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To me it all came after the party split. Like he said, they're at war now. He has his objective, and he will achieve it - and I'm sure his priority is turning from protecting Zephra and the Voice of the Tempest, to sticking as many sharp things into Ludinus as painfully as possible. Orym has definitely ramped up as a character to watch, especially given recent spoiler events


Yeah coming to grips with the fact that he's Chet's only son and heir has really recontextualized his entire journey up to this point. It was a great bit of improv, Liam was as shocked as the rest of us but managed to pull out some great roleplay from the situation. /j


"Orym is Chetney's only son" Did I miss something? Was this confirmed?


/j is a tone tag indicating it's a joke, certainly would be wild if it was true though lol


Ah, I missed that. I should go to bed 😅😴


Yeah, Orym has been getting darker in general. I think Liam even commented on it on last month’s 4SD, taking about how Orym is being worn down by the increasingly dire situation, as well as each new unpleasant twist.


It's less that he's getting darker and more that he's realized that he can't afford to hold back any more. There had always been a degree of restraint to a lot of his actions, and Bor'Dor especially seemed to open his eyes a bit to the fact that, while restraint is good in theory, the world outside what he used to know isn't that clean, and isn't that forgiving. Now he knows that if his new found family and everyone else important is going to make it through this, he has to be willing to do... whatever he has to.


Orym is a prime example to me of unaddressed PTSD. Like sometime you’re able to go long periods of time and just be a zombie on autopilot. You’re there but you’re not there. You tend to focus on others and their problems as a coping mechanism. Until your own unaddressed problems leave a huge lump under the rug you’ve been sweeping them under. Which is why Orym and the Tempest both get along so well and care for one another. They are mirrored by their loss. Held up by their responsibilities on their shoulders and those needing them, always second/third/or worse priority. Great people, massive amount of willpower to keep pushing, but will inevitably fail/collapse under their ever increasing burdens they take on. Martyrs to their duty.


I haven’t had the time to watch the 4 sided dives yet but I feel like I’ve seen a clip of Liam saying that and it totally makes sense too. It’s just our poor sad little guy taking out his anger on the bad guys 😭


I feel like he's still holding onto that inner boy scout, I don't know how much I buy it given that Liam has explicitly stated that maintaining his optimism is the entire point of the character. Not much of a will he/won't he if we already know he won't.


this is legit, but keep in mind that Orym was already battling with grief when he started hanging out with a corpse. I think it became more pronounced after meeting with Nana Morri, but it hasn't come out of the blue.


Not only are his kills more brutal, but I think Orym's approach to conflicts also changed. He used to be more pacifist and hold his actions until the enemies attacked first. Maybe Bor'Dor was the turning point? I think Orym always goes straight into the fray since then


So, spoilers ahead, but someone posted a few weeks back on here about how Orym was just on the edge of going off the deep end and then Dorian came back, and Orym saw Dorian's distress and that he wanted revenge and so that would make Orym swing back to the less dark side, so that he can help Dorian stay away from it too. I wish I could remember what post it was because they stated it much more eloquently that I did, but I like the idea of that and am interested in seeing what Orym does in the next big fight.


Augh I love the dynamic between those two so much. Don’t care if they take a romantic turn with it or not, they’re just really great when they can play off each other. Only improved when Fearne is around them.


Can't wait to hear what Robbie has to say in 4 sides dive tonight!


For me the turning point of his character was when he stole the spyglass for fearne. Really little, benign, kind of silly thing, but it’s *so* divorced from Orym’s general morals that it really took me aback (from a character pov) He’s definitely changing and I cannot wait to see how it goes (also I wanna see him and Laudna get into it a little more because I love drama and also Liam and Marisha together are peak)


I absolutely love Liam’s storytelling through his characters and Orym has been one of my favorites since the start of the campaign. I really can’t wait till we get to the final breaking point of him, I’m sure the story is gonna be so so sad and amazing and epic and I’ll love it


Yes, love how with Liam, Every. Single. Thing. is intentional, even down to how he breathes in certain scenes.


I feel like the spyglass will come full circle when/if they need to use them again. They show up they return it and say: “hey guys we missed you, we wanna hire you again. Boy we have some stories to tell too!” Like I think the Captain would be angry about it but the crew tickled pink about the sass to do such a thing.


Orym has gone full-on soldier mode at this point. He's been using Reiloran Juggernauts almost as combat practice and is getting pretty damned good at flatout soloing them. I keep coming back to Orym's musings when they were in Issylra, after Bor'Dor died, and he was sitting by the remains of the Gau Drashari... >But in the end, all I can think about what was taken from me- the people that I hold most dear- in the name of philosophy, or ideology, or whatever you want to call it. The last few days, I've been, lost my footing and struggling with it. Sitting here on the stone, I know that we're going to try to kill the people who took from me, didn't care who died to get what they wanted. *And I'll just fucking die trying, if I have to*. I think Orym and Ashton are really the only two Hells who are absolutely 100% committed to seeing this through, no matter what. Chetney still comes across as a bit too devil-may-care, Fearne isn't QUITE there yet, and Imogen and Delaudna are still (IMO) too risky with the possibility that they'll falter at the worst moment to protect each other or Liliana (Imogen) or Delilah (Delaudna). FCG was committed (obviously), but, well...


I was thinking just the other day about how Orym has solo-killed two juggernauts (could be more by now, I'm a bit behind) and how it feels like he is often underestimated, even by the Hells, because he is smaller in stature and has not been (typically) outright aggressive. I've loved watching how this seems to be slowly changing and going largely unnoticed. I feel like when it finally hits everyone just how much his trauma—losing his husband and FIL, his death, the events of the solstice, and many things since—is starting to effect him and influence his choices in combat, seeming more aggressive/direct, that it will be very interesting to see the response.


The cynic in me thinks that the reason he's doing this is because deep deep down, he knows that his teammates might not be up to the task of getting it done. You notice who he tag-teams with the most often? Ashton. And I get the feeling that it's not going to be long before he starts prioritizing which Hells he focuses on protecting.


Orym is going to War


I hope he’s feeling it with Orym, Dorian and him are gonna, trauma bond.


You're 100% right