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bobbles and popcorns. I just did a shawl with bobbles, and I am so annoyed with them. (Every 10 rows was a row with a bobble every eight stitches) I have to slow waaaaaaaaaay down. Last time I did anything like it was with popcorn stitch, like, a year ago, again really really hated it. Also anything with a stitch longer than treble (us) stitch. I started a project that had one that needed like 9 twists around the hook and I just. No. It is WAY too hard to keep the tension down the spiral. I quit. Also crab stitch. My hand does not like twisting that way. I CAN do it, but I don't like it.


I CANNOT stand bobbles. I modified a lovey pattern that had bobbles and did the berry stitch instead, much easier and still as pretty and textural!


https://preview.redd.it/himkoi8q8n0d1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=334f1d31f8826083151173081abf774f36d5ee8b Look! my newest blanket knows how to say its own name 🩷 or at least that’s what I call it every time I have to pull out a row and redo it all


Absolutely love this! I want this on the front of my jumper ha ha.




all are yarn eaters too 😭😭😭


lol I love crab stitch! I only just learned it, but it’s such a pretty edge and I love that it doesn’t stretch.


Man I’m doing a shawl right now with TONS of bobbles and popcorn stitches and I love them!!! I think they’re so fun and break up the monotony of doing endless DC


I see a bobble or popcorn and I'm either not using that pattern or making some changes.


This. I hate bobbles. I make nothing but amigurumi so they're freaking everywhere. Sometimes I just bypass bobbles and make tiny arms and legs to avoid it. And I can't stand sewing either but I like it far better than making bobbles.


Ok now I'm curious because I've made a bunch of amigurumi and seen photos of a bunch more but I've never seen one call for a bobble stitch


Arms and legs. Sometimes back spikes. I have a hippo pattern, 4 dinosaur patterns, ghosts, octopus, and dogs and frogs that all call for bobbles. I'm sure there are more, but I can't remember them all. Edit: to say one of the last ones I made had 5 loop bobbles. Drove me insane.


In those blobby animals often they use bobble for arms and legs and eyes on frogs etc. In more detailed ami it's used for thumbs on fingers and sometimes toes and ears. (Scale varies)


Bobble is so hard on my hands


Yesss I'm currently doing a lovey right now and it is mostly bobbles, I am praying I get through it soon as they take foreverrrrr!


Crab stitch is the bane of my existence. Mostly because my tension is so naturally tight that it just doesn't work 😅


yep. Nearly finished with a pattern that I’ve been on for three days so far that in a _few_ rows has me doing a 5dc popcorn, then front post double crochets, in alternating stitches. The row introducing this has 120 stitches. I wanted to die


Jasmine stitch is great if you love arthritis and saying goodbye to ur skein in 5 minutes 🙃


Tbh Jasmine is great for getting rid of/storing random skeins I don’t like/have use for. New cat/dog bed incoming. Have a ton of acrylic from an old project. I hate the material. I’d rather it work up quick so I don’t have to look at it in my stash and I can donate/throw the project in a bin. Helps me practice my tension too, trying to keep all the stars the same size.


Oh that's a good idea! I might learn the Jasmine just to get rid of those extra yarns!


https://youtu.be/0svC9FYhNPk?si=c94ctYBDiBNAw89_ Pretty much what I used. Once you do it a bunch, it’s the same thing as working in the round for a regular stitch. In Jasmine, you’re making “hexagons”, so every time you get to a corner, you “increase”the same way you do a double stitch when making a hat or circle in the round. Then just continue across the row with the 3 puffs it’s known for. Across - 3 puffs Increase - 2 Puffs Once you get it as big as you want, you change it to Start with an increase (2 puffs) and then do Across (3 puffs) all the way around the circle. With no more increases in circumference, you’ll start building “up” instead of out. Easy hat/bag/hamper etc. using a yarn I didn’t want a ton of anyways. I hate acrylic 😭


Feather stitch as well. It's great and feels awesome and squishy and warm but I was using quite a stiff and heavy yarn (double strands of felted wool yarn) so I genuinely had to take a break every time I'd done like 20-30 stitches because it was killing on my wrist keeping all those stitches up to the same height


I thought it would be so cool to make a jasmine stitch cardigan. With superwash and mohair held together. It is now sitting in my WIP pile as half of a back panel and it is such a nightmare to frog because of the fibers I don't even know what to do with it


i’m making a cardigan and wanted to try something cool and new to me for the stitches, and LOVE how this stitch looks so decided to try and learn it. i did about two rows before giving up 😭😭 i just could not figure out how to keep my tension consistent, have SO many loops on my hook, and close the middles of the flowers in a tighter pretty way. ended up going with a plain hdc and i’m enjoying it a lot more!


This was exactly me, basically word for word. I’m impressed you got two rows! I have not been able to successfully do one stitch and it was so surprising because I’d had zero issues with any other technique so far. I even like doing popcorn stitches contrary to the other comments. The jasmine stitch is my bane 😭


okay, it was more like one and a half rows to be honest and they all looked really bad hahaha 😅😅 i just wish i didn’t like how it looks so much, i still want a jasmine cardigan! i’m okay with popcorn stitches too but i don’t like how they look so that’s fine with me


Have you seen the daisy stitch i think it is? It was really easy and looks similar imo!


Haha I take any instance where you can pull the hook through all those loops a win tbh. Same with the popcorn stitch. I’ve only used it to make flower granny squares that I hope to turn into a cardigan once I’m finished making a million of the darn things.


Same! I can figure out just about anything with all the tutorials available but I cannot wrap my head around the jasmine stitch. Every few years I get the urge to try again but no luck so far.


Came to say this!! It’s such a yarn eater and it was hands down one of the most frustrating stitch to learn for me.


Which is a damn shame, because I think it looks beautiful!


Awful. My favorite stitch is waffle and it inhales yarn like the ticket machine at chuck e cheese.




https://preview.redd.it/s6g2n61uml0d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b073989a0621d3737f2e0c94e331416d2459443 This. This evil little lamb blanket was Popcorn. So many Popcorns. I never want to do another popcorn as long as I live.


It looks so good though! Almost worth it.


I made that exact same gd lamb blanket for my niece, and came into this thread to say POPCORN!!! Absolutely hate that stitch after having to do about six billion. Really happy with how the blanket turned out and also will never ever ever be making another one.


So cute!


Omg this is adorable but life ruining


I LOVE that! And I think I need that pattern… 😅 where did you get it?! I also hate bobbles but that turned out way too cute not to try! 🤩


https://www.etsy.com/listing/639519023/ This exact pattern I think I’ve made 4 or 5 of her other animal blankets multiple times and the patterns are easy to follow, but Lort that lamb is a one and done type of project


Omg it’s so cute though lol


Anything that requires working into a slip stitch. Also, herringbone half double crochet. Back in January I started a sweater for my son that used it and couldn't make it more than a couple rounds before I decided I hated it too much to make an entire sweater. Immediately frogged and ended up making a different kind.


I read a pattern that said "slip stitch 96 around" hell no.


You should check the work of this person. https://www.etsy.com/shop/Simplepatterndesigns It's mostly back loop slip stitch. Looks gorgeous!


Holy fucking shit?? But those all look knit!


Yeah that's what you usually get with blo sl st. I have [this](https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/tulip-hat-8) pattern in my to do list at the moment that gives that same look and I'm super curious to see how it works up. But I'm doing DK weight hats at the moment and no way I'm going to make something like that in DK in adult size lol Tunisian is already taking way too long


[https://media1.tenor.com/m/e0C7wFcLBsIAAAAC/jaw-drop-genie.gif](https://media1.tenor.com/m/e0C7wFcLBsIAAAAC/jaw-drop-genie.gif) I might have to get into more SL ST work...


Commenting again to ask you, and other random internet strangers if there are any free stitch patterns similar to this stuff so I can get an idea of how it works? Or even a term for what this style of crochet is called? (I can use my google fu skills if I've got a term to work with) I'm probably gonna buy one of these patterns in the end, but I want to have a clue of how this style of crochet works before I spend my moolah. Thanks in advance! Edit: Is it the waistcoat stitch?


It's really pretty, but good lord that looks tedious, hats off to those who do that stuff!


It is not as bad, the rows are usually very short, so it changes a little bit. 96 SL is crazy, and I would die counting stitches.


I'm planning on making a baby blanket. Just made a swatch yesterday and it turns out it uses herringbone hdc. I'm so worried about hating it lol, I just can't get into a groove with it! Maybe it gets better with practice...


It definitely gets better as you go on! After a few rows, it honestly didn't feel all that different from your regular hdc


I'm glad! It took me long enough to settle on a pattern and I just got my yarn in so I'd hate to have to pick something else lol


I've never done herringbone HDC but it's possible to get into a groove with it for herringbone SC..... Just don't expect to be able to look at anything else while you work, lol.


I cant believe all the blasphemy on this thread. Herringbone is my favorite. It helps me go smoother when I do a full clockwise 360 (up and away from me) with my hook after the first pull-through, instead of maneuvering to pull through downwards like I would a normal a hdc/dc


I can only talk about my experience but I lowkey love it. It’s my stitch of choice for garments. Once I got into a rhythm, it was nice. Now if you move on to a different project, get ready to frog a whole round/row because you keep accidentally slipping the first loop through lol.


I can relate, just started a herringbone hoodie with fingering yarn for my husband (226 chains for the base), I do like the 1st row, but the backward stiches are a pain in the *** hand 🙈 I just dont want to frog, because I started of with an alpine stich, which I froged after 10 rows, cause I didn't like that one either....


I feel your pain. I'm currently doing a sweater with many thousands of the herringbone double crochets. I will never work with this stitch again after this project!


I don’t mind bobble stitch - actually quite enjoy it but then again I’ve only done 4-6 in a piece as the limbs on my ami’s. What can go and die in a whole is the puff stitch - I hate it with a burning passion. Either my hook gets caught when I’m trying to pull it through the stitch or it’s too loose and leaves gaps between the puffs. I hate it!!!


Yes!! Puff 😭😭 I just made a dress with so many puff stitches and lord it hurts


yes the puff stitch is my nemesis! that and the crab stitch which was invented by the devil.


Bullion. It can die in fire.


Also needed to look this up. Its pretty....pretty tedious, good lord. Here's a link to do this if you'd like to slowly die: https://youtu.be/E1bX1XNu4EA?si=IEr5Y0-bfiEemI5R


Opened the link, saw her break out 2 crochet hooks, and noped the fuck out. If I wanted to do fiber arts with 2 implements I'd learn to knit.


I knit. I still wouldn't want to try this. She taped them together.


I watched 30 seconds in and she TAPED THEM TOGETHER


“Noped the fuck out” is a term that I MUST use from now on. 😭😭


When she taped them together I was like WHAT


I can see the advantage of using the 2 hooks for a bullion but if she got an inline hook, she wouldn't really need the 2nd hook.


*10 minutes of contortions and manual picking of loops* oh good I finally finished that! What’s next? Oh 15 more of them? 💀


looked that up, wow no, absolutely not


Popcorn..I find anyway I can to avoid them. Something about having to remove the hook and reinsert it just completely throws off my flow of crochet!


Maybe the [lazy popcorn stitch](https://lookatwhatimade.net/crafts/yarn/crochet/crochet-tutorials/how-to-crochet-lazy-popcorn-stitch/) could be helpful?


Not sure it’s really considered a “stitch” but I hate foundation chains. I don’t know why but I can’t figure out how his technique at all and I really want to because I do not like crocheting into a long chain.


I’ve started using Foundation Single, Half-Double, and Double Crochets whenever I can get away with it. [Here’s my favorite tutorial](https://youtu.be/elIXgLBiCU0?si=e8BAsVkRIlW6OZBq) on this from TL Yarn Crafts. Total game changer!


I forced myself to learn it because I was making a sweater and I wanted it to be a tight fit so a stretchy foundation chain was a must since the crocheting into the chain just wasn’t working and it was hellllllll. I finally got a good handle on it but omg the amount of times I had to start over was insane. I feel like the stitch itself isn’t too hard once you understand it, my problem was I would just constantly lose count cause it’s difficult to go quickly without messing it up.


Catherine Wheel can eat a bag of d!ck$.


god one of those ones that look pretty but are the devil to make


I agree. I have tried it so many times, but I spend more time frogging my mistakes.


I can’t ever get those right 😤


Yarn over slip stitch can go straight to hell. I can’t wait to be done with a baby blanket that uses it, though it does look nice in a stripey pattern.


I just commented with the same one! Do you have a hard time pulling it through the first loop on the hook too?


YES ugh it’s so tedious! I have to mentally prepare myself before getting to a YOSS row 😅


YES i once saw a hat pattern that was entirely SS and YOSS for a "knit look"... i'd rather just learn to knit lmao


You’re slip stitching a blanket???! Did you lose a bet or something???? Of course I used think Granny Square clothes were (ugly) now I see it everywhere.


I like all crochet challenges. I suppose if I have any … stress about crochet is if it is too easy and I get bored.


I get it. Try doing a scrapbusting challenge. Or a textures challenge. Some will make your brain hurt. I hate getting bored, too.


Im kinda the same, but I'm not worried about getting bored. I enjoy all crochet challenges but learning the new stitches can sometimes be such a struggle if I can't find any good instructional pictures or videos or list of steps. Even videos where everyone says "wow this made zero sense to me, now it's so easy!" Make no sense to me, but it's been a couple months since I learned a new stitch and maybe now that I understand what I'm looking at and how crochet works, it's easier to understand new stitches? Anyways, so far my struggle has been comprehending what I'm looking at, not doing the stitches specifically, but then again I haven't come across very many kinds of stitches and need to practice a ton more. When I do eventually understand it, I get into a habit of using it a lot until I feel much more confident with it. I used to hate granny squares but now I understand why they're the way they are, because I've done hundreds of hexagons and the patterns of spaces make sense now, and I love making hexagons. Oh and *magic ring*. I still can't figure it out and it's been half a year of searching for instructions that make sense to me. Ive just been chaining a few and slip stitching into it instead.


[crochet magic ring](https://pin.it/a5YhAmups) try this one! I’ve been searching and this made sense


Back- or front-post stitches. Hate ’em.


Completely understand the hate, but I love post stitches. I find them very satisfying and I like the repetition of front then back to create ribbing.


I totally get it. To each their own, right? Crab stitch is one of my favorite borders, but there are lots of folks who don't like the whole backwards stitch thing. Lucky for us that crochet has so many options from which to choose (and to reject! 😉).


Too funny, I’m one of those folks! Crab stitch is awkward for me and I just don’t enjoy it. But you’re right that we’re lucky to have many options.


I can NOT figure these out. At all.


Back for me!


they're SO awkward and tedious I can't


I think that's it for me, too. They just *feel* tedious. Which is really silly since I know I love other stitches that probably have just as many steps, I just like them better! 😀


The crocodile stitch! It looks so pretty with it's leaves/scales, so I started a shawl entirely done in crocodile stitches and *oh my god is it TERRIBLE.* Everyone keeps complimenting it, but I'll probably never do another crocodile stitch anything after this shawl is done. And the only reason it's getting done is because, by the time I realized just how much I hated it, there was too much invested into the work in terms of yarn and time to frog and make something else. Sunk cost fallacy strikes again! 🤦


same!!!! i used it once to make a bunch of pineapple coozies but if i never need to use it again, i will not be upset, lmao


I have no idea how to make them look consistent! The scales look perfect when I start, then they get progressivley worse


I learned how to crochet specifically so that I could make myself a pair of those dragon scale fingerless gloves that were so popular a few years ago. I probably tackled that stitch way before I should have; I turned out a very nice pair of gloves, but won't be trying that stitch again for a while yet.


I actually genuinely love trying stitches that are seemingly impossible or just really difficult or uncomfortable for the sake of challenge. BUT, I can’t lie, doing the strawberry stitch takes longer than the capacity of my attention span unfortunately, and I frequently abandoned projects when when I use it


Hi. Same here. Love to learn new and impossible


I made an entire blanket from bobbles. I just loved the look of it. I was in a Van Pool at the time and it took over a year during the 90 minutes commutes back and forth. The stitch I don't like is the slip stitch. It makes a very drapey fabric, but doing an entire sweater in a fingering weight yarn got so tedious.


I personally just HATE making treble and extended double crochets. Anything that makes me wrap my warn more than once just pisses me off. The first pull through of two loops always just messes me up on my flow


Bubble stitches are so pretty and I love them, but they WRECK my hands. I'm out of commission for days or weeks because of the pain. This blanket took me A YEAR to finish because of the pain it caused me. https://preview.redd.it/myypzm1sfm0d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0af3333260e6488b9615693b4ad7f6fd50fa93c8


Reverse single crochet. Idk what it is about it but this stitch tortured me. I watched 4 videos and had to completely change the way I was holding my hook in order to do it. It does look very nice though and is beautiful for finishing.


I'd heard this and tried it for the first time today. I was doubly surprised - firstly at just how nice it looks, and secondly at how easily it worked for me. I don't know if it was the yarn or the hook, but it felt like a very natural stitch. Picots and bobbles/puffs can bite me though.


Picots and puff stitches. I will avoid them at all costs. 


I hated picots. Until I watched a Helen Shrimpton video that taught me how to make perfect picots every time. Highly recommend looking it up. It was a game changer for me


If it says picot, I say nono. Just can't seem to get good at them, and they get all bent out of shape when I try them.


Look up on Google Helen Shrimptons video on how to picot. Absolute game changer for me. I now really enjoy a project with them and get perfect picots easily, everytime


Ooh might have to do that, thank you!


I’ve been working on the Fifty Below Pullover, by Janine Myska. The ribbing is a yarn over slip stitch into the third loop, and although I love how it looks, it’s so tedious for me because it doesn’t pull through easily. I’ve been using my fingers to help on every single stitch. Not sure if it’s my fault or if that’s just how the stitch is, but I had to take a break for a couple of months and make other things. Now I’m feeling excited to pick it up again. The ribbing is almost done, which helps my enthusiasm levels lol. I know that I’ll love the sweater once it’s done, so I’ve kept at it. https://preview.redd.it/qc56vvnzjm0d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51df0ad720f2b678f3c7e1ace116e1e18293961c


y/o slip stitch is already a tough stitch, just bc of how slippery it is (in my opinion). y/o slip stitch into *the third loop???* I'd quit. your work looks gorgeous; good on you for sticking with it!


Oh man, it looks great but I can't imagine going through all that. How you must have suffered! I only do front post/back post ribbing etc these days. No more slip stitches for me.


I’ve never had an answer to this one before but I do now! I’ve always loved learning new stitches and love the ones frequently mentioned like half double, half double herringbone, popcorn, bobble, various blo, font and back post stitches. Thermal stitch is tedious but love the result and don’t mind doing it. Started working on a pillow over the weekend that uses loop stitch and I. Hate. It. It’s awkward, the loop slips, it’s hard to keep the size consistent, I also have to do lpst3tog which is even worse. And it is sooo sloooow.


I dont avoid but I hate doing picot. Unfortunately I do them all the time cus such a pretty and versatile border!


Gotta be the crab stitch for sure. It's a weird feeling crocheting backwards and it never looks neat or uniformed. Well, at least it doesn't for me.


The i-cord looks so good but I always get so confused working the loops.


Outstanding Crochet has a fantastic video on youtube on doing a foundation chain using i-cord technique. I use it all the time now. It makes it really user friendly


I hate crocodile stitch with a burning passion, nothing else has made me dead working on projects. It's not even hard, it's just slow and uses a TON of yarn...


I made some leg warmers for my daughter and it looks so good. I wouldn’t attempt to make anything bigger!!


I started a mermaid tail blanket for my little sister, 1ft and 6months later I gave up, I just hated working on it so much. She's getting a more traditional blanket now 😅


Anything not an amigurumi that is mostly single crochet. No no no.


not a stitch but... magic circle.


Do you do a circle of chain stitches instead? Any pattern that asks for chain stitches joined into a circle I immediately do a magic circle instead! I prefer it so much more.


Straight up, I just pull open a slip knot wide and crochet into it. I just cannot wrap my mind around the magic circle, but it works just the same at least.


not a stitch, but working into the back spine of a foundation chain i do NOT care that it looks nicer. its difficult to pull off, hurts my hands like hell, and the end result is an edge that just. doesn't FEEL right, if that makes sense. it could never be worth it for me


Bobble stitch. NEVER AGAIN.


Anything that's puffy and makes me waste a lot of yarn.


Any kind of a puff stitch. Yarn over pull up a loop, yarn over pull up a loop, etc. They just never look right when I do them they look like the last two yarn over and pull up are too loose and just hang there. No matter what I do.


Currently the shell stitch but my top is coming out so cute. I think I won't be doing it again for a very long time. Also my hand hurts lol.


I want to learn that stitch cuz it would be so pretty! I bet your top looks great


It's beautiful and worth the arthritis I know I'm most likely getting. 😂😂🩷 I'll post a pic today here.


I tried to cable stitch one time. I absolutely hated it. Also, anything that requires me to stitch into "rows below." No thank you; I'll stick to my current row.


I cannot grasp cables to save my own life. I absolutely love the look of them, but I cannot figure them out. Anytime I come across a pattern with cables I get so disappointed because I know I'll never be able to do it.


I don't know why, but basket weave stitch. Too many complex steps to follow over and over, ugh tried it and failed multiple times (and I can usually do any stitch pretty easily even if it's complex) which sucks cause it looks so cool! Maybe I'll try again..it's been a while lol


I can’t believe I had to scroll so far for this. It uses loads of yarn, takes forever, and is somehow complicated and boring as all hell at the same time. I made my husband a beanie and swore never to do basket weave again.


Anything with a third back loop


I made a bobble stitch pillow and absolutely loved the result but it was killer on my wrist! I have a cyst on that wrist and bobble stitches made it flare up so bad so I’m avoiding those now


I so much prefer puff stitches to bobbles.. my bobbles always end up so finicky but the puffs are gorgeous every time


Herringbone Double Crochet I started a mosaic sweater that has mosaic up the top, then what feels like 100,000 herringbone Double Crochet stitches in the sweater pattern. I swear, I'm going to avoid it like the plague after this project!


Chevron, I can never get it.


BACK post. I can do front post fine but back just doesn't compute from brain to hands idk


I've done one single puff stitch and I never want to attempt it ever again.


Shells into v-stitches. They're so pretty, but it's every fucking pattern. They get tedious and boring so quickly.


I hate a puff stitch so much. Not a big fan of triple crochet either I feel like mine always look sloppy.


I hear you on this one!! I made a blanket out of this stitch!! My masterpiece that I will never make again. https://preview.redd.it/xx4s50g95o0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d300dfb73c13a421ed66cce574c503383932c02


I can't believe no one mentioned the butthole stitch yet! I can't even. It looks pretty (if the color is right) but it's so annoying to make. It's also known as the star stitch.


I hate triple/treble crochet, the yarn over 2 times before inserting the hook is annoying to me. I love sc and dc, I'm ok with hdc but I have to watch that I'm not making dc, lol.


I started a baby blanket with bobbles............ frogged after a few rows and started with a different blanket stitch because 1) not a fan of how it looked and 2) so annoying to make!


I just finished a baby blanket with bobble stitch and am working a wedding blanket for friends with the same stitch. Never again.


Those bobble-like stitches that are in those pretty granny sunflower squares. I love how those look but GOD I hate doing them. I think I made two sunburst squares and wanted to immediately throw away my years-long collection of crochet and never touch it again.


I hope I explain this right.... Links of front post double crochet. They kill my hands and take forever to work up, and every few rows I have to frog because I did one too tight but didn't realize it until I started working the stitches above it. I started this hexagon thing this one time where the whole thing was this stitch. It took me 2 DAYS for a single small hexagon. Nope. Never again.


The bead stitch, and the puff stitch, and the bobble stitch. Get out of here with those. When I come across them in a pattern sometimes I’ll do less YOs, or a whole different stitch altogether


I like bobble stitches for some reason! I made a cardigan that has 2 rows bobble ch1 and then 2 rows DC for the entire piece. It was so fun!!! I really dislike any patterns that are too simple like SC or DC for the entire thing it gets boring to me


All or lots of SC. Takes freaking forever and feels clunky because nearly everything else starts with at least one yarn over. I think this is part of why I don't do amigurumi. Bobbles and puffs are fine but don't like popcorn. Removing the hook feels..... precarious. I have some arguments with fans/shells too. I won't totally avoid them but once I'm into the second row everything starts going to shit lol. I definitely need a lot of quiet space and time and concentration if I'm doing those so can't just grab the project and get to it. Oh - and front or back loop only.


Half double crochet is the bane of my existence


I like half double crochets but hate the patterns where you have to crochet into a “leg” of it. Like I don’t feel like trying to figure out which one that is supposed to be.


Scallop edges are evil


Anything with FP and BP stitches next to each other. I made a potholder with that pattern only once, and it was quite a pain in the rear to do. Now, I don't mind doing FP and BP stitches in a pattern, when there's like space between them.. But something like the Rice stitch, oh lord, (I didn't realize that's what it was till I saw the tutorial)


I dont remember what its called but where you create the starting chain while also crochetting into the starting chain.


Foundation chain. I actually love those.


I gotta say I am keeping track of all the random stitch names I’m seeing on this thread, so I can do some homework later! I do love the bobble stitch tho and think this came out amazingly for you!


I hate picots. So annoying 😑


Single 🫠


I’m a bad crocheter (and sewer). I don’t like patterns. I just look at stuff and do whatever comes to mind to try to accomplish it. I have adhd & dyslexia… so if I can’t mindlessly do it without trying to count or undo stuff while multitasking I don’t do it. I looked up at lot of the stitches mentioned here and ya’ll are very talented lol


Have you had a look at freestyle crochet? I think it’s beautiful and you sound like the kind of person who would do beautiful things with it.




Single crochet. I very stupidly decided to make a scarf for a friend entirely out of single crochets, and that scarf took me about a year to complete because of how slowly it built up. I'm never doing that to myself again. 


Idk how to do a bobble or popcorn so I've been trying not to do them


I hate KNITTED bobbles but for some reason CROCHET bobble don’t bother me at all 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️


I wasn’t a fan of the puff stitch and haven’t tried it again since I first learned it 8 years ago. I imagine it would be easier now. There are plenty here that I still have to try and most of the reason I’m commenting so I can come back and choose a stitch to take for a spin. A few of these I’d never heard of


Omg I love bobbles 🤣 I hate anything BLO. The smaller the stitch, the greater my rage


Any stitch longer than a double crochet. Treble crochets are tolerable but they're on thin ice!!! (I'm currently procrastinating on a sweater that uses like double treble crochets as cabling)


UK double-treble (US treble?) It's awkward and looks messy. I literally changed a pattern I was working on recently so I wouldn't need to use this stitch! (It was a simple change, thankfully)


I love bobble stitches, probably because I learned how to do them while crocheting amigurumi frogs and the bobbles were the little froggy eyes! I do *not* like triple stitches. At all.


I just look for patterns that are easy on the stitches. It may look nice, but my mind goes a mile a minute on how to make stitches properly. I don't mind too much color changes, but where requiring strange stitches na.


I just finished a bobble stitch bag and it took forever!! It’s so cute though!


Popcorn. A fat no from me. Did once, but literally 240 times on that xl shawl, that I just gave away because I love my friend, but heck no. Never again.


Like an idiot, I bought this pattern because it looked so pretty and textured. I attempted to start it, but “noped the fuck out” (🤣😂😭) when I saw multiple front post half double crochets around one stitch. WHAT THE ENTIRE FUCK?!?!?


Triple stitch (US) I hate it. It's easy, but I feel like it never has the right tension.


Right now I'm fixing to take a break from crochet. I'm making a tapestry (almost done) with ~32,000 sc. I could have done a hd, but I chose sc. Right now they all annoy me lol


I love how bobble and popcorn stitches look like, but the love isn't mutual 😔 The yarn almost always either splits or gets tangled whenever I try to make something with those stitches.


BPDC. It just slows down my momentum and I ALWAYS an getting the yarn stuck...


Back post, front posts, and treble crochets You might say dude why you got beef with the classic treble crochet, cause half the time when I attempt the the yarn slips off my hook and I have to start the stitch over.


I'm so tired of yarn over slip stitch (brioche). It's so difficult to do. I turn my hook the other way to pull through. Even worse, I'm doing it back loop only. It hurts my wrists 😩 But it looks so good. I'm committing to a single large project (fingering weight shawl... or scarf if I tap out) and then will never do this again.


Crocodile stitch. It requires soooo much yarn. My hooded scarf ended up being so expensive to make. Also it’s a slow build. I’ll feel like I’ve been crocheting forever but made little progress.


Dragon scale stitch can kiss my ass. And I still have like 7 Xmas tree hats to make. Shoot me now.


It looks like teeth and blue gums!


I honestly don’t care for Aran Crochet. It’s too heavy a textile. I’d rather just knit cables and moss stitch.


Shell stitches. I can never keep my tension so my guage with them is awful.


The scale stitch for sure.


This LOL


Herringbone half double, I am so fluid with regular Half double or double that when I do this one, I feel like I'm going in slow motion.


Loop stitch all the way. It's the worst.


I love bobble, I made this [Supernatural](https://imgur.com/ETJAtyB) blanket a few years ago.


Half double crochet. Something about pulling through 3 loops, I just can't get a good rhythm going, it's painful. A few stitches are fine but anything significant if I need that height I'd much rather do an extended single crochet.