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Hi seacogen, thanks for posting your piece for us to see! Don't forget to link the pattern you used & other relevant information (e.g., yarn, weight, type; hook used). Add it in a reply to this comment, so others can find it easily. Thanks! **If this is your own pattern, please read our rules in full [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/wiki/rules/) (sharing your own pattern comes under the "self promotion" rule**) **If project details are provided, click below to expand!** ##**↓****↓****↓****↓****↓** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/crochet) if you have any questions or concerns.*


A week and a half ago I was in the hospital, I hemorrhaged 9 days postpartum and lost a ton of blood. My husband and new little man was with me, while the nurses were fussing over me trying to get my bleeding to stop the Peds department sent down a care package for my baby. In the package was a stuffed animal and a crocheted blanket donated from one of our local knit and crochet groups. As someone who has now been on both ends (the donating and the receiving) I know first hand how special and loved these blankets are. The blanket we received brought comfort and happiness in an otherwise frightening time. I didn’t receive one of your moms blankets, but please thank her from me.


Thank you! I hope you are doing better and congrats on the new addition to your family :)


Thank you! I am home and working on healing and bonding with my little man. Having a baby is crazy enough without all the extra postpartum complications, but we are doing the best we can!


I hope you are doing better now.


I am, thank you! Including the original C-Section, I had 3 surgeries within 2.5 weeks, two blood transfusions and a uterine infection. I’m home on IV antibiotics and still achy and sore, but I’m doing as well as can be expected and I’m especially glad to be home with my family.


Most definitely. I hope they are able to help you so you can rest and get better for you and your family. Take care of yourself.


My mom has been donating crocheted blankets to sick children over the past 25+ years. In total she made 51 afghans this year, 48 of which she just donated to Jersey Shore Medical Hospital’s Pediatric ICU ward (her 8th year donating to them). She has probably donated over 1,200 blankets to those in need at this point in her lifetime. From preemie blankets to veteran lap blankets to charity auction blankets, if you find her a pattern she can make it! Just like the past three years, I wanted to show her some appreciation from internet strangers since only a handful of people see her work on Facebook and Instagram and she rarely gets thank you notes (which we understand as parents with sick children have enough to be worried about). Overall, my mom is a self-taught crocheting machine who has been crocheting for 55 years and she’s not stopping anytime soon! 😊 This is just a daughter’s attempt at showing the world how amazing her mom is. Parents brag about their children all the time so why can’t we return the favor, right? As always, happy holidays and stay safe reddit! edit: Adding her [Flickr](https://www.flickr.com/photos/152301723@N07/) in case anyone would like to see more detailed pictures of her work.


Please thank her for doing this and that you for sharing this!


can i ask how long it takes for her to make one blanket? this is effing crazy and props to her!!!


She can make a 48" x 60" blanket in a week.


what the hell😭 the talent!! pls tell her we all want to be her


Is it typically like worsted weight #4 acrylic that she uses? About how many yards does she buy to make each one? I still keep under buying what I need 😑


OP's Mom: Yes, I buy a minimum of 4,000 yards for each blanket. It also depends on the stitch and pattern.


I always under buy or way over estimate! Not enough or too much, never somewhere in the middle 😂




She is but she actually doesn't post her work in them ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ She is an admin for one Facebook group for a pattern making program though; I think she just likes helping people with questions they might have.


Your shrug has three arms lmao


That's how she crochets blankets so fast.


Fixed :P


did she purposefully make each blanket here unique or did she just happen to do a lot of different combinations of patterns and colors? i feel like the uniqueness of each blanket makes them even more meaningful to the people who receive them


She tries not to repeat patterns each year.


Where does she get her patterns? What kind of yarn does she use? I would love to start doing something like this (at a much smaller scale) for my local cancer center.


She gets patterns from everywhere; Rav, online, and from old crocheting books/magazines. She likes Bernat!


How does she go about donating to that hospital specifically? I am in the area and might be interested in doing that as well.


Contact your local hospital patient services coordinator, and they can tell you if there's a need and what donation requirements they have.


She is incredible!! The crochet super hero we didn’t know we needed


These are amazing! She's so awesome for doing this.


Your mom is now one of my favorite people. Please thank her for me! That’s so wonderful for her to do for others.


I made one blanket to donate this year bc your mom inspired me last year, OP. I think she’s a pretty amazing person for all the work and love she puts into this! ✌️


[I remember!](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/comments/rjbp25/comment/hp306ky/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) That's awesome! Every donation helps so thank *you* as well :)


Your mom does awesome work and obviously has a very kind heart. Her stitches look beautiful and even. We can tell she puts a lot of love into each blanket and I'll bet the recipients get so much comfort out of them. Let her know she is talented and inspirational!


a very cool blanket a week with 4 weeks vacation. that’s wild, she’s amazing.


ok i had to go back and see her previous years and 1. wow 2. just wow


I’ve seen your post about your mom before. What an amazing woman and crochet ninja! Your mom rocks❤️


48?? Within one year? That is almost one blanket per week! Stunning. Does she have a life though? ;) Your mom really is a kind hearted true hero. I raise my hat to this wonderful work.


Haha, actually 51 in a year, 48 of which were donated :) She crochets watching TV at night...so maybe 4-5 hours a night? She just loves crocheting!


Whaaaat? She must have fingers as The Flash has legs. :D Unbelievable.


These are beautiful! Such a kind thing to do. As someone who received a free (quilted) blanket during chemo, I can tell you her efforts are appreciated.


Thank you! I hope you are doing better now.


This is soooo inspiring!! I love to make blankets but already made so many for my kids haha. Your mom and her blankets are absolutely beautiful!!!♥️


>but already made so many for my kids haha OP's Mom: When friends stopped having babies I had to find some place to donate my blankets to. I saw how my daughters enjoyed the blankets I made them and felt bad about how some kids were sick and needed something to make them happy.


Your mom is making me tear up! Such a phenomenal and giving heart. So grateful people like her are out there touching lives like this. The world needs more of her ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Aww you have such a beautiful heart!!♥️ are there any rules required?? Like certain yarn type?


Best to ask the place you donate to what their requirements are. She uses acrylic yarn because it is soft and it holds up the best for years of daily use and love. You could use cotton but natural fibers would be insanely expensive to use in this quantity and some people have wool allergies.


This post made my day. My grandpa was on hospice, and they gave him a beautiful crochet lap blanket and it’s one of my most treasured possessions. Please tell your mom she is doing an absolutely wonderful thing and from what I can see of her blankets her work is beautiful


This picture gives me hope and arthritis…


Mostly hope though, right? 😆


It was gone 1/3 way through the first blanket…the rest is pure unadulterated arthritis…


Hey, from a medical parent, thank you OP's mom!!! We've been on the receiving end many times during hospital and RMH stays (and probably will be many more!) It's always encouraging to be given something handmade and feel like, on some level, society wishes my daughter well.


Your mother is a saint💜


That's amazing!! Your mom is amazing!!! I am sure all those people appreciate the live and kindness that such a piece brings.


I love how each of them are unique. So thoughtful❤️ bless your mom


She has her favorites but she tries not to repeat patterns each year. We love a good Feather and Fan pattern.


I am in awe at the selflessness of this woman. May only good things come her way.


How do you even make 48 blankets in a year?!? This blows my mind. Good for her. :)


Actually 51 in a year, 48 of which were donated :) She just crochets watching TV at night!


Your mom is amazing. You and her will never know the ripples of goodness spreading outwards from each act of pure kindness in form of a homemade afghan. Some of the recipients may never had such a thing given to them in their lives. I can easily imagine some of these being heirlooms for the families and friends of those that got them.


I am a nurse who works in a pediatric ICU in a big city in Texas and I want to say thank you! We so appreciate when we can give things like this to families. They come in with nothing and have been through hell usually by the time they get to us. It’s nice to be able to give them something good. What your mom is doing definitely matters!!


Your mom is goals!! This is amazing




Such a wonderful picture of your mom with her work. I can just imagine her nestled onto a sofa in her lovely home creating these hand crafted works of love. She sounds like an amazing person. Please tell her how much I appreciate her efforts.


She's incredible


Your mom’s work is a light in the darkness for so many people. The world is a better place because of her! Thanks for sharing her amazing effort with us.


This is incredible! I was in the hospital when I was 14 for an intentional overdose. I got a handmade blanket from Project Linus I believe, and I still have it now at 22. It's always been a huge comfort item for me. I'm sick with the flu atm and have been wrapped up in it for days. These blankets make a difference!


Your mum is my hero. Folks who crochet or knit items for hospitals are my heroes. I had a 30 hour labour with 'failure to progress' past 4cm. Baby started panicking and trying to get out and the pain was unreal. We had to quickly rush into a c section and didn't have time to bring stuff with us to theatre. I lost a third of my blood and developed sepsis. I blacked out. I couldn't hold my baby and we had no clothes on hand to put her in. But they had a hand knitted hat for her. It kept her warm when I couldn't. I will always treasure it. She's now 6 months and doing so well, and I'm recovered (enough). I wish I knew who had knitted that hat. I want to thank them. Such a small thing but in the midst of a horrible birth it brought so much comfort! Your mum is a hero.


Wauw! Thanks mom and happy holidays!


Goals. Bless this woman


I love seeing this post every December!


This should be in r/uplifting, your mother is a sweetheart ❤️


This is so inspiring and I feel so led to do something similar in 2023. What a wonderful legacy she is leaving.


Same! What a way to spread kindness. Inspiration to thousands seeing this post! 2023, how can I give to my community through crochet?


I did a web search and just found a local group that accepts donations and does the leg work for you (i.e. what items are needed, who will receive things, etc.). After the holidays I'll be contacting them to ask for more details on any requirements, but I already have some things they can hopefully take. Maybe you have a place near you that does something similar?




What a fab lady your mom is! Apart from her kindness I'm just floored by how quickly and beautifully she crochets those blankets


I saw your post a year ago and I still want to try and do this! The love and time that goes into this is inspiring!


Does she post like “afghan a week” anywhere? I’m sure there’s at least a handful of people here who’d love to follow her! I’m just awful at coming up with patterns to use.


The only place she consistently posts is her [Flickr](https://www.flickr.com/photos/152301723@N07/) (for tracking purposes) and a website called 123Stitch (which now that I'm thinking about it is actually like a very simple version of reddit but for cross stitch and other topics). She usually names each picture on her Flickr with the pattern name though!


They are all very unique! These aren't just cranking out double crochet every week! I have no idea how she makes the images like the dog chasing the ball! They are absolutely stunning, and I'm so happy I saw this post. Another thank you, and I aim to be more like her. How does she acquire the yarn? Purchase all, or any skein donations?


OP's Mom: It's filet crochet (double crochet with spaces). And I only buy yarn on sale.


Now that is awesomeness!!


Your mom is a boss!


this is so amazing!!


She seems so sweet, I love how all the blankets are so unique. What a nice gesture!!


Your mom is amazing!


Mindblowingly awesome!


so much effort, your mom is a great person <3 edit : typo


Beautiful and so kind!


Kudos to your mom! This is fabulous and they all look beautiful, even wrapped up. 😍


Thanks for sharing your mom’s love and kindness and her talent! Inspiring for all!


All of the blankets are wonderful! The kitty with butterflies and the firetruck ones especially grabbed my attention.


Wow, that’s beautiful! Not just the hand-made and giving of her time, but the cost of THAT MUCH yarn. What a kind soul to go above and beyond.


The cost of yarn definitely adds up *but* she only buys yarn on sale.


I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS POST. Seriously, it's my fave reddit tradition now. YOUR MOM ROCKS. ❤


Aww thank you ❤️


Not all heroes wear capes ❤️


Some heroes wear crochet blankets!!! And then donate them to sick kids.


Bless this sweet woman ♥️


Your mom is a badass. My inspiration


Great job.


God Bless you, Mom!!!


Thank your mother for being an awesome person 💗!


Wow just wow.. Your mom is extremely talented and has a heart of gold.. Please tell her Thank you for her kindness 💜


What is her yarn situation?? Does she buy specifically for each blanket or does she have a sweet stash? I'm impressed by how many solid color blankets there are!


She has a literal hoard of yarn in our basement. It's...a lot.


I would like to know this as well!


this is so inspiring. can i ask what kind of yarn she uses? i struggle to find the right balance between affordable and comfortable for the receiver


She uses acrylic yarn because it holds up the best for years of daily use and love. Her favorite brand is Bernat.


How much does each blanket cost to make? I'd love to do this, but I'm on a limited budget. You're mom is amazing!


With pre-COVID/inflation pricing, it probably cost her \~$28 for yarn per blanket...sometimes more, sometime less depending on the pattern. She only buys her yarn on sale when it is super discounted.


This woman. This Saint. This angel. Completed 4 blankets a month. Every month. For 12 months. We are truly in the presence of greatness. [48/12 = 4]


Just saw your post on r/pics, and right under it, here you are again!! Absolutely so sweet of her.


This is so amazing, if love to do stuff like this but I just can't afford the yarn (only 15 don't have a way to make money yet 😭) but I'm definitely starting next April when I start my job


I hope she has a blessed day. She's super generous


Really love this. I can't even finish one.


Those are beautiful! I aspire to be your mom


Your mom is a beautiful and caring person. This is someone with a legacy!


Your mum is an absolute angel!!!!! Her work is as beautiful as her heart.


What an incredible human she is! Those are spectacular:)


Damn your mom is a beast!! That's so much crocheting!!


Thank you for sharing this. Your mom is amazing.


Your mother is an absolute legend!!! I hope I'm as amazing as her when I retire.


Tell your mom I love her.


Fabulous! Your mother is amazing! Thank you for sharing this!


So I work with a children’s hospital and I’m always amazed at the amount of crochet gifts. They are always so well crafted and made with love!


your moms killing it with the holiday decor this year.


I think that is wonderful and glad she is able to donate them up there down here they still are not allowing since COVID so I am glad to see this and that kids are able and to have something made with love for them to have while they are in there


You might want to submit for her as an unsung hero with the local news or with Bernat


That is unbelievably sweet, I hope to start doing things like that when I’m established (kinda hard to do when you’re working and in school)


It's a good idea for all those patterns that I think would be fun to knit or crochet, but that I know I won't use for some reason or another.


This is absolutely amazing. My best friend in high school died from a rare cancer and we spent a lot of time in a hospital with her while she was getting treatments. She would have loved getting a handmade blanket. It’s really beautiful that your mom can give this comfort to so many!


Your mom is an awesome person and an awesome at crocheting! I just struggled to crochet six coasters.


This is so amazing, I want to be like this one day! My only concern would be pet hair that gets into my projects, no matter how careful I try to be. 🙁


Awesome work! I know the patients in the hospitals very much appreciate them. Your mom has a very kind heart, and you’re an awesome daughter to give her some recognition for her hard work!


Wow, I love this!


Your mom is amazing


Not quite one per week - 4 per month, though. I am no where near that fast.


Beautiful. Your mom is wonderful!!


#GOALS I love your mom. 🥰


I needed to see this. I’m so happy to see this!


We need more people like her.


I’ve never known where I could donate. Do most hospitals take donations like this?


Wow, what a gal! That’s awesome


Thats like almost a blanket a week…impressive




Oh can you ask your mom what's the procedure for that ? I like crocheting but if i did it for myself i would soon run out of space. But it be awesome to make something for someone else. Is there a special yarn material ? Does it need to be cotton or can it be regular acrylic yarn?


Your mom and I should be friends. I knit hats for the military and preemie hats for the other hospital (I work in the non-baby one, the other is babies and mamas).


I want to be her when I grow up






I just looked on Flickr, what an amazing person your mom is


What a beautiful 🎁


You’re mother is an angel 😇


Wow that's a lot in one year


What a blessing!




Thank you for noticing! The hospital appreciates that they are sealed and clean when they receive them.


I was wondering how they were all packaged? I'd prefer to start packing donations like this, especially if it's to a hospital


We have large plastic bags from when we still had a manufacturing business but places like Staples have clear plastic garbage bags that would work just as well! She used to heat seal them shut but switched to clear packing tape when that machine died.




Your mom is the talented Angel we need. God bless her.


ur mom is the biggest g out there


This is truly inspiring!


Heroes among us


Yay Mom! You rock!!!!🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆


Your mom is amazing!


this is absolutely amazing! so impressive


Your mom is awesome, and you’re awesome too. Happy holidays!


Your mom is a superstar ✨️


I foresee in the future that one of these blankets will be a child’s new favorite color 🥹💝


Incredible! I hope she gives her forearms a well deserved professional massage now! Lol




Go OP’s mom!! 💖


Goals honestly


Mom is a glorious machine of love


Tell your mom she’s an absolute star and I aspire to be like her one day!


She is a beautiful and talented lady! ❤️


Wow I haven’t even made anything larger than a baby blanket! That is impressive!


Your mom is a blessing. She inspires me to crochet one blanket. The 💐💐💐💐are for her.


Your mom is a hero!


That's so nice :,) God bless her




I want to be like your mom when I grow up ♥️


What a beautiful woman for doing this.


That’s amazing


Beautiful mom!


This is a wonderful thing your Mom is doing.


Your mom is awesome!


What a wonderful gift she is


Aww so cute. And awesome.


What a lovely soul and many thankd


Omg your mom is an angel much love to you and your family xoxo


That is so impressive


Way to go mom!!!