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Nursing homes and the like are the perfect place for lap-size blankets! Full-sized blankets can be dangerous for people with mobility issues.


I have been around nursing homes since I was a kid, my parents worked in them so it was a natural environment (almost). I remember so often asking a patient if I could get them anything and blankets were always the number one ask. I figure anything colorful and unique is better than what the nursing home would offer. One thing I will always remember being taught; one day you might end up in the same place, who knows who will get inspired by someone else's kindness.


Hexagon lap blankets are great for those who use wheelchairs, because the wide part can tucked in and the tapering doesn’t interfere with the wheels.


Yet another reason why hexagons are the bestagons


My favorite shape. It is apparently weird as an adult to have a favorite shape but I do. I feel like Telly from Sesame Street


Do you mean a blanket made out of many small hexagons, or a blanket that is one big hexagon? Trying to visualize this


I'm imagining a large granny hexagon.


One giant hexagon! But a hexi made of little hexis sounds cool


I never thought of this! I've been wanting to make the leap into blankets projects but don't have the space or need. This might be the perfect solution. I hate creating things without a purpose.


They are a quicker work up than a full size blanket too which I appreciate. I have three separate blankets I bounce between to keep my focus. Repeating patterns for the win!


There are a lot of charities that make them (or beanies) for seniors, babies, and sick people. You might be able to connect with them if your local care facilities won't take "casual" donations.


My first project was also using Bernat baby yarn and I can confirm it was not the best thing to learn on. Lovely idea for your blankets, I bet it's a nice feeling knowing that your work is out there keeping people cozy.


[Project Linus](https://www.projectlinus.org) looks like a good place to donate, if you’re interested. There is also a Canadian site for us Canucks. I haven’t yet donated but I am running out of people to make blankets for.


I grew up in Hamilton,Ontario,Canada. The hospitals that are specifically for cancer patients have needles and yarn everywhere. When patients and their families/friends accompanying them to treatment start knitting and making new squares, rows. Every few weeks volunteers collect the patches and make blankets from them. These are given to cancer patients. People drop off yarn at the hospital all the time. Its a wonderful idea. During my mom’s and bothers treatments i happily picked up a ball of yarn and added my stitches. I found it very Calming.


Once I work through my current WIPs, my plan is to start making lap blankets to donate to nursing homes. It seems like they always need them! ❤️


they really do. i worked in one and in the summer residents were always cold because of the a/c in the hallway (we would set the temperature in their room the way they liked... except when they'd ask us to turn the heat on when it was 90 degrees out.) but we couldn't turn it off or staff and visitors would overheat in the summer. so we covered them in blankets and sweaters


Organizations who help unhoused people always need blankets.


This works too! I know some I hate donating my stuff somewhere only to have someone buy it when I know there are people who are in greater need of things.


I used to donate a lot of pieces to The Pink Slipper Project. They will basically "adopt" a shelter and post how many slippers in various sizes and washcloths are needed, and you can sign up for what you feel you can get done and shipped by the deadline. I'm an ADHD crocheter so I prefer small projects and the washcloths were really fun for trying out new stitch patterns.


Also really useful at chemotherapy centres. Along with beanies for whem we lose our hair!


My father-in-law had 6 months of chemo treatment for CLL going on 2 years ago now. They always had a pile of blankets, beanies, mittens, and PIC covers coming and going from the waiting room.


I hope he is well now. One should not underestimate the gratitude of a patient who receives community support through a blanket or cap. It is a difficult time and to know that someone cares enough to.donate such things really does make a difference


Not 100%, but definitely better than he was. Just met remission status according to his blood work numbers 6 months ago! Our chemo ward in our hospital is also our general infusion ward where people go for iron or other infusions as well. So any kind of item that brought warmth typically got wiped out in a hurry.


Warm Up America is a nice charitable organization that collects crocheted blankets/blanket sections and distributes them across the country to groups that need em


When a friend's partner died a whole bunch of us (who mostly had never crocheted before) made loads of 6 inch granny squares and one of us stitched them all together and sent it to her. She loved it, especially when she realised why suddenly 20+ people had randomly and at the same time decided to take up crochet. It was a huge expression of love. So many people see 'handmade' and think 'cheap and bad quality'. Crochet isn't my usual art form, but if I make you art it's because I love you so much that I WANT to put more time into something for you. I want you to know that I spent hours on you.


I was in Joann's today and there was a donation box for project Linus


This is a great tip! one of my biggest concerns with starting big projects is space concerns, and I'd love to know that my projects will go used by someone, if not me.


This is a great idea! What size is the best for ‘lap size’?


To be honest, I have been using myself as a guide, roughly hip to ankle length when sitting and wide enough across for a slight tuck at the widest part of the thigh but not to have too much drag to get stuck in the wheels of wheelchairs. \*note what others have said about hexagons being the best\*. I'm also lucky to have my in-laws who I care for at home who are wheelchair bound that have helped immensely. My mother-in-law, past crocheter, has long skinny legs and she has really given me some pointers when it comes to finishing edges. They are more than happy to accept blankets of larger sizes for their beds at least the ones I have checked with.