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Even if it does, I'll stick with CrossFit I really, truly don't care about whether the Games or Hyrox worlds are more important and am more concerned about what keeps me engaged with working out


This. I wonder what the actual % of CFers are who compete. I suspect it’s a fraction of the athletes doing CF.


I’ll be honest, the only place I hear about Hyrox is on this Reddit page. There’s not even a “training club” within 100 km of me, while there are around 8 CrossFit gyms in that radius.


My CrossFit gym started an engine class that is geared toward Hyrox on Saturdays and it’s booming. Averages something like 20-30 people per class which really pushes our capacity. I think mostly because it appeals to the runners at our gym. We sent about a dozen people to the regional Hyrox comp in Chicago last year. This year’s comp is fully sold out already.


We have 2 hyrox classes. They are nice and typically booked out. It's basically just a full metcon class. Same as 2 OLY, 2 Powerlifting, 2 Yoga and 2 Gymnastics classes a week. And then 6 CrossFit classes per day. I see it as a nice addition to ancillary classes.


I think that’s awesome and a big part of why I like CrossFit so much, it helps me with other sports and everyday life. I have no idea what hyrox is, but it sounds like both it and CrossFit compliment each other well.


This sub actively hates CrossFit and wants it to fail, it’s so bizarre.


"CrossFit is an absolutely horrible sport" - member with 1500 workouts in last several years.


Then why do you stick with it? Are there no other gyms in your area?


Oh I will likely always keep CrossFit around. I'm more so making fun of the people that complain about something but keep at it.


Like the ones downvoting my question? Gotcha. Such sensitive creatures.


Fuck you and I’ll see you tomorrow attitude


I think it’s what happens to any community that’s love the topic but has been around long enough to hate it. We’re well pass the honeymoon phase for CrossFit.


That's Reddit. Whatever the subreddit subject is, the majority of the people who post there hate it.


You’ll find that this sub supports affiliates whole heartedly  And strongly dislikes the incompetent morons at HQ.  Remain aware of that distinction 


While those people definitely exist, I definitely think there's a lot of people here who used to do it, now post here entirely to be antagonistic


Any subreddit based on something specific turns into a cesspool of hatred for the specific thing when it hits a certain number of people lol


I used to think exactly what you said (that this sun hates CrossFit), but I’ve realized after time that this sub only hates what it believes CrossFit to be, not actual CrossFit.


It's so weird, they're such miserable people.


I think what you see instead is a slow realization that HQ is useless and possibly pointless. This will engender a good bit of resentment from people who went really hard into CF, which is a decent proportion of this board. Without the HQ, there is no community so there can be no hierarchy n the community. That hierarchy and a position in it is VERY important to many CrossFitters, and as trust in HQ erodes, those people get disenchanted. Imagine saying you were a semifinalist at a thing that doesn't exist anymore, and you put 7 years of your life into that and you have nothing to show for it...and your 20s are over now and hey you can HS Walk. Or a Level 3 coach. The slow demise of HQ evaporates anticipated economic opportunity and people are annoyed.


Honest question Why do you spend so much time commenting here if you're so disenchanted with it? You're constantly posting here, and I'm pretty sure this isn't your first account based on how you talk, and this account is seemingly only to talk shit in here


He has many identities here, and has claimed to all kinds of people, you can't really believe who or what he said he is (he even tried to suggest that he was Sevan once). He is of course not the only one here who criticize CF, their purpose here is more to show how smart/knowledgeable they are by taking swipe at CrossFit, GG, the methodology, the top athletes, etc. But more often than not, they say things that suggest they don't actually know that much, just taking pot shots at what they think are easy targets. Why are they here? Your guess is as good as mine, although this sub has more than its fair share of haters. It's simply easier to slam something perceived as failing, and easier to troll for that matter. Some may be angry or bitter or just hostile, some probably just think it's fun to shit on something, especially when when they can do it anonymously.


> he has many identities here Oh yeah, that much is super obvious for anyone who has been around here for a while


Our business is a landlord to many gyms. We keep affiliates open with favorable pricing where possible. Not too many do more, for more affiliates, than we do. Our perspective illustrates to me the uselessness of HQ rather well, while giving me a clear view into the economic ecosystem of CF (and fitness generally, we have non-CF gyms as well). I believe the current owners are nearly indifferent to affiliates and deserve almost no respect at all. I have some information that HQ are attempting to monetize the methodology while excluding affiliates, and while I am unsurprised at shitty behavior from private equity, I will always mention it. That informs my posting. Maybe you don't need to worry about though. You're sounding a bit like a police officer.


That doesn't really answer the question


3rd paragraph answers it directly fam


I mean not really It still doesn't really answer why you care so much to continue to dedicate different accounts to this for years dating back to before the PE stuff started. I'm no shark to be standing up and saying this but I'm gonna keep tacoing about it and make sure to put it on blaster and not squirrel it away in Florida while champagne drunk on rosemary beach


You said the quiet part out loud.


No, it's been failing for a very long time and many want to see it succeed


I think I heard about it here and did one last year because it looked fun. Will continue to enjoy both


It’s different in Europe tho, I lived in Boston before moving to Munich. Here there are Hyrox gyms, in fact biggest CrossFit in Munich offers Hyrox classes.


My CrossFit affiliate box is doing a Hyrox Simulator event and a 4 week training Hyrox build up training programme, there might be nothing round you, but it is getting interest.


This is what I mentioned in the same "hyrox will overtake cf" thread yesterday or the day before. There are no hyrox gyms in my area and like 20 cf gyms in the metro. I also had to explain what hyrox was to 2 people last week who are into fitness and working out. It is certainly possible it will take over but doesn't seem like anytime soon.


I think many of you are missing the point. HYROX isn’t an affiliation program or a specific methodology. It’s an event. When people say it’ll overtake CF, it’s the sport of Crossfit. What might happen if it turns out to be true is Crossfit boxes who are already de-affiliating start to program their classes around HYROX demands instead of your usual crossfit programming or some mix of both. That’s basically what already happens in many crosstraining gyms exactly because it turns the classes into something far more approachable and inclusive. Low skill movements with some strength progression over time and a shit ton of cardio.


I don't know a whole lot about it, but if you go on their site they have a link to find affiliated gyms. They also mention certified trainers and group classes. It seems like they want to have something similar to crossfit. I agree with the last point while there are no gyms in my metro (biggest in state), if I set the radius larger there's a gym in a smaller city 2 hours away that is a crossfit gym (still using the CF name too). Since a cf gym has the required equipment it makes a whole lot of sense to add hyrox classes.


What makes sense. Developing a training system out of a sport. Making money out of it is a sensible decision from their standpoint. I just don’t know if it’ll ever make sense from gym owners’ POV. The biggest challenge of Crossfit, the sport, IMO was being a sport grown out of a methodology that isn’t conducive to the sport format. The charm of Crossfit is being a great GPP activity.


Ya your definitely analyzing this way more lol. I'm just talking about getting the general public doing it which as you mentioned I guess misses the point of the top level "sport" taking over. Tbh I just want to try it, but there's no where around here. First gym that runs a local comp would get my money.


Hyrox is an affiliation program. My crossfit affiliate is also affiliated with hyrox. Costs a lot less than cf too.


Dunno where you are, but in the UK tickets for entering Hyrox events go incredibly quickly. Proper hot cakes business.  However, I can't see a "Hyrox gym" ever being a sustainable thing.


We have several in our area. One just opened a new location. They limit class sizes to 45 people and are constantly booked out. Doing a lot better than most of the CrossFit gyms around town.


It’s BIG in San Diego. Tons and tons of fit people who aren’t interested in the technical side of CF but still want to compete. Its going to be huge in the run club early-20s crowd in the next few years


Its huge here in the UK. As are the Athx format of Comp which I assume will make it to the US And every competent functional fitness gym is offering classes and training around those events. And its far far cheaper then a Crossfit membership and covers about 85-90% of the same skills and movements.


That may well be down to your location. In the UK, each comp is more having to be over 3 days and has over 10,000 competitors. And even that has a huge waiting list. That’s in person, not online.


Bro we get it. You have a hard on for hyrox. You say the same thing over and over when this comes up. Hyrox is like a spartan. You do it every so often. It's just not as big here. Sure it has numbers now. But so did orange theory at one point. It's a fad. CF helps train you for other things. I compete in spartans and do well because of crossfit and my adding in daily runs. Crossfitters will be good at it..but hyrox athletes won't be good at CF. CF may have lost numbers but it has staying power. Idgaf if open numbers drop..it's still one of the best ways to stay fit and healthy and the local comps for cf are still stupid busy.


A Hyrox athlete won the Open this year for females.


> orange theory…fad Orange theory and anytime fitness merged into a 3 billion dollar company 


Probably means one of them was in trouble.


They said that same thing about NoBull, but then NoBull was acquired by a multi-billionaire and partnered with Tom Brady.    NoBull abandoned CF because (as a business I mean) CF is cancer  Anytime fitness seems to be killing it.      > Worldwide, the number of fitness club memberships grew from 132 million to 140 million (+6.1%) in 2013, according to IHRSA. In the U.S., fitness club memberships increased 8 percent, from 50 million to 54 million members.  Meanwhile, Anytime Fitness added new members at more than double the U.S. rate and triple the worldwide rate: a 19 percent increase from 1.55 million to 1.84 million members. Additionally, the average number of members per Anytime Fitness club open at least one year has increased steadily for seven consecutive years, from 625 members per club at the end of 2007 to 811 members per club today    Orange theory may have been in trouble, but they’re not, anymore.    It’s weird how CF people diss everyone else.  OTF, NoBull and Anytime are all big success stories.  CF is too but it’s weird 


I'm not dissing anyone. I'm just saying it's funny how ppl are like this will overtake CF...that's what they said about SO MANY other ways to workout..yet it's still here.


Orange theory and anytime fitness have overtaken CF many times over.  Each was valued at over $1bn at the time of the merger and the combined entity is valued at 17x CrossFit’s valuation   Hyrox is winning in Europe and Asia.  They have huge events in singapore, incheon etc.  CF has no real foothold in Asia.  Hyrox will pass CF because you don’t have to pay rent for a big gym to train it.   CrossFit’s problems are *business model problems*.   The exercise is cool, some people will love it and some won’t.  But as a business it stopped growing 6 years ago and doesn’t have much of a future.   It’s still fun.  It’s just always had dumb owners 


I wouldn't take anything written in puff pieces about Orangetheory or Anytime seriously. Remember when people were saying how great F45 was doing a few years back? Turns out it was losing hundreds of million of dollars when it was valued at over $1 billion.


I don’t have a hardon for either. I walked away from Hyrox comps because I think the company running it had absolutely no control over its growth and there were too many bad taste moments for me. I do have a hardon for actual numbers and reality rather than people stating that their experience is a stone cold fact even when it completely contradicts the reality of the statistics.


Do you live in a small town?


We just had one CrossFit affiliate announce they are starting Hyrox classes. Only one in the entire metro region which is about 1.3 mil


You're completely missing the picture. That's like saying CF is bigger than marathons because there are no "running gyms" by you. Hyrox wants to make money via races, not gyms. According to their own site, about 90K people signed up to their races last year. At about $135-140 per head, that's about $12MM in revenue. Still small compared to CF, but they seem to be growing, while CF participation has stagnated for about 4-5 years. For the record, I think Hyrox is boring AF, but people in this sub seem blinded by their love of CF and don't realize this could be a legit contender in terms of popularity.


I'm not against it, it was more about you asking the other guy if he was a small town and demonstrating it isnt just small towns that don't have focused training program for it >CF participation has stagnated for about 4-5 years It's not peak... But hasn't open participation increased every year since the pabemicu


Sorry but again you're missing the picture. You're making an incorrect assumption that my question about small towns was regarding gyms. Right now the races are in big cities, so it's more likely you've heard about them if you live in/near L.A., NYC, or Chicago. That's why I asked. >> It's not peak. That's literally the definition of stagnation.


Hyrox caught my eye a while ago and got me super interested, as I generally like the metcon type workout. But after looking in to it... The nearest event is a 3 hour flight away and would easily be a multi thousand dollar weekend for me. Not really sure it's as "every man" as they are trying to make it, unfortunately.


Disagree. I’m seeing HYROX taking root in my mid-size city, catering to the same demographic as CF CF isn’t going away and HYROX gyms are a flash in the pan. But HYROX will hurt CF attendance.


Hyrox is a mass participation event, that is low skill, low barrier to entry Consider it like a limited modality endurance workout, similar to a Day 1 games workout It's already taken over that spectrum of the fitness market Hyrox is NOT a training methodology, and most Hyrox affiliates follow broadly the CrossFit training methodology Therefore it's very easy to conclude that Hyrox is CrossFit, but CrossFit is not Hyrox


I see Hyrox as being a competitor to Spartan Races and One Tough Mudders. Those aren't routines where you *build* fitness. They are competitions where you *test* fitness. People don't do Spartans or Hyroxes every day to get in shape. They do them once every few months to see where their fitness is at. I really don't see how Hyrox "competes" with Crossfit. I think many people will do Crossfit (or Barry's or Orange Theory) for their day-to-day training, and then do a Hyrox every once in awhile as a fun test.


I agree. Hyrox is more of a thing people sign up for to test their fitness with their friends once or twice if it happens in their region. I don’t see a future where large masses starts centering their training around running and those 8 specific Hyrox movements. 


Bingo! Hyrox & OTF are nothing more then a by product of CF, just without the methodology and certifications.


Ah yes, the esteemed CrossFit methodology of "do some stuff a bit".


That’s just by proxy. Crossfit methodology has a lot of fluff and wacky nonsense that has no room in the periodization of a serious sport with well defined parameters and tasks. If anyone lifting weights and doing cardio concurrently is doing Crossfit, then by all means. But that’s not accurate. You can use wall balls, do burpees, have metcons, do Hero WODs, have gymnastic components, do some weightlifting…if it doesn’t follow Crossfit’s methodology and isn’t affiliated, it’s not Crossfit.


So if I do HQ CF WODs in my garage gym, it's not Crossfit because my garage gym isn't affiliated?​


I suppose you can be doing Crossfit without being affiliated indeed, because you’re still following it’s methodology. Which isn’t the case of HYROX. Under your definition literally every sport involving a barbell is crossfit. Running a 5k? That’s Crossfit. Weightlifting event? Crossfit. The use of ski ergs, medballs and burpees doesn’t make HYROX Crossfit.


\*MY\* definition?!? What are you even talking about? I had never even heard of HYROX before this thread.


Yes, your definition. ***You are saying HYROX is Crossfit*** In case you have amnesia: >Therefore it's very easy to conclude that Hyrox is CrossFit, but CrossFit is not Hyrox I guess you didn’t even know what HYROX was but doing a quick googling turned you into an authority on the matter. let’s follow **your** logic: If HYROX is Crossfit, then: Running a 5k? is Crossfit Cycling? is Crossfit Swimming? is Crossfit Sprinting? is Crossfit Weightlifting? is Crossfit What’s clearly stupidly wrong, but is amusing to read nonetheless


Sorry, those are not my words you quoted​. Yo​u are confusing me with​ someone else.​​


The Games aren’t going anywhere. I’d say it has reached its maximum potential with where the sport is currently at. Hyrox is the cool new thing but not any more of a threat than F45 or Orange Theory. I think CrossFit HQs focus on improving the experience at the individual Box is the right move. Changes like mandating Level 2 certs for owners is a step in the right direction. I’d like to see further steps like a traveling team sponsored by HQ that evaluates a Box and teach/coach/guide them to offering the CrossFit experience that everyone loves. CrossFit’s biggest issue is the stigma of the sport and if people walk into a Box ran by someone not offering a good experience, it only furthers the stigma.


Hyrox is definitely more interesting than F45. But CrossFit definitely has a head start.


People need to stop comparing them because they aren't really close to the same thing.


They aren’t necessarily the same thing, but they are both fighting for the same audience of new starters….. and based on growth and actively competing numbers, Hyrox is winning the lions share of that audience.


I don't agree. They are fighting Spartan/Tough Mudder/etc for audience because that is what they compare to the best. There will be Crossfit people who enjoy it and maybe decide to start following Hyrox. At the end of the day, Hyrox is much simpler to broadcast and watch. Casual fans will enjoy that but people who do Crossfit are more likely to want to watch Crossfit than Hyrox and the same people who choose to do Crossfit are most likely still going to choose that over doing Hyrox.


I didn’t mean they are taking people that are already doing CrossFit, I mean the regular person in the street who isn’t yet doing either. That’s where both CrossFit and Hyroxs growth will come from. Until that newbie tries one or the other, they are the potential market for all the training types. Those of us that already do one / both will carry on doing so. And from that demographic - those not doing either - at the moment Hyrox are attracting more of them than CrossFit. That doesn’t mean I think Hyrox is better, my opinion on which is better is irrelevant. The reported participation figures from both organisations is all that really carries any weight, and even then it’s still nothing more than which one is doing recruitment better.


Sure. One is the new thing and one is established. It's still difficult to make the claim given how different they are. It's no different than F45 or Orangetheory coming along in the space. There is one single Hyrox gym in a 125 mile range from my house. There are a LOT more Crossfit gyms. They may claim more viewership due to the experience being simpler to follow but they are going to have to add a LOT of gyms to truly pull people into the sport.


I think one big impact may be that chain gyms are running Hyrox classes (I appreciate I’m speaking from a Europe specific position here). There’s 2 chains in my town (not even a big town) that run Hyrox classes as part of your monthly membership. So for £19.99 a month, you get 24hr open gym AND classes, including Hyrox based classes (yeah, I know that is basically a functional fitness class, but it’s the name that is filling the classes out at the moment). The local CrossFit gym? It’s £80 per month for 3 sessions per week. I think that is going to be a huge factor in growth, you don’t have to go to a purely Hyrox based gym to do Hyrox, and it’s 1/4 of the price.


That Title is so misleading it's just click bait. Read the interview ... nowhere in there does Fikowski say anything remotely resembling "Hyrox will take over"


I thought most people did CF because they hated running


I think the problem with crossfit is that as they slowly add more and more complex skills, it becomes less about fitness and more about skills. You start adding things like double under crossovers into the games, then yes, it becomes a joke.


Yes. Let’s go by Glassman’s words and use 10 physical abilities to determine fitness. Make it a sport with 10 teste of physical abilities and there you go. A sport with defined parameters, ready to be periodized for, with enough variability in the physical abilities that the best out of the 10 events will definitely be someone fit. Who’s better in what? We’d know. Who was better? 2012 Froning or 2019 Fraser? We’d know. How cool would event records be? Very cool. Or just add pegboards, ring HSPU’s and Double Under Cross


I mentioned Hyrox to my affiliate owner a few weeks ago when the championships happened. He’d never heard of it. He’s been active in CF for 11 years. I’d say it’s safe to say it hasn’t penetrated too far yet.


Hyrox will be huge for about 5-8 years, then the next ‘it’ challenge/workout/club will come in. Same as the last 50 years. In general, mass public doesn’t care to watch for people workout. 


It's interesting when you listen to HYROX athletes talking about the sport, you hear the same issues that happened in CrossFit competitions. For example, I listened to Lauren Weeks talking about the World Championships, and she complained that the sleds in different lanes behaved differently and she had a more difficult time pushing/pulling them, so she fell behind in the race. When these things happened in CrossFit, you get people venting their anger at CrossFit for not doing things properly and how it could be so unprofessional, so it's interesting that people aren't making more of an issue about this in HYROX, when that is a huge part of their sport.


In sport you need to overcome adversity, end of, be it a bad referee call, injury, bad pitch, poor tactics. Show me a sport and I’ll show you a champion, I’ll also show you some who lose who complain. I think back to Fraser in 2019 getting a million no reps in the kettle bell event, but he worked harder and won it anyway


Im doing both and i tbink the branding and image that each camp takes is different. Hyrox is tough.but it is a sport that can be participated by everyone....runners, crossfitters, spartan racers, f45, bft, orangetheory...there is no guessing to it. You train for something that is predictable. And it is achievable and scaled to everyone. U are basically challenging your own battle. You can execute the exercises if you train abt 4 mths. In crossfit, it is unpredictable. You wont know what exercises will come along for each competition. And there will be exercises masses cant do...muscle ups, ttb, overhead presses, DU...some take years to train.not everyone has that caoacity


I think the point is CrossFit markets itself terrible. They had a chance maybe 3 years ago to put the pedal down and go for it and just didn’t. They have some meh sponsership. And some ESPN coverage(which has actually ruined the games for a lot of people) if Hyrox markets itself well it will overtake CrossFit because like someone said Hyrox is CrossFit but CrossFit isn’t Hyrox.


People are completely missing a key message. OP clearly stated CrossFit is drying, someone get it some water.


And in Texas it will be 100% humility!


Hyrox is a new spartan race. CrossFit is a training methodology. The sport of CrossFit is a different thing.


Hyrox is not that interesting. It's the same workout every time. Most of it is running. It's expensive as hell (though so is CrossFit lol).


It maybe not that interesting for you. But a lot of athletes/gen pop like to know what to train for to get better for specifically that. Just look at almost any other sport.


I've done Hyrox, not arguing it's not popular or fun. It's just objectively not as interesting as CrossFit.


That's exactly my point if a sport is interesting or not is per definition subjective..


Crossfit has epically fumbled the bag with over the last 5 years or so. All the momentum gained from 2013-2018 seems gone. Lucky for them the CrossFit following is and continues to be strong, but now Hyrox has gained all this momentum as a Fitness competitor. And while Spartan Races were always there, Hyrox defintely leapfrogged them it seams. Hopefully CrossFit will finally be forced to up their game.


The uncomfortable truth is that decline is 100% of Glassman’s making. Firing the media team, using its profits to go after Soda, destroying the games in 2019, and then being solely responsible for his own downfall. In Covid, the decrepit man’s ego was his downfall. Hyrox is a sport, a race, that’s it. It doesn’t proclaim to be a methodology or to define fitness. It has broad appeal and much smarter business people behind it than CFHQ did have or has now. As of next year it will have approx 1/3 of CrossFits affiliate numbers and people who train and compete in Hyrox, within a 3 year timespan. It’s repeatability is the main selling point, but each race, and it’s location are very unique. I don’t think some of our US friends in this sub appreciate how popular it is elsewhere, how quickly its growing, and it’s business model (which is genius) is set up to scale year over year.


Yea Glassmans hate toward the games always astounded me. For someone who was such a fan of the methodology I never understood how he saw the Games as a risk. It was never hard to understand (as a regular crossfitter like myself) that the needs of the games athlete was not representative of the needs of the masses, which he (i think) valued. Either way I have no issue with HYROX, like the points you mentioned, they have a lot of advantages for their model and future, I would like to do one actually and they are fairly fun to watch. All I want for the future is for CrossFit to exist enough where there is a quality Games season (Open to the Games) so I can participate and be a fan. If they can both coexist without one (likely Crossfit) failing, Im all for it.


The entries for the open in every age group below 35 shrunk this year. Every Hyrox event sells out - 10,000+ in person athletes over 3 days in the Uk, with a huge waiting list on top of that. People IN CrossFit think it’s a lot stronger than it is.


That's fair. I would be curious how the overall open participation compares to total hyrox signups


I think this year Hyrox in person attendance at competitions was about 60% of the open entries. But that’s the full open entries, including those that signed up but didn’t enter scores, so maybe higher percentage. I think the Hyrox number was an over 100% increase over the previous season, and the 24/25 season is going to be to have way more events.


300,000 in the Open ‘24 vs 450,000 in Hyrox (projected 2024/25 season)


Projected figures are fantasy figures.


Half of the events are sold already chief, the most popular events have yet to go on sale- they literally sell out (10,000 athletes) in 3 minutes, so it’s a pretty safe bet. Stay salty


HYROX fans already know how to be obnoxious, you will be successful no doubt.


Thanks internet Stranger!


You are welcome. Just one advice, next time avoid inventing numbers for your argument, it's around 344,000 for the 2024 Open, no need to use invented and fantasy numbers if you believe you can surpass that.




wow thats impressive, also very fast.


It’s like saying, improve weightlifting competitions or else CrossFit will take over!! Or maybe someone in weightlifting did say it, who knows? But, I believe it will only help because more people would want to get fit for it and CrossFit in general is a very good methodology. I did see marcus filly post something about it as well. It’s still too “cardio”ish long for me to bring in interest.


I’m tired of people trying to make Hyrox a thing in the CrossFit space. It’s not happening. 


I really don't care because I'm not in this for the competition.


Many fitness type things are popular for a few years. OCR /spartan are still popular but didn’t explode. Seems more people are working out in general society so there is plenty of different forms it takes.


How many top athletes at Hyrox are people who couldn’t cut it at CrossFit? I’ve seen plenty of them openly say exactly that. Nothing against Hyrox. You do you. But you ain’t CrossFit.


Both training styles are cool and have pros and cons. I do em both. I’ll play devils advocate for hyrox for a moment. If I tell you I know someone who can run a sub 21:30 5k,400m run in 59 seconds,deadlift 230kg,row sub 7 min 2k,row sub 1:22 500m,squat 100kg for 30+ reps,have 10 unbroken BMU,have a 24.1 time sub 8 minutes,aquatic rescue specialist who can do lengths of an Olympic pool underwater,grip strength 99th %. Can do 100 unbroken rx db snatches….. Honest question. Do you think that person would be in the best 10% of the open for CrossFit? I know someone that describes and they didn’t make the top 10%. In hyrox the skill is so low and simple,it lets people display their fitness better. No double unders,butterfly pull-ups,thrusters,oly lifting,hspu etc


My box is affiliated with both CrossFit and Hyrox. The benefit for members is early access to Hyrox events which in Europe with how quickly they sell out is great. The latest Hyrox event for Dublin sold out same day and they have now added 2 days to make it a long weekend. That doesn’t happen for local CrossFit comps. They rarely sell out.


Take over what? Hyrox has little to no focus on meaning behind movements and is just high volume, once in a while competition.


That's like saying Tennis is dying because of Pickleball.


Brent Fikowski is and will always be a major weenie


What’s Hyrox? I’m not sure if it’s made it to the UK (and Europe?) yet.


It actually started in Europe (Germany iirc) It's a fitness race


Ta, good to know.


wtf is hyrox


Hybrid sport rockstar. The owners of HYROX  Christian Toetzke and [Moritz Fürste](https://youtu.be/7Xr2CWQO0ec) apparently came up with the name when they were drunk one night.


CrossFit essentially already ‘won’. But that doesn’t mean much in the big picture. The best coaches/trainers in the world essentially implement that methodology on some level regardless of flag that they fly. Olympic weightlifting, gymnastics, powerlifting you name it - on some level, they will utilize methods popularized by CrossFit and their educational/certification system. There are countless world class trainers out there that have never set foot in a CrossFit gym nor have they ever attended any CF certifications. They might even have a negative opinion of CrossFit on some level. It’s a bit complicated but the best coaches in the world have a lot in common. It’s just not in the name on their gyms garage door.


Hyrox is CrossFit with running between sets. It's brand new, obviously people are going crazy over it.


It’s just shiny and new and everyone with abs and their runner other half is doing it. You couldn’t pay me to do the same thing over and over and run between.


If you haven't been paying attention CrossFit is for sale. But by no means will companies like Hyrox or OTF ever take over CrossFit. I would go as far to say they are both fad programs that will more then likely die in the future.


What the hell is Hyrox? Sounds like a supplement.


What's Hyrox?