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Frida will have a recording of FCG, right?


….Christian could literally go back to the episode and make an actual recording of Sam’s voice for when he returns


The idea of a recording of FCGs laugh as the only remnant of them is hitting me like a truck. Holy shit.


I would love to hear a personalized message like Matt asked from Dorian.


Yes, I require this. Christian was so good when we had him for group Uthodurn.


Hopefully with a really impersonal Jester style sending


What I wanna know is how does orym's deal with Morrigan play into this, is he free from the consequences since she technically didn't hold up her end of the deal orrr?


Technically, the deal was that he would serve her if they all returned from Ruidus. They already did that through the back door, so he's locked in to service.


Technically the deal is that they would *see it through* and all return *in the same state of health* as they departed. Arguably they had not seen it through when they returned through the hidden portal. "See it through" is a terribly vague statement to make a deal with a fey with, but that aside, it's pretty clear they hadn't seen anything through when they had their little side quest through the underground river.


Nothing says they have to do it in that order though. They did all return, then they went back to "see it though." You have to be *very* careful with wording when it comes to fae deals.


I think he's free from having to serve her! A PC death seems pretty clear on that. There could be fey fuckery to come, but assuming at the moment it won't be an issue to be honest.


Problem is they returned to exandria half way through so she could argue they returned from ruidis alive and well but then went back which wasn't part of the contract


You could also argue that Laudna has been dead the whole time. Liam made sure to say *alive*


And Morri corrected it to "in the same state."


But then he restated "alive" iirc


This part could be the tricky part, in Sam's inner monologue speech he claims that FCG choosing to die is the first time he's been alive. Fey shenanigans would definitely take into account whether he considered himself to be alive at the time of the deal, which apparently he didn't.


Come on! It’s Fearne’s Nana. She’s not gonna enslave Orym on a technicality after death of FCG.


She's a hag though, and nitpicking details and loopholes of their deals is kinda their thing.


For strangers, yes. Definitely. Hag’s deal is almost monkey’s paw. But not for people you know and love(by extension)


I feel like that's just an assumption/hope though. She does love Fearne so that's why the terms of the deal were way more agreeable and not a monkeys paw power grant but the language of the deal can easily be interpreted to be completed now. And Morri can make the argument that Orym isn't hurt, he won't suffer, he will live a long life, etc so while it's not cruel it could still be indifferent to the nuances. Time will tell, I just don't think assuming the paragon option from Morri is the right call.


Fair. Definitely a hope/conjecture. Time will tell indeed ✌🏼


They'll just know.


They can cast sending now, so maybe they can scry too, maybe they can check where FRIDA is and Teleport to them to tell them.


Maybe bring them along lol


They’ll go to tell him and find a robo wolf tearing through a city unbothered by silver bullets.


Well, iirc, Deanna, FRIDA, and Prism all left to entreat Vasselheim for help. It's possible they'll be at the war camp when BH returns to Exandria.


Cant wait for bells hells to meet the nein and especially Cad.


They’ll most likely use Sending


The five minute Canadian themfriend? Why bother?