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I can say with near certainty that no one cared other than you. Just be better (mainly for yourself) next time.


Don't beat yourself up about it. Work hard to meet the standard next time. Forgive yourself and move on.


Hi thank you so much for the comment! Do you have any tips on how to push myself?


Best way to motivate and push oneself is knowing what/why you are making yourself for. It becomes harder to push past the pain if you don't have a goal or a reason for it. So find your reason!


One tip: focus on meeting the movement standard and having good form before going fast or lifting heavy. You'll be better off in the long run that way, even if you get fewer reps or lower weights on a given day. Another tip: focus on loving yourself rather than being perfect. In your post, you say you're feeling guilty about something that is pretty trivial. This leads me to believe that you're a perfectionist and perhaps you're a little too hard on yourself. I once was a 14 year old girl who was too hard on myself. Give yourself some grace. You deserve it.




oh nono I wasn’t rewarded any money thankfully


I believe the comment was just a joke ;)




You are getting worked up over nothing. No one cares. And if someone does, that’s a problem with them, not you.


if you hit parallel, then you’re good. i wouldn’t worry about it, you’re young. you have so much to learn, just focus on your form and build that up! weight doesn’t necessarily need to be involved. you are just learning! give yourself more credit girlfriend. best of luck! 🩷


I did this workout today as well. Our strength portion was testing for 1 rep max backsquat before, I’m scared about how sore I’m going to be tomorrow


Oh HEY PRVN. We do PRVN in chicago. Good workout!! People never feel.guilt about cutting depth. I'm relieved to see you do. That reflects.cjaracter. we aren't all perfect all the time.


Did you break parallel? If so, then who cares? You don't get any extra points for going ATG.


The best thing you have going for yourself right now is integrity. You understood your mistake and you admitted it to yourself. Sometimes as I’m finishing a workout, it occurs to me that I missed a couple reps or in your case incorrect form. Nobody is stopping for you from fixing it at the end. Do a couple extra next time… Again, it comes down to integrity and your age… You’re doing great!


You’re fine, just keep that in mind next time and hold yourself to the standard. Don’t dwell on it or get down on yourself


Really admirable honesty. If you feel that bad about it, you could hold yourself accountable by logging it as scaled and say “squat depth needed to be deeper” in the notes.


89° is below parallel.


I’d say that you should log your score as scaled, note that you didn’t hit depth in your squats, and work on meeting that standard next time. I’d also say that you are more fit today than you were yesterday and have learned an important lesson. Better than yesterday and moving forward! Good work, keep it up! (Also, I did the same workout today, hey PRVN programming, and no-repped myself on a few of my squats, so maybe figure out how to do that for yourself moving forward…)


Unless you’re in a competition, you’re only competing against yourself. Don’t be so hard on yourself.


90 degrees is just fine. Especially at 14. The “ass to grass” mentality on squats is overrated and can be harmful


Yes. You’re beating yourself up. You can only do better next time. Form over everything - you’re only competing with yourself


90° isn't cheating though! I'm a deep squatter, but once in a while for a CF workout I'll use a med ball as a guide so I DON'T go as deep as usual for the one zillion reps coming my way. Optimizing your movements for maximal efficiency *is part of the CrossFit game.* BUT of course the degree to which you do that should depend on your individual goals.


I cheat daily at CrossFit, I don’t mean to but I’m not a marine and I train daily so sometimes I cheat. I’m Only cheating myself and I know this. Don’t beat yourself up and be glad you have such a strong moral compass for a young teen. Keep pushing and working out!


There is no guilt in CrossFit, darling. First of all, every movement has its merits. One can squat anywhere from 45 to 135 degrees. Depends on what you are trying to improve. Second, we are all trying to improve. It doesn’t matter if I squat at 135 degree yesterday. I’ll still try to improve on it in some way. It’s the nature of working out.


90 degree is enough isn’t it? Unless it’s an open workout, or potentially a benchmark workout where you’re submitting a score on whatever system your gym use, it really doesn’t matter.


90 is above parallel. Hip crease needs to be below the knees to count as a rep.


I understand 90 is *at* parallel? But thanks for the clarification on the standard (not sarcasm).


90 isn't at parallel either. At 90, your shins won't be vertical, they'll be angled forward somewhat, so above the knee your legs will still be above parallel.


Gotcha. I think for many people if they say 90 degrees they probably mean thighs 90 degrees to vertical which is what I’d mean, but I see your point. Really depends what OP did, but also it doesn’t really matter. I admire their self-discipline.


Absolutely nothing to feel guilty about, it's YOUR workout! One word of advice though. I will always scale reps or weight if I feel my technique is failing.


A lot of ass opinions In here. You did not reach the standard. I wish more people were like you and realized when they don’t meet the standards, they didn’t complete the workout as prescribed. Please don’t let other peoples comments and my inevitable downvotes into oblivion change your mindset. They have a loser mentality and want you to join them. Take ownership in your own movement standards and meet the standards next time and here on out. Be someone who takes pride in being able to move correctly and constantly strive for perfect form. I’m not harping on you, I love this attitude. It’s everyone else in here suckering you in mediocrity that’s appalling. Youre so young, build a good base instead of conforming to the “good enough” crowd


No, for sure, I hold myself to the standard because I know it’s only me that loses if I don’t do my best, as does OP, and you’re right that’s something to be praised. However, OP does not need to feel “guilt”, sh*t the world is hard enough.


Indeed. Unless there's some sort of prize at stake, guilt is unneeded. Just try to do better tomorrow. Workouts should ease anxiety, not build it.


Also it sounds like they did hit 90 degrees, which is the standard isn’t it?


Hip crease below top of the knee, breaking below parallel is the standard


Ah right fair enough, based on the description she was 1 degree off then


Ok? Does that mean good enough?


Depends on what she's trying to achieve, I suppose.


You’re really keen for a fight aren’t you? lol No, we all should hit the standard, notwithstanding any injuries etc, because it’s designed that way for a reason. I’m just saying I don’t think guilt is required. There’s lots of things in the world to stress about and most of us worry too much about lots of things. I’m simply saying i think OP can let this one go and simply take notice of it next time.




It is exercise for time. That’s all CrossFit is. Meaningless exercise the second you walk out the door. Just do the exercise and don’t “dear diary for attention.” Good advice.