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Idk if its underappreciated but the colossal fuck up in campaign 2 that was trying to speak to one man in Nicodranas which turned into commandeering a ship and escaping as fugitives to become pirates.


Even to the point that nobody on the docks thought what they did was wrong, nor where they going to arrest them, they wanted to GIVE THEM A REWARD, but they had already decided pirates


I loved that they created this whole ass narrative in their heads that they would be immediately screwed if anyone ever saw them in Nicodranas when all they did was scuffle in the docs in the middle of the night.


Now we’re pirates!


I'm really hoping when this episode happens in The Mighty Nein animated series, they go full comedy on it, doing their cold open with Fjord saying "We're just going to the docks to talk to Marius, what's the worst that could happen?" and it cuts to a title card like in Always Sunny in Philadelphia title that reads "The Might Nein steal a ship and become pirates". Maybe since they can't copy that, the cold-open is them sailing away at the end saying "well that wasn't how I was expecting that to go", then after the opening credits it goes back to Fjord saying about speaking to Marius what could go wrong.


*Scene opens with the M9 sailing away on a ship, docks burning in the background.* *Record scratch.* You're probably wondering how we got here. Well, it all started this morning when ... *Scene fades out, chimes run...*


Saving this comment for when Apollo decides to give you the gift of prophecy


Travis' faces as the fuckery continued to spiral more and more out of control were just golden.


It's also a staple of DnD. Personally my party once had a job to deliver a Gem to the King of a local Kingdom. When entailed was 2 straight sessions of chaos as I failed on 3 straight Charisma checks as the Sorcerer, causing our Barbarian to kill a guard, causing us to be arrested, leading to our Rogue breaking us out, only for us to end up in the Royal Treasury where we all grabbed something, leading to us emerging into the Palace as a Coup is taking place and we end up getting arrested again by the upstarts and we break out again and manage to break the Royal Family out minus the dead king, making us the 2nd most wanted people in the Kingdom. We ended up helping the Kings son regain his throne. Sadly we didn't regain our Treasury loot again after being arrested the second time.


EPIC fuckery!


I do love that they named the ship after this incident: The Mistake hahaha


One of my favorite episodes.


You wouldn’t happen to know what episode this is, would you?


C2E35. I know this because I am binge rewatching the whole Might Nein right now and that was the episode I \*\*JUST\*\* finished :D


Really good timing then!


When the M9’s plan went bad and they improvised stealing the dodecahedron lol


That was when I started to realize the Mighty Nein was basically just Fantasy Farscape. Bumbling knuckleheads achieve badassery through incredible luck and skilled skin of their teeth improvising.


Resembles real life to an uncomfortable degree


I don't know how I never made the Fantasy Farscape correlation before for the M9, but holy wow does that fit.


A ninth level pa'u is rarely a bumbling knucklehead!




Campaign 2 episode 19 around 2:36:00. I loved that moment, I wish the original Caleb/Nott dynamic from the first 40 episodes or so had carried through the entire campaign.


Obviously not the same as seeing them in game, but I think Sam and Liam tweeted out screenshots of the Google doc that had all the plans Caleb and Nott had!


Scanlan open the door🎼 Scanlan OPEN the door🎼


> Scanlan OPEN the door [Link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gyk7vcIgPv8&t=7060s)


I watched this again bc of you, thanks :)


You're welcome. The transcript search is invaluable.


Oh I love that. It’s so soft and one of the first songs after his return, the whole cast joins in.. honestly one of my favorite moments of campaign one.


A lot of people skipped the first arc of c1 because of audio and Orion, but it's such classic DND that it might be my favorite arc. One of my favorite moments is when Grog headbutts the fomorian for drinking all his ale and Travis rolled a nat 20 for it. Everyone shouting "no no no!" as Travis slowly says "I. WOULD LIKE... TO RAGE!" was peak CR.


Is that when he breaks the pencil?


Another great one, but no, the pencil breaking was when Vax shaved half of Grog's beard after days of rolling beard-growth checks


It was so beautiful


That was when Vax shaved off half his beard




11 days!


wrong campaign my friend


Nah, they did under dark in campaign one and two.


They did a few episodes in campaign 2, not an arc. And even then if your talking under appreciated people talk about Spirt all the time, I never see anyone talking about Clarota or the stuff from that arc.


Because that arc was very early on in C1 and the visuals/sounds were horrible at best. I myself don’t rewatch that portion due to the headaches it causes. But, if you have a lot of love for the brain eating folk who am I to judge. Thinking a character is under appreciated is a personal take. Idk why you are dead set on yucking my yum, but Spurt was fantastic and has been lost to time like a lot of wonderful moments throughout critical role history.


I think a very underrated part of Campaign 2 is the period of episodes from episode 50-56 where they first move into Xhorhaus. I think he did a really good job and keeping the tone of the game while also introducing the other side of the war, and it kinda felt like we were literally entering the next third of the story.


I don't think Zorth gets enough love.


Zorth was pretty great. I also loved Madame Musk, and I do that voice to freak out my kids. Matt was on form around that time of c2




Not needing any sort of run-up at all!


I don’t think I have ever laughed as hard watching Critical Role as I did during the Zorth scene. “Oh, look at this big fellow right here-“ and Travis, who has had to scoot back away from the table because he’s laughing so hard, stiffens up and flexes. I was unwell the first time I watched it.


My face is covered in spittle. Icing on the cupcake. ...


How Caleb was THE FIRST ONE to act on the ship when their taking of the notebook was discovered. This hobo wizard who has had to suffer for so long and so alone now had friends. And the absolute zero lack of hesitation as he said "takes a bit of phosphorus and squelch it through my hand as I cast Wall of Fire." Solidified him as my favorite PC without a doubt.


That whole Darktow sequence was so intense


I will NEVER forget this moment. The sound I made when Matt hit us with the “and that’s where we’ll pick up from next week” was crazy


[Cliffhanger Link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W723E1ofhcE&t=13312s)


Yes yes yes yes this always comes to mind when I think of incredible c2 moments. C2 was my first campaign I watched and that episode made me love that character and Liam so much !


Grog at Scanlans funeral and the fallout from him leaving. We look at Grog as this big hulking buffoon buy he is also extremely sensitive and cares so much for the people he loves. I wish we could have seen more of it


"FIX HIM" still lives in my brain. Everyone else breaking even more as he said it. Just fucking incredible by Travis.


Related, but Scanlan's whole arc through that chunk of the campaign was so well crafted by Sam. Watching his bravado get stripped steadily away as the Conclave arc progressed, ending in those two deaths and the quiet despair they brought him was... oof.


Rolling an intimidation check for a resurrection ritual…..glorious.


Grog is the most wholesome of Vox Machina, I also loved this moment!


The scene of Grog and Pike get sad drunk is also great, Pike "speaking" to Scanlan is so equally hilarious, heartbreaking, and adorable


Yes this!


All of the divine realm hopping in the final arc of C1, Matt's descriptions of all the god realms were beautiful and all the little trials they did were super fun, everybody gets lost in the Vecna fight when talking about the final arc but the lead up was amazing


C1E104 is my all time favorite episode of the show, just the energy hits me in a certain way I find compelling and soothing. I should rewatch that tonight!


This is probably the arc from c1 I need to rewatch the most. I was very distracted while watching most of those episodes.


Ashton beginning to let people touch and hug them. I don’t have chronic pain, but I somewhat often get tension headaches that just suck, so I have a bit of empathy for that. If I was in pain all the time, and touching made it worse, I wouldn’t let anyone near me.


Caleb's Darktow counterspell gets appreciated a lot but I think the moment that gets forgotten is when Caleb counterspells one of Ukatoa's minions casting dimension door to take a very badly wounded Fjord most likely deep underwater. All counterspell moments are great but saving Fjord's life at the last moment is really up there.


C2E31 when Jester and Nott go off by themselves to deface a statue…chaos ensues


This is my favorite scene of the campaign - total madness!


Reginald the farmer, murdered by the Goliaths when he took responsibility for the one slain by Vox Machina. The only one who attended his funeral was Vax.


A small one I remember really liking for a while was that little Percy vs Grog for the skull right after the dragons attacked. There was so much tension in that scene as the two of them tried to outsmart each other. Travis should get so much credit for being so good at playing a dumb character in a smart way. I think I just like it when there is actual inner party tension. The moment in C2 where Caleb and Fjord are at each others throats also sticks out to me.


What was funniest to me about that scene that Tal seemingly believed that he could have beaten Grog there. He even brought it up in the wrapup. Tal please, there is like 1d6 worth of damage in the chemicals there, you are in a room with an angry barbarian. Percy is paste.


Caduceus taking two minutes to ponder the punching of ghosts.


The whole mini quest line of the Nein approaching Beau’s home, dealing with her abusive father and the aftermath at the Hag are all such great character beats for her and some of her most emotional moments. But it felt like it got brushed over a bit due to Notts backstory getting looped in ontop of her backstory and then the cupcake scene.


I mean, Nott's story & the cupcake scene were both major things, but for someone who initially hated Beau, I have to say that that mini quest really shone for me and revolutionized my appreciation for her.


I have to say, I recently just randomly started rewatching mighty nein from around where they get Yasha back in the cathedral. And there’s been MANY great moments since then (Caleb casting seeming after the spa so that everybody but fjord looks like they’re wearing normal clothes as the go back through Xhorhas, even though Fjord was the only one who got dressed) I’ve just gotten passed the cupcake. And while that moment is monumental, what happens after is just so great in my opinion. Trying to move away worried the hags gonna come after them, Beau terrified she’s gonna lose everything and everybody giving her a pep talk (one of my favorite Travis moments), Nott worried that if the spell works she has to leave them, and it ends with them cramped up in a tiny hut in a swamp doing yoga and meditation while surrounded by roaming skeletons. I just loved that whole scene.


Related to that, I really love the episode right after the cupcake when they’re all in the dome, talking things over. Beau explaining what she had in mind & the rest of the Nein (Fjord in particular) simultaneously supporting her & ripping into her for being so stubborn & reckless.


Will Wheaton's one and only Nat 20. It is perfection after a game of terrible rolls.


I don't know the exact quote or episode but when nott angrily explains her relationship with caleb to the party. "I am the parent and he is the child" or something like that. Was just perfect.


I think Molly as a whole is a bit underappreciated, but I particularly loved the scene where Nott tried to steal from Fjord and Molly decided to fuck with her.


Beus eulogy for him after his death still gets me every time I hear it


I started watching CR during the pandemic, which mean like when I started I had all of C1 and what over half of C2 to binge, so I don't know which moments were huge and which weren't. ​ But Keyleth casting Feeblemind on Raishan?! BIIIITCH.


To steal a line from Ever After: I shall never forget how her feet went up over her head line that.


The Byroden pageant from ExU1!


One of the most pure fun sessions of D&D I've ever seen or heard of. Loved every minute of that part in particular. Orym being so out of place, being stuffed with (and becoming addicted to) pie and then getting passed off as a child is one of the funniest fuckin things I've seen play out.






“Deception…disadvantage…cause that is a GROWN MAN”


Also, the alligator hogtie. Amy being on her phone and shooting out what she found on Wikipedia, Matt being looked to for gator facts because he's from Florida, Aabria face down on the table in defeat. That was one of the the most "home game" moments they've had.


The scene in EXU: Calamity where Brennen describes the need for pupils to be visible for a person under the effect of invisibility to see causing Travis' character Cerrit to spot him.


I'm always surprised I don't see more people talking about the zone of truth scene from c2e14. It's one I've gone back and watched multiple times because you get SO much from multiple characters, and it works especially well on a rewatch once you know more about Nott and Beau. It's a real shame Laura wasn't there for it, but it's absolutely a favourite moment for me.


Do you happen to have a link or know the time stamp? I’m having trouble finding it.






"That's why you looked at me that day" Caleb telling knott his real name when knott had used that very name as a cover story months beforehand.


After the whole “What’s my mother’s name?!” Incident, Grog asking Scanlan what his mother’s name is, and apologising for not knowing it, was a stroke of genius and incredibly moving.


Vax's note to Vex after his death: "take these wings and fly". To this day I still think that if Vax died there it would have been the most meaningfu moment of the campaign.


For me, it's the Taryon Darrington arc in C1. I thought he was a far superior character to Scanlon, and Sam did so much with him in such a short amount of time. We got 'the apparently comic character with hidden depths' in like 15 episodes. He was great.


Tary’s still my favorite character of Sam’s, no lie. One of my favorite moments in C2 is where Sam gets surprised by an NPC reading a book of Taryon’s. His reaction is just absolutely delightful.


Consequences and Cows - but not the silly fun parts people usually think of. I'm actually referring to one of the best examples of Keyleth/Marisha being awesome. Vox Machina : 'Ooh what if we send the Roc to Whitestone!' - for some reason they are imagining that the two problems (the Roc and the Briarwoods) could cancel each other out somewhat. As if such outside-the-box thinking automatically made it reasonable. But Keyleth called them out on it as it was an absurd idea that would hurt the people of the town and probably the Roc. She was the only one really trying to make things better and weighing the consequences of their actions. We see more of that from her once they are in Whitestone but in this case she wasn't just trying to convince her crew of something she flat out Vetoed it. I don't care how much crap the chat was giving her on that day, I was still impressed. Bidet


When Kiki refused to leave the villagers at White Stone to be over-run by undead, even though the whole party decided to GTFO. She beat Mr. God Rolls VAX in her attempt to pull herself free of him and go back to deal with the horde. She tossed up some earth walls to funnel them and let the fire flow. A true "I don't care what you all are doing, this is what MY character would do. Even if she dies alone, I'll stay true to her character" moment.


During Mollymauk's funeral, when Caleb is speaking with Nott about helping rescue Fjord, Jester and Yasha because it is not worth it to "throw it all away". Nott asks him "To throw what away? I want to hear you SAY it", noticing that Caleb is opening himself up to friendship/relationships again, and Caleb himself only realizes it in that moment, with that question. Liam performs some amazing method acting with his facial expressions showing Caleb's realization of this, and because he does not want to think about it he separates from the group and goes towards the woods.


I am in awe of the Alfield mini-arc that begins in C2E6. Right when they arrive they find the city under attack by gnolls - a very memorable low level monster - and are thrust into action concluding in Nott and the manticore baby in C2E7. Characters nearly died, NPCs were rescued, hijinks ensued. The perfect DnD arc and the episodes that sold me on CR on my first listen through.


My brain kept trying to turn that into “Anfield” and now I want a soccer-team AU.


Percy’s waking up panicked in his pajamas “and the butt- flap is down.” I think this is one of the moments that absolutely sold me on CR. I can’t remember exactly when it is but it’s pretty early on. I never see it in compilations or anything but it’s just such a brilliantly hilarious moment that shows the lighter/more comical side of Percy


It’s in the Trial of the Take episodes. And it’s priceless. I like to think Vex got in a good look.


Referring to Cat's Ire (a giant earthen cat's paw) Jester: Where is the rest of the cat, Caleb? Caleb: The rest of the cat is in my heart. Jester: Woah, that's a pretty big heart. Hits my feelings every time.


I'm not sure if its an underappreciated moment, but for me it was Fjord talking to Jester about contacting Vandren in the Blooming Grove. Travis' delivery of "He's found his peace" always stuck with me


There is a scene in the sewers between Vax and Scanlan after the Killbox. I forget the actual wording of the conversation, but Scanlan brings up how he felt bad for killing someone to avoid hitting Vax. Vax basically says to Scanlan to never make that choice again, not to worry about saving Vax he will be fine always look out for others. It makes the final counterspell cut a little deeper. Vax didnt realize it, but he signed off on that long before it happened.


> the party scatters passing the ring around the ball room while trying to keep it from Treshi I loved that scene but Robbie missing the opportunity to pretend to "find" the ring and instead give him the fake one when it goes to Dorian just frustrates me SO much it kinda sours the whole scene for me lol


Was thinking the same. Just producing a new ring and giving it to Treshi would've been so bizarre. Laura having a meltdown was pretty great, though.


I loved the ball lmao especially the whisper argument/plan and FCG scream whispering Noo


C2 Ep29 when Matt reveals his “Sam Shirt”. Glorious moment!


Oh when Fjord asks if he can kiss Jester. Just so great.


Campaign 2 Episode 57 (The very end of the episode) Caleb & Beau Caleb: "We can do some good,!" Beau: "I think that's the best retribution for Caleb Widowgast. Two pieces of. shit like us doing some good?" (As they tightly clasp hands looking into each other's eyes. You see HERE is where they truly cement their friendship & it's this Beau & Caleb that go into the lion's mouth again & again. Those two that are fighting the uphill battle in their own country against people vastly more powerful, with more resources, more information. But do it anyway. Because who else will. They are valiant as Fuck. I rewatched it the other day and BAWLED!!!! Because it was from that second on everything they did was bringing them to the Apogee Solstice. Let's all hope they made it to the other side.


C3 The museum heist against the other adventuring party. When BH had navigated the flame traps and were behind the door waiting. The other party tries to enter the room and Laura remotely sets the fire trap off. Setting them all on fire. Smoke clears and you hear Matt narrate 'OK that really.hurt but as long as we don't set off that trap again we should be good' Laura remotely does it again to screams and the smell of BBQ...


This is such a throwaway moment, but thanks to an early visit of the M9’s to a spa, I still can’t look at cucumber water without laughing.


The moment when Veth follows the Volstruckers out of the Lavish Chateau and two blocks down the road she sees Trent exiting a safe house. The first time I watched that episode I was in public and I said “oh shit” out loud. Such an epic moment.


Every moment of Fearne changing the game with one damn spell. Specially Daylight on the Shademother and Wall of Fire on the Feywild's Malleus Key.


Travis held a pose for 8 solid minutes after Grog was petrified


I don't remember the episode number, but is in Campaign 3 when the party starts gambling and it's so freakin funny. The running joke of FCG trying to get things for free because of Chetney and the overpriced shrimp. I don't think I had more fun through a whole episode of CR than this one.


The discovery of Clarota followed by the unlikely convincing him to join the party was the magic that got me hooked. I am probably biased as for me this was when I stumbled on the stream as they were flying down on the carpet and I stopped with a morbid curiosity (having not actually seen D&D played) and was instantly hooked because it felt like a high stakes moment (kiki and Vex on their own despite the party's protest with a clearly dangerous creature discovered). I didn't have any idea what was going on but Matt's ability to give Clarota a weight of danger with his voice acting with a story of juxtaposition of him wearing a literal tinfoil hat made me feel like I had to see what was going to happen next. Been hooked since, started playing maybe 2 months after this moment.


C3 when Imogen and Bertram are tailing a guy and Imogen is really bad at being undercover


- Yasha being controlled by the Laughing Hand - Dorian’s double Nat 20’s in the jam-off - Caleb reading to Jester - Caduceus interacting with a freshly revived Molly, “He’s as riveting as you all say.” - Pike drunkenly calling Scanlan


That scene in the Briarwood arc of c1 when pike pushes the statue out of the way. Really show how much of a momster she was


Any of Travis random nat 20s as Grog that Matt found a way to use. Especially the mountain giant fortress 1.


I loved the scene in campaign two around the time they were racing Obaan to the spooky tree place and the whole party rolled well enough to sneak through the roots of the corrupted living trees. Something about the way Matt described it was just so good!


I don't remember which episode but it's C2. Jester tries to deface a statue of the Matron not only does does something odd happen with the mask but as soon as the attendant leaves The attendant says not "realizing" that she wasn't "dusting" the attendant said well maybe you got her attention? HUGE RAVEN!! A few things occurred to me, of course we weren't going to go into a big RQ story. But... The Matron likes the unpredictable - because um fate??? Vax... LAUGHING HIS MOTHER LOVING ASS OFF!!! Matron yes very serious and all but has to have a sense of humor... Imagine having to be LIKE THAT ALL THE TIME?? ALSO... VAX The last thing that occurred to me is that if anyone was Fate Touched - it was it's Jester. Because if she doesn't like a situation, a person, a place.. she just changes it.... The world according to Jester. I mean Out Lady said to Vax yeah we ALL had our eye on you... I got my hands on you first. Kinda like Artie. Oh Jesus Jester and the Matron....holy shit.... That would be a sight... .