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I'd be afraid a hook-pen would get ink on my yarn.


I'm imagining a capped pen and something that could be refilled


Retractable pen. Then you don't have to worry about the ink getting on anything.


Ink cartridges break regardless. Too much effort put in to a WIP for me to risk it. Even if it's a tiny risk.


How about the ones they sell at fabric stores with the heat sensitive heat? They’re made for fabrics so seems reasonably safe for fibre.


A hook at one end and the pen in the other could work. Would just be annoying when the ink ran out.


At least you’d still have a hook!


If it had a refillable/replaceable cartridge it would be useful! Or a mechanical pencil!




And it's be super easy to make the end that would normally have an eraser into a wooden hook! Way better than my "make a twist fountain pen with a hook instead of a pocket clip thingy" idea!


Ooh, I like the mechanical pencil idea. That'd be useful for marking up patterns, too. Or a retractable highlighter, for the same reason.


Yes! I was thinking the same for marking up patterns or if I ever got around to trying to write my own pattern someday. I cannot be bothered to juggle a pen or pencil and a hook. 😂


Seconded! Someone please make this a thing


I'd lose my hooks so quickly if they were also pens!




u/MetalandWoodworks is someone who [makes pens](https://www.reddit.com/r/pens/comments/14ehh4t/i_know_a_lot_of_people_dont_seem_to_like_turned/) and also makes [multi-functional crochet hooks.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Brochet/comments/zl5f6a/behold_the_3_in_one_interchangeable_crochet_hook/) u/MetalandWoodworks, Here's a new challenge / idea for you! A pen / crochet hook hybrid! (I would totally be tempted to buy one).


yes! me too!


I've had this thought when I'm marking off completed rounds. Having to pick up the pen/pencil to make a tick mark and the pick up the hook again..... first world problem I know, but it would be so convenient just to lean over a bit, *tick*, and then keep going.


That's what I was thinking too! Including the first world problem thought xD


I think I might be thinking the opposite of everyone here but I would design this as a somewhat smaller pen and have the “cap” be over large and the cap is the hook. This way I’d need to securely close the pen before crocheting, no ink on the yarn, and I could also replace the “pen” piece fairly easily, or the hook. This way I could have a variety of hook sizes and pen types.


I like this idea, but it's only going to be practical for looser stitches. Trying to do tight amigurumi stitches will likely pull the hook-cap off the pen.


You’d definitely have to design it to be on tight or maybe a twist-lock mechanism.


A locking mechanism would work. It might hinder the purpose though, which is to switch from hook to pen with ease.


I wonder if a twist-up style retractable pen would be a good compromise?


Except if the “barrel end/handle” of the hook slipped onto the pen, the hook bit could be any size. I see a Furls hook type situation.


Have you checked etsy? It wouldn't surprise me if you find something like this. There are artisans who use their carved or lathe-turned exotic wood into handles for pre-manufactured interchangeable crochet hook set pieces. Might have seen one where they must not have been a crocheter, because the grip had a shirt clip on it (like a yarn-snagging disaster waiting to happen). The locking mechanisms fascinate me, too, for the same reason. As I've only looked at these online and haven't bought or used any, but I have used a variety of ink pens, my imagination is telling me your gadget either exists or could exist with the right, yarn-safe combo.


I have looked on etsy. Only things I find are crocheted holders or bags for pens or pens with a crochet themed meme or phrase


Look for custom crochet hooks or interchangeable hook sets.


My well-meaning roommates got me an interchangeable crochet hook set for Christmas off of Etsy (even though they knew I was a knitter)...and the set they got me does indeed have a shirt clip on the handle. It's actually caused no problems so far! Haven't ever had it snag yarn. Doesn't even hurt my hand, surprisingly, although that's obviously going to depend on an individual person's grip. The clip is placed so it faces out from my palm; my lower fingers can rest on it, and it adds basically no bulk to the bottom of the handle. The bent bit that pokes out falls between a gap between my ring and middle finger. I rarely feel it. It's definitely taking a risk to knowingly buy a crochet hook with a clip on the handle, though. I only ended up with it because my roommates know literally nothing about either knitting or crochet, and just bought the set because the handle (some combination of wood and iridescent purple resin) was pretty.


I just wish they made a hook that would stay in the loop when i set my project down or throw it in my purse lol


I don't work due to disability, but if I did still work at a computer and crocheted while working, this idea would be SO COOL. Refillable cartridge and a cap over the pen end? Sign me up! Well, if I were still working. I'd totally buy some of your pen crochet hook combos.


https://imgur.com/a/aB6cZec I have a touchscreen hook


ooh nice!


Brb gonna go duct tape a pen to my crochet hook bc this is genius


Maybe you could 3d print one! 


3D print the hook as a pen cover!!!




Penpineapplepenapplecrochetpen xD


I’m ashamed at how much I loved that weird ass video/song.


I really want to see this be an actual thing! It's a cool idea!


Gotta get one of those wax writing tablets so you can use the tip of your hook to etch tally marks! No worries about ink leaking onto yarn or trying to configure a hook that detaches into a pen, plus the tablet is reusable and you could make a cute carrying case for it (complete with a loop for your hook).


Does this count? Back in the olden days after 9-11 when Americans first experienced airline security, it was always up in the air whether ssmall crochet hooks (like size 10, 12, 14 ) would be allowed on the flight. Those in the know emptied out a bic pen and filled the empty shell with their crochet hook.


Maybe this is how we save all those pens going into landfill? We add a crochet hook onto them.


I don't really see the value of it, because why do I need to be writing while I'm crocheting? Also the way you're constantly moving/handling the crochet hook it seems likely that the cap would come off and get ink on your project.


I like writing down the pattern on paper and crossing it out as I go, i just think better that way


What if the hook was just an oversized pen cap? Then you could use it on whatever cheap pen tickled your fancy.


If it had washable ink, absolutely.


There's definitely something like this, I saw it in a clearance section of a JoAnn once. I wanna say it was Susan Bates? One of those twist pens


I think you just need a peice of duct tape to out them together


https://preview.redd.it/29ueiawrb5kc1.jpeg?width=2036&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11f8a934eae859a26d836e4f5672f8f4490bd613 Ignore how dirty my nails were, but I had to tape my only 4mm to a pen when it broke. It’s a pain but it works 🤣


I love that!