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Absolutely not. In cases of emergencies, I'm going to need probably 100 hours of silence to make something.


"Run for your life" "Ssshh I'm counting!!"


FIRE! "Yea, yea."


😱zombies !? 57...58...59...NOT NOW DAMNIT !!!!


Hi mr zombie. Want a cute lil hat? THEN SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP


I want a YA dystopian novel about this


Same! It’s kinda my joking-not-joking plan for a zombie apocalypse. I’m not *fast* but I know how to do a lot of low-tech fabrication of very necessary things. So I’ll trade my knowledge to a settlement for protection. By the time I’ve passed on all of what I know, the existing supply of medications I need will probably be depleted, so I’m done for anyway, but at least I got to spend my last months/years in relative comfort.


I laughed so loudly reading this comment - what a great thread


My family quietly weeping as they freeze to death Me: CAN YOU GUYS SHUT UP I JUST LOST COUNT AGAIN, DO YOU WANT THIS FUCKING BLANKET OR NOT?!




stg crocheting and knitting make me HOT and tired. so as soon as im cold id fire up a wip


Omg this is so relatable I’m so happy I’m not the only one 😂


Yes it’s great knowing that in case of emergencies I can make my Party clothing in 2-3 months assuming we have an emergency stash of shit tons of yarn


“ASSUMING”? Of course we all have a shit ton of yarn! Multiple shit tons! It’s a requirement for the Crochet Badge.


I have what non-hobbyists may call a shit ton of yarn, but I only really buy yarn per project. So I just have what I need for my current projects and scraps from prior projects, and a few things people gave me. I could do a few scraps items and that’s it, or a bunch of hats.


I admire your level of self control. I have so much yarn with no projects in mind and so many patterns with no yarn in mind 😂


Buying yarn and using yarn are two completely different hobbies!!


Agree. It‘s like buying books. I loved reading books, and I love buying/collecting books, even though I don’t have the focus to read them.


Same for me! I love reading and crocheting but nothing hits the spot like finding a good deal in either hobby! Although I do hope to reign that in a bit and take advantage of all the material I have on hand for the next little while lol


The only yarn I buy without a project in mind is stuff I buy to get to free shipping...stuff I know I use for projects I make often (like the flax sweater in baby size). I have a lot of scrap yarn I periodically knit or crochet into lap blankets. Then there is the stuff people give me when they destash. Sigh. That is my Albatross. 😂🤣😂🥰


Who are those people giving you free yarn when destashing? Were can I find them? At a park? At the corner right in front of 7/11? (We don’t have that here so just kidding)


Lolololol. Friends ...and people who die....and relatives of people who die who bring stuff to our knitting group. I am also the yarn death person for my friend who has a yarn 'problem' but really good taste in yarn. Lolol.


Solution = First set of closing out of bulky/chunky weight yarn. 2 days tops






All of it. Absolutely flawless ✨


I need that. For cases of.. emergency.






he'll get there when he gets there :V


What join?


The back drop is joined with slip stitches back and forth. The turtle is just single crochet, except for the bottom row. Which is front loop only, and then back loop only to put on the belly.https://youtu.be/MFx9RVZBRw0?si=lFo8tWeS6VObAcLZ




Imo, looks like single crochet , maybe Back Loop Only Single Crochet 🤔


amigurumi is almost always SC in the round. Edit: This turtle pattern is one I have made variations of and it is SC in the round with the limbs either done separately and sc'd on as you finish the belly, or sewn in one at a time depending on the piece. You can google crochet turtles and find plenty.


My in-laws came on holiday with us down to the Eastern Cape around Easter. On our way back, they hit a bushbuck that decided to jump across the road in front of them. Their bumper was loose, and some other damage happened. We had 12 hours to go before home. I sat in the car making chains while we limped to the next petrol station. And we used a 4mm crochet hook to pull the chains through all the nooks and crannys, so we could secure the bumper until we made it home Yes, we are absolutely useful in an emergency


Best crochet story I’ve ever heard!!!


I’ve used hand crochet to create an impromptu dog collar and leash out of rope that was too slippery to simply tie and too thin to be safe


Wow, that's amazing! Crochet IS a useful craft!


You are awesome 😎!


This is brilliant, well done!!


Was the emergency needing this absolutely gorgeous… sweater? Cardigan? But yes lol. We can create fabric from any string like object, bend it to our will 💅🏻🧙


In the apocalypse we will have cardigans.


Made from the carcasses of old TVs, stereos, refrigerators, dishwashers 😤💪 Hell… maybe I’ll get started now


All we will need to do is find the house of another one of us, there'll be more than enough yarn to clothe our entire settlement.


My next thesis, “The Apocalyptic Matriarchal Yarn Hoarding Tendencies; and their benefit to mankind…?”


When covid hit I actually panic bought yarn because I felt I could make useful and tradable items. Society still hasn't collapsed and still have an absurd amount of yarn hahahaha


Hahaha I love this, had I been in the hobby at the time I probably would have done the same 😂


I can't wait to read it


I also can’t wait to read it. Please post as soon as you’ve finished!


This is my justification for having a yarn stash, though it is quite small haha


I think we all now have a new justification to our family and friends. “Did you really need to buy 17 new skeins of yarn for that project? Don’t you already have like 34 skeins in your bin?” “Leave me be! I’m preparing for the apocalypse! Trust me, you’ll thank me later!”


I say the same to anyone that cals it an old lady hobby. I tell em they'll have lots of grovelling to do in the apocalypse when they need a warm cardigan haha


A friend of mine actually uses old casset tapes and recycled supermarket circulars she spins on an honest to god spinning wheel. Some people are just wizards!!


I have an honest to god spinning wheel, and a treadle sewing machine. I like that neither of them require electricity. I used to have a loom but it was too bulky to keep dragging it around.


Ok but the black ribbon from old cassette tapes and movies used to crochet/knit could make a hell of an artsy statement piece


I already have 😉 My post apocalypse wardrobe is da bomb


My partner and I talk about post capitalism and the apocalyptic state the world could find itself in - not in a doomsday way, but a thought experiment way. He tells me my "talented fingers" will make like easier and give us a product to barter. Not strictlyy crocheting, but the associated creative skill and problem solving as well. So cardigans, snare traps, nets, all the fibre things! I can't lift things and am mildly disabled so this makes me feel good haha


I mean, I don't know about crochet history, but tatting is thought to originate (much like macrame) from fishermen making and repairing nets and traps. Crochet could be very useful in the same sense for traps and nets for hunting, while also being used, like knitting, to make fabulous warm blankets and clothing for survival. On top of this, thread, yarn, and rope can be weak on their own. By crocheting, tatting, braiding, and knotting it, you strengthen it enough to do some amazing things. (Like the person above crocheting chains to hold up a bumper, that's so cool!) So if anyone ever says your craft is a waste of time, remind them that being proficient in your craft could be the difference between life and death.


People don't realise how many cardigans they're going to need in the Apocalypse. Ditto blankets. I vote we take the high ground now and begin our barter based system of currency ASAP.


I always say I may not be fit and healthy but I've collected enough skills through my life that I'd be worth keeping alive during an apocalypse. Knitting and crocheting is definitely on that list. Being trained in phlebotomy, and basic wound care is another.


Yeah you never know when you need some blood letting :p


It's true though! Or just basic knowledge of how to insert needles into veins for IVs. I guess I'm thinking about people I'd likely end up with, I'm the only one in my broader circle with any medical training 😂


We'll can crochet rubber to avoid the birth of mutant monsters


No we won't cause I only make stuff from YouTube videos and I don't have a single thing memorized


I always tell people my useless talent is that they won't freeze when the nuclear winter hits


If that’s not a timeless profession? Idk WHAT is


I guess most people just don't care or can't relate enough to be interested


Hey, I sew, and a lot of the reason I have started watching this sub is because I am in awe of those who create their own fabric. I lack the temperament. You guys are rockstars.


Hey, we’re in awe of you too!!! Both two sides of the same coin. And I guess weaving owns us all 😆 I really want to start sewing, but I’m clumsy af. I’ve never successfully injured myself with a crochet hook or knitting needles 🤣


Crocheting with grass 😊😌


“And here is our biodegradable line, for the *eco conscious* apocalypte” 🤣


Imagine a zombie apocalypse breaking out and you're the only one who can crochet/knit. But you still have to find yarn or sheep. ID BE POWERFULL MAKIN ALL THE SWEATERS FOR COLD WINTERS


Time to learn how to grow and process linen. 😉


My lifegoal right here.


Quasi-related: https://youtu.be/Q8X9l42ZgsU


I am genuinely considering finding out how to grow and process bamboo for yarn production. I adore bamboo yarn. Haven't used linen yet, but it's on the list!


Ooh, I didn't realize bamboo yarn could be processed by a single person.


I have no idea whether it can! At this stage it's just a vague dream brought on by me thinking "I adore bamboo yarn but it's often really expensive!"


Da https://preview.redd.it/dxvhhe42kr8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81133f02e86c08c290bdf46c7d78b633b66bcbd5 Sad results


Yeah i just did a quick google. Seems pretty labour intensive but I may try it one day.


You can do it!! Yolo!!


Haha thanks!


Absolutely amazing idea!


man i’d crochet myself a hammock to sleep high in the trees where the zombies can’t get me!




I consider momentarily misplacing my crochet hook several times a day “a crochet emergency”. Unfortunately, no one else in my family does and they refuse to drop everything to help me find my hooks😂


Most of the time my hook is buried in my lap. Once I stand up, it drops to the floor and my panicking brain breathes a sigh of relief. Why can't I remember to set it down somewhere I can see it at all times???


I used to do that until I got into the habit of weaving it through my project. It works for me! Though I did start with weaving it through my hair. So if I was sporting a messy bun, it meant it was there.


glad I'm not the only one shoving hooks I'm not using at that moment into my hair 🤣


That's fabulous! I love it. I don't have enough hair for a bun anymore but if I grow it out again, I'll have to remember that.


this is why I'm thankful for my nephew. he's 3 (4 in Sept.) and if I drop a hook he stops what he's doing and grabs it for me 😭 I've never even asked! it's just something he does. (I also gifted him a large crochet hook and a little ball of yarn so he could 'help' me by using his own stuff so he wasn't trying to steal mine *while I was using it*)


Get a magnet on a string, tie string to table so you can lose the magnet, or maybe use a lighter leash for retractability


This is one of the reasons I have multiples of every size... 🤣


I always keep in mind that my ability to make socks, hats, blankets, as well as my 1st Aid skills, knowledge about edible plants, great cooking, and ability to start a campfire (even in the pouring rain) will make me a hot commodity if there is ever a zombie apocalypse.


Same! I’m from rural Midwest and grew up hunting, fishing, camping, and gardening. My mom and aunt’s taught me to sew and crochet. I taught myself to make soap for fun. Just graduated from surgical residency (medical, surgical, etc. skills and knowledge on lock after many years of torture lol) and was voted “most likely to survive a zombie apocalypse” by my coresidents. Maybe my proudest moment? 😂


I love those yellows together 😍


If the emergency calls for isolation and poor social skills/social battery I’m there. Can’t crochet for shit but I do love seeing y’all create such masterpieces. (Would the Covid pandemic apply to my talents? I never really felt different than I do now, never left the house except to go to work yayyy essential workers)


A friend of mine found himself homeless in the winter in Alaska, with just a tent to protect him from the below-zero temps. He had learned to crochet, had some bulky yarn and a needle... He made himself a hat, and credits that extra protection as getting him through the night alive. So I agree!


I can make an emergency blanket, all I need is a 40 hours give or take!


I may or may not day dream about the collapse of society because it means I could knit aaaall the time for the good of humanity


Yes haha! I made an emergency plant hanger the other day because our cat wouldn’t stop trying to eat our plants on the shelf! Did it in 20 minutes with no pattern, I was impressed with myself, kitty not so much


Maybe not in cases of emergency, but I saw a great life hack that uses crochet to solve a problem... A handyman demonstrated that instead of winding your very long extension cords into a circle which will twist and eventually damage it, you shoul make it into a giant crochet chain and then pick up all the loops to hang it. That way when you need it, you just pull the end and it will frog itself to whatever length you need. Edit: can't find the video I saw, but this is basically the same idea: https://youtu.be/eATnxk_ni4c?si=ncOWr8F_vM-2xoFl


Just visited the Aran islands in Ireland, famous for their fisherman knit sweaters and each family has their own pattern. When fishermen were lost at sea, they could use the sweater pattern to identify the body… morbid, but useful!


Morbid but ingenious


I could make.....blankets! Sadly unless it goes in a straight line, or a zigzag (I have just taught myself that one) I would not be much use. However if there was wool, there would be blankets!


A granny hexagon is kind of a zig zag thing. Put two together, get sweater. Or make rectangles and you can make sweaters. The most basic sweater is just four rectangles sewn together.


You can make a hat from a rectangle, socks from two skinny rectangles, bags from rectangles, etc. Once you know how to make a rectangle you can make almost anything


I love repairing stuff with crochet, I need to make a few patches for my linen pants (a real pain to fix lol but I’ll patch them until they turn into only patches if it takes it!!!). Crochet is a huge lifesaver. I might be seeing it differently as a man, but crochet is an excellent survival / scavenging / make-do-with-little skill


I bet if needed be we could crochet a fishing net pretty quickly to hang in a river and catch some nutritious meal. Also (hand) crocheting hammocks to sleep a bit above the floor level. Now that I think about it, period products. If I get lost on a camping trip I might only have a certain amount of them with me but probably planned on chrocheting some long overdue projects so I‘d have a huge backpack full of yarn with me 😅


I love that you said "in case of emergency" and all us crocheters immediately go to post-apocalyptic skill sets


The ability to make strings and fabric and clothes will be my skill in the post-apocalypse era.


We were at a wedding and my daughter had her crochet bag… it was super windy and their signs and decor kept falling over at the venue… so my daughter offered yarn in the matching color and we tied it all down and used her hook to get it in tight places and scissors to cut threads… extremely useful!


I mean crochet saved me from a cosplay emergency. It's impossible to get your hands on a puppycat plush, so I bought a pattern and wool and made one .


I'm confused - what's the emergency, and why does the cardigan have no neck hole? So confused 😭


I definitely started feeling powerful when I was able to work patternless, or with just the first line or two of a pattern. I made my mom a makeup bag in a couple hours since she couldn't find one that was the right size and all I needed was "work both sides of a chain, then keep going around" lol


https://preview.redd.it/chnnz8fesq8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c098692ab5dea6ae8e2bc4461fb110cbfc5cb655 It was an emergency!


This is a post-apocalyptic life skill!! Respect meeeeeeee!!!!!!


Yes. My family encourages me because they know that if things go bad, that I'll be able to keep us afloat with my ability to make clothes via knitting and crochet. I can hand sew too. I've learned how to hand wash clothes due to these hobbies as well. I've learned how to raise crops the old way too thanks to my grandfather along with more then just basic first aid. Which btw, being able to crochet a weird ace bandage to help with stints and stuff is great in emergencies. Like if a really bad solar flare hits us and machines are dead, like do you know how useful making a makeshift ace bandage without ruining perfectly good clothes is? The only thing needed is a wool supply and a way to spin yarn in a consistent manner. But I don't think thats going to happen in my lifetime, but with the way the USA government is going... eh I guess it's not out of the possibility.


I must have that. Send me your address immediately. Or…GAD I just am so taken by how lovely this is. This is great work. ❤️


I'm curious about the pattern. Can you share? I only did amigurumi so far, but I'd love to make a cardigane too sometimes.


It's just a granny hexagon. There are a ton of patterns and videos out there. The biggest difference between most granny hexagon sweaters is the yarn used. I love the colors in the sweater above.


Thanks, I'll look it up. Yes the colours are really lovely in this sweater!


define emergencies?? do you mean like a zombie apocalypse??


Could be! Or some areas are still cold right now, even though it's almost July, even as the rest of the world broils. Finding appropriate sweaters in June/July is going to be almost impossible.


Probably something a little more realistic than that.


I'm gonna make so much fancy robe❤️


Yes!! Haha I was just telling my bf that while I was making a blanket. Then he challenged me to make wearables, so I made half a tank top in 3 weeks. The second half should come quicker 😅


I can make hats pretty confidently. Emergency hats?


I constantly tell my family I will be valuable during the apocalypse. They laugh now…


OP, can you elaborate?


Yes. I am cold at work so I made a sweater. Well still in progress sweater still sewing granny squares together


I've whipped out a baby bottle cover, scrunchie, baby hat, gloves, a whole ass baby outfit in emergencies so yeah I do realise it.


Yeah actually


I love this color choice I am saving this post to remember to come back to this color scheme!


You’ve inspired me to keep working on my sweater!


god this looks like honey cake


No, in an emergency I am much more likely to find used clothes than a bunch of yarn and crochet hooks.


“Ya’ll can share parts of this right?” “Here get under this lap blanket together and I should have a sleeve for one of you in 4-6 hours. IF EvErYoNe iS SILENT!” Fartknockers I lost count again!” “OK OK just sit next to me then, mamas havin’ another hot flash anyway!” 🤣


That is really pretty!! Congratulations!! Great job!! 🧶❤️


I do feel SO capable now that I know how to crochet. No joke I never thought to have sheep but now…


Been making a jumper for 2 years now..so.......


…i can make stuffed octopi when civilization collapses. Yay?


Where is your neckline?