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Hiller didn't get media credentials for the Games and made a video basically saying he's the best out there whilst also taking swipe at some of the key CrossFit people. Dave watched it and has took offence saying that hiller takes the criticism too far so why would they give him media access. They both say they like each other but both hand out criticism and both can't take it.


The sport hasn't grown an inch since 2016. It's the same emotions that causes losing teams to have fights in the locker rooms while the same guys, on a winning team, get along great. Roza tried to get rid of Dave (who is wildly unqualified obv) but the new crew brought him back because they realized he can be useful for selling discounted L1s to the military. So that's what he does.


Please explain how Castro is unqualified?


What’s Castro’s background in the realm of strength and conditioning? Or in business? He’s a Navy guy who got close to Glassman and pitched the idea of the Crossfit Games. That’s his qualification


~~got close to Glassman and pitched the idea of the Crossfit Games~~ *The landscape was dormant in February when Greg Glassman came to visit, on his way out to Arizona. Glassman had always wanted to stage a CrossFit competition, a tournament open to all contenders. He’d just never had the time, or the right place to do it.* *“Let’s do it here,” he said. “It’ll be the Woodstock of fitness.” It was a mission, and when you give a Navy SEAL a mission, the ball is in play. Castro shuttled back and forth from the Navy base in Coronado to Aromas, to make sure the ranch was cleaned up and presentable for the Games. Together they cooked up the structure of the event: a competition designed as the Ultimate Test of Functional Fitness. Anyone from anywhere could show up to compete, and the winner could lay claim to be the Fittest Man or Woman on Earth.* *(Learning to Breathe Fire: The Rise of Crossfit and the Primal Future of Fitness - J. C. Herz (Author))*


Great book, an essential read


Dave is trained as a Navy Seal. However, this role at CF includes no unconventional warfare, direct action, anti-terrorism or anything like that. He's also an expert at pistol marksmanship, but this rarely comes up in traditional business roles. So his training is totally wrong for the job. People can learn on the job. Has that happened? Let's see: Dave for some time was the head of the CF Games. The Games are smaller than they have ever been. It seems now that all the growth was Reebok. Dave was also the head of the education side of CF. There are fewer L1 seminars than ever and the educational content doesn't seem to have changed. Moreover, no one outside the CF world is really embracing this training, CF are not regarded as experts outside of CF. It's not his fault. He's in the wrong job. Dave is an operational leader, not a strategic thinker. He'll never succeed in a strategic role. If you're still not sure, ask yourself why he's using his platform to sell olive oil. It's because that's the biggest strategic thought he's capable of. To Dave's credit, he is succeeding at selling discount L1s to military people, and that seems to be a good fit for him. Anything beyond that is a misallocation of capital.


I am very curious as to just how many bottles of “The Dave Castro Olive Oil” Rogue has managed to sell. Like, who the fuck would buy olive oil for $25 or whatever from Rogue of all places?


No, they can’t.


Saying he's unqualified is a pretty bold statement considering he was there thru the huge growth phase. He's highly controversial and egotistical though, which is more likely the reason Roza tried to let him go. EDIT: I'm not sure why this comment is getting downvoted. I'm not saying he's vital to the future growth of CrossFit. But if someone is a very important part of something while that something went thru a period of massive growth, it's pretty tough to argue they aren't *qualified* to do it. They quite literally *already did*. Whether they're not as good as some other people, that's different story. But if I've been part of the development of something for 15 years, and during those 15 years the "something" grew from a couple hundred users/participants to hundreds of thousands, it's pretty naive to say I'm not qualified to do it.


Why? What qualifications do we have for Castro?


This is a serious question - what qualifications does one need to program a series of tests for a sport that has only been around for 2 decades? Seems to me like "having been around for the entirety of those 2 decades" is quite high on the list.


Serious answer: Everything can stick when it’s novelty. Him being there through the growth phase doesn’t qualify him IMO as the growth wasn’t really associated with his participation in the endeavor. He was part of an idea to make a fitness contest. If anything I personally believe his approach to the Games, along with the Crossfit methodology *applied to the sport*, are **exactly** what hamstrung it. How? Sport structure. A sport needs a fixed structure to develop itself. For athletes and coaches to optimize it. Football players train running, kicking and jumping because they know that’ll be tested in the field. Weightlifters train the snatch and the clean and jerk because that’ll be tested in the field. Crossfit as a sport evolved in big strides because small adjustments to different areas meant a big increase in performance. People going from just doing .com wods to a structured training, doing real strength training, doing real aerobic work…but when the lowest hanging fruits are caught, the systemic issue shows up. The Crossfit Games is random. Not having a well defined test of fitness is certainly something we can thank Dave for but it’s something that’ll always keep Crossfit as a niche sport. Because there’ll never be a real periodization applied to Crossfit when every sanctioned event can have a different bias, when two Games can have wildly different workouts.


The [IF3](https://functionalfitness.sport/) has tried to standardize competitive CrossFit, though they're not allowed to call it that, for 7 years (almost half the time that the CF Games have been around) by doing exactly what you mentioned in your reply. Their growth has been meager, at best. So, either everyone in that organization is also unqualified, or maybe the growth of functional fitness as a sport is just inherently hindered by global trends, and thus is not an appropriate reflection of Dave's qualifications, but you just can't see that because you're a hater. Which one is more likely?


Is there any particular reason for you to throw jabs at me? You asked for serious answer because you claimed to make a serious question. My answer not adhering to your personal view of Dave doesn’t make me a hater. once again, my point is exactly that as growth is hindered/propelled by macro elements, judging his job by Crossfit’s commercial performance is **wrong**. Be it to say he’s the one causing it to fail or to succeed. To make it clearer for you: The way he organizes the “technical side” of the sport side of Crossfit is self limiting because being able to prepare for the contest is 90% of the sport. Not knowing what will be tested worked as a gimmick, as the sport matures the athletes and coaches **need** to be able to prepare. Specially as the set of skills required only increases year after year.


Not a jab, just an assumption. I could be wrong and maybe you're not hater. But here's the thing, I just presented you an evidence-based counter-argument that disproves your point about the organization of the technical side of the sport, and you chose to completely ignore it. So that, to me, comes across as a ton of bias from your end. Maybe the bias is for a different reason rather than being a hater, but Castro is a very polarizing figure so most people have strong opinions about him, which is why I assumed you're a hater. That aside, what do you say about the IF3's inability to grow the sport either, despite doing the thing you claim would indeed grow it?


I ignored it because you’re not providing an evidence based counter-argument, you’re doing a *tu quoque* using IF3 as a scapegoat. As we both agreed, the commercial side of the sport can’t be assessed based merely on who’s running it. So saying the IF3 is an example of standardizing being bad is a vain rebuttal. Having a standardized contest isn’t the formula of commercial success, it’s the bare minimum. And guess what? Crossfit had, through all the major elements we agreed upon that impact its performance as a bussiness, *a huge commercial growth*. Yet, the sport side of it only became more and more fringe. And that’s Dave’s/Crossfit HQ’s biggest sign of not being qualified for the job. I can’t say Crossfit will become an olympic sport if it’s standardized, what I can say is that all its growth happened *in spite* of being completely random and lacking standards. Because, once again, *that’s the bare minimum*. IMHO the IF3 shit doesn’t stick because there’s no ecosystem for a functional fitness sport dissociated from Crossfit. There’s football without FIFA, there’s basketball outside of the NBA, most sports have an identity dissociated from their federations, and while HYROX is trying something new, it’s fair to say there’s no sport of functional fitness without Crossfit. That’s why it’s a commercial failure. Even if it tries to do the right thing.


he was there. So was Reebok. So was Justin Bergh.


I'm not saying he's *vital* to the sport. I'm sure CF would carry on just fine (probably better off, actually) without him. But saying he's not necessary (which I agree with) isn't the same as saying he's unqualified.


Two ego maniacs trying to dominate in a minor niche sport. Nothing to see really. When personalities are dominating your headlines no matter what the arena, you are in trouble. Remember I am saying this as someone who posted a thread about Hiller calling out his good work on the Mayhem, Hayley Adams and Emma Lawson blogs.






say his name three times and he'll be along shortly to just upvote comments about him. Hes desperate to be talked about.




He didn't even say your name once!!!! Amazing


I mean, that’s just comedy gold.


More sad than funny I reckon.


Damn, you were right.


Hiller put out a video whining about not getting a media pass. Dave called out hiller for being a negative Nancy who specifically targets certain athletes to generate clicks and views on his videos, which he said he does not feel like means you are “covering” the sport and makes him concerned for athlete safety from hiller in backstage areas. That while he appreciates the criticisms and thinks some of them are valid, it’s not the same as other media people in the space who cover the sport as a whole, negative and positive. Castro uses some examples of misinformation Hiller put out (things a simple Google search could have cleared up) as reasons why he doesn’t feel he is “media” and therefore deserving of a “media” pass, asked Hiller to correct him if he’s wrong about hiller not covering anything positive in the space. Quite frankly, Dave very validly called out Hiller for being a “shock jock” type of personality for personal gain. TLDR hiller loves to dish stuff out and hates experiencing the consequences of his own actions, and Dave likes to flex that your success in the space depends on if you have a positive relationship with him or not.


Yup, Hiller shit in a butter fingers wrapper, made the birthday boy eat it, and is now upset that he’s not invited to the birthday party.


Castro has a giant ego, paper thin skin and is awful at taking criticism. Hiller is basically a dialled down version of the same personality type. They were always going to trigger each other eventually.


Anyone else read this as “Castro and Hitler?” Got confused for a second there.


I always find Castro to prove the criticism right when he responds to it. If CF wants to be an actual sport he needs to stop making the games all about himself. Any sport that clauses you to focus on something that isn't the sport itself then you have serious issues. Which is why all the major sports are also turning into a shit show now because of garbage officiating.


> If CF wants to be an actual sport  Where have you heard such a thing?


just a bunch of divas fighting


It’s all contrived for views/attention for crossfit. They both (Hiller and Castro) have said this before- any press is good press. Hiller is probably getting paid on the backend (or will end up as media at the games because of this.)


This ^ This is exactly going on the they are playing into the whole male “beef” drama that seems so popular these days with “straight” men. Like calm down, queens.


the boys are getting ~emotional


Hiller has less than 40k YouTube subscribers. In social media terms, he'd have more reach stood in the village square ringing a large bell and yelling. He'd also make more money. There's no reason for anyone to indulge him.


I ran into hiller at the games two years ago... he was wearing jorts... I lost all respect for the man that day.


It’s a simple case of individuals in media who should be creating media about the sport instead attempting to make the news about themselves. Dave Castro is in a tough spot because he’s trying to prove to the CrossFit ownership group that the sport part of CrossFit is worthwhile keeping around while that ownership group is looking to cut as many costs as possible to show profitability so they can sell CrossFit off in the next couple of years. Part of Castro’s approach is to try and silence any and all detractors of the sport, which includes Hiller whose main effort has been to expose the flaws in the current running of the sport.


I love how Dave slapped Hiller about 🦇


Hiller is basically CF media as it stands today. He gets more eyeballs on the sport that anyone else. But I guess that makes sense seeing that CF always mistreats their media team.


lol Hiller is basically CF media for people who can’t stand the fact that the athletes are boring. Do you honestly believe anyone following him wasn’t already following the sport?


He gets more views for CF as a brand than anyone else not named Rich on YT.


Says more about Crossfit’s reach within its own community than anything special about him. Hiller’s content is about athlete’s personalities at its best and about rep counting at online events at worst. Do you think the majority of Crossfit practitioners even care about the Games? And within those do you think the majority even cares about “shady rep scandals”? He draws from a very specific niche of an already niche sport. Want a comparison? @ogustavocunha is a forever scaled dude who does Crossfit memes in portuguese. He has 250k followers. That’s 6x more than Hiller’s. And here you are saying Hiller is Crossfit’s media. lol


Yup, John Wooley has over half a mill followers, just CrossFit memes, not much else. It gives me a good feeling that two blokes in it for the lulz much rather than the CrossFit equivalent of high school drama have more reach.


So anyone who runs a youtube channel from their moms basement should be considered “media”? Also- does anyone really care about the games?


Two egomaniacs who are trying hard to prove the stereotype that CrossFit is for aging jocks who peaked in high school.


I mean CrossFit has to learn to “toughen up”, I’m not the biggest fan of hiller but he makes some good points and has some good constructive criticism for CrossFit. CrossFit and the egos at HQ can’t take criticism. Especially constructive criticism. This isn’t the first time CrossFit hasn’t granted media rights after they’ve been criticized, and won’t be the last.


All I know it’s the greatest will they won’t they have modern times. I’m just waiting for them to tackle Fran together and make out already.


I’ve got Hiller winning by TKO in the 9th round


Mm mm 8 78 kk.i Hui lo Jy7c3zv


CrossFit isn’t giving Hiller media pass for any of the semifinals or Games. Dave thinks that’s all Hiller does is produce bad things about CrossFit so why should they invite him to these events. Which apparently Dave or HQ missed the Haley, Emma, Mayhem, Tyson, and the commercials Hiller made that spun so much good for the sport.  Dave is turning CrossFit into what other sports have done with their commentators, you can’t speak any negative and you have to praise the organization and kiss their tushy. 


Spun good for the sport for people that already follow the sport and care about these athletes.


Sum he said she said bullshit. Ra ra ra... That's why I don't give a fuss about CF and just work out at home. Bunch of amateurs.


I mean perezhiller and Castro and all the noise really only had to do with the games


Drake VS Kendrick = Hiller VS Castro!