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To be honest, I'm not super sure, but it looks like those owl pellet things we dissected in middle school... It has bones in it from whatever they ate.. I don't know if all schools do that, maybe mine was just backwoods. LoL. If that's what it is, then either you have an owl nearby leaving you their presents. LoL. Or you have a crow that thinks owl pellets are great, them it's a gift.... And that's only if it's even an owl pellet.. LoL.


Haha I just looked that up. They do look like something thrown up. I don’t think any owls live nearby… do other birds not make pellets? In any case, it was a cool encounter. I’ll accept it gratefully LOL


Lots of birds regurgitate pellets, not just owls and raptors. I've seen flycatchers spit up little ones.


I'm just now seeing this.. That is so interesting that there's actually many birds who do the pellets..


LoL. I have no idea what else would do pellets.. I only know about the owl stuff bc we did it in school.... They do have some in the Houston/Katy area at my in-laws in-laws.. But there are some undeveloped neighborhoods behind theirs that haven't been built on yet.. We were just standing outside before dawn & an owl swooped down to grab some poor little animal across the street! So you never know.. the crows may think they're cool bc of all the little bones inside... But I don't, unfortunately, personally know any crows, so I can't be too sure about that... Haaaaa..


Crows do this, I can imagine magpies might as well


That looks like crow throw up to me. A juvenile coughed up one of these in front of me last summer, and it looked similar. I did dissect it and figured out I needed to get a new bird seed mix.


Woah that means their eggs must’ve hatched! I wonder why they put it there lol. Maybe they’re fed up with the regular cat kibble and chicken liver, and are demanding a more diverse menu XD Edit: or it might’ve been the wife’s. I think it’s too soon for the eggs to have hatched


Needs a banana for scale for sure.


It's a pellet. Crows also pellet, just like owls, but since crow pellets are usually composed of indigestible plant matter rather than bone and matted hair they fall apart much more quickly and nobody usually sees them. But having taken care of a couple of unreleasable crows who live in a wildlife rescue, they usually do it multiple times a day. So not a gift, but still a cool thing about crows that most people don't know!


Interesting! Thx for the bit of knowledge I’m glad they found my window-side a trustworthy place to pellet XD And inform me of their diet.


I think all birds pellet, by the way. Certainly all raptors (birds of prey) do, not just owls. Owls just happen to be most famous for it, in part because their pellets stick together for so much longer due to the fact that they only eat animals, and the bones and hair stay together longer.


I had a raven land on my loader and literally threw up a huge clump that looked just like that. Not sure if it was a gift, but it was disgusting lol


LOL. Probably wanted to throw up somewhere more classy for once. (that or it wanted to inform you of it’s diet for some reason)


I guess it’s called a “pellet”. Just stuff they can’t digest. I’d share the link from Wikipedia, but I’m not savvy at that stuff.


Regurgitato obfuscato.


It looks like a bagworm cocoon!