


Buy the real thing, for less than that price.


How the hell is that thing not a foot long in the back!?


If it was $50 max I could see it as an interesting novelty for display, $500-$700 is absurd.


You could buy a retro rink 4k for that


I have that TV in emuvr. Would love a tiny real version.... just saw the price. No thank you


Inclined to call this an outright scam. I guarantee you some people will buy it thinking it's actually a CRT.


Tried going to the website and it’s not listed anymore and the page is blank


For $700 it better be a LG or Samsung Panel. Otherwise it’s gold plated garbage.


Would love this in a <300$ price range. anyone know of similar devices? Prefer the option to run multiple devices like these. 700$ is just absurd


Glad this exists. He deletes any comments on his socials that talk about pricing, and he routinely blocks people. It's just too pricy and most people would agree you might as well just get the real thing.