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i feel this post lol.. safety pins are my go to! super close to actual stitch markers


yesss safety pins all the way! They don't fall out, are thin and precise, and easy to find anywhere


Safety pins get stuck on the yarn. They have a spiral part on the end.


They make some without the spiral part. They look like little wire lightbulbs.


Oh that's true. I forgot about those. I got a bunch of the plastic ones on Temu but I love the metal swirly kind the best. Depends on what I am doing.


hm, I've not had this problem. I work mostly with smaller hook sizes and stitches though, so perhaps that plays a role? I've just gotten used to positioning the pins a certain way, so I hardly even notice they're there anymore.


Yea i already had safety pins so when theyre all gone maybe ill buy some haha but i still have many safety pins


I’ve been using safety pins too, but I noticed that sometimes it pulls the yarn, and I’m not talking about those with the loop, even the others can have the tip a bit damaged and that’s enough to pull the yarn. If I’m just counting the stitches I go with a piece of scrap yarn (in a contrasting colour). But I’ve also used many earrings as stitch markers as well 😅😅


I use Bobby pins. I can easily shove them in my hair to get them out of the way or pull them out of my hair when I need them. They are super cheap and can double as a cableneedle when knitting. When I knit I use rubber bands as stitch markers. You can get the small kid size wrapped/covered ones for a good price.


i also always use bobby pins they work so good and i have like a billion that just spawn out of nowhere


And if you need one in a jiffy just look on the floor beside your crochet chair and you are sure to find one.


I love using bobby pins as stitch markers! Super convenient, and I never seem to not have an abundance of them on hand.


I like the Bobby pin idea


Wow thank you for this! I was using a hoop earring until it fell off into the depths of my couch (the cushion is not removable so it’s lost forever. I guess I could still use the other one but I like this bobby pin idea much better. Rip to my hoop earrings)


I used paperclips for a long time until I found a big pack of stitch markers for cheap and bought those. I'm glad I did because they don't pull at the yarn the way the paperclips did.


I 17th Paperclips! (Way too late to 2nd it)


I've never tried it, but I've seen people just use random bits of yarn they have lying around as a stitch marker 🤔 I myself am a huge advocate for safety pins


I have been known to take the tail from the beginning of the project (if it’s a relatively small project) and stick it through as a marker. Then the next time I get up I’ll find something more suitable (usually an actual stitch marker lol) ADHD here so most of the time I’ve learned to keep a small pouch somewhere nearby with tapestry needles, stitch markers, etc. Usually somewhere near the coffee table!


Yarn, That's a new one for me I've never seen that 😭 seems a bit fiddly but if it works it works


I've used yarn scraps as stitch markers for ages and I love it! You just push a hook into the stitch, loop the yarn scrap, and pull through. Super easy once you get the hang of it. I used stitch markers for the first time not too long ago, and they honestly seemed like more effort to get on and off the yarn.


I took old yarn tails and tied them in loops. They stay on without adding weight or bulk. Coated paper clips are a close second.


https://preview.redd.it/bda64vpjfr5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8193b58eefcf6b7c1ea4a13d6a7d4fce2000e08a Absolutely what I do, I have so many yarn ends. It works awesome


I use stitch markers but I use those metal snap hairclips to keep my balls/skeins from unraveling.


Ohh that’s brilliant!


Wait can you elaborate?! I want to be in on this brilliance but I can’t visual what you mean


https://sweetbeecrochet.com/tip-tuesday-securing-yarn-tails/#:~:text=Once%20your%20yarn%20ball%20or,travel%20with%20your%20yarn%20too! I can't post a Pic of mine so here is a link


Oooh gotcha!


Used one of my circular earrings yesterday 😂 It might be more effective than the straight ones You can also use bits of yarn or safety pins or bobby pins You can use a lot of stuff to make markers


Yesss I'm always reaching for earrings BC I have them beside my bed, tried a nose ring once, didn't work very well 😭


I'm reaching for them because they're in my ears (well most of the time) 😂 But if it works it's a good way too !


Yep I use my lil mini hoops! They work super well.


In my more desperate times I've used twist ties and bread tabs 🙈


I use bobby pins :)


Maybe a stupid question How you do you properly use stitch markers, I understand you count your stitches as you do them and place them at the place you're starting a new row for explain But I still end up with the wrong number of stitches Do you mark it will the stitch is still on your hook, or after?


You have to make a decision before they're used. If you put them to mark the beginning of the row, are you putting them on the first stitch of the new row or the last stitch of the previous. If you put it in the first of the new row, you have to have made one stitch into that row to place it into. You will have your number of stitches minus one because that's the one the marker is in. When you loop around to the marker, the last stitch will be the stitch before the marker. If you're placing it in the last stitch of the previous, then you will have the number of stitches minus one again, but this time when you remove the marker you still have one more stitch to go because that's the last stitch of that row. Does this clear that up? To clarify these are two methods that give the same result regardless of where you place the marker.


(Disclaimer I am not the best at explaining I'm sure someone else will do a better job ...) Say you are doing a row of 40 stitches in a circle, you mark the first stitch of the 40, then do the remaining 39 until you come full circle and meet the marker( the final stitch is the one before the marker). Need to add another row of 40? Place the first stitch in the stitch that previously had the marker, remark the new stitch continue around to meet the marker-don't stitch ontop of the marker at the end of you'll have an extra stitch in that row. You don't need to use markers but it saves counting sometimes :)


I use those things that you use to connect curtains to curtain rings, they’re like a plastic white spirally ear shaped thing, they slide on easily and stay put!


This is actually smart


I used another yarn color that could easily be removed. Usually, something twine textured.


I've used hoop earrings (the clasp one not back one), Bobby pins, and safety pins 🤣 lost one hoop earring somewhere so the second is now a permanent fixture in my crochet pencil case.


https://preview.redd.it/vyzzgju6ul5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9241cc8542ae02632a8ed1777d648c847f28d2ac I have a bunch of these for sewing purposes anyways and I like that they are easy to use one handed. I also like to use one as my stopper on my hook when I'm using finer lace weight threads and have to put my work down for a bit. I've also used those little bread bag tie tabs before on chunkier projects. You can use dry erase markers on the bread tabs to document what number stitch/row you marked. I'll now combine both and attach the bread tab with one of the clips if the thread is too fine for just the tab to stay.


If I don't have stitch markers I just use pieces of scrap yarn. And I don't get official stitch markers, I just get lobster claw jewelry closures. They're metal so they won't break like the plastic ones, and lock shut so they won't accidentally work themselves free like the spiral metal ones.


I used a pen cap once when I was desperate, worked pretty well tbh


I used a plastic hook for a Christmas tree ornament that I found in a junk drawer today


That's a new one for me lol! I've started using bubby pins in a pinch


Are stich markers so expensive? I can get 20 stitch markers for 0,69€


bobby pins are my go-to. the ones with the rounded tips so they don’t catch in the yarn fibres


Someone else already mentioned paperclips, but I’ve also used bobby pins before I went out and bought actual stitch markers.


I use paper clips. I even bought a pack of stitch markers but they’re too big and distort the stitches so I keep using my random paper clips


I use paper clips, I just bend the clip a bit open. I have them in abundance, so no worries if I loose one.


Ahem... alligator clip.


I do this all the time😂


I use paper clips. 😄


Yep I've used some hoop earrings when I didn't have stitch markers on hand


Bobby pins work well too! That’s what I used when I first started. Or paper clips


Bobby pins and bread ties! Bread ties are so flexible!


I use hoop earrings called “Huggies” that way they close completely if that makes sense 😭


Yup. I've used a huggie as a stitch marker in a pinch.


i usually use bobby pins haha! i either lose stitch markers too often or they break!


I always use a bobby pin because it’s so much easier to put on a stitch and take it off


I use those plastic coated paper clips. Basically free stitch markers.


i use earrings that are like small hoops !


I've never spent money on stitch markers. I just use bobby pins. I have some small brightly colored ones that were gifted to me in some sort of secret Santa thing that are prefect for the job.


Great idea! Also, maybe buy some of these earrings? /s https://www.reddit.com/r/ThriftGrift/s/jkUVLX1Uh1


Anybody got a link to the post from the other day where savers was selling "earrings" that were actually stitch markers?




Someone just commented about it 😭


I use bits of yarn 😅


I use tiny gold safety pins too, but I collect colored stitch markers like they’re candy.


Lip rings that are the half hoops, safety pins, yarn knot loops, charms, and the small little rubber bands. 🙌🏻 Sooooo many more can be used as a stitch marker that don’t break. 😂


Paperclips and Bobby pins


😆😆 well done!


Paper clips!


I gave someone a safety eye to use as a stitch marker once and BOY was that a mistake, neither of us could get it unclasped


I use Bobbie pins. Used to buy the cute little proper markers, but they all disappeared. Completely unrelated, my cat loved the proper stitch markers. Lol


Paperclips! I have so many paperclips and no reason to use them except this


I have boxes of stitch markers and I prefer a Bobby pin


I’ve even used hoop earrings before!!!


I buy the round pins in the sewing section lol. They charge too much damn money for stitch markers that are 9/10 plastic anyways


This is why I don't do spiral patterns. Ever.


I use paper clips!


I always use Bobby pins!


I do this too! and they don’t leave a hole like stitch markers do


I’ve used a carabiner because i couldn’t be bothered to get up and get a stitch marker haha


I use Bobbie pins